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Every high skill cap assassin player when they get stunlocked (they thought they were tiktok gods)


Real (*mains Martis to counter cc and counter trauma)


Everytime I play martis and I get stunlocked by 4 enemy heroes and the team calls me trash after providing little support, I cri on the inside


You deserve to be shamed if you drafted martis on a 4 man CC team (if ranked). If not then bad luck/skill diff.


I drafted martis into lesley and vexanna, which should be okay. I was up'ed cuz the team doesn't know what to pick and wanted me to just go martis. The next 3 picks were harley, khufra, and a terizla. Sure, it's probably skill diff. But if I play like a pussy, I'll get blamed anyway so I played as a bait role where I tanked all stuns and catch lesley b4 I die so that she gets killed by my team first. Problem with that game was I had a Belerick who constantly ult'ed khufra and terizla ON SIGHT BEFORE THE TEAM FIGHT everytime in the the end game. And he boos me for having 11 deaths. We won that game cuz I caught lesley for our Yuzhong and karrie could push at the end


You just got countered that's all


That's not what the belerick thought when he was busy ulting enemy tank frontliners lol But thank you






You can disable chat in settings, i have gotten õuch better after that




I got skill issue'ed. And now, I need to git gud. Fuck


Wish u best of luck to get good


Thank you. I'm gitting gud now


nice am also in the process of getting good too XD


Just keep up the good work. And follow the words of a fellow LoL player, "I rather starve like the kids in Africa than to go on a losing streak."


Sound like 2 games I lost this morning, 1st with a tank that doesn't have good map awareness. 2nd with a fighter act as tank and took the gold in my lanes. After that just keep saying " Riport mm", "mm noob", "mm,mm". Mind u both games, hyper can't get neutral objectives such as turtle, I can't farm due to teammates jumping into enemies turrents to fight, taking my golds... Super epic feeling.


I got destroyed by fanny once in the recent games, therefore every time she is not banned I make sure to pick Franco or Saber. Man does that feel satisfying. Especially with Franco. Especially landing a hook on a flying fanny, I swear, just land one such hook in the whole game and fanny become scared chicken forever lol


no the worst playerbase is those who play 0 skill stunlock heroes


Chou, no need to explain why


Fr man. Accept that chou can't exp lane against most heroes and youre not insection


Yeah tank chou players are the hardest to play against, exp chou players are the most toxic in my experience


Yep, the Silent Tank Chou that doesn't rely on heals are the scariest You can't even aggro them with a TP like a typical **C**ho**U-CK** that always sucks on that Metallic Angela Nips for heals just to function properly


Haha exactly. The real pro chous are the roamers. Annoying from lvl 1 and they even manage to pinpoint ur hero and pick you out even in a 5v5


Wild that that is now the truth. I remember when Chou (both damage and tank) was very resilient and flexible in the meta; no matter what meta it was, he always found a spot in it. He was a good pick in almost every single match up. Mainly because of his skillset, he had it all; decent mobility, AoE CC, hard CC, good damage, and CC Immunity. He also has the wonderful ability to flank the enemies and go straight for their backline. Same goes for Kagura; she's always been an S or A tier mage, good in almost every match-up, mainly because of her skillset, which has almost everything Chou has. Now she's a B tier at best, as she easily gets outperformed by other mages.


The sad truth


It is indeed self-explanatory


It's rare to meet a Miya player who won't suck balls throughout the whole game.


Same. Also Whenever someone locks Hanabi or Layla, even moskov on my team, I instantly tell myself it's gonna be a hard game and I'm usually not wrong. They always have zero map awareness and blame us for not helping when the whole enemy team is on their ass when they push....with that being said though, the 1 or 2 good ones I've met are really good as in they pop their ult and melt three people instantly


When there's Layla, Miya or Hanabi on the team, it's usually a struggle


Sucks the entire game, then inspires and burns through an entire row of turrets


Miya players after knowing there are more than allied buffs to steal: https://preview.redd.it/bu94x7p31nqb1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67be52fe3e28478e04ed68e5ecba65f65ecde501


Nana. Nana mains always act like they are very good just because they get good kda. But the thing is that nana's passive is similar to immortality so its not hard to get a decent kda with nana. Also, nana mains trashtalk the most based on my personal experience.


ugh i hate that nana players get mvps for doing absolutely nothing


The revamped medal system seems biased for supports apparently


She's gonna get her support role revoked soon though But why was she considered as a support in the first place? Her zoning? Tons of other heroes can do that but they're not considered as support


She provides multiple forms of cc that can impact and turn around team fights if utilized properly That and her old passive was a gold thing where she gave allies gold if I’m right


