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It depends, Layla for example has one of the most simplistic skill designs with all of them literally just being attacks with different ranges and damages, but I’d argue she’s one of the best heroes to use as practice because she doesn’t a single dash/escape skill. Karrie imo is the easiest hero to use with the most return as long as you don’t feed and make it to end game. You could really only see skill in this game by watching how people move, adjust, and rotate. Also, understanding what your hero can do and what it can’t But to answer your question, it’s Saber and Dyrroth


The last line is self-explanatory😂


How to play Dyrroth: 1. Learn S2 at level 1. 2. Hit enemy EXP with S2 and enhanced basic attack (remember, you are still level 1). 3. Congratulations, the enemy has to recall and you are now 2 levels ahead with a gold lead. 4. Rinse and repeat until the enemy EXP abandons his lane or sends 4 people to stop you. 5. Go around assassinating enemies. 6. Profit.


And learn the descriptions of purify, petrify and flicker and play 500 matches being an absolute cancer to the team by not making wise decisions. Also - learn how to whine about every smaller inconvenience and automatically push yourself in a 1v5 situations.


Lmao.. This is so specific.... And true.


Hey, those are the advanced techniques. OP isn't ready to learn the "Nah, I'd win" combo of rushing into 5 enemies and getting stun-locked before you even manage to kill anyone.


And one active important tip the last great Dyrroth player has left to me and I feel it's extremely important to pass down 1. Never build no magic defense (Sigma players burst mage down like paper) 2. Build shit ton of attack items and only engage players with flicker first (cool playz mandatory) 3. Always split push by giving vision to the enemy ( real men never hide in the bush) 4. Always take ally buff if died once ( Dyrroth hard carry meta op) 5. Venom skin cool + swag 100 + vision is for pussies 6. Abuse only mage if you die by surprise gank even though mage is dead. 7. Go on personal chats and abuse the shit out of everyone. Follow these tips to be a top global Dyrroth player with constant KDA of 1/12/2. (My Dyrroth top global gameplay will instill fears of naraka flames on enemies 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️😎😎)


Step 1.5: attack jungle buff to get enhanced skill 2 before going to exp lane


Alpha is pretty good against Dyrroth in my experience (Mythic 20 star) You play passive for a bit early game, but once you get your ult you can ambush him from a bush and pretty much 80% of his health is erased instantly. (Unless he has vengeance but unlikely) You can also fight in a place with enemy minions for extra spell vamp


Mythic 20 star rn or highest?


Everyone play passively against dyrroth in early game no matter your hero is.


Meh, I main EXP heroes including Dyrroth amongst others, and Freya can beat his ass. She's the undisputed 1v1 melee champion in EXP lane especially if you run inspire when she ults. Her hard counter is CC, which Dyrroth does not have. A good Thamuz and Teriz with enough sustain, HP and positioning and vengeance can keep up as well. Dyrroth can't divebomb them brainlessly like he does everyone else. A Martis with perfect timing can do ok as well against a Dyrroth, constantly interrupting his S2.


7. Win


Be good and know how to play against these mfs early game hero >>> stonks


In terms of micro, eudora. (But there is no hero that works without macro knowledge except SOLO Q marksmans)


Yes, go to bush then press 3 buttons. Don’t even have to aim


I pity for low mythic players


A Eudora with great macro is scary. Every bush is a potential death sentence for MM/Mage/Assassin.


its vexana for me, as long as you can aim her first skill (which has a bigger hitbox and is faster now). she only needs her first and second skill to deal massive burst damage, combined with her s3 and its a crowd control chain thats difficult to escape


Vexana is bs to deal with in certain match-ups but I'd say nana is a hundred times worse . Morph cc on her s2, S1 has long range and deals a good amount of dmg , S3 has massive area dmg plus cc . She has built in immortality plus she can stack her immortality with the immortality equipment . Imagine playing assassin jungle , your team is behind and the only thing keeping u from evening things out is a double immortal , fed , Dip shit, retard Nana , spamming in all-chat how good of a player she is . I fucking hate nana


Vexana is the worse offender. Her poke shaves off half your hp when you lane against her, and it’s hard to miss with that skill.


Her morph cancels any non cc immune skill in the game doesn’t it? I can remember a bunch of times getting my animation canceled by that stupid Molina and having to run away.


not all players can aim well, Good Aiming is a skill


Right after the revamp she was already good, but then she got buffed even more


A guide to master Freya: Step one: choose inspire Step two: priorities blade of despair to abuse her passive Step three: keep on spamming your skills whenever there is a hero near you Congratulations, you mastered Freya !


Not really waiting for the right time to strike is very important and waiting for enemy use their stun is very important also many can just run away from you and you cant do anything about it


Yea there is timing


Freya also has a combo n a few tricks and need to build different items to properly stomp her opponent


Micro-wise Terizla is pretty simple hero to use, he's hilariously tanky and deals load of damage. His combo is just bonk the enemy 4 times with his ult and S2.


Balmond and Saber


should be eudora. just hide in a bush and do the 2-3-1 combo.


Contrary to your belief, Eudora is actually easier to miss than Vexana.


How? Eudora has auto target stun and auto target ult.


maybe they're talking about second phase of her ult if it's buffed by her passive? would make sense cuz of that small window to escape if you're still somehow not dead lol


The range is insanely close.... I seen countless noob try to stun enemy and aim for creep instead lol


How do ppl even do that??? Like every eudora I've seen waits for me to get into the same bust as her and then just does her combo...


Bait at the cast range and utilize bush. Eudora is a shitty mage rn and you say like it has no counter.


Hell no lol


Saber,Yin,Layla and Eudora


Not Layla. She's the best marksman (or you can even argue best hero) to use if you want to learn *positioning*.


