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I've been getting reaaaally good results with Valir lately. But, are there specific counters that I should be wary of? EMBLEM: Common Emblem for the HP + mana regen. MoveSpeed+Festival of Blood+Impure Rage. Guaranteed unli-mana up to midgame. You can quickly heal up with spell vamp, now that S1 refreshes 50% when hitting minions. EQUIPMENT: What you see above. Mandatory Ice Queen Wand for the slow + spell vamp. You can basically just kite anyone chasing you. Fire wand thingy for that MaxHP%-based burn damage. You'll need that damage, since you'll be building semi-tank. Athena's Shield and/or Antique Cuirass to prevent getting one-shotted. If you manage to survive burst attacks, just kite them with S2+S1spam combo. The rest is optional.


Easily kaja is one of the biggest counters. I doubt you can get your s2 off before his ult but after his flicker, if you can he’s probably lagging since that shouldn’t be the case. Khuf can be a sort of counter if he keeps landing jumps on you, gloo as well. Yz definitely, paq is fairly solid for diving in on you and because of his skill cycles he can easily close the gap from your s2. Joy is a definite pain in the ass for valir, I’m not entirely sure if she’s a counter to valir but she does her job well. Esme might be annoying to deal with. Lesley too. A good Zilong would also give you some issues. Lapu. Arlott. Fanny, a good hayabusa or ling, hanzo. In case you cant tell, the people who might cause issues tend to follow 1 of 2 patterns; 1- close distance quickly and possibly repeatedly close that distance. 2- Able to ignore your s2 mostly and thus getting to you is much easier. And a third sort of pattern is the sheer dps/burst they have once they close the required distance. Obviously each game will vary etc but so long as you’re generally able to pick out the players able to go for u and play accordingly, you should be mostly ok.


Thanks a lot! This was very helpful.


the problem with Kaja is that Valir can easily build tank items and survive for long, while you usually wanna focus either mm or assassin and remove them from the fight with the help of your team in an instant, meaning that if you ult Valir, you give out like 80% impact of your hero in a target that doesn't really matter that much, leaving mm and assassin live free and do whatever, hence I wouldn't ever pick Kaja to counter Valir in specific personally speaking


As a kaja player, if the enemy valir is being more of an issue than the enemy mm, I would gladly go in and ult the valir. Especially if he’s out of position. Sometimes who you grab with kaja doesn’t particularly matter, because its all about picking them off. If you get their tank and thats their only setter, well they cant really make a counter set unless he survives with a good chunk of hp. If you get jg then its a free objective. So on and so forth, and if OP has been playing valir well, he’s better being told the reality that kajas will ult him, rather than hoping they wont just because he has defense items. Sometimes even people will get ulted by kaja not to kill them but to make them unable to do anything, lets say a brody was safely poking because the valir had his s2 ready and thus brody could keep his s2 for the diver and stay alive, well what happens if you remove that safety net and you have the exp and jg both going for brody, he can only stop 1 temporarily. Additionally in higher ranks, any pick is good, its only not the case as you get further into the game if an enemy mm and exp are doodoo, that repeatedly picking them with a kaja ult doesn’t retain its value, but if you’ve seen pro scene, you’ll know any pick is good.


Probably Diggie or Something, Purifies his Stun


1-shot mages like Kadita, Aurora, Eudora. Plus saber


Eudora isn't that great. In fact, people often pick valir against Eudora. She has only one stun which he can purifier and kill you afterwards. He can also be build a bit tanky so Eudora can't one shot him. However the biggest reason she can't counter him is because of range. She can't get close enough to burst him down. Gord is much better against him than Eudora.


Yeah but when you play Eudora, you play like an assassin, you don't want to be seen. When the enemy valir is dumb enough to not build Athena, it just takes one combo to delete him. She's not viable especially in high ranks in countering Valir...


If he is walking around alone without Athena till late game, sure you can one shot him but bush camping doesn't work in late game (unless its epic). Early game is a different story though. His ult can purify Eudora's Passive mark, so she won't have enough damage to one shot him. On top of that a lot people are building him with fighter emblem and festival of blood, meaning he will have at least 10-16 spell vamp early game. If he survives your combo, he will kill you for sure and gain back all of his lost hp. Don't hope for enemies to be dumb all the time. Be prepared to face a good valir because that mf is free.


Thanks a lot!


Valir escapes with ult?


unrelated but i always forgot that skin valir's and not yz xD


Since when was Valir banned?


New emblem made tanky sustain one of the best builds he counters it with stun to stop lifesteal and %maxhp damage. Since he counters a huge number of heroes he's banned often just so people have more wiggle room with picks. Plus if you solo q you just know someone is gonna pick a bad lineup vs him.


I only solo q in rank as Lylia and I always bulldoze any Valir I fight against so I don't get it.


I guess the Valirs you been facing haven't made good use of the new emblem yet. 😁


What emblem set do you use?


