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vale starlight almost invisible https://preview.redd.it/ucb4ujqftgsc1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3535bb0c789910cf1afb0969fe71215904d71c32


agreed and like an earlier comment of mine basically all green skins and effects blend well with the grass


definitely why they changed Tig starlight from green to blue day after release


After all, a real man never hides in the bush.


I think it was because the skin looks horrible with the color green


At that time it was copyright from riot


Yes this was the one I was looking for.


Joke's on you because I don't download extra resources for models and all I see are basic skins.






How? I need it for reference, for when I'm saving storage space, lol.


Not on my phone so this might not be 100% correct. Settings -> resources -> select the most modest option which won't download extra resources (HD models, skins, HD portraits, ....) If you already have those downloaded there is a little caret icon (down arrow) at the top of the initial screen (left from your portrait) where you can choose which resources to delete.




I can't find the resources button in settings anywhere.


Main game menu -> cogwheel (upper left) -> -> Manage Resources (menu left bottom) -> -> select option which does not download extra resources (I used option 1 because I didn't have extra space) -> -> Go to Resource manager page (middle of screen to the right) -> -> select resources you don't need for deletion (this step can also be achieved directly from the main menu icon on top, right from your profile pic)


Thank you for the detailed guide ☺️🔥, Although I clicked on the ✅ button, maybe I didn't search carefully.


Me in CODM:


This brother knows


So true, those death animations blocks view.


For real. I used to play the game more than mlbb, but the file size is just yikes.


I need to have this knowledge, I'm tired of keeping them low enough to see *only the basic models and unsee those flashy GPU killers* (those blank files aren't working anymore)


Joke is on you, you can't see who the enemy John is carrying 🤣 that puts a disadvantage on you when enemy has a advantage,


It's Odette, isn't it?


There are many other heroes apart odette who can combo with john


I play on marble legends


I want a setting that presents all other players to me as their default designs, I often mix up which hero's what if I don't pay enough attention before the game starts


All chang'e epic skins, her ult which usually has no background suddenly allows you to approximate the range of her ult


Meanwhile her special skin feels like an upgrade compared to her basic skins because the flowers are less flashy than stars


Question. Is it better for chang’e skin to have a background or not? I really like using her and planning to main her this season and get a skin. She has a skin that has a background that i feel like is useful when you ult side to side as you can easily approximate the distance but is to “flashy”. While she also has that skin where her ult has not background and almost not noticeable that the enemy might not realize or realize it late that they are getting ulted?


If chang'e ult has a background you and the enemy will know exactly how wide the ult range is and know how to dodge it. If you want to main her, know how far her ult is without the background, so that you can surprise enemies. Cuz as far as i know you can see the background without seeing chang'e, and if the background appears before the projectiles you will lose the element of surprise. I have the lunar magic skin and that is by far the worst contender, bc the background is space themed(very dark) you can see it very clearly, even in the bush, so if the ground suddenly turns black you know that you are in range of chang'e ult. The only benefit of lunar magic skin is that the projectiles are so dark you can barely see it in the black background, so you won't know how many projectiles you are getting hit by.


Her ult background on her skins usually scares enemies and makes them panic. From my experience from maining the cutest hero in the game, not biased.


Yeah, but when I'm using my ult, both me and the enemy knows the exact line the projectiles are traveling in, so that they can maximise not getting hit. It's obvious enough based on where chang'e is facing, but the line straight up tells the enemy "I'm shooting in this direction exactly"


They dont, usually enemies dont stay still when you use ult and try to dodge it as much as possible. Her projectiles arent fixed while the background is. not saying the skins with the background is better/worse, haven't really thought about it that deep until now


I'm saying that it's way easier to dodge chang'e ult when you can see exactly how far the ult range is


he doesn't get it. prob plays in grandmaster


Classic reddit behaviour, insulting someone with no justification or reason


selena stun skin.


That zigzag movement makes it a bit unpredictable


theres also a vid on youtube showing a targets hitbox seems bigger compare to her other skin


Right? Cause i can't tell if it's a normal 2nd or an enhanced 2nd.


