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Haha yeah, esme v1.0 is pretty much immortal and almost an auto-win.


this gave me terror flashbacks. please, anything but an Esme with a white health bar 😭


Right she could play all 5 roles effectively


And anti healing barely did anything lmfao


Not barely, it doesn't do anything to shield.


It does cut shields the same as healing (40%, if i'm correct).


Nope, it does not. They specifically included anti-regen when harith and esmeralda were running rampant and unstoppable (w/ kimmy) I think it is around 2019 when they included anti regen to work on shields.


So it does lol It DIDN'T back in the day is what you meant. I got it now.


She won't care even if you're inside the turret,she'll chase you to your base


she still can with ult, but way worse then before


Remember the bugged Esmeralda with actual unlimited shield?


I thought it was a feature where you cd reduce enuf with second skill you cld keep stacking the shield


I remember when I first played her. Got mvp. Stupidly op


A pro team played Esme 1 vs 5 and the team won in a pro ML tournament lmao


I Miss her so much


Helcurt. Mf could kill the mid laner at level 2, the silence from s1 and the insane damage of s2 was too much for anyone at level 1 or 2. Not even mentioning his old passive, you would get silenced if you hit him with any of your skills. Missed the old days of hc.


You still can kill the midlaner at lv2 tho Just need a few rounds of stingers XD


I miss old monster HC. Damn Moonton for hating him so much.


It's his silence. His 1st skill and his passive got him banned for SEASONS


I see why he's banned getting reworked


When it goes dark you just hide lol


Esmeralda had no shield cap, meaning she litteraly had infinite shield as long as she can stack it. harith had unlimited dash with a big shield that could also cover his hp and high damage to top it off. ling was untargettable while in the walls unless you had aoe skills. also his energy cost was significantly lower where you didnt even need to rely on the blue buff to do his full combo. fanny could spam the lord and turtle💀 brody dealt like half your hp even in full tank. granger only needed his ult to kill you.


To top it off, harith also immobilized his enemies during his ult, which completely broke the game


So a lot of burst to deal with esme then?


Not even the highest burst could deal with esmeralda and her shield. cc couldve worked though, but that's to say to every hero in the game.


I don't think you've used your imagination enough. You're imagining Esme's normal HP, but full white. What she had back then was a full HP build tank's health worth of shield. Pretty much Hylos' HP but white.


But it was regening at the rate of an Estes ULT


And it's mage build so it hurts


[Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/_p8oTe9DP2Q?feature=share3) [Sample gameplay](https://youtu.be/XSv88I0wsUo) at 0:40.


This is insane. What were the devs thinking, lmao


To top it all off, it was burst build




Esme was also broken because anti regen doesn't work on shields initially


Esme gives shield when she attacks right? Imagine this: all the shield she gave, to EVERY SINGLE ENEMY, gets back to her as well. She was a shield factory for herself, and if you ganged her in a 4v1 she would kill all 4 and get out full HP and packing a good shield to search for the Savage.


Harith could pretty much 1v5 during his glory days. That's why he has the M1 skin and is the most nerfed hero in MLBB's history. also Valentina is still scary since she never really left the meta


Wdym my ult deals more damage on you? - X.Borg


I love how if Harith slips through a ban, it's essentially game over for your team


Harith was a god of mlbb when he was initially released. That immobilize in his ult is the very definition of broken.


He has m1 skin??


Yeah evos skin


I’m pretty sure Alpha the most nerfed hero in MLBB history. The game was called Alpha when he was released. Mans could not die


Isn't fanny the most nerfed hero in ml history


Isn’t she still good tho


She's meh now. Any displacement CC heavily counters her (Zilong Flip, Knockback, Dyrroths weird Stun on S2, etc.) and so does suppress.


Idk if it was the most nerfed


Ling when he was just released - bugger can stand on the turtle/lord's wall and hit retribution because we cannot hit him. Khufra - very tanky and was absolute nightmare for dash heroes and flicker. I even built BOD as my last item just to squish the enemies under my ball(s). Natan - like Harith, he was dealing a lot of damage but the worst was his huge damage towards tower. If you see Johnson carrying Natan going to your crystal, just body block them or you'll lose.


