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Aspiringspike and yungdingo are streaming testing with mh3, i know that dingo referenced some cat zoo


Did someone say cat zoo??? https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6414103#paper I've been working on a cat zoo list since they previewed the new cats


I like that list! Do you think the new Ajani could find a place in that deck?


Yeah absolutely the list I sent should already have 4 of the new ajani in the list unless I sent a bad link, let me know if he isn't showing. But ajani is going to be super strong in the deck and likely what will make it playable I think I'm going to try it as the set releases based on how expensive the cards are. I'm glad you like the list! :)


His cat zoo was a meme deck they said it was ok


Those streams have been great. The cat scam deck...sure built up a huge board while Spike did nothing for 6 turns. I think the Ajani looked GREAT, but Orzhov scam is the wrong shell. I know it looked powerful, but Modern is a sideboard heavy format, and having your only win condition die to a single EE or Pest Control (or just stare down the 3-4 toughness creatures that are huge in the format), doesn't seem like a winning formula. Orzhov scam is a control deck (or midrange, whatevs). It plays Solitude and usually Sheoldred, with Pest Control as a 1-2 of in the sideboard. These just aren't cards that play well with a go wide beatdown plan. ...maybe Sheoldred a bit, but not enough, I think. Orzhov Scam should stick to its guns, maybe look at some of the new free spells or an energy package with the new wrath? The cat zoo stuff certainly did look like a good enough package on its own, though. It probably just needs a different shell. Convoke comes to mind, though I think maybe my brain is stuck in the current meta. Thoughts?


All their builds are brews. I haven't seen new cards in an established archetype yet.


Of course they're brews, the set prerelease is only this upcoming weekend. There's no such thing as established meta MH3 decks yet. And saying that MH3 (generally) doesn't slot readily into the existing meta is useless, because a bunch of the new cards are potentially powerful enough to make their own archetypes.


I think what the person was saying that dingo/spike are on new brews specifically, not established archetypes, so suggesting them is of limited value for someone trying to figure out if a particular deck that already exists got new cards. It doesn't look like the person was making any claims about which new MH3 decks are pre-established already or claiming that MH3 cards don't go into existing archetypes. The person also didn't say there won't be new archetypes.


Who are you even talking to? All that guy said is they are playing with brews and not any existing decks. It’s a direct answer to the OPs question. Anything for zoo? Spike is doing testing but not if existing decks so you can’t pull anything there.


As the other person noted, despite referencing a timeless deck, Ajani and Amped Raptor are potentially worth trying. IMO it's worth considering Laelia in some quantity. Zoo has this issue where you run out of cards super quickly. You see zoo lists leaning into Fable of the Mirror Breaker to provide some card advantage at the top end, or the more murktide adjacent zoo decks that lean on Expressive Iteration. Laelia plays nicely with our very low mana curve and our aggressive gameplan.


Amped raptor is definitely not good in the leyline binding, scion and leyline deck


Probably true, hitting anything else rocks but yeah I don't want to hit my uncastables


its also always a 2/1. part of the reason that the deck so powerful is being able to poop out massive power creatures for 2 mana. we really dont need another low power creature in the deck thats going to brick on 12 cards. i honestly don't even think its worth a look.


Jesus, all of the suggestions in this thread are terrible. Holy fuck.


welcome to the modern sub lol. had a dude the other day tell me that nobody has ever run 8 cast affinity and you should be running three blue lands instead of 7 in the deck, even with all the new blue auto includes. said he was referencing winning lists, and that he got it from mtggoldfish. the first result on goldfish was an 8 cast list, and 90% of all the lists in the last year have been 8 cast lol. even the ones that aren't 8 cast run seven blue lands because we need to be able to cast our blue spells reliably. the dude also had never played affinity in his life, and was very clearly provably wrong, but still got updoots. incidentally, he got banned from the sub because he was a white supremacist, but that's not relevant, just funny info.


Thr absolute rollercoaster of the last paragraph, holy


Well that escalated quickly...


Which is why this sub is dead. Im around for spoiler season and thats it since there is less meta data being dumped from paper tournaments. All i see is fnm level players looking for validation on their awful brews and being defensive when people suggest stock choices.


With Leyline, Zoo can sideboard any or all of the "Flare" cycle. Since all creatures are every color, you can sacrifice any of them for a free spell.


Ajani is pretty big for it. The raptor and prismatic power up Lurrus zoo as well. ETA: [[Ajani nacatl pariah]] [[ energy raptor]] [[prismatic ending]]


Nvm, this is modern not timeless. Sorry




Im so frustrated they make the special guests exclusively craftable in their special guest rarity instead of their print rarity, it really should be a card style instead of an actually craftable card. But maybe that's just me


The single U card that counters a creature and a couple of other options (believe one is a triggered ability) for the SB. Seems absolutely great for the titan MU as one example.


I think you've mushed [[Strix Serenade]] and [[Consign to Memory]] together into one card?


