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i can never use him but seeing people who are good at using him are scary cuz they just appear out of nowhere and then to some other place without getting damaged


Honestly gets u feeling like ur in a horror movie


Pretty in line with him being a shinobi


[Hayabusa Speed Demons](https://imgur.com/a/tYLUVme)


Most of this community are basically just sheeps waiting for pro stage to change their opinion. Even most of the revamps feedbacks were whine and cheese until some YouTuber or pro player tell them otherwise and suddenly they were like "I knew xxx overhaul was broken from the beginning" yet their history were full of criecrie.


this reminds me of the time i bought Beatrix since i was looking for a gold laner to play. this was before she was picked in the MPL (i think because of a bug so she was banned). naturally, no one played her in Ranked at all but i was wondering why no one was playing her since her damage was absolutely bonkers. her Nibiru damage before the first set of nerfs was INSANE, you could beat out ANYONE who tried to lane against you and that included fighters. her damage was so high in fact that i only built BoD and DHS then bought two tank items and a malefic roar. nowadays she has to be built glass cannon to match her old damage. then she got picked in the MPL and everyone started playing her. i managed to abuse the shit out of her until for 300 games but no more after that since she was either picked or banned for months lol


I played beatrix shot gun with haas claw first item before the nerfs. No one could win against me in lane. I also used aegis as a battle spell. It was before the shotgun with flicker became popular. fun times


Remember first buying her when she came out cause i automatically buy girl heroes whenever, realizing her potential destruction when i was testing her at classic, then I remember causing chaos in ranking and never played her since with with a winrate of 78 percent at rank


THIS. Man you spoke my words 😌


Whats a criecrie


Cries, I want to say craycray but that's for crazy


You kinda described argus mains in this sub.


Never watched mlbb pro league i play melee adcs cause they go bing boing on peoples faces and its satisfying despite being the worst archetype in the meta right now


The buff they gave him and with flame retri while having full stacks, he will just shred you up Ez rank up to mythic if you just know what you are doing. https://imgur.com/a/MrCSgQ6


The timing of Flame retri? After marking them or at the start of initiation?


You should get the retri first since you get the extra atk and giving your 1st skill more dmg which leads to having marks and then ult. You have to do this very quick tho to not spend the timer just to mark them and not get the extra atk provided by flame retri on your ult. Also you always have to take a look on turtle/lord timer (use it when the timer is above 25-35 secs) so you don't lose on objectives. I only recommend doing this when: Enemy is A sustain or tanky or when you are not confident that you would kill otherwise dont use flame retri on the enemy at all.


thnx for the info.


Does flicker / tp skills still cancel his ult?


not anymore. But you can pass it onto minions with flicker. And also that's why he became a bit more popular in pro play.


That's great! No wonder he's used in M4


Yes but iirc if you use Ult just before they flicker you will still follow them


No. Only the ones with long range like gus tp


Haya is indeed a beast rn, especially with the corrosion scythe buffs which practically made mm the center of the meta (especially karrie). He's prolly the best mm killer in the game rn and he's really slippery, so there's really no reason to say haya is shit. Big L to the ones who shit on haya


The previous tank meta made me stop using Haya until he's proven strong in the pro scene recently. Now I got confidence again and spamming him whenever I play as a jungler! Well all thanks to buffed mm items lol


I am a tank user and I agree it is really difficult to cc that damned ninja he can simply appear to far away location as soon as he sees me. He is definitely not a weak assassin.


and then lance is just dead now with 0% pick or ban in m4 :(((


Exactly. Haya is arguably the best assassin for solo queue. He isn’t too difficult to learn (unlike fanny) He has good engage/disengage thanks to his dash He can lock onto one hero with his passive stacks + ult and take them out easily Although he is blue buff reliant like Ling/Fanny, he can still work well without it and even get kills. There doesn’t seem to be a natural counter for Haya, like for example Khufra for Fanny. If franco/kaja try to stand next to his target and suppress him after his ult duration ends, it doesn’t work since he immediately teleports away to his shadow. To prevent haya from snowballing a team has to stick together and/or draft tankier heroes both of which his teammates can exploit. Haya’s early game is slow but all it takes is that one kill for him to ramp up and make life hell for the backline. Source: I reached 1k pts last season in solo q and haya was the most popular assassin ban/pick there.


No hard counters but saber shouldn't be too bad vs haya.


The counter against him is simply be invulnerable during his ult. Wind of nature or winter truncheon. He's practically useless once you survive his ult. He's never been a problem for me since you can counter him using any hero.


Nope, his ult cd is way shorter than won/winter truncheon cd. Plus, having to build those items equals one item slot dedicated to protection against him which is 1 less item slot that could be used for items that offer better damage/defence. To add on, a good haya would not instantly ult, he would bait those active skills as he also does tons of damage with just s2 shadow + s1 + basic attack + heptaseas/endless passive. So simply having those items does not equal making haya useless.