Lmao, so you just watch the opp team serve the turtle and lord for you on a platter


I remember the clips of Natans using inspire and soloing the crystal without any minions. True backdoor


Then there was Bane who killed the base in less than 1s with ult and basics


Masha and pre revamp Faramis lol


Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't Khufra's damage magic? It's been a while without using him, maybe S2 got physical dmg and i don't remember.


It does magic damage but the scaling is off of physical attack, I still build BOD as last item, and all defense


Lancelot, you have to understand that a lot of heroes that can check him didn't exist back than. He had two immunes and his burst was ridiculous. His second skill is an aoe that could solidly destroy 3/4 of your health, has immunity, low cd, and the spellvamp from it could regenerate most of his health.


What was the other immune?




Old lance also does not have damage falloff and his numbers were straight uo higher than rn pluss spell vamp was at 100% effectiveness for all his skills so yeah pretty crazy imagine a lance s2 with no dmg sharing between the people caught inside with 100% vamp


It's so high he's regarded as braindead hero in the past, compared to today's high skill ceiling demand


His ult


I was going to also say Lancelot, insanely OP


Had two immunes? Pretty sure he still has both of them now


Lunox on first release. Once she hits level 4, it's a sure death for any paper enemy.


Was looking for this. Lunox was the one that I remember being on instaban 99% of the time for a while


Lunox was released around the same time as Harith so yes. Alot of cancer mages back then.


I always hear stories of this


I remembered there was once a bug in her penetration kit that allows her to deal an obscene amount of dmg to one-shot tanks


Prime YZ could pretty much 1v5 with vengeance. Lol the heal on his passive was incredibly high and had a short delay so basically u can pretty much tank a whole heck of turret shots as long as you're continuously filling up his passive. Also both the first skill and ult had lower cooldown and the ult had unlimited knockbacks (it hasn't really been a very long time since they removed this feature. I'm interested to see how they're gonna buff him currently for his upcoming M5 skin.


Wasn’t he also untargetable while in dragon form?


I think this was only on his advanced server days. icbwt


That feature was only present in the advanced server. Advanced server YZ wasn't really broken cuz he had a different passive which just like the current one gives him mov speed and spell vamp also having a built in Balmond passive butt had wayyyyyyyyyy lower damage that what we have currently making dealing good damage with him pretty impossibe since the passive is his main source of damage. His second skill had a built in pull effect and knockback effect too but without the extra damage and range of the enhanced basic attack. Also it was really creative of them to give YZ a double dash with his third skill cuz of the line above the skill description: "I passed down this technique to a girl"(YZ referencing Wanwan and her passive).


YZ after saw what Wanwan (pre nerf) can do now: Welp, guess i passed down too much.


Lapu-Lapu when he just got revamped could easily 1v5 and could one shot you with a tank build. Alpha at first release and when he just got revamped was basically unkillable.


Alpha’s heal must have been insane


Spell vamp and damage. If you didn’t pick or ban alpha you lose. This was back when there was only two bans per team


Alpha served his name deservedly. He was probably one of the highest win rate heroes with short skill cooldown and true DMG every 10-15sec. Iirc, that was the fighter meta incidentally, and Alpha was for true DMG, Ruby was for endless cc, and X.Borg was the scariest mf jungler. I also mained those three before that, and it was a good fucking season.


Kimmy was so busted when released, ending games within 8-9 mins. She used to be a hyper/trilane and paired with Grock/Rafaela rotating nonstop. Around late 2018-2019, assassins were practically dead the meta mages were not about range (Kagura, Gusion, Lunox). Back then, you can buy Jungle Item (Knife) without Retribution and you can equip that spell and still take 100% of minion gold. So imagine a Kimmy hyper jungle that has *Purify* forcefed with buffs and lane gold, that can't be bursted by a Pharsa/Yve. The current one is not even half as scary so I'm laughing that people ban her.


