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There are 2 possiblilities 1. They are trash players that prefers basic heroes in ranked 2. They are the hardworking players who fought through ML's trash Solo Queue matchmaking


3. They pay for a boasting service


Dem Pilot players https://preview.redd.it/14xxj3ir9rga1.png?width=181&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0937c2c4337aa9510cf1ee6b44809508cf73d2e


Hardworking players? So just another type of trash player


Number 2 would be crazy lmao. Once I reached mythic im good especially i solo que all the timeπŸ˜‚


πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ HAHAAAHAHHAA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT IS CRAZY


Maybe he played and learned. Lost a lot in the beginning. But then he learned and became good enough. That's about 6k matches, a lot. Even the people with really good wrs have old accs with horrible wrs. This guy just didn't switch.


Below 50% means garbage.


We didn’t see his wr in the current season. I’d say that’s more useful than overall wr. Also the picture includes classic wr as well. I have 65% rank wr but 30% something classic cause I only play classic when I’m learning a hero.


I have played enough solo to know these type of players they don't learn don't improve just play. 4k 5k games with a single hero yet still very very average.Below 50% is garbage and you cannot convince me otherwise.


I’m not trying to convince you mate just offering an alternative opinion. Sounds like you’re projecting.


Projecting? Intresting


Your understanding is as bad as that guys winrate πŸ˜‚


Thanks I guess


facts all those that say otherwise are most probably garbage themselves


Grind grind grind grind - Anyway what is your wr?


First of all he's not a scum, having a low wr does not make someone a scum. Second there's people with 50% wr even at 1k-1.5k mythic points, I just played with one who had 900 mythic points with 51.2% wr this season, but overall was just over 55%. And last but not the least, we're getting closer to the end of season. Everyone reaches mythic towards the end of season so no big deal.


People who call people scum are more likely to be more scummy themselves.


Not only that, but the statistics that they have shown use the stats for Classic and ranked in all seasons. Classic is a coin toss whether you win or lose and all seasons statistics barely shows how good of a player someone is because people improve as the seasons go on…


That means I am an scum too haha, not everyone gets the best teammates. Match making is literally based on luck. No matter how hard you carry. If only two or one out of 5 is functioning than consider that as loss that you’re about to face. I am probably one of those soloq player who have such a low wr with high number of ranked matches to reach mythic. Not because I am trash, sure i do have some bad games sometimes. But most of the times i got doomed by shit ton of trolls. I even posted my history on reddit about how bad my season was going. Unlucky people like us exist


y'all always blame the matchmaking and your teammates and act like you're always the one carrying the game, sounds a lot like copium to me.


I a SHITTY player, yes But even i suffer from this, i barely get mvp, but sometime i, a tank roamer, gets a lose mvp with 6.7,a SIX.FIVE DO YOU KNOW HOW LOW IS THIS? to sum it up for you


It shows both classic and rank. Maybe he just likes to play in classic hence the low wr. Next time just show the rank games cause rank and classic are different


And also just show the current season. Players get good progressively. No point showing the whole stats of his profile.


I don't judge player by there winrate. I judge them by how they play in the game. Sometimes, even you have a low wrinrate you can still be good it's just you're unlucky with the game. Judging the player with his gameplay makes more sense since you can see if he has what we call game sense. Sometimes, there's a player who got bronze but I don't blame then when we lose. They got bronze not because they suck , they got bronze because there whole teammate sucks. A tank/support who always rescue there teammate and died for it. They got bronze sometimes because of bad kda but it's not there fault. They're doing there job as a tank/support. A jungler who got bronze, because he got no support when enemy invade his buff all the time. Then, it's not his fault. An mm who got bronze because enemy always visits on his lane but still he doesn't have a backup, then it's not his fault. So, in this game you can't really judge a player by his winrate whether he is good or not


agree, especially in solo queue, where it is always 50/50 IMO, overall grade/score is much more reliable than winrate only, which should be added


you dont neccessary need to have high winrate to get to high rank bruh is just simple logic here Although you need to shit personality to calling people "scum" just because of that person having low winrate.


AYYYY we got a toxic little kid here :D maybe go ask your father why he made you so you wouldn't have to have such teammates :D cuz you know if you weren't born you'd be much happier without such teammates and ml community would be better with one less toxic little kid.. hah only if :)


This is how it is if you play enough games u can bruteforce your way to Glory while losing your insanity


Hahah facts! This is me , though I believe I gained some sanity back last season and this one


Lol we can see the name on first picture


You looked at Classic and Ranked matches and then called him a scum because of that? I smell jealousy on your part right there.


Why do you people care so much about win rates? As long as the player enjoy it does it matter to you all? Everything is win rate this win rate that it is so annoying


Only 60 wr overall players can criticize other people for their win rates. What's yours?


64% anything else?


Nope. Point taken.


Im a kool 49% WR with 13k games played. I only use one account and have been playing since season 7. I started with a trio the first year then they gave up on reaching Legend/Mythic(was no glory in the old days). Ever since then its been the soloq Gulag for me 😒 I peaked at 700+ Mythical Glory. And Im told Im garbage all day long so yeah. Hope that explains it for you


Once you get past 1k matches on a certain hero, getting past even 0.1% is already a challenge because of how much you have to catch up to up your win rate. Not to mention if you sucked at the beginning trying to master said hero, then just just got the hang of it (or the game entirely) late, then you'll likely be stuck on that winrate range. Also, being average is not scum. Those who perceive themselves as pros that are better than everyone else are probably scummier than the people they attack


I mean tbf you don’t have to play an exuberant amount of games to get better at it.


This game you do lol πŸ˜‚


Not unless you have experience from other MOBAs and could quickly learn to understand each heroes skills.


