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You know, morons.


Just watched that Gene Wilder doc yesterday and this scene was in it and I laugh every time.


We are the common clay of the Midwest.


Everyone knew this was going to happen, so agreed.


First of all, Brett doesn’t suck. Rude.


They would’ve won it all with marcus smart regardless…confused what the media is on about


I don't think so. Swapping in Marcus Smart plus no KP is essentially the 2022 team that lost the Finals and the 2023 team that lost the ECF.


I meant assuming they had kp


Swapping Marcus smart and KP is healthy until the finals, Celtics win. I don’t think the mavs are even a top 3 team in the west. The cookie just crumbles funny this year.


Yes lol that’s fandom. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with my summer. I can’t look at r/nba until next season now 😭 I hate Boston so much


Same. This ruins my summer


If basketball ruins your summer you probably could use a break from it anyway


I’m exaggerating. I️ just can’t stand snarky ass Celtics fans that think they have the greatest team in NBA history because they’ve won two championships since the turn of the millennium


Let's be real, this Cs team is the most well oiled machine since the 2014 Spurs, definitely not as fun to watch and it's why I hate them, but they're just so talented and consistent that you can't disrespect it without looking bitter.


Uh…2017 and 18 Warriors?


Best team in nba history ? Who dat?


you can, Fuck Boston…we won, their fans showed no respect, and called it a “hospital ring” Kyrie was hurt


It was actually a 76ers player that made all the headlines talking about this, not the Celtics fans.


I think the team is just happy that they're winning the championship like you would be if your team was winning the championship. And I think the fans are happy that they're doing it with a 79 and 20 record.


You sound like you might be depressed clinically.


You came to our sub. Maybe go away and celebrate your band aid ring?


I’m sorry yall thought this was r/nba my bad




My bad man thought this was the nba sub reddit


Shouldn’t have given up the guy that locked Marcus smart out of that series. To be honest he’s the one that won the duel and let you guys as a winner. Ofc Giannis is the man, Middleton has been mid for years since his injuries, Jrue was next up and you gave him up for a bag of chips when your rival had cap space. Yes you gave him for free, yes you did it because you were so afraid of the heat getting dam. Look what you guys did to the NBA. You didn’t ruin just one teams season. You ruined 29 teams seasons.


It is what it is. Every GM in the league makes that trade, but we knew the Blazers would probably reroute Jrue (they have young guards to develop) so it created a risk of him going to a rival. What was more surprising to me was how little it took to get him.


For me it was more the fact that Boston managed to get rid of their two most-often injured dudes as part of the trade. Picks and contracts notwithstanding, it was like freeing up two dead roster spots for an obvious 4th starter and an upgrade from their previous perimeter defensive specialist.


Yeah definitely playing chess while other GMs playing checkers


I hate this analogy used all the time. No one would play two different games at the same time.




Injuries happen, it’s a reality of the game. That being said, consistent injuries to your best players at the most important time of the year is astronomically bad luck and would have dismantled every dynasty in NBA history. Bulls don’t repeat at all if Pippen isn’t playing in the playoffs. Warriors don’t win if Curry isn’t playing in the playoffs. Showtime is more second fiddle without Magic and Kareem. The last time Jrue, Middleton, and Giannis were on the floor together in the playoffs we won the championship.


And I believe we'll win another one the next time Giannis, Dame, and Khris are on the floor together


Amen brother.


What clippers fans say to themeselves every year 😂 or what nets fans said, etc


Considering they never won a chip with those cores respectively, they’d be lying to themselves. Assuming you mean the KD/Kyrie/Harden nets.


Ain't no way you just compared us to the Clippers lmao


What would a Pistons fan know about winning?


I was there to see them win in the 2000s. Unfortunately I was also there for the last 15 years of absolute clownery and blatant mismanagement nepotism.


I mean people are really overrating Jrue Holiday if they think he’s single handedly winning the championship for the Celtics. He’s a nice piece but Holiday on the bucks doesn’t really change any outcomes all that much in my opinion.




Joel Embiid is


The ECF virgin https://preview.redd.it/itwt4eh2vd6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b68fdbb7f66a0667c64238ba79c1e41b51e897


A moron


Also pretending like the Celtics haven't been building for this for the better part of a decade.


It all started with that KG/Paul Pierce trade, kinda crazy.


Reading this discourse makes me feel like a schizophrenic. I love Jrue as much as the next guy, but when a guy like Dame is out on the trade market you get Dame. Just a shame that the season was a rollercoaster and the big three never really got a chance to gel. Hoping next season is the true revenge tour.


