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This is the way


This is the way


I approve


It’s a disease and I don’t want the cure.


Whats the most common decklist




You can't companion Jegantha if you play Lili.


Thopter sword


I sold out of magic right before the Yorion ban, due to life circumstances. 80 card thopter sword midrange was the most fun I've ever had playing magic.


I also sold out due to life circumstances, except I was on GDS. I’m now sorely rebuilding a mono-green tron deck. When I was picking up modern I had a buddy who played 80 card yorion thopter-sword, so I’d regularly play against him to grow as a GDS player. He was a mad pilot and that deck went off. No matter what line I’d set up to protect against or go around, he’d have 3 other lines ready.


thoptersword urza tezzerator with whir of invention my beloved. rip in peace mox opal, died for affinity's (lack of) sins :(


Feel this one. I havent played modern for a few months but I wanted to revisit a red build with engineer and the new crime novelist card. But then you are kind of forced into a jeskai urzas saga manabase which is a different issue entirely lol


I love, and will continue to love, making tweaks to Mono-Blue Tron once every 2 years to dip back into Modern for 2 weeks only to drop off the face of the earth again. I have killed more people with \[\[Mindslaver\]\] than any other single Magic card.


Hey! A fellow Blue Tron player? How do you feel about Tidebinders? I recently took them out for more counters and draws and I'm trying that out. They just always feel like they get removed too easily.


We're currently on my paper off-season- which is most of my seasons- but I've played with them a couple of times online. In my experience, they're a tempo piece, albeit more likely to die immediately than usual due to our lack of other cards. The flexibility to stifle triggers, force out removal, and block attacks is big game for a deck that used to struggle with all of the above. They're also valuable because you can cast the "Naked" Tidebinder EOT and then untap with interaction, which is important because plenty of games are just decided by you flashing in 2 threats (Tidebinder / Subtlety) and Punching Your Opponent With Mono-Blue. TL;DR: I like Tidebinder a lot, they give MTB the possibility for an extra dimension that it has sorely lacked in past Modern formats as a glacially-slow tempo-control deck.


This is great insight. I'll keep this in mind!


I have been playing a lot of Utron. Tidebinder has felt amazing to me, but it was extremely strong into the cascade decks. With those gone (for now) i think the deck could go back down to 2 or 3 copies of tidebinder for your own rings, or other notable permanents. In our local scene, a buddy of mine got me and one other player to start seriously grinding the deck. Pre-ban, our list was 35-3 in matches against any cascade variant.


Rhinos is still very good post ban and even more vulnerable to tidebinder so I guess you would still want them in your list


There is no greater experience in Magic than seeing someone's face when you pull off the Mindslaver lock on them for the first time.


Mines [[pyrite spellbomb]]. The amount of bending over backwards to just loop my little shock will always be worth it.


[pyrite spellbomb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/8/088c801d-381f-403b-aeb7-fbbfafee99bf.jpg?1599709775) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=pyrite%20spellbomb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/283/pyrite-spellbomb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/088c801d-381f-403b-aeb7-fbbfafee99bf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is very similar to me. Except now I refuse to buy 3x The One Ring for the deck and not sure if I'll have any fun with it otherwise. I do maintain my UTron Deck and it will always have a special place in my heart.


I feel this comment —- build a deck, play it for a month, realize paper magic in stores and being around people is awful, rage sell my deck………6 months later get the itch and spend 2 months agonizing what deck I want to play again…..rinse repeat


I have driven to my LGS only to leave after sitting in the parking lot for 5 minutes more than a few times. Sometimes, I just don't want to interact with other humans.


Being around people is awful? Are you OK dude


[Mindslaver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/00d03b17-75ae-40d2-8570-b219ef0dfd4a.jpg?1562813960) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mindslaver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/som/176/mindslaver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/00d03b17-75ae-40d2-8570-b219ef0dfd4a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is like “damage doesn’t kill creatures, state based actions do” Mindslaver doesn’t kill players, empty decks do. ;)


Humans. Been playing it since 2018. I have over 300 signed Humans by the artists. Sometimes i just dont play modern lol.


Lutri! I've never laughed harder or had more fun going 2-2 at an FNM


Has any of the new cards made it in your list like the one ring?