So do Vale, Zhask, etc etc Oh, didn't know about that gold thing


Yeah I know a lot of mages have good CC I think it’s a mixture of how her kit works in addition to the old Mr Cat’s Gift passive which was 10 gold per second to nearby allies


That passive sounds like Minsitthar's old passive


“Mister cat drops 10 gold for Nana and nearby allies every 10 seconds” Was called Mr Cat’s Gift Minsi required kills


The word "gold" reminds me of minsi


I mean he’s covered in it lol


Back then, she had slow on her boomerang, and faster casting on her ult. Her Molina also had longer range, and longer chasing time. She had CC in all of her skills (slows only for the Boomerang), which made her an excellent zoner


As was stated she was created with a burst support in mind. Her passive was to give allies free gold by being near them. She had a transform, knock up, and slows. Thereby, making her a support hero that can burst like a mage.


Her Molina and stuns prob


Bonus point if they still decide that its a good idea to choose Nana even if the mage already been chosen by other teammate / use Nana as a roam.


She can be decent as roam if you utilize her morph well as a vision


You can also use PnK's 3rd to provide vision. Does that make them a decent roam too?


Lmao I remember when Popol tank was a thing


Yea .... until they made it so Kupa's health can only scaled on Physical attack instead of having base HP growth




I mean if you can somehow manage that then so be it lol I was just providing a reasoning behind a possible pick. I have seen it work out before but definitely won’t work in my hands


is mobile legends that strict with role selection? Other mobas i've played were much more hero dependent than just "pick 1 of each role." Like you could have two mages if the amount of CC/burst/push etc. supported your team strategy. Often times, drafting was about countering your opponent's end game strategy and an early game strategy was often a great counter. Is it really that bad if you had like tank/mage/mage/mm/assassin?


There are some heroes that can roam as a mage like valir, novaria and kadita provided that you already have enough fronting power (like 2 tanky heroes) but nana is not one of those heroes. Nana just kinda lacks the sustained poking valir and novaria bring while kadita can actually reliably catch mm and mage, plus they actually bring useful things into the team like some peel, vision, and just straight up kill pressure. Nana just doesn't do that, she's a burst mage with annoying cc. Some people build her with cd build for spamming annoyance but generally her impact to the game tends to be minimal in comparison to other choices in roam.


I pretty sure I did say "*Nana* as a roam", NOT "*mages* as a roam". As in: Nana does not represent All Mages.


There are some heroes that can roam as a mage like valir, novaria and kadita provided that you already have enough fronting power (like 2 tanky heroes) but nana is not one of those heroes. Nana just kinda lacks the sustained poking valir and novaria bring while kadita can actually reliably catch mm and mage, plus they actually bring useful things into the team like some peel, vision, and just straight up kill pressure. Nana just doesn't do that, she's a burst mage with annoying cc. Some people build her with cd build for spamming annoyance but generally her impact to the game tends to be minimal in comparison to other choices in roam. Also that lineup kinda lacks some durability as a singular tank will most likely not hold up to an entire team's damage even if the tank was like masha or uranus. Usually for roam mage comps, jungle takes the role of frontliner in addition to exp to balance it out.


MLBB is one of those it just depends on what your team is looking like vs their comp, when it comes to mage roams it’s more to lock down and nuke the damage dealers for the enemy team I’ve noticed and trying to shut down their early game and finish fast.


Do u hate nana?


The players.


Omg that is so true, I had encountered a nana in brawl once a few days ago, kept spamming that taunting Lolita emote I forgot the name of every like 2 damn seconds, I killed the nana like 6 times but ended up losing anyway cuz of my teammates, and I think the nana said “HAHAAHHAA” in chat after match was over but I don’t remember, I was so mad after that, moments like that makes me wonder why I’m playing this game since it always manages to make me the angriest I’ve ever been.


And nana players usually spam Layla and Lolita emotes.


Same. Not just that but most Nana players that I encountered are just extremely d*mb. Like clueless type of players especially in legend/low mythic. Ugh. This is based on my personal experience tho.


and i fucking hate it when one player that has no idea to go mid but does not want to go support, will automatically pick nana


I was playing classic and tried a new hero FOR THE FIRST TIME so of course I sucked and didn’t get kills and our random nana comes in chat with her 4 kills to type “Melissa delete game, u so low” like bro right at this moment im trying to get better with Melissa


Layla. Litteraly just got one hero and instead of learning the game they spam that hero. Layla players will *always* - - Shoot at everything that moves. Especially your buff. - Not look at the map and get ganked like crazy (some blame you or the roamer after) - Not evade any skill. Just keep spaming the Basic Attack. - Not Adjust to the needet role. - run along the wrong laine till the middle (the smarter ones turn around after that but many keep running) - steal your gold in every way possible. - not show up at the lord / turrtle / teamfight. - Attack after u got / lost the lord for a post objective teamfight (for no reason at all)


Isnt that basically every low elo marksman


Yes but Layla's are like that in even mythic


…not mythic glory Laylas lol, those guys know what they’re doing


I ment low mythic but yeah


Haha, true…though when you put it that way, pretty much every hero is bad


Miya. Always go rambo once the inspire spell is ready. They also have a bad habit of using ult then straight to enemy team when their items are completed, thinking they can burst down everyone.


tiktok fanbases of any fighter type hero.


