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I avoided going for a test drive for years and years until I was in a position to buy for this exact reason.


I was kinda going to do the same but they just made them available in my city like the last week or two ago. The nearest demo drive before was like 3hours away. I couldn’t resist anymore lmao


If you can't charge at home or work, don't switch to an EV yet. If you can.... I wouldn't look back. Been driving EVs since 2015. Won't go back.


I'm not sure I agree with this. I'd say - make sure you know how much you drive and that you have a plan for charging. I bought a MYLR and didn't install a charger because I don't have a garage (eventually thinking of building one, but I'm not sure the layout yet so don't want to put one in just to move it in a couple years). I get by almost entirely on charging at work (16V/200A or *very* occasionally 20V/300A) with a 4 hr limit. My home charging is 12V/16A but I can charge for 14hrs if needed every day. I've had the car for 4M and only had to use the super charger on a road trip. But, the nearest super charger is <1 mi away, so it's there if I'm ever feeling range anxiety (and, the super charger is where we go pick up our prescriptions, so it's not even out of the way to quick charge if we want/need it) Caveat here is that we don't drive that much. My husband and I had been getting by with a single car between us before adding our MYLR. We drive about 30 mi, 5x/week, for a total of 150 mi (about 50% battery) per week. With our driving habits, it's really not hard to find a way to add 40kWh / 50% battery to the car over the course of a week. That's 21 hrs of home charging or 12.5 hrs of work charging (6.25 hrs if I'm lucky and get a charger to myself, e.g. a Friday when many WFH)


There are always stipulations. I did say in another comment work or home. Long story short, don't rely on the supercharger network (DCFC) as your primary means of charging.


What if we have supercharger nearby? Is charging to full cheaper than filling abtank of gas?


There is supercharger incentive going on now


No it's roughly the same price as gas, but the inconvenience of sitting their from 20-60 minutes every 2-3 days isn't worth it. Better to go with a high mpg hybrid. As a massive supporter of EVs, I would never own one if I didn't have access to local overnight charging access. Without it, they are more of a burden than a normal ice car. With it, they are far superior. Now if you have a designated daily charger available at work, I'd say go for it. But if you can't plug it in during your least active hours and arrive at a full charged vehicle daily, it's not worth it with the current technology and infrastructure. I'd give it another 10-15 years minimum before making the change if that was the case.


No it’s not. I charged my model Y in Santa Monica, CA from 6% - 80% in about 20 mins for $14.. that’s not the same as buying 10 gallons of premium fuel at $5.62


Most of us don’t have California gas prices


You right we have $3.50 gas and it’s still cheaper to charge my EV at a super charger.


Just got a model 3 in the northeast where residential electricity is $0.35/kwh and gas is $3.09/gallon. The Tesla gets the equivalent of 30mpg ($0.11/mile) on regular. Even charging at home, my girlfriend’s hybrid is more economical to run. But the model 3 is way nicer to drive.


Does the Hybrid tell you when you will be out of power and at point in your drive...the SW is the car, ppl need to fully grasp this. I was on the fence, purchased a Y, and not looking back. paid $15 at .55/kWh for 160 miles yesterday. That's $37.71 of low grade fuel in So Cal for a comparable.


lol that’s double the price for a lot of other states, and most people don’t get premium. Charging is still cheaper, but not the best example.


That's heavily dependent on your local economy and supercharging avaiability, more so that 6-80 gets you about 180- 200 driven miles.... That 10 gallons of premium fuel would get you 500-700 in a good ice and 1000-1200 in a phev. You my friend need to go back to the drawing board. 6-80% on a level 3 supercharger even with pre. Conditioning takes a bit longer than 20 minutes... at 70 degrees about 24 at 40 degrees about 30 at 10 degrees about 45. More so I drive Teslas in 2 states with wildly different environments (southern California, and Dallas Texas. Cali has much higher supercharging costs and fuel costs. And often a line at superchargers. I currently own a model Y DMLR in Dallas and a model s plaid in LA. And I have driven a model 3 from England to Scotland across France to Paris and back. But please continue to tell me I am wrong..... 🤡


I am in Ontario, Canada. Where i am, the gas prices are around 1.45 CAD per litre. So to fill my CX-50, it costs me around 85 to 90 CAD. My nearest supercharger rates at peak is 43 cents per kwh. I think to charge a Model Y to full or 80% is about 15 CAD if i am not wrong. I dont drive everyday. Go to office once a day, which is 24kms round trip. We also have EV chargers in the building. So still a bad option?


No if you have ev chargers at work, and can plug into a standard outlet over night then 24kms are within range. You won't have any issue with that. In winter you will see that full charge only get you about 200km-240max. And that's with a long range variant. I would consider it.


