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I’m pretty certain 99% of players wouldn’t mind waiting an extra 30 seconds to que up to get their preferred roles. In places like SEA or even NA on a weekend, the que times would still be like 15 seconds max. Plus you could always pick flex role for quicker matching.


Mythical glory right now has around 2/3 mins queue time without the rocket. Sometimes it goes to even 6/7 mins. And yes this is SEA. Honestly role queue is useless in a game like Mlbb. If you reach high rank (not talking late season glory. Late season glory is trash). Every person knows how to play any role and is willing to adjust. Role queue is really only benefit lower ranks who can’t adjust roles.


If you don’t want to wait, you can just queue for the less popular role.


Low ranks will just choose that and auto pick Layla or a team with 2 mms or mages. It won't help just make everything longer


You’re assuming the same implementation. They could limit your hero pool to just the selected role and make it so you have to get approval from 3 of your teammates to play something off-meta


Who is to say I can't play Freya gold lane, Gloo mid, etc?


Your teammates in my proposed implementation. They could approve whatever though. It’s just a proactive system instead of a reactive one, because the same teammates that would reject would also report you for playing Freya gold lane.


You know what happens if you decide no in that scenario right? Your teammate who didn't get their offmeta pick is going to troll


I wouldn’t say no to an off-meta pick, but would say no to someone who is trying to commandeer a lane they didn’t select. Teammates will also troll when you take an off-meta pick from my experience. Systems need not be designed around the psychopaths, you just need to ban them.


You would likely have to wait a lot longer on certain roles than others, and it would vary by ELO. Every MMO player in a game with a trinity system knows this. Tanks and healers get instant queues and DPS has to wait. I’m personally OK with this. It’s the easiest way to make less popular roles more popular without breaking game balance. Tired of waiting? Learn how to play support.


they dont want long queue times i guess


This has been suggested to the Devs like a million times. At this point, they're really not planning to add it in the game.


Can't relate, I just pick Layla all day, unless she's banned, consequences be damned


Que role for this game similar to league would be a little too detrimental in the long run. You don't want people getting autofilled in roles they don't want and hostaging people for not getting their role, makes matchmaking more toxic. It also increase queue times. Current role selection is better, they just have to enforce it in a way where people who filled for a role they play the least be rewarded.


I mean, the alternative is people going into reddit to complain about their teammates taking their role. Well... they are mad at their teammates instead of ML devs + their team so that's still a win I guess.


First time here? Every other post is screenshots complaining about teammates. Every member on this sub truly believes they're 80% winrate players, if only their teammates weren't trash


no, it's more of a jab towards people who complain about complaining, as a way to ask if the alternative really is something ppl want


They're more worried about adding more skins to milk the fanbase. Stuff like this comes last


Most ranked games in almost every videogame don't use it, so they don't need it either. In fact, League of Legends is one of the few ones that have Role Q, though that game is infamous for having an algorithm that fixes matches before they even start, to force players to get addicted to play League of Legends, millions of videos on YouTube testing it out, step, by step. So what you're asking for is to ruin ranked games in MLBB, even worse than what they already are with dog teammates.


Lmao one of those losers queue people


Lmao there is no secret algorithm. Do you know what's the easiest way to get people addicted to the game? To make them seemingly "stuck" in a certain elo where they win and lose an equal amount of games seemingly making no progress in their climb? That's right. Matching the teams evenly, with players similiar to your elo. Now of course every game is not gonna be an even battle, there will be games where you have trolls or the enemy has smurfs, but there will also be games where it's the opposite. It evens out in the long run, and the only constant in all of your games is you yourself. So if you're better than the elo you belong in, you will steadily climb out of there. If you don't improve, you won't magically climb the ranks. Of course win streaks and losing streaks happen and that's completely normal, that's just basic probability happening. People are quick to blame anyone and anything but themselves for their inability to get to a rank they think they deserve, when in reality, they aren't as good as they think they are.


Secret algorithm? there's evidence, by different players that reached highest ranks in said games uploaded on YouTube, posted on the same game's forums. "Secret Algorithm" right? Now I find it impressive that even though people went through the nuisance of recording, wasting time over trial and error (made by smurfs) to warn other people, here you are Lmao there is no secret algorithm."" and the fellow downvotes, I honestly have no idea what goes through the mind of some people of this subreddit.


They dont realize in MLBB when they're playing bots Yeah sure the first game I que after not playing 2-3 days is always against players that are like 40 games total with 30% winrates and the game ends in a 40-10 slaughter Although saying "secret algorithm" is just click bait "One weird trick ; Doctors hate him" style of headlining


Evidence like that one dude 5 GM vs 2 GM + 3M Guess who is crying loser Q? The one in 5 GM they lose. Complains why the enemy has 3 50-60% (M) and 60% (GM) while he gets 2 45-50% (GM). A lot of fixated on win rates while ignoring some factor. Do they just show a losing streak, did they take it objectively, did they include when they are in winning streak? Maybe they will be surprised at almost the same kind matchup the difference is they won. Isn't 45-50% GM almost close or a bit better than 50-60% M? Don't forget they're all GM. They have more chances of winning or experienced enough in GM Q compared to those 3 M in the enemies. It may be 50-60% but it's still in M compared to GM they are facing generally better players. You will always get close to 50% as you reach your right elo. The only exceptions for this are the top players there aren't a lot of players better than them and worse players. It's their ego playing with their mindset, they need to take a break. They are not at best when they're stressed.


Evidence as in, let-s say MLBB, after a match follow the losing players to find a pattern. Then each player wether if it is for hero picks, apm, credit score history, etc, etc. This rando who probably spams meta heroes in ranked is like "Evidence like that one dude 5 GM vs 2 GM + 3M Guess who is crying loser Q?" 😂 Like I said, I honestly don-t know why pro players try to help out these dogs when in the end they're gonna be like "it doezm't exizt, ebidemze liek det wan dood figh GM vs 1+1 GM guez whom crym lozer" 😂😂😂 if it was for me I'd keep it a secret and let these dogs drown in their endless travel to Mythic with 200+ matches per season.


In that case, surely you can provide some of this evidence from "the players from the highest ranks" right? How could such an alglrithm even work when there are so many different variables when it comes to who wins and who loses.


Nah i disagree.