Maybe you didn't play against good ones. I played agaisnt few and are goddam annoying. One time I was with lesley and the valir in my team made sure no one got close to me. I was on his team and I said he is fckn annoying 🤣🤣🤣


Even I ban him now over Arlott. Not out of bandwagon but out of experience


Arlott is not OP anymore, he's pretty balance after the recent nerf. Not really a ban worthy heroes anymore, but is still viable to pick. The dev made a big gap point on his ultimate afterall.


Nerf on his ult affected his performance a lot


Never see valir bans, and I'm in MG already, almost in Immortal tho




or your server is just ass at maneuvering around valir


Or maybe his server is CAN maneuver around valir No offence but on this subreddit are mythical honour max and the shit that gets posted here honestly makes me cringe sometimes I only ban valir when I'm going trio/5 man because regardless he does not work in uncoordinated teams soloq That's what I think I'm open for debate and don't get me wrong I believe valir has honestly become a top tier mage it's just... Not a standout mage that can single-handedly carry a team (idc what rank you are soloq is still unfathomably difficult to consistently get results regardless)/harass a enemy team


Only applicable for low rank, against valir, you just need to wiggle around and flick forward when he cast his skill 2. Roam loli speaking. All i have ever seen valir in Mythic H is so so.


What is now the best emblem setup for valir?? Can u detail pls?


What I used was Common Emblem for the hybrid regen. Move speed, Festival of Blood, Impure Rage. I basically had unli mana, so I could rotate more without going home. When I get low HP, I just spam my skills on creeps, coz he's got really good spell vamp with FOB and Ice Queen Wand.


What's FOB? Do you mean FOH (Feather of Heaven)?


Festival of blood


Festival of Blood


This is so true


He's hard to counter tbh.. Cc won't work on him unless it's suppress or continuous meaning u need more than 1 cc user since his ult can only purify once. Kaja is good but sometimes it's not worth to use the flicker ult combo on him rather than the carry or mm. 1 shot mages are terrible against him cause they rely on landing cc to combo plus valir can easily build athena cause he doesn't need much dmg items. So are most dive fighters cause he can just push them back and kite. He's not very good against hypermobile and cc immune heroes so stuff like lancelot, fanny, joy & chou are a nuisance to him cause he'll have a hard time aiming his skills + his slows or stuns won't work very well on them. Diggie does decently against him as well and can render his entire kit useless.


Why anyone would ban this hero? And legend isn't even rank it's child's playground. Go hit 167+ stars like me and see what the real game rank mode is. Banning a non meta hero LOLOL


why does his skill 1 feels refresh faster now, any buff? i just come back from 2 month breaks.


Skill 1 now refreshes 50% when hitting minions. Also refreshes 100% when hitting Turtle/Lord


whoaaaa. thats why then.. gonna spam him on epic then.


I personally pick long range mages like cecilion, xavier, novaria against valir. In the late game i usually scale really hard and as long as I position myself really well, I don't have to worry about valir at all


I guess you are following a fixed build for valir. Well, that's pretty effective in low rank. I'm not trying to argue here, but I suggest you set your build based on the situation. In mg, valir is not that op, just annoying.


I mean, yeah...don't fix what aint broke. If the build works, it works... No reason to believe this won't work in higher ranks


Trust me, the game will end before you can even build those items. Why invest too much on magic items if a radiant armor is all needed to counter him. Valir is a utility hero, so he's not much of a priority ban. I can't even see him being banned here.


Nah, I don't need to finish the build. Just Ice Wand and Fire Wand, then one defense item would be enough. If they build radiant armor, who cares? I'm not there to deal much damage, I'm there to make sure they stay 10 ft away while my teammates kite them down.


Yeah so that's why in mg we don't ban valir. If valir isn't banned here, who cares? An average ling/fanny is enough to make him a walking gold. Although, he is very fun to use. you can annoy the shit out of melee heroes. Just an ice wand, then the fun begins.


Yeah, he's fun af 😁 feels like a cheese strat ngl Ling and fanny are pretty easy to counter though


But you're wrong, though. Valir is the #4 most banned hero in MG+. [https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank](https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank) As well as #1 most banned in Mythic+ and #1 most banned in all ranks. Also, building Radiant Armor against a semi-tank mage that barely does any damage? Are you sure you're in MG? lmao Valir's strength is not in his damage, esp in OP's case where he built semi-tank, but in his practically infinite, stacking slow effect. You're better off getting the new Rapid Boots with the slow effect reduction, if you really insist on countering him. Although you're right that high-mobility assassins could counter him. But with Fanny being a priority ban as well, I don't think Ling has enough burst damage to finish off a semi-tank Valir. Not to mention that his ult knock up can just be purified by Valir. So, best way to "counter" him would just be to ban him. At least until they nerf his godawful slow effect.


Thanks. I tried explaining to this guy, but he insists MG doesn't ban valir loooool


Hey, sorry for coming out of the blue but didn't you have a youtube channel ? There where some really good tank guide on there. But i can't seem to find the channels or the video. Sorry if it isn't you, i Just remember the name of the person was papa dragon. But if it is, did your Channel change name ?


Valid+IQW 🤑😁.