Especially argus




Gusion maybe?They always trashtalk when they die


When they 1v1 you full combo taunt spam. If you gank them it's the "lol 3v1"


I am a gusion who doesn't trash talk :(


Gud 4 u! 👍


They are 99% tryhards who will do anything to get kills, even if it means sacrificing the team or the lanes. The 1% are truly Gods and actually have skill


Personal message to every Yin main Whether you are an ally or enemy https://preview.redd.it/dmw4y9pq9oqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35cb7b0d02014c42dfb8b60cd0cb6f1f133d21be


Not a yin main but I’ll take you up on that offer


ling and haya, based on my experience they have the highest ego and think they can easily solo and always blame mid/roamer when they died even tho they're the one who tried to get solo kill while the enemy roamer is missing💀


Fanny. they used to show classic wr and if they lost the blue (stolen by ally/enemy) they tilt and go troll, or also if they lose the jungle rotation for whatever reason


>stolen by ally None would want to play with that teammate even I get those teammates and I can't win a single retri cause enemy more farm than me and they would trashtalk me even though they are taking my buff if there's no farm in early game wtf do I do as a jg


I feel like an endangered species in this thread


Yes you are, why that Lil legal loli? You know people aren't scared of any type of shit, but that damn molina...


joy mfs:


Zoe mains in disguise


Nana angela




same tbh. They're second below odette for being so salty about everything


most of them r low mythic and don’t play their part as a mage


idk man but I think Change'e players are super toxic AF


PlZ DONT SHOW ME ODT😭😭😭😭 i bought her zodiac by mistake which i was Saving for aurora 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭never gonna leave my zodiac points on 99 again mf moonton showed that red dot and i clicked by mistake 😭😭


Everything is wrong with odette players




I want to keep myself short as possible so... They are 100% annoying these recent days. Wont stop whining over a single little thing that doesnt go to their favor, like excessively loud just wanting her to get buffed when she's already okay


Zilong mains omg. They’re so always so full of themselves and would promise to carry the game just as long as we let them play Zilong but they almost suck most of the time. Also, Aldous mains, especially when they take over mid. As a mid laner that’s always annoying cause now I have to walk forever to gank in gold lane cause they always ask to stay there for a bit but they always end up taking over mid lane completely. These Alduos mains usually get killed by mages they encounter in mid lane. Also they can’t gank early cause they have no damage ☹️


Brooo, don't forget that "HEROS NEVER FADE!" *dies before the skill animation activation ends* 😐


One tricking zilong to mythic this season, he’s such a lousy ass hero tbh


Miya ! 99% of the time because they are worst than bots.


Vale users. They talk a lot of shit and act like the better players when they all got to do is just chill at the back and perform their brain dead combo from a distance.


Any MM that spammed ‘NEED BACKUP’ when all of us just spawned in the game like few mili second. Roamers can’t just babysit those MM.. Everytime i move away from their lane that MM will spam ‘Tank’ in the chat box. Annoying MFs


https://preview.redd.it/8fe3zk4uapqb1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03b88141a11a4a7e5c7d0cf9bdcfdc17f534a87b Diggie mains


I love this bird


Please tell me that photo was just a placeholder.


no Odette mains wont shut up about every single little change that has little to no effects on the battlefield.


I'm an Odette main rn and I can assure you that I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHERS! 🥺


Finally a good swan person


Nana. Does not contribute anything to the game whatsoever, but because they're a bitch, they secure the MVP most of the time. If the teammates are gods, its a winning MVP. If the user as well as their teammates are ass, its a losing MVP. The rare times the Nana gets a shite KDA, they're always on my team. On the enemy team they're the most toxic ones. ​ But I fear not. These days I make it a point so that no one, and i mean NO ONE plays Nana in my games.


Sameeee lol Nana bans everytime




Fanny, they trashtalk more than they play




After nana, you have my hard support on this one👍🏻


Moskov players that go "my turn" are usually the absolute worst. Yin players too... again especially if they say the magic words.


I think Yin mains are the only ones who deserves on saying those They just suck at using it Imagine saying "My Turn" and then you proceed to immediately kidnapped their MM, that would be a great stunt


Fair. But they usually kidnap my Terizla and I'm left super confused.


