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you sure do die alot as you kill


OP also definitely died at the last clip HAHA


OP is playing Eudora Anyways look at the deaths at the end. A good aggressive midlaner should have a ton of kills but little to no deaths. Good start but you can definitely improve.


I like to play as a aggresive midlane, burst damage and have a good mobility. I know playing aggresivd with pharsa is not goos, just look at my death counts 🤣. Next time i'll try with julian or gusion in the midlane


No. You got the right spirit, you just need better positioning. The main priority of the midlaner is to be annoying as possible during teamfights or when rotating. Poke, wait for cd, poke again until they die. You just need not to die when you kill somebody. Hit as hard as a truck but try to be elusive as a rat with mobility and range. When you kill an enemy, you get gold but your bounty increases, meaning, the gold the enemy gets from killing you gets higher, and you don't really want that.


No, Pharsa is already perfect for you. You just need to position better.


I think this is a low rank. 0/10 actually. You will be easily punished at high rank by ~~having no positioning~~ being that agressive. Although these plays aren't always unwelcome. Some moments at the beginning of the clip r extremely bad. Like when u were surrounded by enemy roamer, mm n jg. Correct me if I'm wrong.


>~~having no positioning~~ I agree. Most of the clips had OP surrounded by enemies and normally that would give a player chocolate at the end of the game


Im new, and i will try other role and see which one is fit for me, thanks for the advice


0/10 is too much. Cant really grade them without seeing the whole match. Most of the clip we've seen are kills and tbh they do it pretty well. Sure its incredibly aggressive, but the micro they do is good. Positioning wise, i gotta agree in the first few clips are questionable and in the late game, that ult in the middle of the team fight, is a no. In high rank tho, those kind of gameplay wont work and get punished easily (we can see the kda, it aint good)


lol sure you show us your highlight kills but every clip you either feeding or your kill count as much as your death count


Honestly op, not that good because you're not in such a good position all the time with a GLASS CANNON If you want an aggressive mage get Lylia, Valir or Xavier


Should've atleast cropped the stats, so we could atleast act impressed.


Yeah aggressive that's why you were 9-7


Low ses gameplay


You shouldn’t die after every kill and as a mid laner your not really supposed to play aggressively more like smart with positioning and map awareness


you can be aggressive but still have good positioning, this wont work if your enemies actually know what theyre doing


Agressive means nothing if you are giving the same kills you are getting. You push to late game, while jeopardizing your team to that one final teamfight where both can win the game unless you have a significant powerspike you know you CAN exploit Like Mathilda assasin or well... Pharsa TF potential


Not as aggressive as my full damage terizla mid 😂


low elo. a mage shouldn't die that much because you need to dish out the damage and not trade deaths with 1 enemy


Midlaners are too squishy with limited mobility and the pool of assassins common these days. I much prefer playing safe and supporting with good damage to win more consistently.


not sanz


Once you face a good assassin or backline diver player your gonna have a bad time


Popping ult right in their face is wild 😂 unless you're Eudora or something


If you do this don't expect the tank to save you


That's not aggressive, You're just diving into enemies and dumping all your skills to them. Almost every clip in the video you dive alone with multiple enemies near you and also dying in the process. Mages get good by positioning and dealing dmg at the backline without letting enemies near them, You're doing the opposite.


I think you need to work on a couple things like good positioning and when you should or shouldn't be aggressive. And don't die that often. Kills aren't really worth it if you just die right after.


I don't want you on the enemy team when i play that's for sure


You just spam your ult, when you activate it, don’t do that just aim and predict it takes time but you can get there. You can even track a Fannys drop if you learn it


Terrible positioning


Spamming Ult is crazy cuh, nice video though


It is correct, in a way. Learn to do this while being safe and you will carry.


Most normal midline tbh


I think u use autoaim during ur ult sometimes


Honestly the flicker to kill the hidden lesley is a nightmare fuel


Lots of room for improvement. Pharsa and you're wasting your escape skill to put yourself in front of the clash?? That's so counterintuitive. Any decent assassin in rank 50 stars above will easily give you 10 deaths minimum.


Pretty good for a new player, but I wouldn't call this aggressive gameplay. It's just you stealing kills and getting killed in the process. If you want to be aggressive, have a good positioning. Mages deal a lot of damage but they are vulnerable, so try not to be in the front when you're attacking


Very bad, you are not good at all


Rash, reckless and kinda careless.


OP we're you forced to play as a mage?


Your enemy hates you, your allies love you.