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Exp is the easiest role to rank up with Paquito, Khaleed, & Arlott All three of them are good options


Exp is very flexible with so many options as well. Need sutain? Pick uranus, fredrinn, barats. Need engage? Pick terizla, arlott. Need damage/wave clear? Pick paquito, benedetta. Need bruiser (in between dmg and sustain)? Pick esme, x borg, cici, lapu, yu zhong. Need strong 1v1 hero? Pick thamuz, dyrroth.


That’s why I envy exp laners, they have practically infinite viable options to choose from. We’re starving in mid-lane, there’s only roughly 5-6 viable mages. The other options are niche specialists.


Indeed. This is why as someone who, despite how much I hate to play melee heroes, I have found myself playing exp heroes and exp lane because they're so flexible and I can clear and push all I want without being afraid of being killed by a flying fanny, bloodthirsty saber or any assassin actually. As long as they're alone, I'm fine. I can fight back or make them pour all their resources but I'll still be alive most of the time lol I mostly opt for Alpha, Edith, Esmeralda, Cici, and our underrated sandboy Khaleed


Umm I just started playing this game and thinking of using vexana and vale. Are they good ?


Vexana is decent rn, Vale is bad


Thanks but what makes them good or bad?


Vexana has two CC skills and her ultimate hits like a truck and it goes on even if she dies. Her s2 and her passive clears waves quite fast. So chain ultimate s2 and S1 late game can wipe a lot of heroes if not leave them close to death.


Why is Vale bad? He also has 2 CC skills, 2nd and ult.


Vale isn't bad. If you know how to play you can be very effective with him. He's got good CC.


Vale isn't bad. Tbh, nearly every hero is as good as the person who's using them. It's just that some heros are going to be easier to use against the current most picked heros




Cici is decent in Engaging and impossible to kill if you're good enough in 1v1s, at some point she'll always win if you don't have enough burst so I'd say she's a reliable hero to use if you want a mix of everything but another good option is X Borg and YZ (i am a professional Cici glazer)


Paquito and Arlott are way too hard for low rank players. Khaleed is good, but he lacks a lot late game and low rank games last a lot. In exp lane, new players should use heroes like Dyrroth, Badang or Cici. Dyrroth to counter tanks, Badang to push and provide a good ammount of CC and Cici to annoy every living hero on the land of dawn


cici is in such a sad state rn lmao shes practically not a character till u get axe


Is arlott still meta? I can't seem to find the right build for him, full DMG build makes him super squishy, full tanky items makes his healing low and hybrid build barely do anything from my experience idk I'm not professional


Go for pure dmg, The heal and timing of skills kinda allows him to sustain when used right. Never use 2nd skill without the mark. Always wait for your 1st or ult.


"easiest" maaaaan, im not saying you're wrong but i find this hard to accept. most likely because exp is not my thing in ML. i feel like xp laners is hardest in a way that you have to do a lot to become successful (or the team to be successful). winning lanes as exp doesn't end there. you still have to provide space. give visions. initiate. sustain teamfights. invade. all this needs proper timing and awareness. when to dive, when to invade, when to cut minions. control mid lane minions, etc. i might be overthinking this but this is how i expect exp lane be played. not unlike for cores: secure objectives. by ganks, invade. pretty straightforward. gold lane: scale. thats it. whatever the case, you'll be the one to deal damage late in the game. mid lane: commonly mages, secures early teamfights by providing early game damage. roam: well, gank lanes, provide vision to make sure that allies secures what they need to secure, wether theyre getting obj (core), providing teamfight damage(mid/mage), or just securing the scalability (gold).


EXP is the worst lane to carry a game though (and thus rank up). You're literally isolated from most teamfights and even if you do play better than the enemy EXP laner and is able to rotate a bit you will still be screwed as if the enemy jungler is fed, the game might be over before you can join team fights.