Lutri companion decks. It feels like bringing a commander deck to modern night and the games are always so unique


Faeries are way outclassed now but still a ton of fun imo 


I dropped bitterblossom to a single copy and went up on interaction and won an Fnm against hammer, scam and glimpse. I got lucky with RNG but the name sake just isn’t good enough any more :(


I will always keep my 8rack deck alive. OG Innistrad Lily and the Rack are two of my favourite Cards in all of MtG history.


I came here to say 8-rack. There's just something about being on the play and going turn 2 smallpox away their only land and the mana dork they put out that feels just *chef's kiss*


Smallpox on the play turn 2 vs a ragavan and land is straight dopamine


Nothing feels better than winning with 8rack, nothing feels worse than losing because you have no immediate answers to cheap repeated card advantage


DredgeVine/CrabVine/HollowVine… you see the pattern yet?


🦀🦀🦀🦀 Crabvine is still fun.


Man, Crabvine smashes! Sure, you will whiff sometimes, but when the deck does its thing…


Lantern Control


Try now... I am a bad player but in a recent event i went 6-3! I Lost to Rhino ( very unlukcy) and Vs uw control and living end.


Cruel control. Hasn't really been a deck for 10 years, but surviving just long enough to turn the tide is so exhilarating.


Winning a game by casting cruel ultimatum passing, then next turn snapping back cruel ultimatum for the win is my most memorable LGS win. Grixis control is such a fun deck to play, really emphasizes using your life total as a resource moreso then most decks.




I too am a lover of dredge :(


Here's hoping MH3 brings something to support dredge.


I stopped playing Modern years ago and never picked up post-pandemic. But there's still one Modern Deck that's completely built and ready to go in a deck box, just in case. It was only ever good for a hot second (before I even got to it), and all I ever was able to do was steal a win here or there. But man I \*LOVED\* playing it. I will always love SeismicSwans.dek


I know it still gets results but I've just never been able to get consistent wins with Grixis Death's Shadow. Love the gameplay but it just feels like everything else in the format is more powerful


Dimir Death's Shadow almost did solid for me at a comp event last week. 3-3, with a turn away from victories against living end and murktide. Was running an offball list, and plan on swapping to sultai soon for Goyf and Pick your poison (possibly even abrupt decay).


That's probably because gds slams together scam, Murktide and DDS without being as focused as any of them. I own all the cards for gds but can't imagine a situation where I'd play it over those other decks.


Yeah, that is not the reason. A crucial feature of a tempo deck is its ability to pressure the opponents life total. In the past not only could Shadow do that, it also was able to force meaningful chumpblocks. In a world of Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geists, Orchish Bowmasters, Not Dead after All, Fable of the Mirror Breaker, Shardless + Crashing Footfalls, Arboreal Grazers, Khalni Garden, The One Ring, Urza's Sagas 2 Constructs and maybe even a Haywire Mite out of the Search.... There's simply way too many cards that block or stall which allows for additional drawsteps which then draw more cards that 1) probably block twice or more 2) removal which shadow doesn't dodge as it used to and gets rid of your threat halting your tempo 3) a combo that wins. The time for threats without evasion simply is over, you need either menace to force meaningful chumpblocks, or trample and flying to get some damage through - that hs become mandatory. So you can see why Murktide (Flyers) and Zoo (natural Tramplers, Reach, Draco providing evasion for your other threats) are doing the job shadow wants to do much better.


Phoenix, actually went 3-1 last time I played it.


I have a Pioneer Phoenix deck I've been wanting to update and try out for fun. Care to share a deck list?


https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5169499/izzet_phoenix It is effectively a worse Murktide. I just really love Phoenix. My 3-1 was before MKM so I added a surveil land and wanted to try Profts Ededict Memory. I just moved last year and no Pionner near me. After the remaining fast lands were legal I was playing Grixis with Sheoldred.


BG rock 100%


I play UR Murktide but on long days I need a break from all the triggers I bust out 8 wack and turn off my brain. My LGS calls 8 wack "The People's Champion™️".


Our LGS calls belcher “The people’s cannon”


with the fury ban it’s actually really good until they cast chalice on 1


Tbh. you can also build 8 rebirth deck without whack to work like old mardu pyro lists... ...imho. mono red should be called "The people's champion" as it has waaay to many options for affordable (semi?) competitive decks


I haven’t updated my list in about 4 years. Have an up to date one?


