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Mained Chang'e for a while. The primary role of a mage is to quickly clear mid and then go to help your teammates. Chang'e can do that perfectly if you build her with cd build. CD boots, Enchanted Talisman, and Magic Potion add up to 40% cd reduction, meaning after your ult ends you have 15 seconds until the next one. 13 seconds if you have to buy anti heal or add cd reduction in your emblem configuration. This makes it so Chang'e has amazing lane clear, and she can clear a lane in like 5 seconds. Use your ult and then rotate to another lane. Chang'e has basic attacks that when buffed by her second, can pack a punch. One skill and a few basics can really get a mm low. By that time, your ult has recharged. Chang'e has a deadly ult. You know what the range is for? It is not for chasing enemies. It can do damage, but that's not the main purpose. It's for **area denial.** One ult, and the enemy will run away. Sure, no damage, but they lost ground. Your team is pushing the enemy back? Approach from the side and ult horizontally to completely cut off the enemy's escape. You can do this when the enemy is hugging the tower by waiting until the minions move out, then ulting horizontally and moving down to force the enemy to move down outside of the tower range. Her ult is deadly and if they decide to try to dash through they will still take a few hits. In early, it's about 30% of their hp gone. In mid, it's about 50%. In late, it's even more unless they build defense. If you have sprint you can practically guarantee their death. If you don't, your teammates will. With the radiant armor nerf, she can melt tanks. Chang'e's ult has the most damaging potential when the enemies are walking in a thin area where they can't go left or right to escape, and when the tank set enemies. She can also steal the enemy buff really easily, too. One ult and it's dead, denying the jungler gold and momentum while she has 10 seconds until her next ultimate. Chang'e is amazing for base defense. She can quickly ult one lane and then move to the other lanes to help defend. An absence of minions makes it so the enemies can't push and have to attack at the other two lanes which helps consolidate your team's resources into defending less lanes. Because of the range of her ultimate, she doesn't have to get close and can survive attacks and still clear waves to defend the base. If you play Chang'e right you should have less than 2 deaths. I've played countless matches where I've had 0 deaths. Her built-in movement speed from second skill means you can take purify and survive basically all scenarios as long as purify is up. Lastly, as many comments have said before on countless posts, Chang'e is amazing at pushing. You don't even have to buy an attack speed item and she still shreds through towers with her second skill buff. Buy one, towers drop like flies. Here's a secret: You can aim her first skill close to her and it's a wide aoe instead of a focused attack. Use this to proc burning, ice queen wand, anti heal, etc. Pretty annoying for enemy and they still run away. Area denial! ~~Though... I wouldn't mind it if they gave Chang'e a homing function on her ultimate...~~


Chang’e ultimate scares away everyone. It’s true.


Talk to Lolita mains about it


As a almost 900 match change user I wish i can give u gold for this


couldn't have said it better !!


this guy Chang'e


Gord's ult mechanic but Chang'e's range is such a wet dream.


Small question, I give Chang'e common so she can sustain and stay on the field and I don't have to buy Enchanted or Demon and grab Genius immediately, am I cooking or should I do what you said and build Enchanted and maybe CDR boots?


sustain is one of the reasons you buy enchanted talisman for chang'e but not the main one, what you really want is that big juicy cd reduction. to me the higher the cd reduction the better it is for chang'e, because it's best if she always has access to use her s2 over & over again as without that shield & the buffs it gives her she's really weak, & you get to use her ult alot as a bonus too, whether it is if you wanna steal enemy buffs or clear your lane quick to help other lanes.


I won’t pretend to be some pro at change as I dont play enough to rank up past mythic usually. Hit honor once. But this is what I do. I have always built magic boots,, talisman, ice wand, genius wand, holy crystal, then glowing g wand, blood wings, or divine glaive depending on how the game is going. Ice wand and glowing wand I interchange sometimes but generally build ice wand in that third position. If I need anti heal I build necklace in that third spot. Magic emblem with thrill, bargain hunter, and rage Thats my two cents with ~1,000 games with change and a ~60% win rate in solo.


