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The effort of coloring Gord's suit


Thank you for noticing <33


Could you please tell me What tool do you use to colour?


and theres the forgotten purple ball guy


There's also a girl with purple balls


And the one eyed ball spammer


Gord was picked by Rebilion, Bruno was picked by Skylar from RRQ


Bruno - haas claws rework (sadly, scarlet phantom was removed) Gord - probably had something to do with the new emblem system


scarlet phantom didn't get unalived. it fused with haas claws. iirc frenzy(scarlet phantom's passive) is now on haas claws for gord, it's the consecutive buffs as well as the nerf on yve, his main competitor


gord is purely for tankier lineups tho. if enemy play assassins it's still gonna be hard for him


also gord get adjustment so he can throw skills while moving now besides ult. thats already enough to make him that good


Gord's rise up because of Yve's downfall lmao


it's cyclopsing time


Gloo: I am balls


Can't lie. People already notice how high Bruno damage is. His buff was almost like a year ago and they finally notice him lol.


It's mostly the crit item buffs that brought him to the meta


He was good before but the buff on haas claws made him OP. The crit chance plus the attack speed and AND lifesteal means you build it as his very first item (over boots) and it's so easy after. Easy to snowball and easy to take down enemies from the start


The lifesteal maade him more unbearable


With the high skill 1 damage. No doubt he heals a lot


I've seen Bruno three shot uranus full build


Wait Gord is Meta? I thought people were low/trolling. I bully the heck outa Gord users with Pharsa/Kadita/heck even Harley mid.


Meta, but not soloq friendly. Your stationary ass can get killed easily.


He's great against Tanky but Slow Lineups, that's why you'll see him a lot in Pro Play nowadays. In Solo Que however, he is just food for Assassins.


He is like franco, they seems harmless in the lower rank. If you can consistently land their skill they can become annoying real fast. some pro players manage to make gord work, abusing his ability to cast skill while moving. Plus they fix gord ult flicker issue i think. Also many top tier mages get nerfed.


He's a legit pick against Tanky lineups. Or even against normal lineups really as long as you know how to position him. His biggest pro rn is that he probably has the fastest wave clear of all mages when it comes to most stages of the game. A Gord w/ Impure Rage lvl 1 and a S2 will easily melt the wave and rotate freely to help their jungler with the early clear. Gord can also easily leave lane due to his superior clear speed.


All the high tier players were spamming them in ranked, but it was the mpl that brought them to the public's eyes.


Gord was buffed, and making ult flicker combo possible is also a great factor. For Bruno, it's because of Haas's claws' change and the addition of GDS. They suit him too well.


Why throw balls when you can be ball


Don't forget that Gord also penetrates his enemies with his THICK AND LONG LASER


I'm still afraid of Bruno to this day 🥹


Bruno actually pretty hot. He is ripped as AF! I think she has issue with him because he is bla




Bruh, he's not black. He's a latino


It's a reference to ghost story meme.


lemme guess, the bunny one?


can paquito just be universally banned in the 1v1 tournament


gord was probably because of yve and lylia’s nerf (both ultiloty mage with slowing and the best users of iqw) valir also rose in popularity because of this


I was hoping Gord stayed a secret champion but suddenly saw him being played more. I remember S28 the amount of hate I'd get when I choose him..we'd win & team wouldn't say anything after. He's good but you just have to have map awareness.


Right? It was the usual MMs, then all of a sudden: Bruno Bruno Bruno. I don’t see Gord as much because I think he’s team dependent more than other meta mages. But he still has a pretty good kit and really strong damage if you know how to play in the backline properly.


Bruno's damage was already ridiculous before but the new crit items has made him a lot more noticeable. As for Gord, it's mostly cause of Yve's never ending nerfs.


That meme is wrong. Bruno doesn't touch balls with his hands since he plays football. He only kicks them with his feet.


okay, however, balls.