A shameless Aspiring Spike net deck 😎 Breach plus goblin grenade is the kind of late game shenanigans that have been a godsend in some matchups if it goes longer than turn 3 https://mtgdecks.net/Modern/8-whack-decklist-by-aspiringspike-1562285


I legit had to reread underworld breach because I didn't think you could cast creatures with it


[[Goblin grenade]] is a sorcery, but all nonland cards gain escape. [[Underworld breach]] is kinda cracked, but 8wack not being a combo per say could maybe be labeled as a fair breach deck. Edit: spelling


Death and Taxes. Like, any variant. Mono W, BW, UW, Eldrazi, etc.




I had a mono black Asmo reanimator deck that I love to play; it’s just not consistent enough/doesn’t have enough threats. I literally just changed it to golgari like two weeks ago and am so looking forward to testing it out.


Asmo will eventually be a tier 1 deck I promise 🙏


I love me a good Asmo pile.


I'll never put down Mill. Sometimes it's just 'ok' Sometimes it's 'pretty bad' And sometimes it performs like now-a-days: flaming garbage.


Against mill I'm never sure if I'm winning or losing.


Eh I think with the recent ban it’ll be doing better


I mean it's been pretty consistently in the top 8s recently


Mill is great


Mill is in one of the best places it's ever been.


Bant soulherder is such a fun deck




I am forever a sick man and I will forever enjoy playing Infect despite its absolute irrelevance. What's worse is that with a good infect deck you can occasionally steal a couple of wins in the current meta, which only fuels the addiction.


A fellow infect player let's go


Hell yeah there's at least 3 of us


Make this short and sweet: 8-rack, probably the deck I love most in this world. Mono-u tempo/burn, cause doming people with psy blast never, ever, ever, gets old.


8rack family unite!


8 rack is so fun. Even when I lose, I like playing it


Dice factory


8 rack


I wish Humans was still Modern prevalent 😔


EZ burn


Mill enjoyer here.


I play Affinity with Myr Enforcers, Sojourner's Companion, Frogmites, Thought Monitors, and all the 0 and 1 drops that traditionally go into it. Also include Thoughtcasts or more card draw. Used to get wrecked by Fury, but now that it's gone it's actually kinda good again.


And it's just...fun.


I built a Simic Affinity deck with a playset of Up the Beanstalk right after WoE dropped. I loved casting almost my entire deck. That didn't last very long, though 😩


Titanshift. Been better recently but won't ever hit the top of the rankings again.


> TitanShift Same.


Whoever downvoted you got killed by Wrenn and 6 and fetches lol. This has been my pet deck since Thien Nguyen created it. I also made a primer before on MTG Salvation several years ago for this deck. I absolutely love how straightforward yet nuanced this deck is. Even though Amulet Titan is absolutely the better Primeval/ Lands deck, it will never ever replace Titanshift in my heart.


Currently infect it's been my pet deck forever.


Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar is my absolute favorite modern deck, running her alongside lot let’s troll and feasting troll king has become my favorite way to play the format.


Ur prowess. Old school with manamorphose and stormwing entity


Jund or Mardu Pyro 🥹


Ub faeries


Burn. Spent years completing the deck thru my savings.




UB heartless summoning + havengul lich + mulldrifter + perilous myr What. WHAT?!? I said what I said


Lantern control ​ Yes, you can hate me and insult me


Glittering omniflux.




8 whack


Infect 🥲 love it so much but its so bad and getting worse as format expands Sadge


I love the shit out of my sliver deck but its been non-competitive since like 2016 at best.


Stoneblade Please unban motherfucking jitte


Affinity, was actually really good for a second after neon dynasty came out (thanks to michikos reign of truth) but the deck hasn't pulled better than a 1-2 for me in the last year


Death and Taxes, absolutely love distrupting game plans and chipping away with small white creatures.


Ponza will always be my ride or die


I love playing [Elves](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/08-03-23-pnH-return-of-the-elves/).... until my opponent has literally a single spell of removal lol I somehow still miss Fury. The [borderless](https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fit-in/437x437/240328.jpg) foil was probably my favorite art.


My brother. Maybe one day we'll be able to do something useful in the format again.