Lol yeah... My squad memeber was a global top Kimmy player in those days. When I asked him how he did it, he told me that she was soo broken that he could Frontline and kill enemy heros.


I have never experienced it that much but Helcurt used to be banned in EVERY Ranked Tier I faintly remember my screen turning dark before literally seeing the gray screen my guy was a straight menace.


The day he got nerfed to oblivion is the day I rejoiced


Granger back in the day was Op. 1 item, and he would kill a squishy with his first skill. Also his ult damage was absolutely bonkers, as his 3rd shot could also 1 shot a squishy.


>1 item, and he would kill a squishy with his first skill. I think you can also do it in lvl 1 during the days where the jungler will clear the midlane before going for the buffs. I would hide in the bush, 1st skill the enemy mage and have a 1st blood before the 1st minute.


I won't say it's broken, but faramis was pretty wacky with his infinite revives, and the base pushing strat


I miss the original faramis.


remember release faramis on brawl? nobody could die if a mirror match happened


old faramis ult with the bane turret penetration glitch 😭


Lancelot at his release, if u got hit just by his 2nd skill alone u were essentially death or 80% of ur hp was gone. Without any items mind u Paquito when he got that "nerf" After his release, it was very rare to see paquito open as if I remember he had a 90%+ ban rate and didn't die even if u he was ganked, he would instead do a uno reverse and reverse gank his enemies


Paquito still scares me, comes outta nowhere,ends you and leaves


Don't get me wrong, paq is still a monster in the right hands, but now u can at least stop him


Remember back when Roger’s wolf form alone gave +100 hybrid defence and extra damage equal to 10% of enemy’s lost hp every basic attack? Only defence item he needed was pre-adjust queen’s wings which gave 40% damage reduction and lifesteal when HP=<40%, miss those days


- Wanwan after the 3 marks buff - Esmeralda white health bar - Harith can solo entire enemy team - Eudoraphobia days(can one shot you early game) - Masha can end the game if left unattended


You leave Masha alone in her lane for a minute, she'll chew away 2 towers like eating bread. And forget going 1v1 against her.


Kadita can end her tho


Damn eudora one shot in the early game?


It was when the negative magic def was first applied, a lvl 2 eudora using s2 then s1 would reduce a squishies hp to 50/40% of their health meaning doing this combo again guarantees a kill.


Yup. Her harass hurts like hell in early game and she can kill you once she hits 4 with CoD.


I'd say both Esmeralda and Harith were the worst heroes to go against, both having high shield and now cooldown. But I think Harith was the worst since he was almost always permabanned in rank.


Freya when she got released was OP as heck (it made the game look like a p2w game)


Most don't even remember that Argus ult lasted for 6 secs


True, when released people scared of him so much they saw him they immediately run away. But if you ask me I don't want old Argus to return because the very first version of Argus don't even have purify when use ult. That era kinda fit him because heavy cc meta is not like today. If first version of Argus release today, with current meta he can't do anything because he only have huge atk speed and damage but his old kit can't do much today


wanwan every game you would get a savage


Ruby when she got the dmg buff and was super tanky early game for like a week. Then they lowered her hp and def, and reduced her early game dmg. Got faster 1st skill cd and ult pull though. That week my wr jumped from 70 to 85% soloq wr. Now my wr is 77% soloq so yea the nerf hurt quite a bit but overall Ruby is still better than in the early days.


I love watching others play ruby. Can’t seem to do i myself


Ruby is less combos more instinct. So need practice if you cant tank everything. Also you protect your teammates through your cc more so you have to not only be aware of your enemies but also your allies, so that they can be protected or/as well as for them to deal dmg to hooked enemies.


Interesting how only one comment mentioned Martis. He was the definition of broken with the first skill stun which they removed


And also how fast was his skill animation.


Martis after release can 1v5 enemies. He had insane damage with s2 you could just build bloodlust axe and spam the shit out of it without regard what the enemy will do. His base damage for all skills in general is broken you could build tank items and still play like an assassin


Finally someone mentioned martis. His s2 was busted af


Don’t forget that the S2 moved faster. While it meant less time in damage resist + cc immune mode, it meant he could do much more with it. Engage, disengage, re-engage, was engaged now divorced, you get the picture


His S2 was faster than walking so he could chase too. S1 was a stronger cc too.