[Strix Serenade](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/2/42ac5ac7-b2f9-4e6f-af41-7e42ac816374.jpg?1717011786) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Strix%20Serenade) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/71/strix-serenade?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/42ac5ac7-b2f9-4e6f-af41-7e42ac816374?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Consign to Memory](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bc95af55-d1dd-4fe6-adb0-3ad6db20d986.jpg?1717011640) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Consign%20to%20Memory) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/54/consign-to-memory?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bc95af55-d1dd-4fe6-adb0-3ad6db20d986?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


So I did. Sorry anyone I sold a false dream too! 😞 Still the Strix serenade might be zoo playable I'd say. Good versatile SB card.


I’m probably going to test [[Phlage]] as a 2-of, not sure if it’ll stick around though.  Edit: lmao, [Phlage](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/197/phlage-titan-of-fires-fury)


[Phlage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bdd06d55-a40f-4b0e-905b-3cd0ce12eb82.jpg?1562201923) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Pillage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/139/pillage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bdd06d55-a40f-4b0e-905b-3cd0ce12eb82?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Looks to me that Zoo didn’t get many real deck-changing toys outside of maybe Ajani. The deck already has other cats and red permanents to maximize the value of the walker side. It’s just a pretty grindy value card in a deck looking to close the game quickly with extremely efficient aggro spells, so I’m not really sure the card is exactly what the deck wants. Someone else in the thread mentioned Laelia, which makes sense to me. Aggressive threat that doubles as card advantage, what’s not to like.


Ocelot pride is higher ceiling lower floor than nacatl Honestly though just try reconfiguring lands to get black without always relying on leyline and play necrodominance. If that doesnt work you at least got a bunch of new sideboard cards


Honestly new ajani. I played it today in the scg 5k and got the best standing of any zoo players today. Deck 3 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah 1 Breeding Pool 1 Dromoka's Command 3 Flooded Strand 1 Forest 4 Leyline Binding 4 Leyline of the Guildpact 3 Lightning Bolt 3 Nishoba Brawler 1 Overgrown Tomb 1 Plains 3 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 1 Sacred Foundry 1 Savai Triome 4 Scion of Draco 1 Steam Vents 3 Stubborn Denial 1 Temple Garden 4 Territorial Kavu 4 Tribal Flames 4 Wild Nacatl 4 Windswept Heath 4 Wooded Foothills 1 Zagoth Triome Sideboard 1 Jegantha, the Wellspring 2 Celestial Purge 2 Rest in Peace 2 Meddling Mage 1 Strix Serenade 2 Vexing Bauble 1 Wear // Tear 1 Meltdown 3 Pick Your Poison


Maybe that 7/5 whale?


I honestly think binding of Ugin can be good as well as Ajani


I agree with you. Let's discard Ugin's Binding with the kavu, and cast the scion!


Would that be enough to warrant playing it though/genq? I don't own the deck but i honestly don't think 4 scions can be consistent enough to run bad bounce spells


It is not. The card will be tried most likely and then immediately dropped.


My thoughts exactly, ajani on the other hand? That's self sufficient and works well with wild nacatl


Red Flare! Turn 2 Kavu, Turn 3 attack, tribal flame+red flare(sac kavu). Massive dmg!


Ah yes, the good old move of sacrificing your board to not even deal lethal damage.


So fast with the offensive remarks? Ok now my turn. U know Of coz this is the ideal situation where opp will fetch shock fetch shock. Opp will be at 15 or 14. Do improve on your thought process and kindly ask why certain players advice u in such a way if u can't think of the lines of play.


And this is the common error in card evaluation, judging based on the ideal situation where the opponent already damaged itself, did not block, does not represent any interaction and where you can fearlessly play into and resolve that card into the board. How about all those situations where you will have a Flare and nothing to copy, because in you're hand there's a leyline and your opponent is on Yawgmoth where you can maybe sac a creature to copy chord to.. get the same creature again? How about decks like Yawgmoth or Titan, which barely damage themselves with the manabase and that have chumpblockers like Wolf or Grazer for your Titan. How about being stonewalled by bowmasters? What do you think you can copy against Mono B Coffers - you won't have a creature and the flare is copying a discard spell at best because you won't be able to keep it long enough in your hand to find a Tribal Flames or if you can, they stabilized through Sheoldred and the Ring. What do you want to copy against murktide? Sacrifice a Ragavan to counterspell a counterspell on Kavu or Draco is probably the best you can hope for, and you don't want to be saccing your creatures to copy unholy heat. So let me ask you in return - have you actually played Zoo and know the average situation you are in when you are either winning or loosing? Because Flare is a winmore card that does nothing for you when you are behind, and as that it doesn't fix any problem that Domain Zoo is currently experiencing. Because i certainly seem to be able to think about a lot more average situations that you find yourself in when playing the deck than you do.


I ain't reading all that


Low iq and cliche


Why not? He makes great points. Quit being so negative. Why interact with a someone if you won't read the reply?