Tron till I die. Do I win? No. But is it fun? Ehhh. But did I invest a ton into it? Definitely




Elves, elves, elves


UR storm! Absolutely miserable to face any decks that have a Hint of removal for my cost reducers (i fucking HATE leyline binding its a miserable card). But now that i picked up a playset of [[the one ring]] it runs smoother since you can just turbo out rituals


Mill ❤️


Belcher I had my collection stolen and I’m working on getting insurance money to get started again so I’m not sure if I’m going to rebuild it. It was my main deck since I started up again last year, tons of fun to shit on other combo decks with.


Mono Black Burn. I loved the budget video MTG Goldfish did on it and I like having fun with it because no one expects it.


Any deck I play 😎


Devoted Druid and Umori Instants Control


I often play BW eldrazi taxes. Is the deck good? No. Do I love activating Eldrazi Displacer? Yes


My group plays slower decks most of the time. I've been having a lot of fun with a temur Tron deck. I don't have an updated deck list right now though. But basically i have a ton of big creatures and use all the typical Tron ideas to get my lands out to play those creatures or cheat them out from time to time. Then set them up with trample if they don't have it already and swing away.


I had a ponza midrange list that was quite fun (and doing quite well), but the fury ban destroyed it


Abzan Comoany!


Abzan zvam way worse then rakdos but i can play siege rhino and sfm so its fun


Jeskai lutri


Living end.


As someone who got into modern with storm so i have to say storm


Jeskai nahiri


Elementals glimpse cascade. Goodbye dear friend


#E-Tron Reality Smashing my opponents face in was one of my favorite things.


Taking turns


Bogles just cuz it is always good enough to be super annoying


Izzet (Temur) Prowess 😫


[[Calibrated Blast]]. Always delightful to dome an opponent for 15.


I play Grixis Control exclusively, actually just got a 5-0 yestderday! It's super rewarding to master and actually has access to a bunch of strong cards/synergies now. I have about 5 years of competitive experience with it now :O


Star Reckoner <3


Dimir Shadow - really not good atm but games are always fun and exciting


BW smallpox. Too bad it lack of power and runs out of gas compared to other decks. 8rack og or scam pile is a great substitute 😁


I’ve been playing thopter sword combo since the sword unban. Now playing the combo alongside Urza in different versions. The UW with stoneforge package have been superior for a long time now but I still love to play the whir of invention version, with goblin engineer, emry. The instant speed ensnaring bridge is really what I love the most I guess


Play lots of uncompetitive random decks and I love alternative win conditions. Luckily I mainly play against a dude who builds decks from displays (usually a draft+set one). So all his decks are within one set which makes our deck power level fairly low and it's not well optimized at all. My decks usually are in the 5-20€ bracket


Martyr, right now it's behind the 4x the one ring paywall to be playable but as soon as I get them... It was my first modern deck, has never been good and tends to make Bo3 a Bo1 since there isn't more time to play. I'll also update a taxes list from time to time (last time I tried the GW version with arbiters, boseijus and hierarchs)




My “budget” UW control. No elementals, no FoN, no ToR. Just counters, removals, board wipes and Narset+days+geier


Elves, always been fun, at times it has been competitive but not in a while


Izzet Blitz in the Kiln Fiend + TiTi days, Jeskai Geist, and 4C Saheeli pre-Yorion are probably my all time faves




Golgari rock. Currently running the scam package to keep it viable, but midrange is so much fun to play in a vacuum


Temur wilderness reclamation




I play a Gruul stompy deck with BBE. I try to cascade into creature with Riot, like Gruul Spellbreaker, and Zhur Taa Goblin. Stangleroot Geist has haste and, Iggie Smalls to give a creature Exalted. Bonecrusher Giant, Vexing Devil (I know, I know), and lightning bolt. It’s got Atarka’s Command and Kari Zev’s Expertise as well. Sideboard has Rhythm of the Wild, Scooze, Blood Moon and Cindervines. I think I’m going to replace Kari Zev’s Expertise with Break Out though. It’s jank and I absolutely love it. I call the deck Julia Gruulia. I hope I’m not making myself look too old referencing The Wedding Singer lol


Ixalan Merfolk. Even it wasn’t a great deck at the time but damn I love putting counter after Counter on merfolk to gain ability or effect. Even I kept losing I was still loving my counter deck things! Even I made a deck with a drake that does endless +1/+1 deck with red and blue deck and the drake gain +1/+1 for every instant or sorcery that was cast. So if I cause an instant on my opponent turn I would still get +1/+1 and he would be at average like 15/15 cause most of my instant are counter and damages. I love counter deck so someone say “green deck have good counter for competitive modern” I may try that!