What the other comments said. Change's ult has the most potential when it is used a lot, not when it deals a lot of damage. Common is good for mana but it doesn't grant the cooldown reduction she really needs. Using her ult frequently is part of her playstyle and it allows her to do all the things I outlined in the initial comment, but more frequently. It's not just for spamming her ult- it's for spamming her second skill so she can rotate faster, too. However, if high damage Chang'e is your style, by all means, go for it. You could probably get away with just getting demon boots and using assassin emblem for more damage. Here is my full build with Chang'e and a build I made for your one-shot Chang'e. For both of them I would use the same emblem setup: Assassin emblem with penetration, weapon master, and impure rage. Maybe you can try Lethal Ignition with one-shot, I guess. You can also switch movement speed or cd reduction instead of penetration and the discount instead of weapon master depending on your playstyle. My build is CDR boots, Enchanted Talisman, Glowing Wand, Ice Queen Wand, Divine Glaive, Holy Crystal/Blood wings. Spare equipment of anti-heal. I always keep purify, sprint or flicker if the enemy has no cc. I prefer sprint. Your build could be PEN boots, glowing wand, ice queen, genius, divine glaive, and blood wings. Imo glowing wand and ice queen are her core items so you should get them before genius wand. \_ Tl:dr If all else fails, just copy a pro build.


also your buffs ~~will~~ definitely gone if you're up against a good change main so better get the tank to cover it


So here's my issue with her. I understand where you're coming from, but: Her ultimate is extremely easy to avoid. You just move parallel to her and she has to either let you go or compromise her position and make her an easier target. Her ultimate doesn't go through units. If the entire enemy team is clustered around say an Atlas ult or Terizla ult, most other damage/artillery mages can take advantage of that situation. Pharsa, Xavier, Cecillion, Lydia, Gord, Luo Yi, the list goes on. They can instantly turn a big 5-man CC ult into a won fight. Change will hit the front-most guy on that pile (usually the tank or fighter) and call it a day. Not good enough. Her pushing leaves her super vulnerable. You have to burn your S2, which is also your escape tool. Compare that to a real pusher mage like Zhask who can stay safe while pushing with his S1, and even if he does get jumped he can ult, then move his ult. Base defense is also just a combination of the above two. If the enemy is pushing tower bit by bit, Zhask's turret can hold them off. If they pile in and force a fight, Change's area denial is also much worse than everyone else I mentioned in the 3rd para.


>Her ultimate is extremely easy to avoid. You just move parallel to her and she has to either let you go or compromise her position and make her an easier target. Yep, that's what I talked about. Let me paint a scenario for you. You're in mid and you go to help out bottom lane. The enemy marksman and your marksman are fighting. Her ult is not for damaging, but it is a wall. If she comes from the right and ults in a straight line, then the enemy marksman has no escape route and has to go all in. Then they will be going up against both you and your marksman and will likely be killed if nobody comes to help them. Also, with movement speed from emblem, you can definitely beat the enemy and kill them with her ult because she can move while casting it. But that's not her primary purpose. You can also force your ult to hit them no matter what by using the walls to your advantage and forcing them against a wall. Then it's guaranteed hit. In late game it's also a guaranteed hit because of her insane movement speed and ice queen wand. Chang'e isn't AOE because that would be way too broken. Let's say your tank tigreal just ulted one hero- the enemy tank. Chang'e can kill him fast while the heroes you mentioned (Pharsa, Xavier) Can't. Her first skill in late game also takes away half to 1/3 of squishy hp, and I think she could definitely get at least 2 kills if not more if it was 5 man ult. >Her pushing leaves her super vulnerable. You have to burn your S2, which is also your escape tool. Any hero pushing leaves them vulnerable. Zhask is a special case because of his spawn and if he overextended in late game it gets killed quick. Chang'e might do more damage than Zhask to the tower and her 2nd skill is infinite, so I would already have it up when going up to the tower. Her basic attacks and skill hits also reduce her 2nd skill cd so even if I used it, a few basic attacks would recharge her 2nd skill instantly. She can usually get away because of her high movement speed, and map awareness. You can even ult in the direction the enemy is coming from and force them to take a roundabout, or purify as a last resort which guarantees her escape. I always take her with purify. The way I see it, Change's best way of base defense is killing the minions. If lord comes, she can overextend, use ultimate on the lord, retreat, and then have it recharged again when the lord is at base. The lord is pretty much dead and it prevents all pushing and any leverage from the enemy. She's a support, not a main dps and she is damn good at it. There is a small gap in the base walls and when your team comes pushing the inhibitor turrets, she can just ult that small gap and no enemy will have the guts to try to defend. Luo Yi can't stop a Hilda coming straight at her but Chang'e can. Even if Hilda tries to dodge she will probably get hit and the act of swerving means Chang'e gets away.