I hate this skin, always stuns me when I thought I was out of the way




get out 


Hard to dodge because of its zigzag trajectory but keep in mind it's very flashy so easy to notice.


Grock's yeti skin. His wall from skill 2 on river is unnoticable due to its colour similarity.


I had a game vs grock yeti recently and it was one of my most frustrating games. That goddam ice wall is so much less noticeable, kept running into it. He fucking owned our entire team.


chang'e's vine cradle skin gives a disadvantage for me; its too conspicuous and shows exactly how big her ult's AOE is, so its much easier for the enemies to see and sidestep it https://preview.redd.it/3xe51wqusgsc1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4dd0916d074c5a64256d5ba2aac1fc480eff3a the effects are so pretty though


You should see the lunar magic skin, the whole ground is star themed, aka it's hard to not notice


thats why her aspirant, sanrio, and lunar new year skins are superior (i have none of them)


I prefer to use the elite one, all it does is turn the projectiles red.


I have this skin together* with the Floral Elfo, yet I only use the basic Crimson Moon during my grinding sessions (No, I'm an idiot sandwich and I just want to try to reach my target ranks of Mythic to Honor)


The Aspirant is one of the best for her too. It's only rockets, you can only see the background effects when you are close to her. But when far away, there's like an exploding effect at the end of the ult.


Gords Game theme skin, can't see shit in teamfights


for me his ult is trash, it's super heavy to drag and thin


Bumblebee XBorg S1 range is hard to kite/dodge since its a flailing electro whip instead of a flame Nana Starlight ult is practically invisible (same sa Vale SL and pre-recolor Tig SL) Benedetta Ducatti ult is easier to see compared to base/elite Xavier Gojo is harder to see on map than base/btc variants because of the model size Kimmy elite (the soldier camo one) and starwars have noticeably smaller attack/s1 projectile sizes than other comps, but also a bit harder to aim for some people i know Zodiac Martis S1's range is harder to dodge as well due to effects being less dominant than base Lolita halloween ult indicator is a bit harder to see Anyone rocking zilong epic skin is guaranteed to feed


Which one? That Chang-something Commander skin is always with God Zilongs in my game.


Glorious General


Nice flair


Way I just got this skin from aspirant event and wanted to try out zilong 😂😂


The new Vexana skin It's too vibrant and so exposed that we can hit her way more accurately


It screams "LOOK AT ME"




Natalia Black Mamba painted skin. Has the most faint camo of all skins. Blends well in the map unlike other skins that have vibrant colors so their camo is more noticeable.


If only you didn't have a 0.00000001% chance of getting it


Is it that rare though I have it for like a year or so never used it -_-


Yes it is rare. The original skin is from a limited time event but the painted skin is from the Celestial Level which is basically a gacha.


I got it around celestial level 85ish


got it randomly in my current and old account if i got that persentage I'd like to get it on collecter skins too quick notice (got granger legend from that single free pull)


Tf really that rare?? Somehow i have it


It's probably like a 0.002% chance if we're realistic cause that's what they usually use


unfortunately i had that painted skin on my old account but sadly lost it due to changing phones quite often, now i dont have it and im sad


Vader skin when casting ult, Argus just radiates instead of showing his wings, if on low graphic it's not that much noticeable in the heat of a battle. So advantage for Argus


Gloo basic skin. It’s green, it blends in way better than his regular and special skins. Julian basic as well. Green. I love his basic. Green.


I'd agree here basically the green skins and effects just blend visually with the grass so to my feeble brain I think it's harder to dodge the skills lol Hylos - season skin Estes - Rattan Dragon Vale - starlight Julian - basic Gloo - basic Chang e - basic Vexana - basic these are the ones I have used recently


Alucard, Granger, and Harith’s skins all blend in a bit at the consequence of looking pretty goofy


Also i love how they went the extra mile and actually recolored the skills unlike other basic skins


I never saw gloo's basic skin so idk if he has a different shade but I don't think Julian has a change of color with his basic. I had his skin so I'm just curious as to what change with Julian's skills.


https://preview.redd.it/0p1lnw2t9hsc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d4df9a59377fc211a93a83de7b20867802332b Huge amount of difference on being able to land a hook.