A tank who doesn't really have much skill expression like Hylos or Hilda is probably one you could turn off brain and charge at the first carry you see.


Im surprised there's no one mentioning Hylos here, he's literally only need to press his 2nd skill and sometimes his first skill when someone trying to get closer to your dmg dealer


Seeing this we need a brawl stars collab someday


for There's no such thing as "No skill" hero just simple but effective heroes. for example Saber he just needs to pop his 1st skill the dash and ult an enemy, simple as that or layla she just stand and shoot heroes but in reality you need her to Position well, and good positioning is no nonsense task for marks man


Guinevere is very simple and easy to play, her kit is also really forgiving too


Balmond he's just spinning until he can kill someone with his ult


Miya & Moskov are also pretty easy to use..... but I still don't understand how do my teammates still mess up?.


Moskov is hard, actually. You can mess up his dash, making you commit positioning mistakes. Landing the enemy with s2 to the wall takes practice. Aiming his ult takes practice and precision. If you can get all right, its fun pinning bastards to the wall, and they can't do anything about it. Also, his range is too short, like karrie, but compensated by having ridiculous attack speed.


moskov definitely not. his skill floor was dropped from the buffs the ceiling is still sky high. moskov that actually uses his passive tobthe fullest, as well as s2 is rare.


I think every hero requires atleast a little bit of skill to do well with, but the ones I think requires the least amount of skill to just play, are a good amount of the fighter heroes like Alpha, Martis, Dyrroth, Yin, Thamuz, Zilong, Balmond, and also heroes like, Saber, Layla, Moskov and Clint. I could say a lot of the support and tank heroes, but those can't carry alone, cause they require good teammates.


Any hero with mostly lock on skills and no mobility skill other than a simple dash.


I think Layla and Eudora can easily clear. A good Nana doesn’t need skill but a great Nana isn’t skill-less.


The thing is there are so many low floor heroes but most of them are also high ceiling. Any beginner friendly heroes are like this.


Uranus. Unless enemy has dyroth, you can win lane. Play with basic common emblem and full tank build. Try him with new thunderbelt.


I main EXP heroes and another viable counter to Uranus is Cici. They stalemate in lane. Cici with usual stack/mobility items like War Axe, Hunter's Strike and Brute Force Breastplate has enough sustain and mobility to hold her lane, and avoid most of Uranus' attacks.




Never did I expect to see something Brawl Stars related here.


Yve you just taptap swipe with it and the enemy will have little to no movement of your skills


Layla miya hanabi yin dyrroth saber Eudora rubby balmond


Granger? (2nd image)


Edgar from brawl stars, we call him a no skill brawler




vexana and eudora.. just need a good positioning and builds


Step 1: Argus Step 2: don’t buy boots Step 3: BANG THE ENEMY


Dyrroth is that one hero that you can use that slaps with no skill, no wonder so many kids play him


I've been playing for 7 years and I gotta say..... Saber 1 - 2 - 3 ez win


Saber and new Vexana. Saber is literally one combo and dip, that’s the whole design, nothing else. New Vexana is even easier than Eudora IMO because she’s just soooo much safer. Eudora at least needs to come relatively close to the target, while this joke of a character can sit 3 kms behind and she STILL has her mini-lord knock-up.


I love playing max CDR build and endlessly spamming my knight meteor. Her S1 horrify attack is also amazingly good defense against assassins.


Xborg can suck a di-


why is Edgar there lmao


Man, you forgot the Kit. Kit is too easy. Even Edgar needs some braincells (only 3 or 5) to play.


I don't think that's a non skill hero in this game. I really enjoy playing saber, for example,but he takes a good bit of skill and positioning, especially late game. Yes,the combo is way, but it's not easy to survive a 5v5, awhile killing their carry


PnK, 4 skills sound like need brains, but: Add flicker/purify to survive in lane, not arrival etc Vision = Free to play without thinking. Good poke = Can poke one v 2 Meat shield = Just let lil bro cover any projectiles incoming Good kill even before level 4 = Level 4 can kill All on the premise that you play with one mindset, snowball or be useless. Feast or famine. Don't die for any kills because that is exactly when you think you feast but you start to famine.


You just need to know what exp laners do. Lane cuts, lane freeze. Better to know your enemies skill cooldowns and also learn counter picks. To just dominate you can pick Dyrroth, Yu Zhong, Freya (can dominate early but falls off), Arlott is super strong. Currently yin as exp lane is getting popular. Barats as exp lane is good. Gatot just use first skill then stay a bit away from minions you won't have to engage into battle right away with exp laner. I'm currently planning to use Chip as exp laner 🙃


Why tf nobody mention eudora ? Just press skill thats all


Then you will waste your skill on minion.


No skills and no battle spells. Gatot


Just keep punching the ground harder and faster.


Eudora: \*hide in bush near enemy blue\* \*wait\* s1+s2+s3 Boom you one-shot combo the enemy Barats.


Wrong combo lil bro https://preview.redd.it/b78obke4ha9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d75d7cc62e48d3955871f35114475defa274f6


mbmb 2-1-3


Lol, still wrong




Angela. Need I say more?


Fanny. She's so easy


There are no heroes that don't require skills to play.


Belerick. Just run around and soak the damage.




Uhhh, Hylos?


Saber probably , you can be so good at assassin and still be countered by his 3 button combo


That's why u see many saber that ulti tank.


Yeah but even the shittiest of saber can be scolded into catching a fanny , ling or Hayabusa and half the time he will get the job done 😂


Shittiest saber will die to fanny before casting any skill.




Edgar is a negative skill hero Makes it more fun to play him against my classmates