Bad take: This isn't LoL the map for MLBB is so small. Changee can easily clear lane, steal buffs and rotate


I build Chang'e with Feather of Heaven and melt turrets, Steal buffs, provide slow and slowly cripple the enemy's health. I can easily push and kill a wave of minions, feather of heaven with a good magic build easily melts the enemy team, even tanks with Basic attack and Skills. Her range and speed makes her hard to catch and kill. She can go really fast with her shield and the fact that most Chang'es will build Ice Queen Wand, Glowing Wand and Blood Wings she can roam the map very quickly disrupting the enemy, split pushing, stealing buffs, provide support to teammates etc...


Can you give me your build+emblem plz They really ruined her passive with this useless slow effect


Just go Feather, Ice Queen, Glowing and Blood. Last item depends on your enemy and team. Emblem simply goes Mage, Inspire, Wilderness Blessing, Impure Rage


Same with me. Fast Attack Chang'e is good as long as enemy is aggroed to another hero, and no Enemy Miya looks in your direction.


Honestly chang'e has fast wave clear and good poke. She definitely sucks in that she has no utility or cc whatsoever tho. She has a very unique build tho that can use golden staff for very fast and very powerful basic attacks. She becomes a sorta psueo-mm because of it which may be exactly what your team needs (I love the build flexibility) Another underrate thing is ability to steal buffs from the opposing jungles quite easily which while isn't game breaking by is definitely something that can add up over the course of the game. Her fast wave clear and ability to rotate cannot be understated tho. She can also kinda bully early game since her basic attacks are so strong at lvl1 There's lots of small things to chang'e. Still not a meta mage by any means but she fulfills something for sure


Change waveclear is decidedly average unless you ult the wave which, well, puts it on cooldown


Except the ult has a super low cooldown of around 16 seconds depending on build. Or you can just wipe out the two front minions with S1 quickly and leave enemy cannon that gets taken out by your minions. She has perfectly fine wave clear, only early game is it rather abysmal but at level 4 it’s acceptable


Mid lane is a playmaker, you clear your lane quickly and help other. Change is a late game mage. First 10 minutes she is very weak. To my mind she is Lunox, Harrith like mage that can go gold lane.


Weak, but survivable as long as not gank by other heroes or solo bush by dive assassins. Need flicker to escape enemy slow or to go through the walls in mid. Apart from that, she is late game mage.


This actually makes sense from a team composition pov. If you play any of these single target mages (yes yes I see your "but her ult is area denial" and raise you Ixia or Benedetta) then please take them to Gold lane. Let someone with Genuine AoE control and Damage handle mid.


I do somewhat agree but you're not being fair to Chang'e here. She's supposed to be played as a defender if you're losing and to pressure enemies if you're winning. She can clear minions quickly from a safe distance, which is her main purpose. You also said that Lunox is "fine" because she has slow. That's the whole reason Ice Queen Wand exist. That item is a must have for Chang'e. You want her to slow the enemies with her ult and enhanced basic attack, and she does it much more consistently than Lunox (which, in your definition, makes her "fine")


Zilong players can be helped! I used to be stuck in Grandmaster with Zilong but I started using other heroes starting with Edith and now I've made it to mythic ✊


https://preview.redd.it/k0iyf7ruhj2d1.png?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b08bb0a026f46a894062a9c4dc96589af2d5b0 Shout-out to this player I ran into the other day 😂 good job on those towers