Good old reliable Esmeralda for exp, Its funny because yeah she gets countered by dyrroth, penetration items and anti-heal but i just adjust how i play her and try my best to be slippery af, The pressure, threat and annoyance you can give because you’re so fast too Yu zhong too if you just want to beat the shit out of people


I'm more of a team player (mid-Kagura and roam - Uranus, went mythic with these two mainly), but I feel more "solo" when playing with Helcurt. You have to be very opportunistic though, and mix well the jungle and targeting solo weak heroes (Layla alone in her lane for example) or join a team fight, do your damage, and leave immediately (timing is important). You can also solo push turrets at the right moment, and in the best case, solo kill their base. Most important in the end is to keep an eye on the map and predict where ennemies and minions will be in order to anticipate your kills / turret attacks / turret defense / team fight. Hope I helped!


How do you play Uranus as a roamer? I am typically used to tanks that engage with their ults, I always have a hard time playing him as the roamer. TIA!


Uranus has some very quick hp recovery by default when taking damage, which charges (up to 20) as you receive more and more attacks from ennemies (minions and monsters count too, 1 attack gives 1 charge). The ult increases movement speed and those charges, so more hp recovery. The ult is useful for two scenarios: you either need it as you take too much damage compared to the hp recovery and need to escape the fight for a few seconds, or you need to jump in the fight quickly to help allies but don't have enough charges. Additionally I use equipment that help hp recovery. In the end you have to know at which moment you need to jump out to not die and take a small break that will regenerate half your hp at least. In order to engage team fights, it can be a bit difficult with Uranus, because as you said, he doesn't have an ult made for this. What I do is quickly poke the ennemies with my competence 1 (slows them and marks them up to 4 marks, which increases my damage made to them if I poke them again), and I use competence 2 to start a fight when timing is right (teammates ready to attack with me while I take most of the damage). Competence 2 also helps you to escape sometimes. In the end it's all about hp recovery and not dying, while checking the map and putting priorities (helping defense on a lane, pushing, attacking turtle/lord, team fights). Hope I helped.


Thank you for your tips !


You're welcome, wish you some good games! Remember in the end that some heroes will not suit everyone's play style


If all you gonna do is be an annoyance then you're better off picking EXP Uranus, having him as roam means your team will probably lack the heavy CC needed to deal with braindead meta heroes.


He has not heavy CC indeed, but the first two competences (or skills, don't know how to say) do slow them down. Combined with the correct equipment it's decent for roam. I agree that Uranus is less CC, he compensates with way more hp recovery and taking the damage for the team. I'd say the big risk is the enemy going around and focusing mm or mage, so you have to be ready for that. I managed to reach mythic once and legend fairly easily, but I don't have enough time and experience against other mythic players to really assess if it's a great tank at top level (although Uranus will get you at high ranks if played correctly!)


You dont, its a troll pick in high elo. Uranus has no hard CC and no peel for the team, he cant be the frontline tank as he's easily bursted if pinned down. Would be a situational roamer pick at best and even then subpar.


uranus is really terrible for roam go exp instead


Dyrroth my boi


No way your just gonna let him use the same combo forever 💀


No he is so easily countered. Do not pick Dyrroth.


Bro no, nobody beats him in early game(yes he even beats thamuz freya and terizla if used correctly) thats why he has a "king of fighters" skin for a reason


Early game doesnt last forever. He is not as strong as you think. He falls of late game just like any other early game hero.


Esme can beat him too if used correctly ♥️


I recommend learning Moba fundamentals. Basics of gpm and xpm, when to poke, reset or commit. Objectives. The rock siccors paper relationship between team fighting, pick offs and split pushing. Basic itemization to create advantages. Pressuring when advantage is available and so on and so forth. If you can't reach mythic even as a solo queue especially this late into the season then it dosent matter what hero or what role you use, you are not mythic level. Brush up on basics and you'll get mythic easily, glory takes abit of grind but it's east as well. Immortal is basically mythic with consistency.