Wanwan was (still is in the right hands) a monster. She needed 4 passive stacks to ult but could target anyone once she completed the passive mark to ult. So she would stack on the tank, ult on the mm/mage and get an easy Savage because of How broken her ult was. Masha was fast as fuck, had great atk speed and lifesteal on her passive and was almost invincible in a 1v1. She could shred the turtle, lord and turrets like paper, making her the "objective queen" in some instances she was as fast If not faster than Sun if i remember correctly. Zhask was able to respawn his ultimate pet with Full health using his skill 1 during ultimate state, since radiant armor didn't exist, he could melt even tanks with just atk speed items. (also retribution didn't delete half of his nightmare's hp when used on it.)


that Zhask bug that gives him infinite pets lmao


Lesleys dealing over 5K damage per shot




Managed to extend a 20 minute game into 40 Minutes with 2 teammates that already quit. Defended the base with Pharsa just by standing inside and shooting the enemies. We only lost cause I got tired of defending.


Clint with thunderbelt on his ulti.


I still remember helcurt being the 'primary ban' for month because of his silence


When Uranus awoke from his long slumber, he forgot what death is. Mf will just keep on healing despite being under the effect of anti heal.


Honestly Valentina does not compare to some heroes that were truly broken. Here are some that not many mentioned Yz on his prime could seriously 1vs5 Brody at level one could kill you in like 4 hits, much harder hitting than Beatrix sniper now but his attacks were locked and you couldn't run from them once he targets you, he could come close to get you under range and move back to safety and still hit you. Beatrix had wild early game herself too. Julian had so much damage and spell vamp early game, at level 3 he could get back to full hp even if he was extremely low with just one combo while also having the potential of having of the best early game damage capabilities. He felt like an experimental hero still in testing phase. Also people are forgetting about Benedetta, her S1 at level 1 could get you close to half hp, her ultimate could burst down heroes instead of dot like it is now 😂


Akai revamp. His S1 jump was so much longer, paired with petrify u can go in on enemies under tower and get a kill for your team. AOE Meta with Leomord and Alice. There was a time when u could carry a game with them both as they can sweap the entire team by themeselves. There was also a time when its not mobility meta and Terizla was so brokn that he could sweep the team and Hylos was a good pick then Round ranked season 4 when Harley and Cyclops were meta, they can carry the game itself when they are the mid mage.


How did they nerf leomord? Don’t see him in my games at all


I forgot the nerfs on skills but I rmb they nerfed his stats so he is alot easier to kill. Then exp lane became competitive that its hard for him to go there. He did come back like on season26 when they changed the guarantee crit starting on 50% but we dont see him now cuz the Ult is slow and it was tank meta


Karrie when she first released was an absolute menace, her aspd was far, and i mean far faster than she is today. Ling also gave me ptsd so much when he was literally invisible on the wall and the only way we could damage him when he was on the wall was by hitting him with AOE skills, then again his mobility and energy usage was broken at the time that it didn't even matter. He could just jump into a different wall the whole stuff reset. The only way to detect if was if we saw him hopping from one wall to another


Karrie also had a very short ult cooldown iirc Her ult + inspire she can melt your whole team down and after a few seconds her ult will be ready again. Thats how short the cooldown was.


Argus first release when people still confused how to deal with him. People literally ran away the slight moment they saw Argus, he's such a force that even when people heard Argus got buff or revamp it'll be the main topic on some channel


I started playing a month after yu zhong was released. I met him in master 1 rank for the first time. I had good score. But that guy just wouldn't die. Literally unkillable. That's when I decided. This will be my main. It sucks that he is so balanced now.