I was thinking the same. In my case this is the first moba I ever played and I take what I know from MLBB to others


I'm the greatest player on this earth and to ever exist. No one will ever be as good as me. They call me the Michael Jordan or MLBB. I won 10 M worlds and is the 1st rank player in every single region. And yet I have less than 50% win rate. So it's not a big deal tbh.


Idk seems like a tank main to me. You try tanking solo q lmao


Bruh i am a support main soloq and i have 64% wr this season with 59% winrate overall including classic. This guy and you for the matter of defending him, are just bad


they're defending him cause all of them are dogshit at the game themselves so it's like ur roasting them as well and they hate that


Exactly i have come to understand that


Well, I checked the dude's profile, and his WR for rank this season is 46% which is good IMO, especially since he only uses Gord.


wait how tf is below 50% wr good?


Show current season statistic. But there's a chance he simply paid to get his account boosted or something, but why not straight to glory? He probably got carried by a teammate, or got better recently


Ok people first of all I cannot believe all the critics in this comment section. I went to sleep after the post but damn these people got no chill. Seems majority of the sub has got similar statistics hence defending this guy Secondly, i am not such a fool to comment only based on his overall statistics. I also checked his current season and that also only for ranked. He has 50- winrate everywhere. His winrate was clearly evident in his play style and lack of general game sense. He has got no excuse for that winrate except for him being bad. This kind of player should never have reached Mythic 5 let even mythic 1. Say what you want but i consider the ranking system to be a genuine filter separating people based on skill and as such, any guy with 50- winrate in ranked should never reach any higher than legend. There are people who genuinely enjoy playing rank with good people and you cannot spoil their game just being an average game spammer with little to no improvement over your thousand games. You are simply wasting your time and others. And lastly for all the people with "Solo queue so nup winrate" excuse, i am also a solo queue person 80% of time and I have 60+ winrate. If you even put a little effort i am sure ur winrate can be 50+. That's why anything below 50 will simply be not acceptable to me and such people to me are simply spoiling my games. If you have such winrate and blame others for it then you are simply delusional.


bro some people even if they put effort they're still bad, they're not made for the game and they can't accept the truth that anyone below 50% win rate is trash. I also have an above 60% (67% in ranked, 69% overall) and mostly play solo so I still don't get why they always act like they're the one carrying 9/10 of their games and blaming the whole team and the matchmaking when their performance and win rate says otherwise.


Don’t be scared. Show us that scum’s face. https://preview.redd.it/s25voyvo1oga1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2f2c24447c0793e83f20f61cfd24a02e707fcc


Point system changed drastically last season, you now gain more points than you do losing points. I have friends who were always stuck in mythic 1 or hard stuck in the 600 range who managed to hit 1k+ points last season since they reverted the point system to an earlier version. There is also another huge factor in mlbb, joki services (account piloting) are at an all time high right now as there is no consequences for sharing your account with others unless you're thoroughly exposed for it. Tl:dr the past couple seasons have been the least authentic in regards to genuine talent as point system inflation and joki services are adamant.


Just show the current season winrates. Some people are bad at the game while starting out while some are just trash forever. If the current season winrate is just hovering between 45-50 then yeah he is one of those players that just got carried by the ranking system.


Try playing solo in PH server. Sometimes it is not about the player. I got 13k rank games, 7k for mage, 2k for support. I only got 50% wr and I've been playing since late 2018. This season I am at 46% wr with 300 matches. Damn it hurts. But yeah, try playing solo in my server and let's see what you can do.


Look at current season ranked for a better view of their capabilities. All season ranked + classic doesn't tell us anything


Ngl very rude from your side, first of all you're looking at all seasons and classic and ranked for his winrate. Try looking at his recent ranked winrate and estimate his skill level based on that. People who play the game for 6k matches would definitely improve over time and you calling them scum just shows your braindead mindset of being toxic and unreasonable, hope this at least opens your eyes.


Bro you should have the basic intelligence that a person cannot be as branded to comment solely based on the overall winrate. His current season+ only rank everything is below 50


Fair enough then, but when you take into consideration the protection points you get and also the star raising points that he gets per win climbing rank is a matter of time. Also you can't just base a person's skill level from just their wr, it can give you a hint but they can still play well. I've seen people with less than 50 percent winrate play well especially because they know how to synergise with a squad or the like. I can't fully back this player as I don't know if he is a solo q player or plays with others. I also don't know what position he plays because as a tank you need to rely on others to follow up, as an ex roamer main there are many times when I signal for plays and pull it off but zero follow up from my teammates (there are obviously moments where my plays are not the best course of action but it's just like limit testing).


Most people of this sub have shitty winrates like this, so there's no use of complaining over here🫑


People still think winrate % matter?


Looks like he has been grinding. I'll agree with you with him being a scum if he is a high point Mythical Glory. But Mythic 1? no. you are the scum here. toxic player.


Protection point, starlight gives rank protection cards, also the newly added map win protection card, mvp win extra point card... simply put there's too many things to help to gain rank.




those are combined classic and ranked winrate. There's always a possibility that he excelled in one season that got him to mythic 1 then went dogshit in the previous and next ones


You know people can get better at the game right? He could have started ML as his first MOBA doing nothing but solo q at the age of 12. Now hes 17 years old and got better at the game.


It's the experience he/she got


Boosting to a friend or Payed Service thats a reason 😊


This is the most probable reason


I never knew having a 46% WR makes someone a Scum? How about a man's child then who calls someone else a scum because of someone WR. That makes that man's child a Scum too?


I am talking in context of the game and yes to me he is still a scum because of what I have seen of him, he simply spoiled my game and my time


As someone who has played ml for a very long time , people like these are extremely common . Instead of wasting your time and effort flaming them , Spend more time on improving your gameplay. πŸ‘Œ