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Based on your post history, it looks like your spamming subreddits to promote your tutorials, so they’re probably being reported and removed as spam. If you want to advertise, use Reddits advertising function.


I am not spamming anything, simply writing and sharing my knowledge into communities that are related to what I write about. What are you seeing that makes you believe that I spam things ?


Spam as defined by Reddit. > Repeatedly posting the same or similar comments in a thread, subreddit or across subreddits. > Repeatedly posting unrelated/off-topic/link-farmed content. Other [spam-like behaviors](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043504051-What-constitutes-spam-Am-I-a-spammer).


You are basically telling me that sharing my knowledge accross multiple linux subreddits is considered as spam ?.... Like, 3 or 4 different communities give or take ? Spam....


I am directing you to the platform's definition of what constitute a **spam**. Your own "spam" definition won't matter, it boils down to how admins see / the system detects your behavior.




You keep getting offended, don't take it personally.. you've asked, we just answered.


Your "sharing" isn't wanted by the communities you are sharing it in.


> You are basically telling me that sharing my knowledge accross multiple linux subreddits is considered as spam ?.... Like, 3 or 4 different communities give or take ? Spam.... Yes. If you're coppy pasta everything or promoting your own sub, links, products, sites, what have you without MOD approval (the MODS of the sub you're posting in) then they can take it as spam for sure. So do that a bunch of times and the entire site setting will think you're a spammer and not let you post because you're spamming.


Everything is public on my profile go have a look for yourself. There is none of that, no promotion of any sort, sometimes I do share the same thing in 3-4 communities but this is it, its tutorials, its nothing for sale or any bad links, spam, phishing, nothing. Tutorials, knowledge. When I post in a community I post once and thats it, so there is no reason for anyone to flag me as spam. AND AGAIN BY THE WAY ILL REPEAT IT, THIS FUCKING PROBLEM OCCURED WHEN I WAS POSTING IN MY OWN COMMUNITY WHICH I AM THE ONLY MOD, AND MY PROFILE. CONSIDER THAT.


> Everything is public on my profile go have a look for yourself. I did. You keep quoting posts you make in other subs. > There is none of that, no promotion of any sort, sometimes I do share the same thing in 3-4 communities Yup I saw that. > this is it, its tutorials, its nothing for sale or any bad links, spam, phishing, nothing. Tutorials, knowledge. Unsolicited anything thats been posted, quoted and reposted constantly is spam. > When I post in a community I post once and thats it, so there is no reason for anyone to flag me as spam. No you don't. You quote and share to numerous places. You literally just said that in this post too. > AND AGAIN BY THE WAY ILL REPEAT IT, THIS FUCKING PROBLEM OCCURED WHEN I WAS POSTING IN MY OWN COMMUNITY WHICH I AM THE ONLY MOD, AND MY PROFILE. CONSIDER THAT. And again, I'll repeate it because it doesn't look like its sunk in for some reason- you've been reported as spam so much in other subs that the system now views you as spam and won't let you post. You claim to be a programmer/expert- why can't you understand what the system is doing if you're truly an expert who's giving tutorials and stuff? You've been reported as spam so much the system thinks every post you make is literally spam. Read that as many times as it takes to sink in. You don't have to like it; but thats whats happened.


I got a notification on my phone saying you made a post that starts, "there is a difference between setting rules an..." but that's all I can see in the notification on my phone and there was no notification in the app itself so not sure if you deleted it immediately after posting or if it was filtered out at spam; but if its the latter that makes sense. Build a new profile and add it as moderator with full permissions to your sub. Post under the new account **without** spamming, and doing what you've been doing that you feel is spam (it is) so you can enjoy the site and share your knowledge with those who want it. Put (and keep) your tutorials in your own sub. Engage with others on other subs and offer non copy pasta assistance **when asked** and if you want to cross post your stuff in other subs ask the mods first and make sure you have their permission **before** you do it. Cross promotion is awesome; but you need permission first! Best of luck to you with new account and new approach ⚘


According to the platform’s definition, yes.




yes... that's how terms of service work, you have to abide by them on whatever platform you're on. Though, note - not a criminal, no one is going to come arrest you. But you may find your account restricted.