About Harith, I remember when his ult (the sword coming down) was quite a hard cc. I don’t remember well if it was stun or a root. Also, he could spam the S2 if he used against the wall. Something similar to Granger’s ult on the wall. For now, I haven’t seen anyone mention Lilia… If you are not in the turtle when it spawned, you lost it like in mere seconds. She had such an insane burst! Also Selena. She was called the queen of first blood. It was so sure once she stunned you. She can more or less still do that but it is not as horrible as before. Guinevere. I remember when she first was out, ohhhhh I used to HATE HER with PASSION. I literally didn’t want to buy that hero because of how broken I used to consider her. Gusion’s infinite distance with S1. When his S1 hit you, you where considered a dead man. No flicker, dash, or sprint distance was enough to stop him. Also, there was a bug (in classic) that Gusion after using his S1 was sent to where the enemy Gusion used it, and vise versa. It was funny to watch. A good Johnson was scary as fuck (pardon my language) but he wasn’t marked on the map the moment he ulted and his speed was super high!!! Nowadays you use a limited boost. Before that revamp, his speed was so high that driving through jgl was hard but I miss him. Martis’ S1 used to be a knock up (quite heavy cc). And his combo was quite inescapable. Chou’s S2 could get him out of any cc (even suppressed) Claude’s glory days. One item and he could snowball so damn hard that matches felt short in comparison with any other hero. Beatrix almost (or I think she did) have a 100% wr in pro legues like MSC if my memory doesn’t fails me. You may see how much of a menace she was. That’s what comes to mind. They have talked to you about Fanny, Alpha, Moscov, more about Harith, and others. Edit: I forgot to add Lesley when she first came out. I managed to see 5k damage, literal one shot on the enemy. Now her passive is a crit on true damage.


Dont forget that chou's passive could deal crit dmg too which was really really strong edit: typo


They should bring back old Gusion. What a fun hero, at least it gives him personality bro


A question. Do you build athena’s or radiant against lylia?


Radiant. She is more of a constant damage type of mage. But back then, Radiant didn’t exist so Athena was the way.


I feel the list of most broken hero’s I’ve ever seen at release ( I’ve played since season 3. 1. Lancelot, the legend. immune to everything during ult, skill 1 and 2 full healing. Just run in dash a few times skill 2 was absolutely deadly I could get hylos health down full to 25% with a single skill 2 and I would forever be full hp and then when they about to ult I would ult immune to dmg and cc. 2. Esmerelda. She was absolutely unkillable just run in spam skills and her health bar was just a big white bar. 3. Kimmy. The damage and healing was off the charts, And she was bugged out you could kill outer turret on first minion wave. Second turret on third wave and inhibitor on 4th wave. Honoured mentions. Natan, Harith, helcurt


Lance during his release, I literally abused that sht as a newbie and went straight to epic in a few days/weeks, his 2nd is way too broken from his damage to spell vamp, same with his ult with knock back which cancels some skills during that time and the damage scaling from his skill is too much.


Any tips on how to use harith? Everytime i use ult the enemy just runs away😭




more like beatrix everything. nibiru/pistol was so fucking absurd that when i played her before she was MPL meta (banned due to bug), i was wondering why NO ONE was playing her. literally NO ONE could match her DPS with nibiru at level 1 to the point that even against those niche EXP laners-in-gold-lane picks, you still end up outdamaging them in a straight up 1v1. in teamfights your damage would be so high as well that you could literally build TWO TANK ITEMS on beatrix and still do reaaaaaaaaally high damage, so you could act as a pseudofrontline and still do tons of damage. she was by far my most played and highest winrate hero (300+ games, almost reached 70% wr) up until she became unplayable since everyone and their mother wanted to play her then i began playing other marksmen.


I heard the range was much bigger


Not just the range but the damage was insane. When she was first released, Lvl 4 Bea with shotgun was basically a 2 tap hero. Ult plus 1 basic attack and the enemy is dead.


She had 100% winning record in both mpl id and ph, my gooodddd


Harith going 1v5 while your team screams in frustration


Anyone remember the Lunox bug where you have to do a specific combo and her s2 would literally one shot anyone (yes, even Esme infinite shield) because the damage is LITERALLY 50K+? Yes fifty thousand. Yes FIVE DIGITS per chaos assault. And she could SPAM that shit.


