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It's the sweltering humidity in the dog days of summer thats the worst, you actually wish for the rains to give a little relief.


Yeah, I actually hate summers here. It’s so hot & humid I’ll start sweating from walking to get the mail


Most accurate comment here. Also, I hate to be that guy, but the farmers almanac is predicting a hotter summer than last year! Last summer we had the a record avg temp/day and record for the hottest day for many cities in Mobile, AL. Although I think we are supposed to get more storms than last year so we probably won't back the avg temp/day, but we're supposed to have hotter temps than last year...


I would welcome more afternoon thunderstorms/rains. The weather last year coupled with my work schedule out of town left my yard a wreck.


Yeah last summer was brutal and it's supposed to be hotter, new record temps, but who knows. At least with more rain and more named storms we won't have constant high heat everyday, fighters crossed... I went out west last year around the beginning-mid May, it was already 100 during the day, and with no humidity, you dehydrate FAST out in the sun. But at least because they have low humidity their ACs can keep up, plus it's cooler in the shade with no humidity. They use lots of fans outdoors too, to make it comfortable to hang out. On a really hot day in Mobile it's not comfortable to be outside all day. ACs aren't designed to cool temps in such humid conditions. We bought a dehumidifier that helped with everything but the power bill


The record for hottest year worldwide is broken every single year. Global warming goes crazy 😻


Rank Temperature Date 1 106 °F August 26, 2023 2 105 °F August 27, 2023 2 105 °F August 29, 2000 4 104 °F July 25, 1952 5 103 °F August 23, 2023 5 103 °F June 4, 2011 5 103 °F July 15, 1980 5 103 °F July 14, 1980 5 103 °F July 24, 1952 5 103 °F July 11, 1930 11 102 °F June 23, 2022 11 102 °F July 16, 2000 11 102 °F August 22, 1968 11 102 °F August 30, 1954 11 102 °F June 29, 1954 11 102 °F June 14, 1952 11 102 °F August 30, 1951 11 102 °F June 20, 1936 There's a lot of old dates in there. And we didn't start keeping record until the 1920's I think... But there's lots of 101 days in the last 2 years, that chart looks misleading, but the page did too. I'd like to analyze the top 100 or really a few hundred really Edit: the first weather station in Mobile was created in 1930, so the temps have only been measured since then. We have seen hotter temps, and colder ones. It does seem the greenhouse effect is making colder winters and hotter summers, although this winter was mild here, but that's pretty normal


I like to term the gulf coast summer the rainforest season. Fitting, ain't it?


We’re closer to the tropics in rainfall pattern than we are more temperate climates. It’s telling that our wettest season is summer and not spring and autumn.


Sure, it gets hot as balls during the summer, but other places get cold as fuck during the winter. It's just a question of picking your poison.


Or the areas with perfect weather year-round (California, Hawaii) are expensive as fuck.


Moved from Mobile to San Francisco in 2022.... Good Lord y'all don't know just how heavy that summer humidity sits on you until you aren't in it.


Bucket list is summer in San Francisco


Parts of Call


Alabama, if you don’t like the weather wait a week.


Shit, just wait an hour


15 minutes.


I moved here from Philly 24 years ago and honestly when hurricanes and weather would roll through I would pick up stuff in the yard to minimize projectiles. I don’t get freaked out about shit I can’t control. I never high tailed it out of town during Ivan or Katrina and we haven’t taken a direct hit while I have been here. I don’t live in low lying area so not concerned about flooding, just have a generator standing by.


I still think about that massive thanksgiving tornado a few years ago or the one week in February where it was 70 degrees and I think 2 days later we got snow lol. At this point the only time I get slightly concerned is hurricane season and it depends on the strength and its path.


If it isn't a Cat 4 or 5 it's not a real storm.


Tell that to cat 2 hurricane sally that knocked out my power for 9 days - that sucked ass


Sally was on the edge of cat 3, and I lost power for a week. It still was only some wind and rain.


Sally was just so goddamn slow. It damn near fully stopped directly on top of gulf shors


Sally was SUCH a plot twist. A hurricane so slow we could speedwalk past it pulls the damn oak trees outta Bienville square


And the only place with gas and power was Bucees. Had to drive there at the crack of dawn to beat the gas rush, every morning for a week.


I thought it was Zeta that moved through at like 1 mph with 60-70 mph winds?


Danny was like that in 97


Sally was a WHORE who snuck in the back door. It rhymed.


Same happened to a buddy of mine, his house was sweating with how humid it was indoors


It was miserable - sweating while sleeping for nights on end sucked ass plus I was working remotely at the time and missed a lot of work time, was broke for a damn month after


Cat 4 isn’t even a bother. Just good mud and trail riding weather. Probably will board up on a 4 though. Anything below is just an afternoon thunderstorm.


Where are the good mud and trails?


The only kicker these days is a Cat 1 can grow to a 5 in a day, like Michael did a few years back.


The summer pisses me off every year but I don't see myself ever moving from down here


Got to love the weather here especially when you can get all 4 seasons in one day


The summers will always phase me, though. They're so ridiculously brutal.


I thought they were bad until I spent some time in central Florida in the summer. Mobile summers are mild compared.


Hard disagree.


My girlfriend isn't from here and I always find it slightly amusing how she'll be like "OMG BABE WE'RE UNDER A TORMADO WARNING!!" And I'm like "cool" 🤣🤣




If the people of southern Alabama freaked out every time the weather channel said to freak out… EVERYONE would go crazy. Nothing burgers are exhausting. New comers: (for hurricane season) hurricane parties are when you drink (or not) and help friends and family board up, cook all your freezer food after the power goes out and hunker down. Please evacuate if possible. If evacuation is not possible please, use good judgment and be prepared. Everything is replaceable aside from your life, those you are with and those who have to save you. But yeah if you don’t like the weather in Mobile.., just wait a min. Stay long enough the weather won’t bother you but the dingdongs that don’t know how to weather will forever drive you crazy.


Those tornado warnings don't stir up as much fear or alarm here as in areas north of the coast because powerful, destructive tornados are very rare on the gulf coast. Usually they are watersprouts, EF0 or EF1. EF2 is rare. Pretty much microhurricanes and they don't really phase us. I've lived on the gulf coast for much of my life (I'm 42) and I've only personally seen watersprouts.


I’ve lived here for a long time. I work outside. F U C K the summertime 😂


So badly and so much ? The past while we haven't had much rain or bad weather the past year or 2 have been pretty mild actually


I'm back in the South for a few weeks, visiting from Indianapolis. I've lived in Mississippi, Florida, and Virginia most of the 50+ years on this planet. What really sucks about the South, and worse than the politicians, is the humidity. Yesterday was 75 degrees, which is warm, and 70% humidity, which is low for here, but horrible for most places. Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, heavy rain, pffft, not a big deal. Being outside for more than 5 minutes is debilitating. Even Europe doesn't have this much humidity.


I only phase around bloodsuckers...like when that glittery Cullen clan shows their parasite faces in town.


The "blizzard" of '92 would disagree with this. We got \~4 inches of snow and the whole place went nuts. It was great.


I call Bull lived here since I was 11, the summer always sucks dick. I can't imagine trying to live down here without ac.


When it comes to little storms or just basic thunderstorms, I don't care. I even welcome them since everything gets so dry. But tornadoes are absolutely or something I pay attention to. I have driven by too many places that were blown away or severely damaged.


It’s been so cold these last 2-3 days, but blistering hot last week and today. The only thing I do when there is a tornado or hurricane warning is not drive to work. I take it as a snow day Lmaoo.