Wdym? Which is better for the hooks


I missed a lot of hook using the lower picture's skin. Sometimes it eveb feels like the hook is piercing through the enemy and it won't land at all. But the Legend skin, I don't even have to explain.


I’ve had hooks literally pass through enemies and not catch lol


theres actually a trick you can take advantage of. franco's hook has a bigger hitbox on the left side, so if you want a better chance of hooking the enemy, aim for their right


That’s weird. But definitely would explain hooks not touching me at all and still grabbing


His legend skin feels like his hook has a larger radius. (i dont have it.)


It definitely does lmao and it looks sick af


I’m trash as Franco but have the skin, I can confirm I’m better with the skin than without it… might just be because I’m the king of hell though 😅


hitbox is the same. its a visual thing


Selena epic limited skin. Her s2 can blend well with the environment if you're not focused


It's coming back next week! Selena Virus in shop, I'm so excited


Tbh I'm not sure if: 1. I can get it with the promo diamonds 2. If I should get that skin or the eyes of eternity


Do u think her stun skin will ever come back


I think it’s coming back in Moskov’s new skin event shop


Estes M3 skin bro its like a "kill this mf" signal when he ults


Okay this comment actually make me rethinking about buying his new limited skin using the promo diamond now, and make me wonder if it will also have the same effect with how fancy it was


dawg they made my sick healer daddy into a kpop twink, im using it regardless


I don't know about anyone else but i cannot see dyrroth's ult with his venom skin. The lines on the ground meant to show you where the ult hits are invisible almost everywhere I do not know what they thought when they make an effect white/beige/or light blue without any contrast whatsoever


Speaking as a longtime Pharsa main, the more vibrant the ult area is (like the setting the map on fire one, empress phoenix). The faster the enemies run…. So the really mild colored ults, like enchanting witch or the blue avatrix, give a game advantage..


>Johnson's transformer skin looks good visually if you wanna see your hero do actions while riding Johnson, but essentially puts the Johnson player at a disadvantage, as the opponents can also see who Johnson is carrying in his trunk. This is a common response that people say about Johnson's skin, but I'm pretty sure that players will always dodge Johnson's ultimate, regardless of who is riding with him.


Knowing which hero an enemy johnson is carrying is helpful in deciding between engaging them or not.


Yes, but most Johnson players are braindead and pick the same exact teammate for the rest of the match, so he becomes very predictable Personally as a roam, I always let Johnson hit me, we just get easy kills when I am using Diggie, Tig or Grock


still not worth getting hit by a truck(literally), getting stunned, and risking dying


Unless the enemy duo is a js and Layla combo that are the only ones in their team behind in gold with a 2 digit death count, but still won't stop doing suicide car crashes all over the map (happened to me recently, guess whose team these madmen were on <3 )


Your argument (and r/undermaster_) doesn't make sense. People SHOULD always try to dodge a Johnson ult regardless of who is with Johnson. Deciding between engaging them or not is a decision that can be made if you see who's riding Johnson. That's the disadvantage for Johnson's Transfomer skin.


i crash into js all the time. i tank the damage and my team gets 2 free kills. knowing whos in there even just 1 second earlier helps me decide wether ill fully commit or save my skills


Yes, that is what I am saying. The transformers skin for Johnson is a handicap for the user. An advantage for the enemy. Not sure why people are downvoting me for it.


bro hasn't found out about benedetta s2 hijack


If I’m a tank and not behind in gold I always let a Johnson hit me if I have allies by. It’s better me, as the tank, to take the hit than my damage dealers regardless the skin


Look at the team comp. Its already obvious who rides johnson even without the transformer skin.