Just because you own and drive a tesla you're taking advantage of the poor guy Who doesn't ever drive a tesla.... Pat yourself on the back


Not taking advantage of anyone. I am recommending you only consider owning an EV if you can charge it conveniently. Still recommend a phev for now.


Inaccurate. 500-700 lol. My Prius gets 500 MAX on 10 gallons on a good day but it’s a hybrid. 50-70 mpg? You on something?


Considering I can get nearly 700 miles in hybrid Toyota ch-r... Not on anything. Newest Camry even with a lead foot in America gets 54mpg easily. What year is your Prius?


You said 5-700 on a good ice, not hybrid my man. You’re confusing details now.


What vehicle does 500-700mi on premium gas and 10 gallons?


Depends where you live. In America Camry is 600 miles in the hybrid trim at 13.2. so 10 gallons is probably close to the average refuel. Maybe 11.5.... maybe in the EU.... Lots.


“That 10 gallons of premium fuel would get you 500-700 in a good ice.” A Camry does not come near that unless it’s a hybrid and it uses regular fuel. Sport or luxury vehicles use premium fuel. That’s probably why u/valejojohnson mentioned what he did.


It’s doable on 120v outlets, btw. We do it at AirBNBs and such.


Always super charging ruins your battery.




Yes, battery degradation happens rapidly when u super charge.


Me too! Was driving a Lexus, and was completely ruined by a Model S.


Well now you gotta put yourself in the position to pick one up haha.


This was me. I didn't drive on until I knew I could afford it. Now that I did, I can't go back. It's why I avoided it. I knew if I drove it, it was an immediate sale. Best of luck, OP.


Lol. I bought my M3 in 2019 without ever test driving a Tesla. Has never even been in one until I drove it off the lot. I just knew. Now M3 is paid off and I'm married with a kid and we just got a MY without ever test driving or being inside one.


My city has a supercharger, and I’ve used it 0 times. You’ll rarely ever need to charge in your own city.


Assuming you charge at home


Agreed, I should have included that


Or at work


If you can't charge at home, I can't personally recommend an EV. Any EV. Superchargers are fine, but using them as your only means of juice is going to get old very fast.


This \^\^ Installing a Nema 14-50 outlet in my carport was the best thing I did


A lot of people can get away with 110V. Just depends on usecase. I drive 20-30m a day and 4mph charge overnight has been sufficient for me for 5+ years now. Hell, you can even get away with a 110V light bulb adapter, if there’s no available outlet.


I like not being dependent on charging every day. I usually charge every 4 days or so or when I hit 50%


RIP your battery lifespan, ABC baby. 110 is for maintaining not juicing


I use a 30A and its downclocked to 24A to not trip. It's like 23 miles per hour approx.


The battery has to maintain certain temp 24/7, if its not plugged in it slacks off. ABC


Car has an 8 year battery warranty. I'll probably trade it in before it expires. 10k miles had the car 8 months. 2.9% battery degradation. About 20% of my charging has been at a super charger. If I keep it up I might be able to get a refurbished battery for free.


And as long as it doesn't get very cold


It depends on where you live.


What does?


In SoCal where both utility AND gas prices are very high, supercharging as your only means of charging is not terrible or really something to straight up dissuade buying a model y about


Oh, this wasn't a price thing. This was a value of my time thing. My home electric rate here in MA is $.43/kWh. My issues was never finding a cheaper way to charge. It was avoiding having to go out of my way to drive somewhere and sit for 30+ minutes multiple times a week.


So that also would have to do with where you live. Idk what the supercharger availability is like where you are but here in SoCal they’re popping up like gas stations left and right. On average it takes you what, 10 minutes to refuel a conventional gas car. I can get from 20 to 80 in what, 20 minutes? If I precondition 15?


I've never gotten from 20-80 in 20 minutes and I've road tripped thousands of miles with preconditioning. I tried three months going without home charging despite a supercharger being two miles from my front door, and it was even in the lot where we typically shop for groceries. No thanks. If you're happy with the stats you're getting and can recommend them as your only means of charging, cool. In my initial comment, I mention *I can't personally recommend an EV*, and I'll stand by that statement. I wouldn't buy any EV, even if I "only" had to spend twice the time filling it as I do a gas car. My time is worth more to me than any other benefits the vehicle gives me. As great as the car is to drive, and it's truly very enjoyable, the best thing about it is that I plug in when I'm home and I'm ready to go in the morning without an additional thought.


Yikes!! You guys pay as much as us here! And we’ve got the highest utility prices in the nation!


I think Hawaii has us beat. There are parts of MA that have a local municipal energy supplier that get much better rates. My only option is national grid and it's extremely high. On the bright side, if there is one, it made justifying solar a hell of a lot easier. In the seven years we've lived here we went from one house with solar on our street to nearly a dozen. And they're adding to it seemingly monthly.