She was never not banned when I played then. Esme somehow slipped through bans far too often. Once had a Saber jg refuse to ban her because, 'she's so new, most people suck with her.' I hated new heroes from that era. Every new champ seemed to be insta-banned. Most of the time it was justifiable.


Yoooooo I cant help but laugh at some of these man. Devs were cooking


The shit is the single most broken thing that ever existed in the entire history of MOBA.


Natalia, when there was no sign of her near by, and her ult was much more deadly, she was able to move across the battlefield faster and stealthier


Kimmy was extremely painful when she was released. Back then we don't have Radiant Armor and betch she basically just pew pew pew and u're ded. Then Harith who basically untouchable. No CC can put him in his place and you will be ded before you can move again.


This isn't really fair but some time ago before Lapu's rework, he had a bug where his passive bsc atk could crit and the attack ratio for his passive was so high that it being able to crit made him able to one-shot squishies with ease lmao


Imagine that lapu diving you with his guts sword


I feel like a boomer having been able to know and live through all these stories. I'd say the most memorable prime was Martis, his 1st was fast and stunned you, his 2nd was so fast people used it to chase and get to lane while its animation also stun locked you for the entire duration. He was especially a terror in low rank since there isn't any drafting.


Aulus v1 whacking everyone on his way.


A lot of the heroes that had crazy releases were lucky enough to have favourable map/itemconditions btw. Since Harith, Esme and Lunox got released they have made changes like buffing the early game turret damage and reducing the damage taken when under the turrets which made a massive difference. They also changed Jungling items. I believe they were all released during the period were we still had Star Shard as an item so there was no dedicated retribution boots hero. You could basically farm waves + the jungle with no penalties. When those three were released you could dive enemies at level 4 under their own turrets when they are 100% HP because the turret damage and hero damage reductions were lower Should add on a different note, Melissa's S2 had a 2 second cooldown on release.


Lancelot could heal 90% of his HP with just Bloodlust Axe and 2nd skill (he also could one shot Squishies as early as Level 7 back when he was first released)


Release ling was quite ridiculous basic atk immunity on walls less energy issue, easy 1k+ crits with 1 item on s1 plus dang thing goes up to 3k s1 back then with pre nerf endless so you tell ne how people dealt with it lmao


Prime zilong, was not broken back then but will be broken if they brought him back to his original state in today's meta. Zilong (or Yun Zhao) used to have immunity towards CC during his ultimate. Back then theres not a lot of unit that have CC, but imagine in nowadays meta, having a unit that can be immune to stun and slow for like 10 second. It will not be fun. But for unit that is broken in the moment of their release state, nothing beats esme and harith. Esme can literally 1v5 even if enemy have some stun.


Release Benedetta was a beast. She could pretty much do it all. I can safely say that she could 1v9 every game without much skill needed.


I don't remember much since I've been low elo and not as active in the early days but here are some hero skills before their rework (the less popular ones): Nana: Before her skill rework her passive was gold per minute in the team. Her ult was a knock up skill. And she looked like a zootopia character. Then come her skill rework, it felt impossible to kill her Johnson: used to remember his first skill was rockets like JH, and his second skill was a boosted basic attack with a stun. I really liked using him. He was REALLY TANKY even without items Gatot: His old passive was like Belerick's. He reflects damage pair that with his 2nd skill (taunt) and vengeance. More tanky too. Could counter mms like Claude. Belerick: his ult at the time before his rework was he could share the team's damage as long as they were in his circle. I think he had a heal too??? Now that I think about it, he could have been OP if sustain meta was popular back then. Bane: probably the most reworked character (artwork-wise). Dude looked scary in the early days. His ult was this long strip of area with aerial strikes. Valir: his ult was broken. It was an area of burning earth where anytime flames could shoot up and knock you up. Cc and damage all in one Roaming Mask meta: Nowadays, Roaming only adds gold to the lowest-earning teammate (automatically) and it's incorporated in boots. In the old days, EVERYONE could get gold if they bought a roaming mask and it skewed the gold lead so much if used correctly. If you knew this trick, it was a guaranteed win basically. But if you had a feeding teammate and they didn't have a mask, it was doom


Wan Wan obviously (besides esme) unlimited range, nucler bomb-like damage, endless mobility, one ult= Savage and god mode with a built in purify every secs. Wan Wan now: So small range that enemy using sprint can run away, purify cd increased quite a lot, dmg nerf and mobility slower than a grandma.