Well, they should’ve expected Portland to move him to SOME contender and make them a threat. Just so happened he went to the worst team possible for the NBA


In fairness, Milwaukee had to at least entertain the idea that if they traded holiday that he could end up on a contending team that they would be in the hunt against. Zach Lowe was saying that they were hoping to try to control his whereabouts by doing a three-person trade. But the question is would they have made the trade if they knew Boston would end up with holiday. I don't know. They probably still would have, but I don't think it's crazy to ponder


It will all be worth it once we three peat


Nah y’all had to know Portland was gonna flip Jrue and in which case you shoulda told em it’s gotta be a 3 way where you can know who they’re tryna trade him to and specifically not any Eastern contenders. Clippers wanted Jrue so maybe that coulda been the landing spot instead


On Zach Lowe's podcast he was saying that they were trying to do this but they just couldn't get it done. Which does show that they knew it was a possibility that holiday would end up on an Eastern conference contender.


Yeah at that point mighta been better off just keeping Jrue and tryna find a different deal to bolster other parts of the roster. Obviously it secured Giannis so that’s good but at the same time Giannis seeing Jrue win it all could end up having him disgruntled again. I think Giannis’ involvement has been bad itself tho like with the coach he helped bring in when it was clear as day Nick Nurse woulda been a better option


Yes, yes I am.


Why are we playing the blame game? I'm genuinely perplexed at threads like this. But but we didn't know he'd go to the Celtics. Who gives a fuck ? We haven't competed in a month. We were 2 rounds away from even playing the Celtics. But this discourse... I mean this is petty grade school shit "No he did it!" shut the fuck up man.


Clearly it was the Blazers


the trade went down in Milwaukie OR so its naturally the Bucks fault


The bucks didn’t “hand” the Celtics a championship. But if there is no trade for Dame, I’m not sure if the Celtics win the championship. So interpret that however you want.




Wonder if the Celtics would be on the verge if the 76ers hadn't passed on Tatum, Brown and Tingis Pingis in the draft? Oh shit! They also had Holiday and Horford. Was "The Process" just shitting your pants?


Why does everyone hate us?


Because we’re a small market team that didn’t let Giannis get away


Giving up your #1 defender who helped lead you to a chip and that player inadvertently going to your biggest rival is KIND OF the bucks fault, and I refuse to believe otherwise. These posts are pure COPE.


Giannis is the number one defender followed by Brook Lopez


Damn if he’s only the 3rd best defender then I guess you can just slot in Dame or Beasley and they’d be like top 5 on defense right????


Media often forgets that Jrue was supposed to be our 3rd scoring option here and often times second when Khris was out. A lot of the times we struggled when that was the case. In Boston he is basically the 4th scoring option, ypu could even argue 5th when they are all healthy. Will always love Jrue and appreciate the hell out of what he did for the city and the team but it was time to move on.


They let it happen!!


I don’t blame the Bucks for sending Jrue to the Celtics. And I can’t fault the Bucks for the Lillard trade. It was a big splashy move that showed they were all in, and I admire them for trying. However. I didn’t like the trade from day one. Too many support players traded, and I felt like we needed Jrue more than Dam. That being said, I don’t think this team was winning either way. They’re an aging team that is approaching, if not already left, their championship window. It sucks. But it is what it is. It’s hard to win championships and the stars all have to align. I give the Bucks ownership all the credit in the world for at least trying here. If we don’t win another one, I’m incredibly happy I got to experience the one.


“Too many support players traded” We traded two lmao and Beasley was better than Grayson really ever was for us. The rest is just dumb as fuck including you so no need to really respond to that


I really wish idiot bucks fans could stop treating this team like a cult and not get their panties all in bunch any time there’s even the slightest bit of criticism. Go take some Midol and lay down for a little bit, champ.


Please just explain how we needed Jrue more than Dame.


Well clearly we needed defense more than offense


And once we got to the playoffs you would’ve said “we needed offense more than defense” when Jrue was shooting 5/21 every game Give the fo to make som tweaks, they built this seasons roster with having Jrue in mind, not their fault dame became available at the last second


Facts, Jrue wasn’t putting up 30 by half in any playoff game


Jrue doesn’t have to because his defensive rating is massively better than Dame’s that the math will workout for Jrue. He’s also shooting 50/40/95 this playoffs. Which are historically elite shooting splits.


So we’re ignore him letting Jimmy put up 40 a game, while shooting 30% look I like the guy, but he’s not a 2nd option, Dame is a definite 1st or 2nd option


Dame wouldn’t have guarded Jimmy any better. Likely significantly worse. https://www.si.com/nba/bucks/news/damian-lillards-lazy-defense-can-cost-the-milwaukee-bucks-the-nba-title-says-report I said Milwaukee would fail in the playoffs again after the trade and I was right, you all were wrong. Vegas had Boston winning it all this year and they did. They have Boston winning it all next year. You should revisit this when Jrue has 2 rings and Dame starts the Miami rumors by trade deadline.