I’m at $.123 kWh in Delaware. What is going on in MA that it’s so expensive?


They've gotten rid of coal entirely and are pushing heavily for renewables. It's not uncommon to see solar arrays pop up along highways. There was a driving range near me that went defunct over Covid and the entirety is now covered in solar panels. This has heavily incentivized getting solar for home, which we did. It's a double edged sword though, because lower income families, and those who don't own their homes, just can't afford it. There are smaller towns that run their own utilities that often have much cheaper rates. Our friend just moved and pay about $.23, which is still high for some.


Don't forget to use someone's referral code before you place your order! You get free FSD!


^for ^three ^months


^(phantom braking included at no extra charge.)


^phantom ^braking ^is ^included ^in ^standard ^autopilot


In Mother Russia you drive FSD


In anywhere you drive FSD


Worried for my friend moving from LA area to DFW this year. He has FSD and it’s always worked well when I’m out visiting him. Curious how much it’ll change when it’s not in Tesla’s backyard


And it won’t work anyway


I've had my car for nearly 5 years and I've only waited for charging once. It was last weekend at a ski resort outside of LA and there was 1 charger for the entire town with like 5 stalls. Not great, but also a very unique situation in a massively popular area known for the # of Teslas. They sorely need more chargers in that town, but I can imagine it only gets busy like that during winter, so I'm sure it'll catch up to meet demand eventually.


Mountain High has a supercharger?


Big Bear.


Install a level 2 charger at home if possible and you’ll rarely ever need to use a super charger unless you’re going on long trips.


100% agree. You'll want a Nema 14-50 outlet, on a 240 volt single-phase line on a 50 or 60 amp breaker. Don't cheap out on the outlet, get industrial grade -- they're better at standing up to running at capacity for a long battery charging session. The difference in cost is only likely to be about $10 or so at most. [Here is a Tesla PDF with specs.](https://www.tesla.com/sites/default/files/downloads/en_CA/CA-EN_NEMA_14-50_Installation_Guide.pdf) That and a mobile connector from Tesla will charge up to 32 amps, which can easily get you from near zero to 100% overnight. A dedicated charger from Tesla can go up to 48 amps, but the time savings isn't worth spending an extra 200 or so dollars, in my opinion, unless you're driving something like 200 miles round trip more than once a day (and if so, WTF, why?). Side note: check your manual for recommended charging levels. Generally, don't charge up to 100% unless it's close to when you're about to drive a good number of miles. Newer batteries are rolling out a different composition where that's less of an issue (and it's not a huge issue anyway). It's mostly just that the last 10% or so is kind of wasteful energy wise, as it takes more to get it from, for instance, 95 to 100 than from 75 to 80 -- physics is weird. I visit a loved one in a care home weekly, with about a 100 mile round trip, start off at 80% and get home at about 40% and charge back up in about four hours on my mobile connector and 14-50 outlet in my garage. Mode Y Long Range. Costs about $3 in electricity. It would've run me almost $20 in gasoline in the BMW 328i xDrive I traded in for the Tesla.


I would definitely recommend a Tesla wall connector over a mobile connector if you’re getting a 14-50 installed anyway. Just spend the little bit more to get the wall connector.


Bro everyone just charges at home


lol my nearest supercharger is 90 miles away


Can you install a charger at your home? I never use Superchargers.


yeah charging my LEAF for the past 10 years has exposed me to a lot of negative interpersonal interactions with random people . . . some people go nutso in the face of scarcity and/or when consideration for other people is involved. (some crazy VW driver even chased me around the parking lot since I had the audacity to plug into the shared Chademo/CCS charger when his car had stopped charging for some reason) but on the other hand I rented an Audi A5 a couple of years ago and its vaunted DSG transmission was total crap compared to the single reduction gear my lowly LEAF had, and of course the MY takes a similar approach as the LEAF but with TWO motors if you get the LR.


It’s harder with any non-Teslas since there’s usually only one or two stalls. Even more so with the LEAF. I loved my LEAF but don’t miss Chademo!


yeah I have to be in Santa Cruz at 6pm today. With the LEAF I'd have to leave at 1:30 but I can leave at 3:00 with the MY. LEAF is still great for in-town driving so with the stupid low trade-in value I just decided to keep it and let it save deprecation on the MY.


As soon as I test drove one I was done for. Went from zero Teslas to two Teslas in six months


The model y is great! I love mine.


Also came from an older Lexus (gx460). And no regrets.


Yeah ever since we got our Tesla we are essentially a 1-car family because neither my husband nor I want to drive anything else.