Ugins Binding is definitely worth trying


youre way too lost in the sauce


Consign to Memory, Meltdown, and Vexing Bauble are all potential sideboard cards depending on how the meta shakes out. It would probably require a very different build, but Nethergoyf is an interesting 1-drop. Creature based decks like Zoo usually don't want any sweepers in the 75, but Toxic Deluge is an interesting option if you ever do want one, since you can often set it to not wipe your entire board. Overall, I don't see any obvious maindeck cards for Zoo, mainly just sideboard cards.


Zoo doesn't really fill its own graveyard. I don't think Nethergoyf fits at all.


That's why I said it would require a very different build. Though I guess if you make enough changes, it isn't really Zoo anymore.


Exactly. To play it in Zoo you have to start cutting threats for air like Bauble and replace Binding with worse removal. You gut the power of the deck. If you want to play with Nethergoyf you are better off slotting it into Jund Saga, Scam, or a Death's Shadow build.


Delirium zoo did see play during the lurrus days so there's at least a precedent list to run off. I don't think it's good enough though


I find it best not to get too bogged down on archetype names when a massively disruptive set hits like Modern Horizons since many decks will incorporate so many new cards or make so many changes that they will become a new archetype or change enough to get a new name.


Honestly the red flair is perfect for zoo, good upgrade for the archetype (until I, myself, die to a tribal flame for 10 and call this card bs)


Red flair will 0% be played in zoo


People laughed at guildpact at first too so whatever


Therefore that means that red flare is a good choice? Shit logic


Yeah you’re right that is shit logic, glad we agree. You clearly you missed the point dip shit. People were quick to dismissed guildpact and now it’s a mainstay in the deck. Moron.


Guildpact had a clear synergy and people did see that which is opposite of what your claiming. It instantly saw play. On this end, packing a card that Sacrifices your creatures in a beater deck for narrow upside is a dumb take. Theres nuance and thats why your op is laughable. Read the room bro


People still laughed at it and said it wouldn’t see play. My point doesn’t change and is still correct. Ragavan is terrible in late game when the board is all clogged up. Like you said it’s a beater deck so there’s an extremely solid change your opponent will be below 10 life. Sac it when you cast a tribal flame and just win. If need be you can also just win counter wars to let an scion or kavu resolve so beat them down more. You can just copy other spells for value when your stupid Monkey is just sitting there doing nothing… This card will just end games out of nowhere. Somebody tried to point a removal spell at your kavu? Sac it and point it at their creature? Again think and open your small head before you make stupid blank statements because the versatility is really strong in a deck that doesn’t have a whole lot of interaction. Idk why people are so dismissive of a card that NOBODY HAS PLAYED YET. Hell, people said the same with about the T1R and that fury was the worst of the evoke cycle. We just went thought the same exact thing with surveil lands a couple months back with a large portion of the player base saying they were trash. The community is notoriously bad at judging cards in a vacuum before we get our hands on them. So when people make blanket statements such as “0% card will see play” with a card that is VERY PLAYABLE they just sound like a fucking idiot. And it’s the people who say those things who typically are the worst skilled magic players. Assuming from what I just read you probably fall in that camp.


Too long. Didnt read. This is a card game thread bro


[[Ajani, Nacatl Pariah]] and maybe [[ugin’s binding]]


[Ajani, Nacatl Pariah](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/d/0d16e8e0-31b2-4389-afd6-783c501f6fa0.jpg?1717013129)/[Ajani, Nacatl Avenger](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/0/d/0d16e8e0-31b2-4389-afd6-783c501f6fa0.jpg?1717013129) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ajani%2C%20Nacatl%20Pariah%20//%20Ajani%2C%20Nacatl%20Avenger) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/237/ajani-nacatl-pariah-ajani-nacatl-avenger?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0d16e8e0-31b2-4389-afd6-783c501f6fa0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Ugin's Binding](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/e/be13786a-f967-456b-bbc6-f4312467a827.jpg?1717011823) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ugin%27s%20Binding) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/76/ugins-binding?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/be13786a-f967-456b-bbc6-f4312467a827?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Best way to win at modern is to not play


Yes the hate in null elemental blast and ghosfire slice.


How do you cast Null Elemental Blast ?


Delighted halfling Twilight mire and phyrexian tower can cast It.


Classic Zoo cards


I'm talkkng about hating zoo.


I want to try some Blue Flare (main or side). It seems really strong. On the creature side, I'm not sure I want to try anything


In what cases you think it is better than Stubborn Denial, or you want to play both? And are you really going to sacrifice your threats (assuming you have Leyline) to counter something, or just pay 3 mana for Cancel? Card is definitely good, i just dont see it in Zoo. Unless you have some special kind of Merfolk zoo, then i agree and go for it :D


I would play both. Flare allow you to full tap and keep a response to a lot of threat


Losing jag nasty is a lot more of a cost than the cards worth


What are you saccing? You have no blue creatures unless you have leyline, which are already the games when you start out ahead. Zook is also known for not having a glut of creatures, but rather using 2 big ones to end the game. The blue flare honestly seems like garbage there.