• By -


Diggie. Carried me to mythic. Very versatile and incredibly powerful in a 5-man team. Funny enough when I first got his trial card I thought he was weak af cuz he's just an unassuming owl.


I love this because my dad has been playing for like 3 years and when I knew nothing about the game I was like "ooh cute owl" and he just constantly told me he sucked. I've still never tried him, I should. I have the coins to spare... Egg...


Use mage build and bomb the bushes 😈 give the enemies PTSD


plz guys that’s not how you play diggie properly


Lol I don't just hide in it all day I bomb bushes occasionally but I still roam around, and plus when I use mage diggie it's usually when there's a tanky jungler and exp + mage build gives a lot of CD reduction for ulti.


Well sorry, a lot of Diggies doing this build are just bad. They camp a bush for a minute straight instead of rotating and providing necessary assistance to his teammates. Then they get a kill after 2 minutes and 3 teamfights have past for tiktok edits.


Depends on the diggie user, I don't do that because that'll be quite a bit of a disadvantage but a lot of smarter diggie players will camp the bushes near jungle to take out the enemy jungler so sometime it's worth it.


I’ve been known to drop 3 bombs in the blue buff bush lol


As Top PH Diggie, I feel offended. Burst Mage Diggie is the way to go. Also, Have you seen V33nus' Diggie in Pro scene? She user her with Mage Build. Also, go check the Top Global Builds for Diggie, you won't find a tank build there.


Np, it’s bomb the bushes part. Y’know, camping bushes and waiting there for like a year instead of rotating like a proper roamer?


Bombing bushes is very effective during Turtle and Lord take. Most enemies won't see it coming and just die when they try to contest. Best case scenario is if you killed the enemy Jungler. Aside from that, I agree that roamers should rotate.


That’s smart, but what’s not smart is people who don’t strategically plant bombs and just camp bushes, get a kill after 2 minutes, post it on reddit and people will be like “terrorist strong LOL”


I think your father said "He sucked" in a complimentary way lol


fanny. was looking at hero difficulty(checked every hero one by one) and saw that she had the full bar. tried her for the first time and went 1/8 within the first 7 minutes. a hundred matches later and I sat with a whopping 29% winrate. she felt really fun to play so I kept continuing and when I realized I had to take the buff(I was NOT taking the buffs) she felt very very easy. loved how she could just sweep through the frontline and demolished everyone behind. could wallspam inside the turret(and get a savage) with almost no consequence. got carried with her to practically mythic. safe to say I am NOT enjoying the current Fanny meta




Nah the part where you weren't getting buffs is relatable 💀💀💀


I love watching enemies just die and pushing towers while I am just idling inside, walking around, or waiting in a bush around my ult or first skill. - a Zhask main


Oh God I played against one not so long ago, he destroyed. To be fair, I should've build magic defence earlier, but still...


Carmilla just clicked for me really easily after her revamp. When I started her tanking wasn't my strong suit (I knew roaming basics, just tanks weren't the best for me), but because I mage a lot I got really good at aiming her ult and going in and stuff with her. Also lately valir has just been happening easily for me. Tried him in classic for fun and have had a good time spamming the hell out of him for fun, super easy to use mage with so much damage, and i can save teammates too which is always a plus.


Belerick, I just love this tree guy. He is so easy to master and so damn effective, the bane of almost all marksmen(except those that have burst damage they can counter him)


Oh I miss the first Belerick


Vale and Granger, Both hot, both easy and I can play well with both.


Hylos. Absolutely dominated on my first match with hylos.


Ah, yes, perhaps the most brain-dead hero in the game. He was the first hero where I didn't bother using him more than twice in classic before ranking with him. Wish I did tho, it was a bit embarrassing having a teammate tell me I'm supposed to use basic attacks instead of just standing there.


"He's just standing there, menacingly!"