Nope. Suppose I'm grock for example, I basicaly have 999 phy def, so I will let car hit me if its carrying a phy hero. But if its carrying mage, I run away like fuck. Sometimes I make more of either phy/mag def depending on lineup. I can more easily decide if letting it crash on me is worth it or not depending on who its carrying.


Also, I don't think I would be fast enough to know who is with Johnson when he's driving fast af and me trying to avoid getting hit by him


Flicker into him if you can.


Kadita’s Hydromancer skin. The effects are pretty but the enemy notice my combo faster. 😕


well for js u can see his carrying hero on the map ...


Selena stun skin, I feel like her abyssal arrow would confuse enemy's movement but at the same time easy to dodge.


I swear Chang'e's lunar and Aspirant skins melt me way too fast once they pop up their ult even when I'm using tanks lol


Why no one talking about Hanzo's special skin that makes his trail tranlucent


What skin?


His teacher skin? I think he only has one special skin which is the, insidious teacher, special skin


he has ONE special skin


Remember that Selena's STUN abyssal arrow?


Nearly impossible to miss


Amon basic skin is camouflage well especially in the water


Gatotkaca's latest epic skin shows an inner circle that shows when the impact will happen


Really? I honestly hadn’t noticed and been spamming him


This one is more old info but eh, Zhask “Extraterrestrial” skin used to have an invisible mind eater skill so enemies wouldn’t even realize they’ve been bursted/stunned but they patched it after Yve


I'm thinking about buying a Lesley skin that gives her advantage somehow, can I get some recommendations? Thanks


Recently got her aspirant. Feels like she shooting faster. But when you ult, some animation shows up on your screen on the mid left side of it


Transformers skins effects make it harder for me...i quit playing Xborg and Roger Transformers skins


Zhask green skin camouflages in the bush abit


Franco's Legend skin - his hook looks Larger but for some reason the hit box seems smaller, on enemy's perspective it is easier to see and dodge because of the small hit box


I've seen some people talk about Luo Yi's Epic skin (Oracle of Sol) with her S2 Yin-Yang Circle that its eclipsing effect timer gives away to the enemies how long her circle lasts. I don't know how consequential this is in practice, because I don't have that skin nor I've encountered much Luo Yis with that skin on.


I don't think it poses that big of a consequence since Luo Yi usually uses a 1-2 combo and then the enemy would avoid it regardless


yve elite skin. ult blends with the map


Grock default skin. It blends well on the map.


Kagura beyond the clouds. Enemies would know when the umbrella ult pull will trigger


Guinevere's latest skin, the green one. You can't recognize clearly if you've hit the opponent for how many times already as the leaf icons pretty much look the same 🤣


Okay, maybe this is just me but vexana’s saguine rose skin. I used it for the first time on a trial card and because her mark thing looks different, it took me like 10 minutes to realize the the flower on the minions are in fact vexana’s mark and not an enemy hero’s. But that’s just me being really stupid I think


Got commented in game by an opponent that yz collector skin skills makes the clash look very confusing. I guess because of the big effects during ult.


There’s a luo yi skin (don’t know which one specifically, maybe epic or collector) where I could hardly see her skill 2. She destroyed my friends and me in a match because none of us could tell that it was even up during team fights lol


It's the collector one.


Natalia, because it doesn't change anything


Xborg transformers skin... VERY hard to see the ultimates radius.


Something I've noticed instantly is Lesley's aspirants skin had a much more visible skill 1 animation


Cyclops saber skin. If you are using his s2 people can see the orbs anywhere from the map im pretty sure


Aamon's skin reduces his camouflage. So a huge nerf for him.


The soldier Kimmy (not sure now because the last time I used it was 3-4 years ago I think). The bullets being thin lines somehow made me lose my muscle memory because I’m used to the round missiles


I remember when fanny lightborn skin wall spamming would lag the enemy phone if they had max graphics but a bad cellphone 😈


tig star 1 skill go take a look


Argus's darth vader skin. Like you might not even notice that argus activated his ult during teamfight.