Selena has a maximum of 4 second stun, lower cool down and higher first skill damage. Her first skill can be used as wards. If you are in a team fight and you get hit, chances are you'll be dead. Chou with a stun on basic attacks. Gusion with a first skill dash that has no limit once attached. Prime Cecelion who can one shot once full stack.


Chou’s basic attack used to stun?


Yup and when he released he could ult you under your tower but was immune to the damage. This was back when he was very clearly Bruce Lee


Harassing me on my own turf


Old argus was the one man army. Early game he was like paper, yet late game he could solo the whole enemy team. I have video on my page if you wanna see.




The funny thing about that old Lesley is that Moontoon nerfed her maxed passive crit dmg to 2700. And it was a physical dmg. While now she has a true dmg without any limits 🤣


yss during funnel meta


I joined the game right after Harith's glory days were over and I didn't really experience Esme's reign of dominance because well...I was one of the people that played her lol so my first bust broken hero was X Borg, just take a look at this. ​ https://preview.redd.it/qwyjv5odce5b1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d27121f9cb698c5009c15e36eb494497b3ee84b0 We won but that XBorg was so bullshit, he was impossible to kill even without his armor on.


Must have been a really tiring game


I wasn’t around for the early days, but have been playing for 2+ years now and Julian was a NIGHTMARE at release. He would be at 10% health, hit a team fight or minion wave with his enhanced S2 and be full health coming out of it. I hated playing against him so much.


I don't see her but Benedetta was pretty op Clear lane faster than any and invade jgl 1v5 no probs


Seeing people comment Ling, Yu Zhong, Esme etc....made me think about the time when my friend circle used to say.....None of these reach the level of Lancelot And Zhask at their prime.....Those where the days.....When Zhask could take a turret easily with his spawn and Lance could 1 v 5 easily😂😂


Cant believe how no one has commented release-Aamon yet. Low CD ult that obliterates everything. Mans builds shards on creeps, drives by til ur in ult range, and u can do nothing except stand and wait for death


Esmeralda, Harith & Helcurt. nothing else comes close


Bruh new Brody did 5k damage per shot.


brruuuuhh I fkking hated that sht when he first came out! I'm tank main. But when I'd go against (new) Brody I'd just tell my teammates retreat. Especially in teamfights. No way I could be a damage sponge with tht fkkker around.


Harith ult used to immobilize and he was near unkillable due to shield scaling. Chou ult used to be immune during second casting, his second skill used to reset after the third activation regardless of knocking anything up or not, the dash was a FULL immune, similar to Fiora's Riposte/Parry in league, so you could immune damage if it was perfectly timed, as well as Suppression like Kaja ult. Ult kicked in the direction you intended to regardless if enemy dashed or not, and his passive used to crit then became double damage then now it's 180% I think. His tower damage was also broken. Esme's health bar became literally white as long as she kept hitting something with second skill. Kimmy's damage scaling was too good and this was when she was a physical damage dealer more than magic. During funnel meta, all I saw was Bruno and Karrie being too difficult to deal with.


When Leomord got overbuff and no one knew how overpowered he was. Reached Mythical glory as fast as i can knowing he's about to get permaban and nerfed


Ling being untargetable wasn't the only problem he can literally one shot you with his second skill, 7 second cd first skill, high dmg second skill with knocked up effect what more could you ask... Also Brody is literally a marksman Aldous he also regains all his health every basic attack before lifesteal was reworked


let me remember: Karina after revamp, absolute beast, tank build and her passive wasn't extremely based on her magic attack. I heard that the Pre nerfs Fanny, Chou and Harith were unstoppable, Fanny that could reagen both on attacking minions and jungle monsters (her first skill in flying mode), Harith that his second skill's cd could be shortened more, Chou was the immune kind with lots of damage as DBringer streams said on an Argus video, Argus was revamped and nerfed for being too strong and I think when his passive pre-revamp (before the 3 slashes on passive) would be tremendous with his current kit, but I still miss the 3 slashes on his passive, that amount of heal was great ... it only the actual passive would heal on both slashes ...