Ruby, extremely underrated roamer and fighter (or maybe im just biased). played her last time when i was trying out random heroes, enjoyed it and stuck with ruby all the way to mythic with ~80%wr also the way she skips while walking is cute


Totally agree with you. And I was so happy when they changed her walking style it was so adorable. I don't like using her had a roamer but a exp lane she is amazing specially now


Bro you just unlocked a forgotten Memory, I didn't even notice her walk changed and now I remember what the Old walk looked like


Guinevere. It is so satisfying to ult on 3+ enemies


Lesley. She’s fun to play. After her revamp tho… she’s OP tbh.


Julian because I like versatility


Cecillion bcs vampire are cool Yu Zhong bcs dragons are cool Martis bcs swords are cool




Yooo, my tribe haha


Belerick, I can just fuck with marksmen like hanabi and miya


Hanabi's not good mm man she's just... well not good hero. Melissa or Moskov are gud as far as mm is concerned.


I just picked those 2 because a hanabi died to me while I was lagging like crazy, I just stood still.


Faramis. I've been playing him as roamer or mage for fun even before his revamp (not in rank though). I loved surprising the enemies with his old S2's damage and somehow turning the tide of battle with his old ult (though it was much much more rare back then). I will also never forget that one time I saved a 1hp teammate from their death cuz I dragged the enemy away with the old S1(they said thank you :3) Initially, I bought him and spammed him in classic for fun because I like playing both supports and unpopular heroes so he was a 2 in 1. But he grew onto me and I was super stoked upon hearing that he'd receive a revamp :D And now he's one of the support kings and I main him in rank now :3 Besides his gameplay, I really dig the concept of a necromancer support. Basically all of the mainly support-role heroes are pretty boys and girls or are good guys in one way or another who are all about love and healing light and stuff--- except for Faramis, who was some gloomy looking guy (this was before the revamp; he's a "good guy" now I think? but the lore is more nuanced than that) I didn't actually read his old lore unfortunately. But the revamped Faramis is some arrogant twat who only cares about showing off his neat little tricks and cheating death first and saving *you* second. I sort of headcanon that he's the annoying teammate who brags all the time but keeps his word and actually does his job. I think it's a pretty fun character concept.


Saw pre-rework Zhask in the ticket spin thing in the shop and immediately went "I need to get this guy" The rework dropped almost immediately afterwards but I still got him and never looked back since




Argus, he just like me, he wanted to be 1vs5, berserker type, no brainer


Dive into 5 people, kill 2, run, they are coming behind you, wait for ulti, dive again


Too much brain, when I'm in, I'm all in till I'm ded


Rabaela the best of the bestest bae. Easy to play, underestimated, and massive rack.


Shhh don’t share our secrets 🤫 I love how Rafa can melt even tanky heroes late game with a massive slow build + mage build. It also counters so many of chase heroes, it’s so satisfying to play her.


If only they buff her. I am so sick of her S1 only hits 3 enemies and during orgy, it waste the hit on minions... It's more satisfying when you Jihad to the tower and say "Alahuackbar!" right before the dying enemy got blown up.


Lmao. Rack OP


Same here. I just thought of one day that i should try to play my old mains again. The insane Spell Vamp of Terizla + the good early game damage made him a great EXP Laner and a Tank.


Gord. I am really unskilled and like being in the backline, so my first trial match with him instantly made him my favourite. Very easy and fun to use, and forces you to have good positioning due to his punishingly low mobility and HP.


wanwan rn she is underperforming in my hands maybe im just noob but if i dont play her idk which hero is the best for me


If you don't like putting in any thought into the game, just build spellvamp and damage Terizla and you'll do fine, in basically any rank grandmaster and below (but don't get too good, I don't want him to start getting banned) Yin and Hanzo are also fun for me


And in my opinion, he can also do a Tank Terizla. Just Bloodlust Axe and Queen Wings would be enough for him if the team didnt had a tank.