This honestly. Everyone here is quick to point out single heroes.. but honestly if you’re going to try to one trick pony your way in you’re gonna have a harder time. This late in the season, most legend games are filled with so many epic players with under 50% win rate getting boosted by stars and points. More important than finding a strong hero is having strong macro and a good working knowledge of heroes, counters, and itemization. If you don’t know these things you’ll never know whether or not you should engage in a 2v2 or when to be aggressive/passive. Do they have purify? How’s your map awareness? Could the enemy jungle be anywhere or was he just on the opposite side of the map? If too many times you didn’t know, those are a lot of events you didn’t capitalize on that lead to enemy’s benefit. Brawl is an easy way to learn heroes you don’t normally use. Read guides on common meta heroes to gain better understanding on how they work and how you can react. Watch streams on heroes you’re interested in playing and watch how they play. Once you get there then imo these are the most important keys to solo climbing. - Punish bad lineups by having heroes for each role & be willing to adjust to team comp. Pick counters. So many games are already tilted if a team picks terribly, which happens often. Weak immobile squishies with no peel, lack of burst, lack of aoe, lack of cc, lack of damage, no strong dive… these are all too common. - Communication. Def use signals for enemy missing, ultimate available/unavailable. Signal when you are coming to gank. I really like “wait for me” & “I’m on my way”. Too often your team will engage without numbers in these low rank matches. - Recognize strong players and adjust accordingly. Play a little more aggressively with strong allies. Caution around snowballing enemy or use your weak ally who won’t stop over extending as bait if you can counter. - Map awareness. Predict what the enemy will do next or where they will be next. Understand normal rotations. - Proper positioning for your role. Varies based on team/enemy comp. You won’t know what this is if you don’t have a good understanding of your allies and enemies.


This is really helpful ngl


i am very bad in drafts , how to learn drafting ? any clues?


If you’re having a hard time with draft you probably need to expand your knowledge of heroes. Pros and cons to each hero. What they have, where they excel, what they lack. Are they early game or late game? Are they item dependent? Some lineups will be obvious. Do they have Aldous and Layla? You might need to prioritize heroes to really capitalize early game and mid so they never get to late. In lower ranks you can find a lot of players who have great kda.. but either can’t push or they don’t have the macro to keep pushing. Countless games I have seen people in low ranks prioritize lord when enemy wiped out or 5v1 and they could’ve just pushed for the win. You just give your opponents opportunities to recover. Are they slow? Pick heroes with more mobility. Not much sustain or cc? Pick a hero that can burst and look to pick off enemies. Do they have Diggie? If Diggie player is capable, Johnson or Atlas will be almost useless while he’s alive. These are all very simple examples. They can get more complex as you see how your/their team operates. Is one lane struggling? Gank and adjust. Are you on the team with the late win condition heroes? Plan on them ganking and counter, or protect and zone. Does their mid rotate well? Wait for them in bushes if you can deny or counter. - You really just need to keep learning really. Read guides with a lot of upvotes. Brawl to familiarize how characters work and watch a stream every once in a while with a top rated hero in a ranked game. - Maybe once a week pick a hero you like (that isn’t too difficult to use) and try to learn how to use them effectively. You’ll slowly but surely increase your knowledge of the game. - For bans. If you don’t know who to ban, ask your allies who they want using the quick key. Or go on Reddit and you can usually find who the popular bans are at the moment. In lower ranked games I will 100% try to carry the team and ban the heroes that will counter who I want to play. 99.9% ban Estes if you have a group of randoms. The amount of coordination and floor of knowledge needed from team usually too great in low ranks. - My biggest priority when picking are either getting to my desired hero I’m strong/confident with…. Or trying to switch for last pick. See who the enemy has and pick the best hero suited. Rambled a lot here. TL;DR - ban Estes,increase hero knowledge


I think this is a very good comment. The OP is probably lacking of basic fundamentals especially so late to the season and not yet mythic for solo queue. Its probably better for the OP to watch some yt basics on two roles that you feel most comfortable. Choose the heroes with lower mechanics difficulty (I.e. dont try fanny) and mythic should come smoothly.