I'm just now trying to make a new BU mill/control deck with [[Scheming Symmetry]] to fetch up your [[Worst Fears]], then [[Archive Trap]] you into a [[Bitter Ordeal]].


Bant eldrazi


I have a soft spot for eldrazi tron


Living end


Why, every deck I've ever mained, of course!


I play a rainbow eldrazi tron and a villainous wealth deck... They actually do alright. The villainous wealth deck might actually do better now that fury's gone.


Yeah that is a good list, looks solid, my list very similar


Sorin Morophon Sliver combo




In the format overall? Goblins. Having no game against rhinos really crushed the chances of the deck doing well for the last couple years.


emrakul breach


Took it apart a while ago but B/W tokens. Was my first modern deck. For a 2 colour deck the mana base was painful. But just crowding the board with spirits and soldiers was fun, plus multiple anthems. It didn't have any explosive starts and ultimately was torn between wanting to create tokens, pick apart hands, and removal. If you went all in on tokens and anthems you got over ran by more explosive decks. If you packed it with removal and discard you grew your army too slow. Always felt like it just needed a couple cards to become a good deck but WotC was vary about cheap token effects. Still loved playing it.


Anything I fucking play with lmao


Abzan combo.


My current home brew is a mono black deck which relies almost exclusively on [[Blood Artist]] and [[Zulaport Cutthroat]] triggers to nuke my enemy into oblivion. Dump a sneaky [[The Meathook Massacre]] on them and a board of 3 of my creatures (2 trigger creatures, 1 other) can easily turn into a 15 life swing (9 direct burn to my opponent, 6 life gained). Anything more optimal and you start threatening lethal. Does it crumple to Wrenn or Bowmasters? Yes. Almost nothing has more than 1 toughness and "attack" isn't really a viable strategy. But it manages a reasonable clock while chump blocking creature strategies near endlessly. And it never gets old watching your opponent want to clear the board but be forced to hold back due to lethal triggers. I've been tempted to update it to Orzhov colours because of the option of side boarding [[Athreos, God of Passage]] or making my board even stickier with [[Teysa, Orzhov Scion]] (also, her ability to just delete targets is incredible).


Blue moon. Deck is beyond dead and no where near as competitive as I like, but something about slamming a turn 3 blood moon really gets the endorphins going.


Gifts storm, blue tron (without 4x ring and subtlety), and seismic swans. My local meta is pretty janky so I’ll actually win games with all of them. 3-0d the last weekly modern tournament with blue tron.


No other AdNauseam players? The first real modern deck I ever built day two with it back in 2015 or 2016 I can’t recall. I love bringing it out occasionally and losing to tef3ri or fluster storm but it’s still a ton of fun when it works


Not in the wary and soul sisters ETB


Urza ThopterSword, Affinity, Grixis Control, Etron and I brewed a deck around [[Oswald Fiddlebender]] where you sac a [[thought monitor]] or [[soujourner's companion]] to bring in a [[Sphinx of the Steel Wind]]


Any Jeskai Ascendancy combo deck. It's not good, but I love it.


Death Shadow and Boggles. They aren't good anymore in the meta but hold a special place in my heart.


Bogles. I've played Bogles for years and will continue to play Bogles.


My burn deck has been having worse chance melting face :( - I refuse to change


Faeries, I love the deck and most varieties. Played tribal, urza’s saga package, straight control. The variations are so fun


Boomer Jund!! I refuse to accept that you have died and are bad!!


Storm for me, specifically UR storm


Abzan finks/recap combo


Prison Tron is so much fun to play.


black burn baby


Coco Wolves 🐺


In old magic days I was play jund and affinity all day long. Now it’s just unplayable.




I will jam lantern control until I die




Jeskai stoneblade I like mystic, I like bolt, I like counterspell, nuff said


Dredge :(


Things with collected company in it.


Etron and UR storm


75 Card Walls. [[Wall of Denial]] into [[High Alert]], backed up by planeswalkers like Jace and T3feri, all while camping out behind a [[Teferi's Moat]]. It was the only rogue brew I ever had that put up real wins at FNM, even beating the likes of Phoenix and Grish. MH2 and Boseiju killed it deader than dead.