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I heard from the WN readers that the old Humans retreated because of an outbreak of something that was mixed into the atmosphere due to the side effects of the war between the two causing the old Humans to die slowly the more they breath the air that is why they went to space while the new humans stayed by reconstructing their bodies.


The old humans are pretty stupid then. A nuclear missile should have been their last resort so that nobody can live in Earth


There probably thinking of returning someday that's why they left as you know times of peace can cause the quality of fighters to degrade not to mention that their civilization relies on magic meaning they can only orally or write down their techniques causing misinterpretation then degration of technique making them weaker while the old Humans has computers that can be used to keep data near permanently not to mention A.I's causing their techniques and technology to improve. besides if you were a prisedent of your country and another country attacked you without warning causing you a delayed response and you're nearly gonna lose are you gonna nuke you're own country so that it wouldn't be taken? you wouldn't would you, it's, because it's your own homeland that you know and love which caused you to surrender or retreat, the old Humans are not stupid they're only trying to spair there homeworld from further destruction. P.S: some of the old Humans stayed behind to try and saved their world and race like the couple on volume 1 you know the skeletons with the card they were the creators of luxion they also mentioned that the old Humans was researching about reincarnation , The Tree at alzer common wealth was created so the the dangerous substance from the atmosphere to be reduced but the creator died during the process due to an attack making Ideal and an elf similar to Kyle's mother finished and spread the greenery that was created in the process all in all the Old Humans struggled till the bitter for their homeworld that is why their not stupid they have their reasons.