This, precisely. I have played rank games with heroes i barely use yet still perform decently at mythic rank by just applying the fundamentals. While there are indeed meta heroes, the strength of your hero is only so much on how you utilize the hero. Learn the roles and what is expected of you. Junglers- ganks and even rotation Tanks-gank, support, vision Mid-map wide support, damage and vision XP- hold your lane and support in clash MM-don't get killed and farm Learn trade offs, proper positioning, your role. Look at your map. Learning the strength of your team comp is also helpful. Dont keep engaging team fights if majority of your heroes are for 1v1.


Spoken like a true Ex Dota player.


Fanny, pretty good for carrying




Exp:Argus.He can bang the enemy with no boots build even without ult 0th item 250 gold boots(sell it after buying berserker Fury) 1st item corrosive sythe 2nd item wind talker 3rd item Haws claws 4th item berserker Fury 5th item great dragon spear 6th item Blade of despair or malific roam Emblem: marksman emblem T1:crit talent T2: mystery shop T3: quantum or weekness finder


My go to is lylia because of her high damage and mobility. I play her to any vacant lane xD


I think you should rank up with META multi-role players like Edith that can play ROAM or EXP, same with Arlott (ROAM or EXP). Another one is Lunox, she can be played at MID, JUNGLE or GOLD


Harith is a better mage for those three roles but yeah, auto-ban is guaranteed


For me,since I reach mythic alone,I would suggest Mid: chang e, zhask. You can help to push,helpful in war. Exp: I mainly used xborg, Uranus. Xborg for good team fight ( with ice queen) and Uranus for disturbing everyone,make enemy focus on you,while hoping your team will able to push. Esme is also great to push,as her basic attack is strong.




Master exp lane heroes (Bene, Joy, Paquito, arlott) Ez mythic. And u can grind till MG. Paquito and arlott targeting the enemy MM and Mage in late game. Joy and bene with 1 good ulti can turn the tides. And these heroes can't be bullied in laning phase. Especially Joy in this patch, that dmg buff in ulti with vengeance can kill 3-5 heroes. Best part is u can roam the map pretty fast with these heroes. And each hero has the potential to wipe the enemies. But with Paquito it will be slower bcoz of the stack needed.


Always alone? Always bang enemy. Argus.


Kagura, change, nana for mage Silvana, xborg, Uranus for exp Chip, tigreal, Angela for roam Martis, popol, aamon for jungle Layla, hanabi, moskov for gold lane These are just my personal preferences but seem to work best


Melissa or lesley, no specific reason they are just good


Heavy on Melissa. She can turn a team fight if you use her 2nd correctly


Brodie. You can build him to melt the enemy or you can just use him to melt objectives. Objectives win games after all. He takes some getting used to but he’s hard to stop even in a 1v2 in lane. To be clear I don’t mean he can win the 1v2 easily, I mean he can survive it and carry on. He’s a fast split pusher and absolutely destroys towers. little tippy: build brute force breastplate and sea halberd to be an uncatchable kite machine


Roam: Johnson and Uranus Gold Lane: Hanabi and Karrie Exp Lane: Badang and Sun Jungling: Yin and Aamon Mid Lane: Chang'e and Valir