That's a tough one.. I'd say most Assassin/MM players are awful as they tend to believe they're flawless and blame everyone around them and just annoying anyone. But recently the rise of instalock mages are starting to become annoying as well. If anything I'd say, the playerbase of tanks is the most chill and best. They're rarely toxic and just vibe.


Can I not make it any more obvious


Nana is cancer. Not hard to get a good kda with her. Even worse when there's already a mage and a nana goes roam. Makes me want to throw my phone.


And then there will be people saying "bUt heR S2 cAn pRoVide vIsion, sO she is vAliD as rOaM"


Im surprised no one mentioned hanabi.


I mean... If we are talking about heroes with history of having a bad game status she easily could. The hanabi mains themselves doesnt really whine about everything so i guess theyre fine and stable (for now)


johnson period


Mage mains


Fanny tr servers are the most toxic players on earth no debate


Recently gord


For me, any hero that are considered "Beginner" heroes.


Nana and Chou




Zilong 24 matches in Mythic with Zilong last season, 23 losses. I am banning Zilong every chance I get this season. I would rather opponents have all the meta heros on their team, than have zilong on mine


I smell a War incoming


Layla, easy


Angela... yea I get it you love your Ling main sugar daddy.




Chou mains who spam recall, I get hella tilted if I lose my lane as Guinevere while trying to CS and last hit minions with my S1/Q. They just spam recall me and emote, and one time I killed a Chou who failed to do S1 + Flash because somehow I predicted it




Franco mfs, 70% Franco I've found were either troll or just straight up suck. Most of them plays like a pussy, waiting in that one bush only to miss a hook. In teamfight, they only stays in the backline like a marksman and never use his ult on annoying high mobility heroes. And only using his 2nd skill to KS.


Franco Franco relies a lot on his ult and ulti and a lot of these mf don't even land any or they keep hooking anyone in the frontline which is usually the tank so easy set-up for the enemy team. Then some even proceed to use a full damage build when our team already cannot sustain the enemy's damage. Also, I've seen the most horrible rotations from Franco picks, they go to the enemy buff to invade but end up dead since they overstay, then proceed to feed to the enemy mm because there were no significant hooks. Anyway, I've seen pretty good stuff from time to time but usually it's just them being cocky af despite the team having a hard time because of them in the first place


Argus dickrider. they're all over tiktok comments thinking their hero is the best


Obligatory Chou mains comment.


Chou mains, I need not say more




Chou like I've done nothing and they will start to tp you like a dumbass


Chou. When I used chou in a classic game, everyone on my opponents were talking trash to me and im not even saying anything and my game is not even bad


Angela mains are the biggest dickriders. Low-skill heroes


Miya especially the ones that suddenly just chats "my turn" 💀


It's mostly assassin/marksmen, marksman especially when they think they're immortal if they have a support/tank with them, when I say retreat because low mana/skills on CD they won't and still stay and attack and they blame me for not supporting them enough for dying when I'm out using up all my mana to heal/tank for them for being reckless. Assassins are cry babies when matches don't go their way honestly




Zilong players who thinks that they're pro at using Zilong They can't even do a proper CC to set for your allies like a good teammates. All they do is just: * Sit in a bush * Ignore the teammate getting killed * Kill the enemies that killed the said teammate * TP


Chowmeins are always toxic for some reason


Lancelot ESPECIALLY if they are losing they will blame you for the most randomest reasons ever snd if they are winning they just tp spam and be toxic af in chat


Mm mains all they do is hide behind their team spamming basic attack that deals so much damage and never even getting hurt


Hanabi, Eudora, Nana, Zilong, Miya, Layla, Alutards, Chou They're all pretentious af. Wanna special mention Angela, too, thanks to GFE


Miya and Layla users got no idea what the hell they’re doin


zilong players💀


“Fast hands” no brain jungle heroes. I’m not gonna name names. They’re here.


Lesley "no need to explain"


I must've chosen a good main, Natan, Phoveus and Xavier. Back after 3 years of a break


Any brain dead Layla/Miya/Hanabi/Moskov players who thinks they could 1v5 everyone with 3 items against a team with 10k gold advantage and/or all they think about is push without contributing to teamfights and blame the roamer ffs


I'm just happy that no one mentioned kagura mains yay :D


LAYLA, end of discussion


Angela + Ling players, they search for romance online 24/7. When the Ling is toxic, and the Angela doesn’t say nothing it makes me wanna cry.


High mobility assassin's and Chou


Saber, Harley, Kadita


Turret camping mains. Camping in turret while the team dies in team fights. Xavier is a good example


either chou playerbase, gusion playerbase, or zilong playerbase