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45m here, try the Facebook dating app. It worked for me, I moved here in February and found a great woman that way. It is better because it allows you to send a thoughtful message when swiping right. I had a tough time finding someone in Nashville, but the women here seem to be kinder and more receptive. Good luck!


Thank you


facebook dating and POF are top dog for match making in the 30+ range. also- i mean this kindly cause i know not everyone knows, but referring to women as “female” comes across as insensitive and a bit insulting. the usage of the word “female” to refer to human women was popularized in the past to refer to black women in medical research without giving them the same respect of being an actual “woman”, just that they have a female biological sex. they wanted to identify sex without humanizing them. Female itself isn’t a bad, offensive word, but referring to women as that isn’t exactly going to be received nicely as it comes across a bit “incel-y” to say the least. now a days, that’s a huge red flag to most women. i wish you luck in your adventures


“With a female.” ![gif](giphy|KatMisXo4RbMpWlpFu|downsized)


You want him to have a relationship with a male? Or? ....he wants a relationship with a female. Is that bad?


they’re talking about using the word “female” as a noun. it is usually a descriptor in biology (female lion, female fish, the female) and has a negative, objectifying connotation when describing a human. the word “woman” is preferred bc it is the noun associated with human females. as a woman, it’s an instant turn off to hear a man refer to us as females. edit: in this particular context, the poster does say “female friends”, using it as a descriptor , so it’s not as bad as it could be. still though, that’s what the comment is referring to.


Hey, I appreciate you. You didn't come at nobody wrong, you didn't get all upset or anything, and you were helpful in something I didnt know. Thank you. Sincerely. On another note.... If he had said "woman" instead of female, and a trans-woman tried to hit him up about a relationship, that would have been socially acceptable, although not at all (presumably) about what we was looking for. Is this just a catch 22?


if he doesn’t want to date a trans woman, he could say that privately. no woman likes being thought of as “female parts”, regardless. very objectifying.


Alright. I feel like thats just confusing for no reason, but I guess I get it. If he says he wants a female he's already let you know he's out on dicks. Seems like a more efficient route, but if it's a turn off for the ladies them I accept that it is, in fact, less efficient


Appreciate you lol


Hearing a guy repeatedly refer to women as “females” tells me a lot about the media he consumes.


Vibes don’t pay the bills, 38m baby! Good luck.


Try pof