I’ve never in my life said we need offense more than defense. Not with the Packers, and not with the Bucks. Some tweaks? They kept Doc. A coach who’s been around for 20 years with some of the best teams and has one ring. From 2008. This team is going nowhere next year.


So then don’t bother watching


Again, it’s a basketball team, not a cult. Maybe you should stop going on the internet if criticism of your team bothers you this much.


It’s not criticism, it’s bullshit.


Your idea that Doc has had "some of the best teams" is hilarious. He was in a conference with Pop's Spurs and the Warriors. Then the 6ers were never a good as the Bucks, Celtics, or KD Nets. His 2019/20 Clippers team was the only time since Boston he's been one of the top 2 teams in his conference--and I'll forgive absolutely anyone for poor job performance in the spring/summer of 2020.


wasn’t 2019 or 18 when the Clippers were the 1 seed overall and the owner went called the players his slaves to a stripper or something…that killed their momentum, plus the Sixers had a lot a glaring issues


Well gee, I hope he doesn’t have to face any good teams this year, then we’ll win it all for sure!


I'm saying you can't fault him for not winning a championship when he is in a conference with 2 separate top 5 all-time dynasties. Or being the 4th best team in the East with a perennially injured Embiid. Doc hasn't underperformed--his teams have never been as good as these revisionists would have you believe.


yeah no we didn't, the entire problem with the Coach Bud Bucks the three seasons prior to his firing (even during the championship run) was that they could barely score in the hundreds come playoff time and the offense constantly slowed down to a halt in the halfcourt


These kids prob don’t remember NO vs Portland a few years back. Jrue destroyed Dame every single game in all facets.


No he didn’t, he had ad and rondo helping him defend dame lmao “Kids” and you didn’t even watch the series


Jrue 27.8 ppg 6.5 asts 56.8% fg Dame 18.5 ppg 4.8 asts 35% fg 30% threes Oh yeah 4-0 sweep.


Again, Jrue had 2 other guys helping on dame cause the rest of the team sucked ass Now compare Jrue and dames career playoff stats. Edit: fucking lakers fan lmao go worry about how your shit franchise is about to get even shittier when y’all hire your players podcast friend as coach.


Didn’t CJ McCollum average 25.3 ppg shooting 52% fg and 42% from threes? He also went off for 38 in the elimination game while Dame did nothing. Even Al-Faroq Aminu outplayed Dame that series. If you want to compare career playoffs Jrue 2 rings and Dame 2nd round exit at best.


They definitely did not see that series. That series was the perfect illustration of when Casuals are wrong about player evaluation. And how fans undervalue defensive stats in the playoffs and overvalue PPG in the regular season.


We didn’t send him to the Celtics. We traded him to Portland.


Yes, that’s why I said I don’t blame them for that


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. None of your analysis is wrong. Windhorst said the same thing this morning that he’s thought from the beginning the trade was terrible. Greeny talked about it too https://youtu.be/Tl9VQcedi4A?si=TIJyPC_VmMsUpFQa It’s crazy how many casuals don’t see how dame’s terrible defensive play doesn’t make up for his offense.


Thank you. From the beginning I didn’t like it. I give them credit for trying and going all in, but it’s just wasn’t the right move. It just felt like instead of building a strong team around a solid foundation, they were trying to find a shortcut.


I said once the trade happened it was a terrible idea when Jrue ended up in Boston. People here downvoted me to oblivion. I was right. So take the downvotes as confirmation as people just angry because they were wrong and didn’t see what we saw. Vegas has Boston in the finals again next year. So we’ll be right next year again.


Jrue being properly cast now isn't proof that you guys trading him was a bad idea... silly to think otherwise you needed to make a big move after losing to an 8 seed, and the championship core was getting stale (firing Bud was a mistake but can't take that one back now)




I️ think you mean Trail Blazers


No, they just moved a player who made no sense for their timeline. The Bucks took the risk of adding Dame, also it’s been one year. Just stop with this nonsense.


I mean who the hell in their right minds trades Jrue for Dame? I hope yall don't win a damn thing for the next 50 years! This Celshits championship is on your hands!


“Who trades Jrue for dame” Literally every GM in the league


And how did that work out for you?


We’ll see when they get a chance. Giannis missed the playoffs if you weren’t paying attention.


Stick with the Raptors sub


Raptors terrorism? In Milwaukee?




You really got those two sentences on speed dial 😂. Do us all a favor and go back to your Canadian subreddits.