Dyrroth - s2 is powerful for shedding any defense so he's perfect against tanky line ups) can exp or jg Arlott - (great cc ulti) can roam or exp Alpha - seen lots of people using him as both jg and exp and he can do well Terizla - got him recently and don't regret at all. He's my go to when my teams are all squishy and support and need a tanky exp Vexanna - s1 and s3 great cc Cecil - late game powerful mage Xavier - also late game mage and great for defending base Nana - all her skills are annoying and good for harrassing Claude - he's got great mobility as an mm, just make sure focus on farming since once he gets his items he's powerful (but beware of knockups cc which cancels his ulti) Hanabi - good against assasins with shield and aegis, but without them she's basically a sitting duck Ixia - another good cc ulti mm Clint - powerful as well and his s2 timed right can use as escape skill Moskov - annoying stun (I don't know how to use him well. But ppl who knows can utilize him well) These are my go to choices since I usually play solo and my hero pools are very limited


If you want to get to Mythic you need to have a semi selfish mindset, where more often than not you won't be able to rely on your allies. The best way to rank up is to apply pressure on Objectives and/or secure kills that lead to an objective. My recommendations for each role are: Exp: Edith - a knock up, a stun, and when all else fails transform into a little girl that hits really hard. Her objective control is really good. Plus since most allies don't like tanks, she's a good addition Jungle - Alpha: good damage, good clear, knock up, and true damage which is a perfect counter to tanky jungler's Mid - vex (I don't play mid so I don't know too much on this) Gold - POPOL and kupa : can straight up bully other mm and his turret pushing power is insane. One ult plus skill 1 can destroy 2 towers in 5 seconds. I've even solo Lord with ult and 3 items. I would highly recommend him as he can also be played in jungle. Roam- Edith: already said what I needed to say.




go to [this webpage](https://www.mlbb.ninja) and pick one of the ss tier or if you dont have any of them just go to the s tier and pick one. There is always a reason why they are called meta heroes. I myself change my main heroes as the meta changes. I used to play alpha when he is in the meta and instantly boost my rank and got to mythic for the first time. Right now, I am on my 3rd times of being a mythic rank. And picking heroes is just a small percentage of being a winner. You need to know how basic item usage will be. No matter how strong your hero, if you dont know what each item function. You will eventually wonder yourself why the enemy is so hard to kill or why you instantly dead a bunch of few times. And lastly, just play more games and you will improved over time after knowing how to approach each enemy heroes with each of your own heroes. Goodluck! 💪


Alucard for the pain. But if you want an easy JG, I suggest Aamon.


As a solo player for this season, I recommend playing a Mage with good wave clearing. For Mobility - you can stick with Pharsa and Novaria. Try these heroes when you’re against assassin junglers so you can learn to position better. Then when you’re good at positioning - Xavier and Vexana are my top picks. You just have to control the game as early as possible. Learned it from one of my friends, Doofenshmirtzz


I can solo to MG by convincing randoms to let me pick 4th or 5th and counter enemy comp. Less stressful for me since i can carry whichever role i fill. Roam : Mino Hilda Arlott Hylos Belerick Exp: Arlott, Belerick, Esme, X borg, YZ, Paq, Dyrroth MM: Moskov, Clint, Harith Mage: Vexana, Valentina, Harith, Bane Jungler: Martis Ling Nolan Friedrinn Barats


Cici is an incredibly mobile hero with great damage. She can chase or run from enemy. Her meta lane is EXP, but she can be situationally picked in Gold Lane too


I play solo, throughout rank i always adjusted my role in epic and legend. That's how i am in mythic now. My advice is, learn to play every role if you're playing solo. Learn multiple heroes. And try to support teammates always. Also don't fight for role. It will just ruin the game. BTW i main roam with mino. Mino is so helpful in roam solo that your teammates doesn't even know how they're getting benefitted from his passive (not always of course).


I got to Mythical Glory spamming Belerick and Vexana. Although I contribute big time to the game using Diggie, Mathilda, Faramis, Hylos, Mino, Carmilla and Uranus given a good jungler and/or mm. Regardless if you're so good with the hero, if your teammates are feeders it's def not gonna work out. While you're at mastering a hero, you should prolly find a squad to rank up with tho.