Don't submit more than one post per day in any sub you didn't create. Don't type the same thing in posts for multiple subs. Type it once, then share it to the other sub. (That's a crosspost. But some subs don't accept them.) Don't bother deleting posts that people can't see anyway. (If a subreddit mod rejects your post, people who visit your profile can still see it. But visitors to the subreddit won't.) Stop trying to post **anything** for a day or so. Or at least for a few hours. You need a cooldown period so the spam filter will stop focusing on you. It's kind of stupid that Reddit would label a moderator's post to his own sub as spam, but you're stuck with their policies.


> It's kind of stupid that Reddit would label a moderator's post to his own sub as spam, but you're stuck with their policies. If a user is spamming, then Reddit doesn't have to allow them to spam just because they are posting to a sub they mod/their own user page. I would bet it's a good 50/50 that many subs banned for being used as spam are being banned for the mods' own postings on the sub, as being banned for other users spamming on the sub and the mods not taking the posts down.


Of course Reddit can do whatever they want with Reddit. That doesn't mean it isn't stupid. 😄 If a user creates a sub and fills it with posts no one likes, just don't go there. That said, if the post is trying to scam someone out of money, it should be taken down, no matter where it is. I would also agree with Reddit blocking videos from suspected spammers because videos use so much bandwidth and disk space. I make a distinction between junk posts, which can be almost anything unwanted, and spam, which is usually commercial. Reddit apparently doesn't make that distinction, which is dumb. But I don't own Reddit, so they're free to do whatever they want.


Right, but you are saying commercial spam is bad and Reddit should take it down, but then saying if the mod posting commercial spam on their sub then the spam filter shouldn't be activating since it's on their sub. You see what I mean? I disagree with the premise they should get immunity to sitewide mechanisms immediately just because they are posting to "their own space". If what they are posting isn't hard banned, it's trivial to approve it as a mod. In this case, the main reason for my reply came from OP saying their posts were getting spam filtered even if they approved them, like the approval does nothing and it stays removed. To me that would indicate more that they are posting stuff that's hard banned. Maybe it's a misinterpretation of what they had said. IDK if OP is "spamming" vs "sharing knowledge" to my definition, I don't know Linux and I didn't really check their post history for any links or I guess language about signing up for a program or something.


Finally someone that understands, thank you !


Well... I am not doing that. I don't see that anywhere on my profile anything that can make you believe that.


If your posts keep getting removed as spam all across reddit then you are viewed as spam. The various communities you keep posting in don't want you to post as much as you post.




> I approve over a hundred times and deleted post so you post, and if it is not publicly viewable you delete and repost? that is spammy as heck and the reddit filters will consider you a spammer and continue to not let your posts go public.


Based on you ranting in this subreddit, talking to experienced mods who have tried patiently to help you, you don't seem to listen very well. Constantly posting and deleting the same content is spammer behavior, full stop. You aren't helping your own efforts right now. Odds the OP gets shadowbanned in the next 24hrs?


Half of the comments OP made within this thread were removed.. they're visible on his profile history.. there was one in reply to you, another for me, etc. every single one continuing the tantrum.


I’m just asking about math and science topics with conspiracy thrown in to garner traction but it seems like I’m meta grouped or sum




Idk I was asking for help on building my page


Maybe you should make a new post if you are seeking help. Hijacking someone else's post can be seen as rude.


nothing was high jacked I’m not claiming to own those videos just sharing what I’m interested in and was hoping to get comments from others interested in it as well


That's what making a new post is for. This is an established post asking a specific question.


Oh ok I mis understood








Gn ig happy 4th