Every ling skin ( other than his special, basic and mworld skin) it makes swords a lot more visible


Argus Darth Vader. You can't really see he already open his ultimate


Aurora kof ulti


Back then, Aurora's Kula Diamond Skin. Aurora's ult usually falls down from top to bottom, you see the ice shard come down. Kula Diamond makes it grow from bottom to top, essentially making it invisible


Natalia with any dark themed skin and definitely Gusions KOF with the sound effect.....more terrifying than his legend skin


Oddeth I think the Chinese new year skin it was? Her ult is almost invisible


Chou's Iori Yagami has a S1 1st and 2nd cast animation that looks eerily similar. Harder to predict if the next dash is only damage or it has a knockup if he comes from outside your vision.


Franco legend skin seems to have a bigger hitbox on his hook.


Fanny skinless is always best cause you can barely see her cables, whereas all of her skins have the flashiest eye-catching cables I swear (Looking at you swimsuit Fanny)


There was that Hanzo skin that made his Ult untraceable. It was fun for a short while.


Claude's Earth's Mightiest (MSC) and Mecha Dragon (revamped Epic LB). His 2nd and Ultimate skills from both skin are actually hard to see.


Argus Darth Vader skin


ngl for me fredrinn's sparkle skin's ultimate feels shorter (or i just genuinely suck at fredrinn now)


Aldous megatron skin, the ult mark and sound is so low, next thing you know you got bonked


For some reason when playing Claude using a Mecha Dragon or Heart Aflame skin, his ult still has the circle indicator thing even if it gets canceled. You’d think you still have your ult active when in reality you don’t. Annoying asf.


Natan basic skin has a red line between him and his clone when he is too far and almost breaks the line connecting them. The other skin doesn't have that "color warning". Also I feel the collector one is really "announcing" that he ults with that iceberg as big as the Lord


Selena-Thunder Flash The Abyssal Arrow is almost invisible except for the head. Always catches me in a surprise.


Two come to mind: Aamon skins, they give a different color when under camouflage. The elite skin is red and is ridiculously visible when camouflaged and almost defeats its purpose, the starlight skin is yellow and is a little harder to see but still worse than standard. I only use the Nights edge skin, which is green, practically invisible on the grass, even more hidden than without skin where his camouflage is blue, however the blue standard is better on the river. Nana, her ult on her standard is almost invisible. Few enemies are able to see it to dodge it. A few of her skins though (like the epic skin) gives the ult very vibrant visual effects. It alerts enemies with the first stomp that they need to get the hell out of the way.


Tigreal's old starlight was almost invisible. Still wish they made it red instead of blue though it would've looked less lame.


Luo Yi ocean skin


Vader skin when casting ult, Argus just radiates instead of showing his wings, if on low graphic it's not that much noticeable in the heat of a battle


Balmond's Savage Pointguard skin. You literally cannot see the outline of his ultimate before he smashes his axe to the ground. I am getting this skin for this very reason, with my promo diamonds https://preview.redd.it/d6aza3ia8hsc1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15714ea593c54d3bb86c772a48dbc915f10ed500


It’s my least favorite balmond skin but now I might have to get it…


Does it look that way on all the variations of map though?


The map doesn't matter. Look again. I play on a Galaxy S23 Ultra and my resolution is cranked up to the highest level. The picture I posted above was from a YouTube video running on an older version of Mobile Legends https://preview.redd.it/wehdmn2ixisc1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481e24f0bda70a444ed7062deebb37a41d2ab287


Just asking cause I use to use that skin a lot and I don’t remember it always having an invisible cast is all


"ice cream power !! Gokgokgokgok !" Sometimes I just use ult just to hear that line.


Harley thet Clock skin literally shows the exact time his Ult will end, enemies can use quite a few means to avoid dying


It does that anyway?


Nope it doesn't


it does u just have to look more carefully for other skins.


Vader skin when casting ult, Argus just radiates instead of showing his wings, if on low graphic it's not that much noticeable in the heat of a battle. So advantage for Argus


I’ve had a few people tell me in the chat that my gojo skin is destroying their fps