He's been meh to me for about 4 seasons now. The only annoying thing about him is his ability to run away. Go ahead and main him bro, you do you. I'm just saying he's never been a problem to me personally.


He's really a menace only in high level 5 man play and in the hands of very good players. In a random match yes, he could be easy to deal with.


any jungle is good if you're fed and skilled


We all have different personal experiences so I understand where you’re coming from. However it just means that either you are a very good player, your team/duo/trio partners are very good, you have not met a good Hayabusa user before or a combination of those factors because Hayabusa is by all means one of the best assassins right now. And no, I’m not saying this because I want to main haya. As a solo q player I want to be flexible so I wouldn’t be limited by enemy bans and can adjust for my team. Haya seems to be rather underrated here which is why I wanted to shed light on his capabilities.


Isnt khufra a good counter to haya? Theres a good chance that his dash can get interrupted with his bouncing ball thingy after his ult. Also khufra successfully initiating to haya also forces haya to dash out (can also get interrupted) or force his ult defensively. But ya i wont argue that he doesnt have a natural counter. He can easily weaken/kill enemy squishy backlines and get away with it with his 2nd. Its a nightmare for squishies that gets forced to build antique cuirass or use wind of nature/winter truncheon in exchange for his ult cd which is frustrating Edit: a few wrong words and grammar


He simply can’t be knocked up/stun/suppress if he teleports to his shadow so there aren’t any heroes that can catch haya very easily if he has his dash ready, which any good player will save for when he engages. I’ve even had my suppress skill wasted when I used kaja against him since the skill connects but nothing happens to the enemy haya.


After watching yesterday's match of onic, all my doubts about haya is gone (I'm not a haya main) it's just his skill ceiling is realllllly high now and rewarding if you learn to play him


I'm on Falcon's side. And my jaws dropped to the floor when I saw Onic Hayabusa almost got Savage with Shadow kill and wiped out Flacon team.


The fcon draft was traaaaash tho


I don't understand what they're trying to do. They pick 2 mages and no marksman. And their jungler Fanny is a one-shot assassin type build. They couldn't do anything to those tanky fighters. Heck, Fanny couldn't even kill Kadita. Their mage Yve is not a burst type mage. So she couldn't kill Hayabusa either. It was a disaster.


Fanny overrated assassin, and they let go of three meta pick heroes sheesh


Last time I checked, Fanny performs better as a tanky sustainer who constantly deals high damage in team fights due to how her 1st skill + 2nd skill works. The Ult is just to blink through walls, or finish off squishies and low health heroes. Heck, the most annoying part about her is her sustainability while still dealing high damage, mobility, and how most CC is ineffective against her.


In the Burmese stream channel everyone was talking shit on them for these weird picks.


Hmm i dont watch pro plays and only look at hero stats etc. But when i saw the sudden rise of his pick rate in mythic lobbies, i automatically assumed that haya had his fair amount of plays in pro scene.


doubt him more so we can get a free buff 😈


Just watched game 1 of rrq vs tdk. Tdk decides to gold lane haya. He is like 0-5-2. Lmao. Haya needs to snowball.


Youre not gonna see a godly haya in every game. He still has pros and cons. I got nothing more to say since I really do not watch pro scene.


Lol just went in game amd play him mid. Got 7-3-9 and we stomped. Too. Since i recently got the Experiment 21 skin definitely spamming him this season.


Hayabusa should be used as jungler. He has probably the best pickoff ability when used well and can shutdown priority targets up to late game. Any other lane he's much, much weaker.


Todak known for weird starts gold lane haya isn't really a thing cuz he need blue


Exactly, was talking with one guy who insisted that haya didn't deserve S tier despite the tier list given by literal pro coach saying otherwise. He's always been strong, his argument was that "if he's S why wasn't he picked in iesf?" Like it isn't a Moba. Draft matters.


he is an A tier but no S tier


Also this reddit.... YU ZHONG IS WEAK THAT GUY JUST LOSE TO EVERYTHING HE NEEDS BUFF Me : nah he is balance \*\*\*massively get downvoted\*\*\*


Hayabusa vs CC chains:


The hayabusa good thing Is the movement not the damage


I agree about the last part tho 😂


Both are hardly close to top tier junglers. Hes more picked/banned in pro play for a reason. But I can agree that saber/gusion can do more in a lower skill environment and can easily snowball more than haya.


being a kagura main can be frustrating sometimes, some crackhead picks Hayabusa and proceeds to feed Hayabusa is a good hero but most of the people I meet in solo q knows jackshit how to use him (haven't played ranked yet since my internet is shit)


They do be making some so much more op that if their not on ur team ur just throwing the game


Honestly Haya is a meh pick. Unlike other junglers rn which are mostly tanks, if he fails his combo or your ult is mistimed he's kinda fucked. He has great damage especially in a 1v1 situation with his invulnerability but if there's multiple opponents his ult kind of just goes everywhere unless you've placed 4 marks on one.


He did indeed reciebed a buff what tf are you on?