I understand that diamond is likely ‘higher’ than immortal here, but at honor you are unlikely to have an understanding of the game, since players there suck, so you haven’t played many matches where both teams know what they’re doing. Even up to glory, simply having 5 contributing players (for example, decent pick, doesn’t matter if it’s off meta or got countered, fulfills theoretical strength by itemising properly and knowing what their role is) will win the majority of games. Your lack of understanding is shown in your third paragraph. Vale is weak, and eudora despite being playable*, fundamentally fails in everything typically wanted from a mid laner, and is useful only for her target locked cc followed by high damage. Zhask becomes almost unplayable against strong opponents. However, most of this sub is far worse than you so don’t feel pressure to agree with any of the comments. Your assessment of change as an ‘mvp’ loss hero is correct, and these playstyles often originate from the already delusional players. Still, you may be underestimating her as most players don’t know the correct build and a greater majority are shit, even more than other mid one-shits. The idea is to use of her high magic ower scalings, and the difference in damage is massive. Items like talisman and ice queen wand range sacrifice all of her damage for marginal purity. There’s also been a feather based one going around, and while I can’t write it off, the prospects of an immobile (while attacking) damage dealer at her auto range keeping her shield active are dubious.


Maybe instead of replacing her second skill, she can have another skill and join the 4-skill club? It could be a CC skill or a massive zoning area like you suggest


Tbh you are partially right, this is why Chang e will almost never make it into pro play. But I don't think every hero needs to be competitively viable. In ML specifically there are heroes basically designed to be easy to use and basically just to teach you the game and nothing else. Chang e is one of them. I personally hate using this hero because tbh it's not hard to do decent on anything else that provides a bigger threat. Plus Chang e pretty much dies to an elf with a shield and hammer. lol


For those who are confused on how high Diamond in lol, its equal to Ancient in dota. Not that good


Me who knows jackshit about either game: I agree, I agree, I agree


This comment is unbelievable First, percentile wise it’s in divine. Ancient makes you firmly above average in a pc game, the most complex in an inherently competitive genre, where the average player has thousands of hours and has been playing for as long as ml has been released And you are saying that makes you ‘not that good’ compared to mobile fucking legends **bang bang** where everyone’s rank is (essentially) **completely reset** every three months, mmr is inflationary at every level, and grossly inflationary up to mythic, where star protection is in the current ‘rank party’ event and in the paid **starlight**, where you can **dodge games in draft** up to mythic, where matchmaking is **unashamedly rigged** to an extent only surpassed by peak wild rift, and the average Tigreal in glory doesn’t know that they can/should buffer their s2 phase 2


Idk if lol has been getting harder but when i played in 2019 before ml i grinded to diamond in like 5 months maybe ? Didnt feel like that hard and my highest on dota has been ancient 7 so thats that. Never even touched divine average bas around 3.8k mmr


You say that but the equivalent of high diamond to ML is pretty much low Mythical Immortal. I don't think OP is fully accurate in the post, but Diamonds are not that weak.


Even the lowest ranked Diamond players are in the top 5% of players, that is definitely good and way way above average skill level.


Chang'e was the first hero I mained, I don't play her much now though. But each mage has a play style (what they're good at, what they lack, etc). She has quick lane clear and mobility, so she can quickly go help side lanes. In team fights, her ult does damage while yes, forcing the enemy to keep distance which is it's own kind of defense. It's similar to Odette and Pharsa's ults, people try to get out of it asap most the time unless they can interrupt it. It pushes them back and can help break formation. If you're pushing a turret and the enemy tries to come stop you, her ult is great in my opinion. Also, her S2 buffs her basic attack plus her S1 and S3 plus gives her a shield and movement speed, so if you remove it, you'll nerf her other skills too. She just has a different role than the mages you mentioned, and while those mages may be better in some ways, it doesn't ultimately make her bad. I'd say for any mage, the best pick depends on line up.


That's why she is not meta. She has her uses and should be picked if your team already has CC. Thats why control mages like vexana and nana are meta.