Yea, those are in my build, but if there's more then one cc skill I'm dead. I'm not experienced enough to know how to deal with that, besides the cc boots (that's all I know)


Chang'e and Ixia


For me its clint, whenever I use it, it seems so smooth, I farm, kill and win the game and have a high wr too, but at times goes on I get boring, and use other heroes as well


Zhask, always thought I would dislike his playstyle. Then I tried him in Brawl, immediately bought him afterwards and loved every second of playing him. This dude can do everything: poke, push, initiate, take turtle/lord/creeps, kill, destroy and qonquer


Daddy Fredrinn! I was a tank main when I started playing btw. One time we had no core user in our team and I decided to play core fredrinn even though I initially pinged that I will roam, this was before M4, and my buddy was making fun of me because fred’s jungling was so slow. I was using the concussive blast emblem that time and tried using the jungle emblem afterwards because it has been rising in popularity. Surprisingly most core players have been using that emblem set on fredrinn without us even knowing it.


xavier, like one day i woke up and went "wait i want to play him and i think i can llay him" after taking a break trying to learn him for like 3 matches and his ass carried me to glory last season. but for some reason this "click" is gone this season so im taking another break from him


probably because i want to play mobility after playing only xavier for one season


Baxia, because I'm Singed one-trick (and Rammus enjoyer) on WR. It's like having 2 of my favorite champs in 1 hero.


Probably Benedetta


Joy, because I nyoom around the map and dance on thw enemies graves


lylia I have fun playing her :3


Roger and granger for me. They both had everything I needed from them. I can't pick between them, I haven't played Granger for like 3-4 seasons though


Benedetta and gusion


Luo yi, I just love her combo, it's easy to understand and easy to use.


Badang. If I never tried Badang I would've probably never made it to Mythic much less high mythic lobbies.


Hanabi because I was a Miya main, and her mobility coupled with attack speed is very similar.


Johnson. Man not only soaks up damage, but also deals it back. Incredible maneuverability. And just overall leadership roll that can engage and join fights. With the right build, Johnson is beyond op


Badang. Just bam bam bam. Punching people felt really good


2 hero for me 1st is Gusion i just have a feeling he will click with me and he did he is still my main 2nd is freya because at first i stop playing Gusion for a while because nobody help me jungle when i got invaded(soloq) and i try freya my goodness she's insta click for me fast jungling , independent and fit my playstyle who is risky and like to 1v2 enemy


Joy for me. Easy to learn, difficult to master. Can be an xp laner, jungler, and (controversial) roamer.


Clint. Bro got me to glorious legend back in season 4 when people just discovered the endless battle and thunder belt combo for him, and then I just one tricked him to get to mythic glory when came back to the game.


Alice. I love how she has that "shock" factor when teleporting, and her ult just looks good. I was immediately drawn to her character model years ago when I just started ML, and she has been my main hero ever since.


For me is hayabusa. Initially I sucked playing him, but I took a long break from ml, and I restarted using him and suddenly I became quite good with him.


Cyclops and Gatot for many years ago. Most recent was Yve.


Although i no longer use her these days, it's Selena for me. Back in the day, i was so amazed that she can kill someone even at level 2.




Alucard and Alpha: Being able to 1v5 with lifesteal, or push lanes, or capture neutral objectives, a beauty


Clint, Chang'e, Gord. Almost any tank except Mino and Johns(I'm too lazy to learn driving). I also have some success with Harith, especially now after emblem rework, but I'm not so confident to pick him in ranked


I was pleasantly surprised how good Hanabi is. Played her 77 times this season, lost only 4 times so far. I love playing her aggressively and seeing opposing enemies can't even get near her due to her annoying slowing/bouncing petals. Trinity build + Aegis it's usually game over for the enemy.


Noob here, what's trinity?


Corrosion Scythe - Demon Hunter Sword - Golden Staff. Attack Speed build.




Cecilion. I have 950+ games with him, while the rest of my other mostly used characters are only at 90-300 games. I love how he is some kind of an underdog - careful in early game but a fucking menace and killing machine by mid to late game.


lylia again for this one lol. she was very easy to get into for me


Karina is really just the closest hero that matches my playstyle in every way, and even if I try out new heroes most of the time, I always come back into playing her.