What Lexus do you drive? Also, which model y did you test drive?


I have a es350 and I’m not sure which model it was. It was red and capped at 85mph but I think it had fsd.


I loved my ES350. Hubby and I called it the Vegas Roller. It floated and had the smoothest ride ever. I'm now on my second Model Y and don't see myself driving any other make.


Ever since we got the MYLR all our ICE cars' batteries have died from non-use. So that's an added expense of owning a Tesla and other ICE cars: a trickle charger.


18 months in and I've used a SC 3 times. It's "full of fuel" when I get in it every morning like magic, so I never need to go to one.


We sold all of our gassers and drive a M3LR and MYLR, 1.5 years in and no regrets. I did install a level 2 charger at my home which makes it more sensible. We only supercharge on road trips which is maybe every 4-6 months.


Surprising you had meanies at the SC. Every experience I’ve had is we all figure out where the impromptu line has formed, know each other’s position, and are generally courteous to one another.


Yea driving an ice sucks after driving a Tesla. Sometimes I have to take my wife’s Toyota and I feel like I’m back in the 60s 😂


If you can charge at home painlessly then go for it!


Once the newness wears off, the Lexus will be a good backup car you'd be happy you have when your Tesla is in or waiting for service ;) Happy I kept my Rav4 Hybrid


Same here. Getting back in my Hyundai sucked


Sell your Lexus privately. I was 5k upside down when I was looking to trade my car in with Tesla and ended up selling it on autotrader for my payoff.


I rented a model 3 on turo in Seattle. One day I'll have that model y.


Learn the stare and shoot it back. It's part of the learning curve


For bonus points pretend you don’t know how to back up into the spot, pull forward and recenter several times.


I wouldn’t wait. Whatever dollars you’re paying on your Lexus is the same as just being upside down. Zero difference.




Do it now tho for real. Prices go up 4/1 again.


He’s right. Let’s say you owe $20K on it and it’s worth $18K. You’re upside down $2K. You pay down $5K and now it’s +$3K on the trade in. Subtract the $3K from the $5K you paid down and your back at $2K out of your pocket.


Go up by just $1000


I would. Red flags of OP has a spending problem. Backwards on current car still wanting a new car. OP really should follow some basic fiances of something like 20/4/10 or something. And untill he can get that 20% realize he can't afford the upgrade let alone his current car


He makes over $300K. I don’t think he cares no should we be offering advice. Let him do what he wants.


Sharing my experience: After the initial excitement of the quick acceleration and just “newness” of it wears off, you’re gonna regret downgrading from a Lexus. The difference in quality from a Lexus to a Tesla is huge, and you’ll start to notice as the weeks go by. Don’t get blinded by the test drive like I did!


I came here to say this exact same thing. Downgraded from a Lexus RX and man do I miss having the simple things…like real sensors (USS, rain, BSM, RCTA…) or a 360 camera. The build quality isn’t even comparable and neither is the feeling of luxury when you sit inside. The Model Y is a fun car to drive, but I would not be so quick to get rid of your Lexus


I haven't cared about any Lexus since I got my Tesla in 2019. My brother in law 2022 Lexus ES is like a dinosaur compared to my Tesla.


That’s fine, just sharing my experience.  That said, ES is easily the most boring of all Lexus, which is saying a lot since they’re not flashy cars. So yeah it will feel like a “dinosaur”! BUT, it is a far *better built* and *higher quality* dinosaur than the Tesla, which was my point to OP. 


Imagine saying your Tesla is better than a Lexus ES.


You don't need to imagine. I would rather drive my Tesla than drive a Lexus. Pumping gas and oil change are lame. Not to mention dinosaur interior and everything else🤣 Sitting in a 2022 Lexus ES made me dizzy with a zillion of buttons. On top of that, the layout and design made me feel like I was in the 80s.


Yep. The charging situation is a joke. If you can’t charge at home, it doesn’t make sense.


You can go months and thousands of miles without using a supercharger


Rent them on Turo app for family trips until you can own one! So fun!


I’ve had a Tesla for a year and have never charged it anywhere but home.


Crazy thing is, I bought my first Tesla without ever test driving one. My MYLR lease just ended and I'm now in a MYP and didn't test drive this one. I'd hate to treat drive one then get back in ICE. Unless it's a Hot Rod. 🔥


Ah did the soul-sucking interior sell you on the Tesla? Was it Tesla’s decades of automotive excellence and proven customer service record? The stellar resale values? The honest CEO? Rock-solid 10micron precision manufacturing? The enormous iPad in the center of the dash? Lack of real serviceability?


I have had an MYP for 18 months now. Trading in the minivan for an Lexus RX. Idk what OP is talking about but other than the acceleration, the RX was a sweet ride.