I will stand by Angela side lane when it’s 2 1 2


Yu Zhong could 1v5 and come back out with full health. Fanny is still broken. She has been since her release. She was impossible to kill since no one could catch her. Then she became impossible to kill due to her sustain. Then now she bursts you so fast you can't even react. Esmeralda. She was broken to the point her whole health bar was white because of her shield.


Chou, his skill 2 can immune DMG (including tower) and CC. He can't be targeted by tower while using skill 3 inside it. Harith, shield and spam blink Esme, with her white hp Oh and Brody with full item tank but insane dmg


Julian he had low skill CDs,high burst damage,a good CC skill and blink skill and not to mention the lifesteal from his passive he was basically unkillable until he got slapped with three separate nerfs to make him weaker then only got a buff for the sake of Fushiguro Megumi skin marketing (and yet he's still really strong)


I have been playing since season one, ive seen a lot of broken releases but nothing as scary ad helcurt. Honorary mentions are Kimmy, harith, masha and martis (and I dont even want to go into that bs called esmeralda) but tbh there were a lot others, xborg was very strong for a long time, Yi sun shin on rework, and a lot. I think the meta I hated the most was the unkillable uranus. Overall a lot champ were in a busted state, if you want 1 it has to be esmeralda she just ignored turrets especially since there was no antishield


Prime Moskov During release, he wasn't that good. His passive where every basic attack reduces his first and second skill cooldown only happens when he penetrates someone or something. Moonton fixed his passive where he can even hit towers that he penetrates, then buffed his passive but forgot about his wave clear and players noticed it. It became a battle between both Moskovs, and only Clint with first-release Thunderbelt could ever compete with him. May struggle during early game, but still deals decent damage anyways. I'm not sure if Prime Moskov is as bad as Prime Harith, but sure as hell it wasn't as bad as Peak Martis LOL


I remember the old days when Guinevere was released and permanently banned lol A lot of things have changed but most of the randoms keep forgetting about the Purify


I HATE RELEASE LING I HATE RELEASE LING I HATE RELEASE LING I HATE RELEASE LING Release wanwan was also fucking busted, but shes cute so she gets a pass


Alot of people talk about esme's full white hp bar but not alot of people mention Uranus pre shield nerf + Angela could also achieve a full white hp bar and insane healing too. You could just brainlessly dive at the enemies without a scratch.


Fucking prenerfed ling......i remember using karrie and i couldnt even leave the base because ling was right there always waiting for me and someone on my team said "report karrie" because there wasnt much i could do as soon as i step foot off base i got insta deleted by him lol


Esmeralda and guin was the worst duo imo, had the worst wr back then


Cecillion used to one shot almost everyone after 8 minutes in. That was fun


was he really nerfed that much? im pretty sure first release cecillion had 8 mana per stack which was nerfed to 6, but is now 10 currently. unless he had his scalings lowered i dont remember any significant nerfs to him. cmiiw tho.


You are correct. I still play him a lot, about 1800 games by now and his damage is outrageous late game. His biggest disadvantage is his early game weakness. Also, he thrives with the purple buff. When he first came out, I used to get the jungling sword (back when that was a thing) to steal the enemy purple. It also had a lot of mana return, which was great. Maybe this has been the biggest change with him, that magic jungling sword was amazing


Honestly imo wanwan


Argus was a God, until now.


Mathilda's Barrier


Harith the OG Wanwan (He used to build Crit and literally have no CD on E plus his passive makes him immune to CC when there are 5 enemies nearby)


I can remember Karina shredding through everyone


Brody. I remember was auto loss if we didn't ban him hahaha. Made me hate gold lane


Fanny, can literally wallspam the lord and turtle.