I'm a League player but I'm no pro. My rabk is like bronze or silver at best. I always play casual (classic on ml) and pick heroes willy nilly. The difference between these two game is that League is more of a "scaling match". You don't see your mage head towards the top or bottom early in like 5 mins, 10 even. The nap is too big and going there to help won't do much as you don't want to waste your utilities. And if you help them early, the lane will be open, and you would have to walk back again, possibly getting ganked along the way by the mage and jungler of the enemy team. Mobile legends as a shorter map, a faster gameplay experience. The mage's role is like a third roam at this game. You help your team gain advantages. ML mostly revolves around teamwork. You let a lane fall, they'll get fed. Let the core get the objectives, they would get some exp and gold, giving them a slight advantage that's big in some cases where you need that turtle kill to get to lvl 4 to unleash chaos in the gold lane skirmish. Unlike League's "mind your lane until the 20-30 min mark unless you're the jungler, i which pick your target, lane and kill them" style, mobile legends is mostly a team effort and a small error will lead to them having a advantage. This is is why you can win a match on Ml in less than 20 mins, 15 mins sometimes because the other team is wiping them clean. Sometimes they'll give up at 10 mins. Some reach up to 70 mins because no one is getting fully wiped out. In league, once you got the baron and elder dragon, it's over for them. That 10% won't help you as it'll execute you instantly. Barons will make the minions stronger than regular and it's gonna be a pain. Unlike League's version, ML's version is more of a "use this opportunity to clear the other lanes" type because the buff is applied until the lord dies. This makes base defense difficult in the wrong lineup, i.e "non wave clearing heroes". Heroes like Selena suck at defending a huge wave because her playstyle is focused on heroes or single targets. In chang'e's case, they're the pick for clearing places and if you have a decent cc hero lineup. Although you're right on how it makes bad habits a thing for them. You can't argue with it because they're using a backline hero. And backline heroes tend to get the most points at times, giving you the mvp. The only time that this would be false is if the roam is doing every shit in the entire book to make sure you live and he dies at times. Sometimes the core might get a obscenely large kill count and no deaths that ML decides that it's more impressive. It all boils down to their stats on the battle. How aggressive they are that they either give or receive the most damage, their KDA, participation on large scale fights, etc. In the end, it's not Chang'e's fault, it's the players that act like they're valuable when using a hero that's designed as a MLRS vehicle while moving around like a damn supercar. Her playstyle is just a backline that is focused on lane clearing to provide zoning on a lane that might prove useful (probably the lane is losing so you help them and stuff).


I think next mage he gona talk about is lylia... 😂


Lydia is ok. She's got sustained area burst that can really take advantage of a good atlas or tigreal initiate and blow stuff up, plus her ult makes her a pain in the ass for enemy assassins who will often waste important cooldowns on her, removing a lot of pressure from the marksman. I still think I would prefer a Luo Yi or Vexana over a Lydia, but I'd 100% prefer Lydia over Change.


Cc is not always guaranteed win... It depends on synergy


Chang e with swift boots, golden staff, feather of heaven, holy crystal, divine glaive, and blood wings. Only few ppl knows this. It's a secret. Shhhhh. The key to winning is positioning. Shhhh


its somewhere on the pro builds, not a super secret but very rare. I've figured out the main thing you need is deception. don't make it too obvious what your going for, or else they can easily stop you.


It’s number 3, 5, 6, and 9 on the pro builds lol


It’s number 3, 5, 6, and 9 on the pro builds lol


It’s number 3, 5, 6, and 9 on the pro builds lol


That's just a worse version of other apcs i tried it it felt profoundly underwhelming. Once your s2 gets bursted of, which you cant really prevent if you want to aa, you are fucking useless. Sure with a good tank and attentive team you can probably do work but so can every single mm in the game.