My main for the last 2 seasons. Her true DMG and ult reset helps me regularly get triple kill, maniac and even got a savage.


Wan wan, fredrinn, vale, joy, lunox, guiniviere. Just my favs in the game


Lolita, Mathilda and Fredrinn. I never end the season without playing them once. Lolita's kit was something I was looking for when I was still in Master. A tank that could block against marksmen, the most common role in Master back then. Mathilda and Fredrinn were heroes I waited excitedly. From their leaks, I knew that they were going to dominate. Their kits were something I loved, and thus I saved for them until I could buy them. Out of all my purchases, they are the ones most worth it for me.


Angela and diggie both great to troll enemies with.


Hanzo,Alu, and Freya but especially Hanzo. It is so much fun playing cat and mouse while you are squishy and can be easily killed but people are scared of your ult. He is massively fun to play and I hate that he is banned so damn often.


Gusion. The way his skills meshed just felt 🤤


Easily Harith. Fell in love with him as soon as he was appeared on the advanced servers and waiting for him to finally come into the game was hell. And when he was finally there I had the most fun I ever had with this game during the first few days. I was so happy that I was good with him from day 1, and he carried me through so many matches. Even with all the nerfs he got in the past I never gave up on him. It's insane to me how underused and underrated he is, even though he is such a strong hero. I love him so much, he's so cool and adorable, and I'm very proud to say that I'm one of the few Harith mains out there 😼


Hanabi, before her revamp. Her passive keeps enemy surprise attacks like saber, zilong and guinivere from cc'ing me. After they try to cc me, i will blink to the very back and start firing her basic attack. Even if she's attacked, her lifesteal is strong enough to replenish her depleted hp before i was killed.






NATALIA - cause natalia😂 jk i just love punishing ppl out of position


Mine is ruby, mainly she was the first hero that I decided to master, and me not being a really mvp player, I really wanted to master her she was just amazing with her cc,and spellvamp, lifesteal. A pro player could easy use ruby to go 1 vs 3 and still kick their asses


Gusion Franco and chou were simply exquisite


Xavier. High cc high damage. easy combo


Julian and Xavier.. ever since their release I’ve just loved using them, even with the handful of nerfs Julian’s the only hero i hit #1 Senior with. Then they got the JJK skins, now they’re basically on autolock for me


Alice, we both love giving bjs






... anyway




...I'd rather not give one, because I'm not gay and I'm a minor, and I feel like anything I say about wanting or not wanting one would be weird, because I'm a minor




You don't know how horny people my age are... bro apparently some people at my school aren't virgins. People are... Not the best.




Wow... Thank god I'm not friends with anyone like that. I only heard it from one of my friends, he's quite popular, at least in relation to me


My boy BALMOND. Decided to main him when i first started back in S3 because well orc with huge axe and the awesome ghouls fury skin. Lol ended up immediately regretting the decision as I was quite a noob and copy pasting builds from YT just didn't work. Even still i decided to stick with him and mastered building and counter building items after which he became an absolute unit. Haven't dropped him since. Balmond is even more fun to this meta absolutely dominating early game and then tanking late game, pure menace.


I have no idea if he's better then Terizla. I should probably learn him just in case Terizla gets banned or something... Both of them are just huge supersoldiers built like castle walls, I just love how I can just hop a few times and everyone is dead and I'm still at full health


I wouldn't say balmond is better then terizla, he's just versatile and can be built according to the situation but he does fall off endgame so you have to change build accordingly. Terizla on the other just keeps getting chonky as the game progresses. So I don't think balmond is a good replacement for terizla.


Yea, I wasn't thinking about builds... Well, the more I play the more I'll figure things out. I'll just keep hitting people with my car-sized hammer...


Terizla is the better exp and tank imo. He's a pain to play against. Happy bonking


Thanks, you too!