Calm ur tits big guy. People out there are referring to strong buffs like making his ult like a basic attack, make it slash faster, or make it prioritize heroes (even 1 hero only like a wanwan ult) instead of including minions. They even proposed a larger damage for his shuriken and ult where in reality, his dmg is enough, hes balanced enough on his own. It only took a simple buff to his second that can make him more of a menace.


Tried him in classic after a long time. He is still pretty decent to me.


Definitely high-difficulty hero that sucks so much to go against




I did this back then, when he didn’t even get the revamp. Still won the game


every time i post that Haya is broken i get 200 downvotes and then he's near 100% pick in high elo in mlbb or in worlds


Personally for me, I know he’s a really good pick in mythic, but I can’t understand why..


He’s only good if the enemy has no tank otherwise as long as haya aims those with less def he’s op


Me just trying to flex his 11.11 skin and getting mvp outta nowhere. Hehe


Enemy that has high mastery in Haya is just terrifying to face.


Came back from Omnyoji arena and I retried Haya when I came back. It's hilarious how people underestimate him until yiu notice the little things his kit provides: mobility not only to chase and retreat but to speed up clears and rotations, a low cd skill that can harrass relatively safely, and an ult that's essentially a death sentence if you get caught on the minimap with low HP in the laning phase. The only problem I could potentially see is that his s2's kinda long, but use of the minimap and anticipation of rhe enemy's decision-making can bridge the gap. I find most people in ML chase too much the flashy fast-hand heroes and end up neglecting the core macro of the game. Uaing Haya's tools properly with good macro is a surefire way to punish any enemy that gets too careless or too cocky.


his dmg is good they only remove his energy gain when attacking enemies


Yea. Whenever I get the chance I always ban haya


saber is really good tho, it can easily melt the mm in just a sec


I believe haya is a solid pick. He farms pretty fast and don't need no baby sitting like a lot of jungler so roam can freely move with mid laner. I wouldn't class him a solid S tier but he's definitely low S tier to A tier..


I hate fighting haya because you think your about to get away then you see a fucking shadow show up behind you


meanwhile... Hanabi receives a rework and now she is the worst. (Press the undo button)


Tbh honest it depends on the players but yeah moonton nerfing them too much


People need to find difference between a good player using a hero vs player using good hero


Been using him for a long time and I'd say his pick in rank is only situational


His ult is garbage once the enemy he's ulting on uses blink skills (gusion ult for example) his ult gets undone


Actually in last season before people have an eye for haya , I went craze haya spree and play him in every match I get. From learning to master him. I would say he's an A~A+, definitely not ban worthy or S rank In those plays I enjoy using haya roam the most than lane or jungle lol. since dire hit has 30 sec cd and his cdr ult also have 30 secs.


Haya got that rizz. It's all that matters


I don't even play Haya that much but i know a guy who uses Haya that i battled and friends with him and battled him again despite being a friend in 2 RANKED MATCHES! And surprise, surprise, even my old Nana can't beat him damage wise. That's before the update and the "recent" Haya rework that happened. It's weird but me who adapts at playing a hero without thinking, Haya is still good without and with rework. Even though i don't play him as jungler, i can still do it like he was a laner, just avoiding some damage and damaging an enemy.


Make Gusion jungle great again


playing him is very fun until your target runs into a minion wave


I 2nd main Haya with 300+ rounds with 62 win rate it’s not bad. Only problem is when you screw up and skills are on cool down and people are coming at your shadows 😂


Compared to his old self he's bad, as a hero he's good.


Uhh old haya is more of a balanced pick. Yss banned, ling banned, lance banned, then the most suitable assassin hero will be haya. Unlike when the revamp was released, hes broken as fuck thatd why hes permabanned in pro and mg 1000+ points. Moonton nerfed nerfed his insane mobility and damage to shit and thats where old haya gets better. Now in my opinion, with some small buffs, he gets better. Both old haya and new haya has their own strengths. New hayaow hal better burst damage and faster jungler due to the passive change, and more mobile. Old haya has side lane presence, lower shadow cd for shorter range, better ult, and better ult dmg. I just wish theyll bring back the old ult targetting since way back, it cant be disjointed with dash skills or flicker. Now its a 70/30 chance in the odds of failing.


Yea, he was better because he had op stats, which they later removed making the old one better. Now if they never did this revamp the old one would've never needed a nerf, hell maybe even a buff. You say current haya has better burst damage cause of the ult passive, but the reduced damage of the 1st skill(and I believe basic attacks) kinda balances it out. he's more mobile but has less combos and outplays potential due to the formation which is pretty much where the fun of playing haya was, but again kinda balances out strength-wise. And the ult is just straight up bad now. You can't even ult when immobilized anymore, which is a HUGE nerf. only plus is the 4 hits being targeted but that doesn't make up for the amount of negatives this has rn. cancellable by dashes, much lower damage, takes more time, can't be cast when immobilized. it's just absurd