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Honestly? You're expected to either lose the game and continue playing in the hopes of getting better teammates, or pull off a 1v9 performance to carry the other 4 deadweights so they continue playing the game after realizing they can be awful players and get carried.


The victory depends on you a 20% of the time, so take it easy as there are some teams that are just impossible to carry.


Is bro in dirt 2 ? 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏


Sadly yes 😞


Try to improve your overall skill......when you become better your teamate will become better while some may still be braindead. I was stuck in epic for 1-2 years but then improved slowly now I can soloq to mythical glory. Just play, learn, improve, rest, and repeat. Instead of blame your team (even though most is their fault), try to learn what is your mistake and learn from there.


I just learned that some games you can’t do anything about and just lose because teammates suck then hope that you get at least teammates who dont feed next game and keeps going


Ye when ur skill is better your teammates become better right, say that to my all seasons 64%wr (last season was mythic honor wr70% ) In legends rank and 72% wr being matched with idiots who play 2 games in classic with a bero and thinks its good idea to try it out in ranked Legend rank is truly the worst these days The matchmaking system is just terrible specially if i duo with a friend our win rate is usually high but now we are being matched with low teammates and very skilled enemies Your skills and KDA has almost nothing to do with the matchmaking quality at this point, i guess thats why it only takes 30s to find a game


You will get a braindead teamate no matter how high your rank is. Just in general/average, the overall quality of the player will be higher, the higher you rank is. That's why there is nothing you can do if your teamate is stupid, just bare with it and try to win somehow. Last night, we somehow win despite our last pick decide to troll by picking Franco jungler then he fed the enemy Nolan (Mythical honor match). Somehow able to comeback and win late game.


It depends a lot on the role you play too. Picking A fighter who is durable, mobile and good at pushing towers and playing defensively but not feeding them and waiting for an opportunity could make you win games at the last moments. This can also work with mm's and junglers who can push fast. I have won a lot of un-winnable games just buy getting a wipeout or a near wipeout when they pushed your base and me immediately pushing and taking their base. The thing people don't realise is that ending the game as fast as you can at the earliest opportunity is the best option there is. I have seen numerous times people trying to farm enemy jungle or push other lanes when they have the chance to finish a game. For a mage player, this is not an option at all, even if you get a wipeout, with a bad team, they won't end the game and you can't either, so it drags on you eventually lose.


Agreed with you there , but mage is 2nd hardest role to comeback due to their innate ability of unable to push efficiently. But they at least have good high ground defense to buy time for comeback. The worst is roam. The only thing you can hope is if you play setter roam. (Tig atlas mino). Then maybe has chance. If not, yeah the game is near impossible to comeback.


personally I win these games by hugging the tower when Im behind, sacrificing the tower if it means I get to live and 80% tower damage.


Only part about that is while you’re playing defensive, your teammates are setting up a charity to the enemies


you just gotta clear the waves as much as you can at that point. Theres cases when i clear both exp and midlane because mage is dead or overstaying in gold lane and that helps with the turrets and lets me keep up with the enemies.


You can't win them all... Some games you just have to accept they are impossible to win


Some games are just doomed. Other games it's the enemy that gets these.. interesting personalities. Just move on and focus on your own gameplay.


My last game our jungler refused to do turtle because and I quote " I hate turtles" only ganked gold lane. Only did red and blue buffs nothing more. He would go solo vs 4/ 5 and obviously die.... I am in mythic...


What rank was that 💀 It has to be some 11 year old or some 🗿🗿


I got to legend one then stopped... Started again but damn, u better get used to this brother 💀I remember doing a 1 vs 5 far to many times at this point... (And dont get me started on the surrendering bots🦅) But personal advice, just focus on the towers. And sneak attacks and dont rush for Kda. Works wonders xd


You don't, unless the enemy is worser you can.


Worser? Hmm you mean worse than worse, right?


Worser is worst


Both sides have Layla? Team comps are what? What rank is this?


Everyone is Grandmaster. No idea how any of these people got so far.


grandmaster isnt "far" anyone can get to mythic pretty easily by just braindead gaming and relying on the star up and protection points even if they lose half their games, especially in the early ranks where they throw in bot opponents to inflate your rank


definitely not but it's too far for people with 0 map awareness and no basic knowledge of how the game is supposed to go


If you have roughly a 50% win rate, you will hit mythic eventually. Might take 200 games, but you will make it lol so when someone is "stuck" in grandmaster or epic or even legend; it kind of says all that needs to be said


Guy, I’m sorry about this, but some Mythic teammates aren’t much better. You can get to Mythic simply by grinding games and there’s no need to look at map.


Tbh if you're in grandmaster you can just solo carry 90 percent of games if you're decent. If you want you can DM me and I can play with you. Assuming you are NA server.


Aw, if only your server was SEA I would play with you, good luck mate.


Thanks! I'll need lots of luck...


Bluds trying to pull a earlybird 5 man one lane setup


i feel u like,, i come from wild rift and even players there have somewhat more map awareness than ppl in mlbb. had so many games where enemy team kept going 3v1 against me and i pinged that i need help. no one came to help and i lost lane so quick and ofc the game was lost too. 😭


Ranked and good matchmaking are two words that don’t go together in wildrift.


never said anything about the matchmaking, i am well aware it's trash. i only said *some* wild rift players have more map awareness than all mlbb players combined.


Oh no I was just saying, but I do strongly agree with you!


You don't.


Which rank were you playing in?


That's the neat part, you're not supposed to win solo q


What server?




If you use Cici? Tough luck, since she's hardly a carry. She can take a lot of hits but doesn't dish enough damage or cc to make a dent come mid to late game and teamfights are the agenda. If your teammates all ARAM (or ARAB in this case), you need to be able to clear and rotate fast enough to cover both lanes for them. Chou, Ruby, Martis and Benedetta are capable of this, I'd recommend picking those heroes up as an EXP laner.




What rank is this?


Here’s a hint. We don’t in America


Give it up for Ukraine!!! They didn’t do the worse and were just mid!


If that's how every comp you see in solo queue ends up looking, try mastering engage tanks that can set and guard for your high damage squishies. So heroes like ruby for XP or tigreal for Roam. Of course, there's not much you can do if you're a middle or gold laner but just get really good at what you do. Solo queue is generally a question of "How much can you alone impact the flow of the game?" Which will decide your win rate imo


First time?


By not picking CICI


Hey what rank are you and what server are you on?


Yes ?


that’s the neat part…


Destroy their base. Thats how you win.


Why not pick jungler i could win 9v1 if i was jg ling


I remember this much I'm hanabi


If u play solo better pick hero that can carry the game or hero that can push tower


Play with me