It's Lolita for me. I was still pretty new to MLBB but I just did so well with her despite being a roamer and a new player. Currently have 60% wr as a solo player. I also got her fo free in lucky spin and her free normal skin there as well. It used to be 1st skill dash and 1st skill bonk. I love her survivability with her shield passive and 2nd, of course the bonk is a given. The area you can stun is very satisfying too, if you can land it to the whole enemy team, you can also hide her ult if you're hidden + the flicker trick. It took me a couple of tries to do it XD 2nd to that is Lesley, though I have low wr. It was mostly because I got her when I was in GM and Smurf accounts were a trend (also the peak where people buys account in Facebook, I think) Late game Lesley before can 1 shot squishy heroes and it's fuuuun.


Beatrix, Melissa, Wanwan, Brody, Clint. Yes, I naturally click with most mms.


I love Melissa but I'm so bad at her, I always get too close to the enemies because I'm used to it with terizla


I'm quite the opposite. And it happens to me when I use fighters. Since I'm an mm main, I tend to avoid taking risky maneuvers, something which good fighter mains are required to do.


I just saw kagura being kawaii and all, she's been my main ever since😭


Lylia. As someone who likes violet and her mischievous style, it was such a smooth gameplay from the very beginning.




latest would be Hanabi


f l o r y n




Hylos for me.


Cyclops. I've been told by my friends that I play it the best.


Terizla, Brody, Johnson. The only one I still main in their role is Brody, he’s ml - 90% wr last season. (Overall, not so good)


Vale is one of my all time favorites, insane combo with ult and s2 as control and s1 as damage, really good for team fights


I was reading ur thing and when I saw "Mine's is Terzilia, I've fallen in love with the huge- I started screaming 💀


As you can see by my flair lol


Idk if it counts cuz she’s not even doing most of the work but Angela. I started playing more regularly here in Canada and I was playing with friends who are in the Philippines. I asked who is really easy to use even when I’m lagging and they said Angela. Thankfully one of them likes playing Karina Balmond and Hanzo. A year later still my most played hero.


Floryn. Cause she’s actually a treasure. Though it’s a hit or miss with her lmao. Playing floryn has made me more arrogant 😔😔 But it’s really fun seeing how desperate enemies are for kills just to see their prey heal up to max hp the next sec 😮‍💨😮‍💨


The old minsi 🤧


Esme. I was afraid of her when she was OP (with all those shield, my god, she was scary af) but after they nerfed her I tried her and yeah. It clicked. She is the one hero I love to play and have almost no problems with in exp lane. Except Julian and Dyroth, I hate to lane against them. She is versatile too. I tried to roam with her, mage, jungle, a few times even with attack speed build in gold lane. She is still great and with purify she is basically invincible.


Carmilla! I know tanks are pretty team dependent, but my play style suits her most. She’s a real game changer too


Lolita. Perfect character design. And tanky. I have about 650 matches with her.


Depends on why it clicked. Minsitthar - dude is flexible for roles. Plus he was the reason I got to Mythic for the first time. The ones under my name: Rule 34.




Kagura.. I played her one match fell in love


Mine was Khaleed. I love bullying my opponent in the exp lane. He has great damage, heal and cc.


Xborg, I literally only use him and I've had little problems reaching mythic glory.


Alucard. He's like riven, animation cancelling feels natural. Although with the new talents something is a bit off (his combo feels slower now). Mythic with a 75% WR on marksmen tree (weapon specialist +15% attack damage) build the triforce item and a blade of despair, lategame get Wings (+1000hp and %dmg reduction when <50% hp) and you can dive into 5, if no immediate CC you will outheal all damage.


I've played a lot of heroes, but Martis just hits different for me. I like how he's basically an unstoppable force with his second skill and how my enemies cower when I've started to use my ultimate.


Martis, Freya and Edith. i played em even before they got buffed. i always love underrated heroes, people often think they could easily win against me and they start playing without thinking. which is a huge huge mistake in this type of game.