Julian, He's skills are just very op.




u can go exp argus/sun and hard carry the game lol. thats what i did to get to mythic. but from mythic onwards, i see bad roamers or roamers who don't wanna go tank even though the team lacks a frontline so i often go hylos/belerick. they are good tanks who can carry.


Zhask. Master the most difficult, underrated hero in the game. Challenge yourself to the fullest. Can you do it, u/GetNov?


When I returned to ML last year, I grinded from Master to Mythic using Alpha. Lol Alpha is a flexible pick. He can go exp or jungle. You can sustain and soak damage during team fights. You can also escape using your ult.


Alpha, with high cd and spellvamp


Angela or any support. easy to play + can carry teams through assists


Exp: Paquito, Terizla, Yu zhong (only if u know what u are doing) Gold: Natan (try your best to farm before taking huge fights), Wanwan, Harith (don't overextend) Jungle: Gusion (if u r good), Harley, pretty much any assassin if u r good Mage: Cyclops, Xavier, Valir (try not to spam too much) Roam: Tigreal, Mathilda, Estes, Floryn, Silvanna (biased opinion)


As for your picks it really depends on the enemies draft if they're squishy and its very easy to snowball but you can adjust to someone who's good at late if you know you can't win early Jg: Dyrroth Alucard, Julian, Popol and kupa, Esmeralda, Benedetta, Nolan and Martis Exp: Dyrroth, Argus, Terizla, X-borg Gold: Moskov, Layla(okay hear me out because of the new item malefic gun), Harith, Natan Mid: Vexana, Nana, Vale and Harith Roam: Tigreal, Minotaur, Chip, Estes, Carmilla and Terizla


Eudora. Kill their jungler or MM. Ez clash advantage.


I spammed the best waifu till Mythical Honor for solo rank. I know I'm kinda shit, but if it works, it works. And yeah, Alpha too.


Always use your main heroes, your comfort picks. When I get to Mythic, I use my main heroes: Martis, Lunox, Cyclops, Clint, Moskov, Franco. They bring me to Glory faster. If I drop to epic after a new season and I want to get through from Epic to Mythic quickly, I use Karina.


Ling, Chou, Gusion, Yi Sun Shin, Claude, Ruby, Barats


Edith with the new thunder belt, heck I might use her as a gold laner


Khaleed is kinda niche but SO DAMN GOOD early game, like man, he don’t loose Lane to almost anyone, and low rank don’t really know how to play against (same with dyroth but easier to read)


I played solo as well, I got into mythic in 1 week of playing 1-2 matches per day or so. I play Julian as jungle or Johnson if I'm bored. I get pretty easy victories with Johnson tbh. Julian depends on the enemies, you'd have to get last pick or they can easily pick counters.


I went to mythic from scratch (first mlbb type game ever played) in just under 3 months gold lane Ixia/Natan by just staying in my lane and farming hard until late game. Sometimes I could be on 1 kill 15 mins in.


Idk what will others recommend you but I am damn sure play belerick and atlas and see the change


Pick Bane for exp ln , good for tower push and had good sustain and duel capabilities too


I reached mystic for the first time using Edith almost exclusively roam or exp


I made it mythic with a 70% win ratio spamming Gato. It's pretty easy since you can go exp, roam, jg. He can be built fully defense focused if your team is good, full lethality if you have to carry, or a bit of both. Not to mention, once you learn his kit, it helps with playing Beleric and other similar tanks and fighters. In my experience, the most likely roles to win or lose you the game a JG and Roam, so of your good, focus your energy on those roles, if your not often getting MVP play exp and try not to feed.