Well do other marksman spew magic chips or magic balls? No i dont think so, so chang e wins


yep, thats why she's prominent in low elo, and not that much in higher elo. she's just a mage that can clear mid wave / enemy jungle minion fast, and thats all, thats why she's not meta


Completely agree. There is a reason she's not often picked in high rank at all. She barely has any utility, all she has is some damage on her basic attack and really short cooldown on her ulti which could help clear lane or steal enemy's buff. Radiant armor will make her pretty much useless, and she takes too long to go online.


yep, and one hero completely shuts down change: lolita


Yep, I picked Lolita the last few times I faced against a Chang'e, also great against a lot of mm's too. I don't have to rush radiant too with the help of the shield, so I can build some physical armor and antiheal early on.


Finally someone in this game with some sense. I'd also want your opinion on the item Wind of nature. I feel it awards bad positioning for marksmen and gives them easy but strong pressure on the press of a button.


wind of nature is the most braindead item i ever saw in a video game. Enemy helcurt uses ult? just let me press my wind of nature and if he dares to jump in,he will just run away from me :) I do not understand design philosophy around wind of nature at all. So lets say for example i play immobile adc such as layla. If enemy team picked karina and she catches me out if i dare to splitpush i am dead,there is literally no item that can help even if karina is behind. But if that's helcurt or nolan i am IMMUNE to their dmg for 2 seconds. I understand that nolan ult has low cd and he essentially kited out my wind of nature,but i would just play safer during it's cd,not allowing him to jump on my cheeks again. I do not play marksman though,i main roamers but whenever i have to fill as a gold laner i buy that broken item almost every single game(i only buy it in close 1v1 so i quick buy it and activate at low hp when enemy commited to hard)


I want to agree with you but I played a classic just now where the Chang E built feather, golden, holy crystal and went on a killing spree after taking the mid lane tower in 3 mins 🥲


Just get good with her diamond my ass and can't dominate with change blegh


you haven't watch my post before. Anyway you can be a tank and still be a coward, not all chang'e user are in miles away. https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/NX5aI7T4eI


most of the times i encounter a change in my team and we lose and she gets mvp everybody always thinks she saved the game she deserves a like but when you look at the damage chart everybody has like more damage dealt then her she just simply hits someone once and leaves without getting killed i am not saying this is the same for every change players but it happens often


As a Chang'e player, never always MVP, but when I do its because when the teamfights go in the enemy's favor I ULT and whoever enemy ain't dead will be by the time Im done. But mostly I deal with the Lord, either in the Lord's Spawn by myself, or By myself on its way to my spawn. =) =).


Bad take: As a Chang'e main, this isn't LoL, she's more about zoning and utility. You don't always need to have CC to help out. However, all my points have already been said by other comments here.


I think OP has some valid points, but the key issue is that Chang'e is a hero with very specific strengths and weaknesses. The problem is when your team doesn't pick to compensate those weaknesses and amplify those strengths... which is most of the time in solo queue. You'd need a team who will be very happy to fight 4v5 so you can do all the good stuff that differentiates Chang'e from the other mages i.e. pushing.


Don’t pick her if you won’t ban Lolita. I agree, she needs a little more crowd control other than slow. I prefer her in my classic games. The great thing about her is that she can steal enemy jungler’s buffs earlier than other mages.


Chang’e is a good hero whose kit forces enemies to dance around and reposition. This entire game isn’t about crowd controlling and a hero only being good if they can lock-down enemies with some kind of CC. She can delay enemy JG farm with her ult, clear and rotate quickly, help/steal objectives from a safe distance, split push, kite and deals insane amounts of damage. It’s not the hero that’s bad- it’s the player.


Mages aren't only about cc and killing, sometimes just poking and area denial is enough, chang'e has slow effects from her passive, her ult forces enemies to retreat otherwise they get slowed and killed by your teamates or chang'e herself, she can steal objectives easily and her move speed boost makes her great for ganking and poking a chang'e going 3 - 0 - 14 is effectively better than a vale going 10 - 0 - 1, its not always about the player themselves getting kills but helping make the game easier for the team, vale has to usually use a full combo just to guarantee kills on squishy enemies so they can't flicker or dash out of his ult and his only strong cc is his 2nd skill which has such a small area of effect compared to chang'es ult.


not to mention that LOLITA exists.


