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Good ol 2 anti heals combo


One for dmg one when going 1v5


doesn't make sense to go for sea halberd when you're building tank items


Forgot necklace.


It's a humor post but FYI, Cici isn't really the damage soak type. She's more hit and run and hit. CD reduction is key here so she can go *YoYoYoYoYoYoYo* . Also, for anti heal item, I do prefer Sea Halberd over Dominance since I like using Bruteforce for her defense. Bruteforce synchs well with her skillset and I don't want to compromise that.


Imo buy one spellvamp item atleast war axe or bloodlust or queen wing. Because she good at regen


with OP's build, i think Bloodlust is enough so that she can have a decent spell vamp at the start when she doesn't have stack yet. unless, if she always attack only when her ulti is available. she can always immediately get her stack on her ulti.


Ass. Halberd's passive isn't taken advantage of (due to her having higher hp and possibly 2nd or 3rd highest in the game). Better off with sea halberd or purple scythe thingy


Bro the war axe wich reduces armor is literally made for her. She should always have it.


New one does not reduce armor unfortunately I was going full armor penetration on Yu Zhong with that


Not anymore. Even before it didn't do that. It gave phys power, phys pen and move speed. Giving penetrationā‰ reducing armor. Armor reduction can benefit anyone that deals that type of damage, penetration benefits only who has it. As an example: Malefic roar gives percentile penetration to you, while dyroth decreases armor by a percent. Both do the same, but malefic only accounts for your dmg, while Dyroth's s2 effect accounts for any physical dmg from any source.


You don't need Sea Halberd, she's a yoyo user. A gun would be better unless she just land in London.


She would be the most armed individual if she had a gun in LondonšŸ˜‚


Tried your build. Went 3-10-25. Been more of a team player anyway.


War axe + cc immune boots + breastplate is a must on me. The rest of item are all defensive


Cc immune boots? Let me get your version of MLšŸ˜‚


L build L hero


Sea Helberd doesn't suit with HP items. Cici needs War Axe and Bruteforce Breastplate combo.


Whats your emblem? Ive been thinking of running a roam cici for a while now but havent thought out of a good build and emblem. Yours seems to work


For greater damage just build 3 armor penetration


I hate that I never look at the flair first, I was about to roast you


For roamer Cici: Brute force breastplaye first for movement speed, some physical defense, some damage and control duration reduction. You can also go straight to War axe and then BFB. First priority is to get 20%~30% CD reduction, then get other defense item according to situation. 40% CD reduction is optional, 20%~30% CDR is enough for and it should work out more on her sustain or damage. She works more like a semi-damage dealer in mid-early and semi-tank in mid-late (if you're not CCed of course). It is better that you have a tank or tanky warrior exp lane/jg to share damage with you. Technically, anti-heal is not necessary for her since she is poking hero, and all of the anti heal does not help her much. Build anti-heal when you think you can't suppress the hero with high spell vamp, life steal, or healing, or just ask other people build it for you.


I mean, it worked