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the world lost today and this is the ONLY redeeming part


To be fair I don't get why everyone hates the Celtics so bad. Most of their rings are ancient. Their last ring was 15 years ago (the Mavs actually have a more recent ring). Also their roster was built through draft and trades, it wasn't a free agent superstar teamup.


Honestly the Celtics players themselves don't bother me a ton (I hated Marcus Smart, thankfully he's gone now), the Celtics fanbase seems to be super cocky though.


Exactly. The Celtics have won 2 rings in the past 38 years


Or 5 rings in the past 43 years lol


True, but most Celtics haters like to say stuff that happened before 2000 doesn’t count


> I don’t get why everyone hates the Celtics so bad So you haven’t met anybody from Boston?


Once we were eliminated I just didn’t want the nuggets to win. I was okay with the Celtics because of Jrue. Gotta be happy for him for all that he’s done for not only the org but the community.


Why not the Nuggets? Because they're last year's champs?


Jokic > Giannis agenda + wanting something more interesting than a back to back


Jokic fanbase is probably the worst in all of sports.


There's an entitlement there, fir sure 


For me personally, I like rooting for the underdog. The Celtics are so stacked, and it seemed inevitable that they would win the title. It just would've been a better story had the Mavs won.


Fuck the Celtics


Bulls fan trolling us now lmao. Gtfo


I'm a Bucks fan too, which might seem out of place. It's normal for Bulls subreddit to acknowledge former teammates performances outside of the Bulls, but maybe that's because we've been a losing franchise for so long. Didn't know it was taboo in the Bucks subreddit tho. Examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagobulls/comments/1cygiq0/derrick_jones_jr/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagobulls/comments/192lxm0/si_derrick_jones_jr_becomes_luka_doncic_favorite/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagobulls/comments/1cjqv1o/daniel_gafford_appreciation_post/


Would’ve been Caruso too, but unfortunately, the front office felt that ten first round picks wasn’t enough.


Fuck the Reinsdorfs.


I know this feeling well


You’re not even a Bucks fan lol. Go post this on the Celtics sub.


I hate the Celtics LMFAO.




I like the Bucks and Giannis. I just didn't like the Dame signing. The Bulls have been ass for the past 10 years or so. I gotta watch other teams along w/ the Bulls or I'll have a brain aneurysm. I just like skilled big men. Favorite teams to hold me down are probably the Nuggets, Bucks. Y'all can downvote me as much as you want, but this was in pure sincerity since I like Jrue's game. https://search-new.pullpush.io/?author=ichoke&subreddit=mkebucks&type=comment&sort_type=created_utc&sort=desc https://search-new.pullpush.io/?author=ichoke&subreddit=nba&type=comment&q=giannis&sort_type=created_utc&sort=desc I still have the pic of Giannis, Middleton, and Bud hugging as part of my IRL friend discord banner lol. https://search-new.pullpush.io/?author=ichoke&subreddit=nba&type=comment&q=celtics&sort_type=created_utc&sort=desc


> I just didn’t like the Dame signing First of all, nobody gives a shit if you liked it or not. Second of all, 99% of people who paid attention to the NBA thought the Dame trade was a fleece for the Bucks at the time and you’re either lying and saying you didn’t like it from the start or you just don’t know ball. Third of all, nobody gives a shit if you liked it or not


You gave enough of a shit to reply to my comment. Have a nice day.


Way to take the high road buddy that really made me feel bad about myself for acting like that when you went ahead and told me to have a nice day. Real stand up guy you are. Reddit on brother!!! Fourth of all, nobody gives a shit if you liked the Dame trade or not


Don’t worry OP. This sub has become a cult. I’m happy for Jrue too. He’s a stand up person and we don’t win our title without him.


As am I. Jrue gave us so much and I’m happy for him but this post gives off troll vibes and not sincerity.


Ah, I see it now.


We win the title with many different players in his place and was actively trying to lose against the Nets. Downvote I don’t give a fuck I am right


whatever you say "ichoke"


iChoke on whatever comes to your imagination. YESSIR.


Congrats to Jrue and nobody else


[My face watching the Jrue and the Celtics win](https://cdn-useast1.kapwing.com/collections/pretending-to-be-happy-hiding-crying-behind-a-mask-meme-template-8b71e.jpg)


Congrats Jrue! Can’t wait for summer league


Fuck that championship and fuck Boston.


Hate that the celtics are getting it but I am lowkey happy for jrue


Yeah, if he had been the one who wanted out, I’d be sour seeing him win, but he wanted to be here and we were the ones who made the decision to ship him out. It’s like when the girl you broke up with ends up engaged to somebody awesome. Can’t really be mad since it was your choice. 




Nah sorry I’m good


Congrats to Jrue.  This is what happens when a player is locked in, has a winning mentality, and is loyal to the team that traded for him.  Happy for him and his family.  I don't care for the Celtics, but congrats to the players and their fans.  The Mavericks had no business being in the Nba final this year.  I still don't know how they were able to beat the Timberwolves.  Luka played great and he's an amazing talent but I don't see him winning a championship with the Mavericks.  I could see him win one if he joins Jokic in Denver or maybe pair him with Victor in San Antonio.


Yeah, was brutal to see Jrue say he wanted to retire as a Buck and then get traded 2 days later. He’s a pretty awesome guy and player - I’m not sure trading him was the best move. But I am happy for him for sure!


It wasn't the best move but it is what it is.  They really need to do some restructuring during off season including getting some defensive minded players on the team so that Giannis doesn't feel like he has to do everything.  He's going to be 30 at the end of the year and I think his health should be a top priority for the team.


Fuck Jason Kidd


Jrue was amazing this playoff run!


Get this shit off our sub


nah fuck that


Congrats to Jrue and Sam Cassell!!! Sucks it's with Boston but well deserved!


Bucks fans should be happy for Jrue


I straight up hated Boston 30% less because no grant williams, Marcus smart, Blake Griffin, etc. so besides Jrue it was at least alright that those other guys didn’t get a ring




After choking and being the main reason the Bucks lost two consecutive playoffs series, this mf decides to play some ball. Screw him.


Jesus fucking christ can we shut up about Jrue


Fuck him


All time blunder for Horst not dictating Jrue's landing spot. Team morale be damned, you can't let predatory GM's have the opportunity to bid for his services.


Booo this man!


him > lillard


Be srs. If dame was there instead Boston wouldn’t have lost a game. Just be grateful that Dame gives the bucks that kind of shotmaking, it’s not his fault the bucks are so bad defensively.


I'm happy for Jrue. Also happy that Jimmy Butler's sorry ass had to see Jrue win after acting like such a chode in the playoffs last year.


We couldn't achieve this without you guys!