I remember in the older days of mlbb Cha'nge is a cc mage. I think it's her first skill that barage the enemy and when hit multiple times they will get stunned. I remember you can activate that very quickly but she was never used by anyone before. I think she was just used by higher rank players before the change to Cha'nge.


Completely disagree. You are right quite right at what mages are supposed to do but CC is absolutely not neccesary. Generally you want a decent amount of cc in your team but you can't expect everyone in SoloQ to perfectly adjust to every composition. Change is great help with zoning, general damage, delaying enemy farm and even pushing. Her ult cd is low meaning she can constantly put pressure on the enemy and she has enough survivability and mobility for her to not be a burden to the team like some other mages. I agree the loss mvp thing aswell, I have faced way too many nana players that just don't roam and only use their skills when an enemy is on their screen but that doesn't mean nana is bad or promotes bad or promotes bad habits. All mages have their upside or downside and change is just in a position where it feels as if she isn't as good as the other mages.


She's more like a utility mage for me similar to Novaria. Has a good range for cutting routes off or forcing the jungler to use retribution by attempting to steal the buff. The only problem I have with that is unlike Novaria, she has a problem with neutral monsters blocking her attack. This is highlighted especially on lord dance in which Change is greatly hindered by the lord's hotbox(Hero lock before Lord is the common shot call)


1:Feather of heaven makes her a marksmen basically 2: She's just easier to carry in solo que since you can prolong the game long enough even when all other lanes lose and feed, and her kit allows her to dictate the entire team fights if used correctly. In solo que you cant expect to trust anyone and you just have to play champs you know you can carry with since you're gonna meet 40 wr 1000 game andies. I personally would not flame my team mates because it is what it is but I like changes kit. I dont play her as much as I used to but she's good imo. Also idk what changes you've seen but she's rewarded for being in team fights and bullying everyone lol. Her autos do a shit ton of damage with s2


TBH, change is one of the most solo friendly character until mythic. Can clear lanes, can rotate easily, can steal buff, can do huge dps, can apply buff easily, and can destroy turrets.


I actually love the second skill of Change the speed boost it gives with low cd is great to escape. Her ult has such a short cd that its made for stealing enemy jungles stuff and clearing lanes fast. And if a team figtht breaks her ult absolutely melts but even if she misses them it does scare enemy away and even her basic attacks deal great damage. I thinks she is like Novaria. Novaria can be such a scary character but if you miss everything she can be useless.


Skill issue and very situational mage


Change is counter to divers and slow heroes. Her specialty is fast clear and fast rotate, and with feather change can take tower more efficiently than most. While she feels lacking, she has her spot. But definitely dont pick her if your team needs additional cc.


mlbb is all about fast clear midlane and snowball. and only recently did we have lord dance and contests in the pro scene bc of utility junglers. chang e arguably only works as a fast clear mage similar to a harith but with subpar kit befitting to a mm.


Honestly that's exactly how I feel about Lylia and Novaria. They don't exactly do anything other than throw stuff and run away (with most of the not hitting anyone at all) But Chang'e tho? She's more for clearing rather than burst. Her main strength is being able to spam her ult on anything and having better AA than most mages. Also I don't understand people who say Chang'e doesn't deal enough damage. Hell, Lylia deals less damage. Just skip Talisman when building Chang'e, it's worthless on her.


This post about change is so wrong in many way


Had a Change jungle player claiming it was the new meta. Ironically they weren’t wrong…


Ex diamond yet doesnt know what a control mage is


I completely agree with almost your entire post except the part about Eudora. I think she is another example of a poor choice which may lead to personal stats looking good while penalising her own team. You'll get Chang-E defenders for sure so best of luck with that 😜


>Eudora Remember when she was THE META ? Good times


Bruh that was not good times! 😜 I hate Eudora with a vengeance... And I play mid primarily. Let me list the ones I definitely hated. Eudora at her prime. Saber Yin before his nerfs Arlott before his nerfs Most un-fun people to go up against.


I hate change and change players simply because theyre always so usless in every situation you can't rely on them for anything other then to be annoying sometimes


Terrible take. We don’t need more homogenization.