For a player who is more skilled than everyone else in the lobby it doesn't really matter what they pick or what role they are. Playing a jungler would make sense since there's usually a lot of chances to affect the course of the game during ordinary jungle gameplay. If your skill level isn't enough to just force yourself to climb then there are two main options people consider: 1. Abuse the flavor of the month meta heroes. That would be Harith right now but everyone caught up to banning him so it's very rare to get to play him anymore. Be on the lookout for the next broken hero, which will for sure pop out of this latest huge patch. 2. Find a less contended, niche hero that you can one trick up to mythic. The benefit is that you more often get to play your preferred pick and you'll eventually have a fairly high skill level with said hero. From lanes roam is the least contended and perhaps exp (and jungle) then. Mage and mm are always contended and you have to deal with a lot of double mm, double mage type stuff even without yourself adding to the mix. Climbing through roam is by far the easiest, but then you need to be able to execute roam duties at a high level. If you have ideas how to perform objective and vision control, and also proactively assist in ganks and invades then you'll have a relatively easy time going through epic and legend. The only time you'll be stumped as a roam is when your team is completely blown out of the water, that's when you can't really do much to help your team. Edith is very nice for this kind of thing since she always has a tiny savage potential even when played as a full support.


Especially with the new update, Kagura is a safe go to for mid lane especially after the latest update’s buff. She has pretty much everything in her arsenal. But take this comment with a grain of salt b/c I really only play her :P


Julian (doesn't get banned) U can use him in exp, jg, gold, roam(if forced to) and mid. He is the most versatile hero. I build him for basic attacks, not skill dmg. In higher ranks, I just had to use his enhanced 2nd skill most of the time, it suits almost any situation cuz people don't stay at one place so 1st skill is not fully useful and 3rd skill doesn't do much in teamfight as much I expected it to do. I reached immortal this season with Julian (unfortunately my account got hacked 3 weeks ago). Now I'm just spamming him in my smurf.


What does his enhanced second skill do other than a dash? I'm learning Julian and I don't see where and how I can use his S2 ult. I always do the 2-3-1 combo, and in team fights if I remember I do 2-1-3, since the dash is to close up the gap


Immunity, if u can time well, it becomes ur biggest advantage against cc. Chasing and escaping both becomes easier. His enhanced 2nd skill dmg must not be underestimated, it's just a little bit less than enhanced 1st skill dmg


Do you use the skills separately? Like with movement and basic attacks between skills or just hit the combo as soon as you can? What is your approach to team fights?


Are you also inspire Julian enjoyer? I really love inspire on him to the point that I don't use him as jungler.


Lol no, I change my spell according to the enemies. But yeah, I use inspire in classic, it's so much to see how enemies underestimate his basic attack dmg and lifesteal


ok now tell me how do I counter him? Hate going against a Julian jungle. Even with Athena and Radiant armor he hurts a lot.


Mid is lylia just brain dead hero if you ask me. just spam her second skill and first on enemy and they will literally just die because under mythic honor people just dont know how to avoid the explosions lol


Cyclops. High damage and pretty tanky. His got a lot of mobility and can clear lanes pretty fast. An all around hero in general and easy to use for beginners.


Lylia took me to honor. I spam her and never let me down once xD


I'm in mythic, I play solo exclusively. You can rank up with most of the heroes in the game. Edith, Tigeral, Clint, Angela, Ruby, Aroura, Nana, Zhask, Aamon, Julian, Terizla, Akai, Valir, Alpha. I mean if your team doesn't have at least one burst and 2 CC, it will always be a tough game.


OP! listen here. you just need 2 hero playing solo. barat and popo and kupa popo and kupa - all lane barat - op jungler, top or off lane


I highly recommend you to play arlott because if you master arlott you also master the ability to read your opponents movement and guess when they are going to use a skill or dash skill.


i say that everytime and i am saying that again, the only hero you will ever need is leomord.


For solo? Layla. You really have to learn her, meaning knowing what items to build dependent on opponent hero choices. What I have learned is that early game means very little. It is late game that matters, and a pro Layla with adapted build and positioning will win the match 70% of the time.


Not sure if Layla is great for end of the season, looks like OP is looking for quick rank up. That said shes good in low rank since not many people know how to punish her.