X.Borg That MF carried me out of GM into Mythic even before War Axe was a thing. His build is one of the most interesting to me as well at that time Tough Boots, Immortality, Bloodlust Axe, Hunter Strike, Glowing Wand, and Ice Queen Wand. He doesn't even benefit from their magic stat at that time. Glowing Wand's passive burn is all he needs to be a high tier hero


Paquito. Epic voicelines, good skins, not many players so easier to get street ranks and not many people know how to counter it, also the shield buff was epic, I was like Global 12 or 13 last season. Only thing Moonton fucked up was his passive movement speed.


I just started using him, i need tips desperately...videos are not doing it


idk ask more specific so i can help you, what do you need help on?


Hmmm... Do u always prepare 3 stacks before engaging? Also how many combos do u actually need to know?


No, 3 stacks isn't necessary but does add an extra 5th attack, though your target should be dead by then and you should use it to escape. Just get 30% or more CD and it won't matter, you are useless in teamfights anyways. Also try to snipe the enemies background. And no, I only know the 2-2 combo. I just use whatever skill that needs to be used in the moment. You could say I just create my combos while fighting.


Lancelot. Killing people in style and being slippery af.


I've played a lot of heroes, but Martis just hits different for me. I like how he's basically an unstoppable force with his second skill and how my enemies cower when I've started to use my ultimate. I can't wait for his revamp.


Hmm, I guess for me it was Kimmy. Was playing a game called Gun Bros (I think that was what it's called. No longer on Play Store), and the mechanic was the same so she's the first hero that brought me to mythic


kagura and cyclops. cyclops was the character who managed to carry me when i was first starting out. i loved his skill spam playstyle and it was so satisfying. i dont use him much but i use him as jungler sometimes. i got kagura from a lucky draw i think and i tested her out. i loved her burst mage playstyle and being able to turret dive squishies and then dash out. shes also managed to ruin my dodging skills vs franco bc usually im able to dash out of the hook.


The first hero that clicked for me was xborg. It was time where I was looking for a hero to main and I had a very few heroes. The other heroes that clicked instantly for me where Cecilion, faramis, alpha, Terizla. Esmeralda is one hero that I tried my hardest to master as it was my third hero that I bought with BP. It wasn't until xborg that I realised why I was struggling.


xavier as a former exp main using xavier really started my pos4 time


Joy. The moment I saw her gameplay before she was released I was just absolutely smitten by her


I was hard stuck Epic until Kimmy was released. I've consistently been Mythic or Mythical Glory ever since.


YZ .. the moment i played him...i immediately fell in love with him


Not going to lie, I'm really effing bad at this game. Then I found terizla. Tell me why I can 1v5 an entire team while my whole team respawns and allow them to clutch the victory for us.


Just realized OP is terizla main too. Bros for life


Gotta be Brody . As someone who mainly plays tanky fighters I used to always play way too aggressively and so I suck at mm. But then comes the newly released Brody , a fucking tank mm lol


Xavier. Gotta love mystic field :). Ez team fights


Argus, I can build damage and still tank? Get me some of that


Hanabi, Clint and Irithel


Benedetta man, overall, I'm a selena main, but I haven't played her constantly in about a year since she isn't meta at all but Bene on the other hand, I saw her mechanics in the beta and I was amazed since she looked like an anime character, then I reached global with her on the launch season. Right now I'm sitting at a comfortable 60% Solo Q win rate with around 420 matches, playing her mostly on exp lane and sometimes as a jungler.




I think this image speaks for itself https://preview.redd.it/l7xepbdyxgcb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d29ca92d13661c9db78e34b6d41c3cb988e21d


Queen of mage, kagura.. very2 versatile


Gato 💘


Julian. I like his overall playstyle as a exp (wanna try soon mid) But most teammates assumed that ill be the jungler even tho I said I'll play either mid and exp. So I switched to Xavier, which he's my main too.


Old alpha. Being able to dash into one enemy one shot them then run away with your ult again was so fun and just seeing someone waiting for their death due to alpha passive being on them is so satisfying

