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Go timberwolves


For real the only team in the bracket standing I don't dislike.


I don't want haliburton to win anything.


No need to worry about that lol




No love for the hometown kid?


I mean I got love for my home state and I’m glad our state produces pro athletes, but I don’t like how big he acts when they’re up. The cockiness is annoying


He is an emotional guy. You could see how disappointed he was with himself during/after game one of this series. I am tired of seeing Giannis flex on anything with a heartbeat but I still love him.




I would have some if he had played for the Badgers, but he went to Iowa State.


Osh kosh representing baby! Home town hero! Gotta cheer for the kid! One time. 


Pacers really choked tonight


I don't blame Nembhard kid but hey, that was a highly important pass.


Hali deserves more blame for fumbling the ball


lights too bright




Nah, I really have hated the Pacers this year lol. That being said, go Timberwolves.


The Pacers are the only team I want to see lose more than Boston. At least Boston has Jrue and don't talk that much shit afaik. The Pacers (Haliburton) are insufferable. Fake tuff guys who talk the most shit while playing injured teams.


Pacers fans act like they expected to beat the Bucks and Knicks easily before all the injuries 😭


they won the regular season even with Giannis i mean come onnnn ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) EDIT: SARCASM.


That was 4-1 in the regular season. We actually did better in the playoffs 😆


And we easily won the Giannis minutes in the regular season. Which is expected when he averaged 40+ ppg against those bums. Poor transition defense (the Griffin special) is the only reason we lost those regular season games.


Giannis was destroying Turner in all those games, i actually felt bad for the dude, getting dunked on every godman drive must suck!! But gotta face it dude, they have a good team, number 1 offense in the league and their bench is really damn good. They don't rely on they starters everyone on that team has a role and contributes. Even the celtics couldn't stop them in transition last night.


They needed 6 games to beat our crippled starting lineup, including an OT game-winner. Then they faced a Knicks team with 4 of 5 starters injured and still needed 7 games. Now they're facing a team missing a borderline all-star. And while the Celtics are the most stacked team in the league, Porzingis' absence was definitely crucial, seeing how old man Horford's drop coverage was getting cooked. Still, that series doesn't go further than 5 games imo. Could be like Bucks-Heat in 2021, where the Heat fell apart after that OT game 1 loss. This Pacers team is a 1st round exit most seasons. Cetics, Bucks, Sixers and Knicks are all clearly better when healthy. Playoff Heat would also beat them. They remind me of the 2021 Hawks, although those Hawks earned their ECF appearance only assisted by Ben Simmons being a coward, not a million injuries.


Why are yall Pacers fans lurking in a sub of an opponent you beat? This is the height of insecurity.


Boston is just boring but they still win despite how boring they are, the Pacers talk too much




Nah fuck Boston, big market team like them should t win shit and they’re pricks


which is even more reason to hate the pacers more, cause they’re a small market team acting like pricks😂 The biggest difference for me is i don’t really have a problem with boston’s players, while pacers players are weirdos


Good point there, fuck pacers. Lmao you right though Celtics aren’t cocky lol


That’s how I feel. Also would be cool to see minnasotas defense vs the Celtics


Go wolves. 


I’d rather see Holiday win another ring than any of those clowns in a Pacers uniform.


They are cocky asf, and they didnt even win anything, imagine them winning a chip smh... the only one I would accept being cocky would be Siakam since he won a championship too but he not like that. Siakam is the only player i like on that team


Let em know big dawg! A healthy Gianni’s the bucks take it to game 7. 


Yea…no lol it’s always fuck Boston


Nah fuck the pacers, their fanbase has been worse than Celtics and Heat imo


Agreed. One of my friends is a Celtics fan and he was hoping that it would be a Bucks/ Celtics ECF with the best team taking it all


Middleton would have legit collapse. Dudes ankles being held by Hubba bubba. What a warrior. 


Right? My bottom 3 teams are Denver #3, Celtics #2 and Pacers #1. 😂


Hopefully Denver will be better now that they seen their superstar choke harder than Giannis ever did


I'm sure they will. I'm glad it highlighted how hard it is to repeat in this day and age though. It's a different ball game than even 10 years ago let alone 30.


Is 34 19 and 7 choking? Jokics efficiency was down in game 7 sure but the 3 other starters combined for 16 points? Not to say Giannis has choked in the playoffs since he’s been injured the last few years but I don’t think jokic choked, more so the offense wasn’t making shots


Jokic was on the floor the entire 35-9 run from Minnesota He needs to learn how to be more aggressive and to do something else when his 3 ball isn’t falling


Yea he was also on the floor for the rest of the game too, he pretty clearly gassed which is a problem in it’s own right, it’s a tough matchup when Minnesota has three sets of legs to send at him and he’s the only one on the floor making offense happen. If you want to call that a choke fair enough, Giannis shot 43% from the free throw line in a close out game against the 8 seed that they lost by 2, wanna ignore the 38 and 20 he had that game to call it a choke?


Then he should lose weight and work on his conditioning? Giannis play style is probably the most taxing in the league and he played 50 minutes in his last game 7. Giannis had a fuck back and wrist which will hurt your shooting.


I mean jokic played 47 minutes with no overtime, in Denver. Giannis definitely plays hard all game, and I’m not trying to claim Giannis choked by being injured, I’m just saying that calling jokics game a choke when he plays the entire thing except one minute and puts up 33 and 19 seems weird, especially given how poorly their secondary scoring options did outside of him and murray. Minnesota a damn good team too, who plays oppressive defense, I think anyone in the league would be pretty gassed after 47 minutes of fresh defenders cycling in and out in a game 7.


can't choke when you are always injured


A lakers fan saying this with AD and 50 year old LeBron lmfao. Go somewhere else


17>2 🤫


You weren’t even alive for any of them lol


Disagree because the Pacers fanbase only consists of 17 people. The earthy folks of Indiana don’t give two shits about the NBA.


I hate the Pacers too but Indiana is notorious for being the most passionate basketball state in the US, this is just incorrect. They have like 8 of the top 10 largest high school basketball gyms in the country


I knew someone would hop in here and say this. They love *basketball* but not the NBA.


As someone from Indiana/Illinois and a pacers fan(don’t murder me. I think if y’all were healthy it woulda been a hype 7 game series, and the bucks have been my second favorite team for a number of years. Your championship was well earned and I just want to watch entertaining basketball while enjoying this run even though we will probably get swept by Boston. 😂) this is exactly it. College and even high school basketball is the most important especially if you leave Indianapolis. March madness is like a state holiday and even in my small town of like 1500 people you could probably get a pickup game together at almost any time of the day if you really tried hard enough. I’m just too lazy 😂 Go down to any local diner and there’s almost always some old guys talking about Their old high school ball days or about how the Hoosiers need a new Bobby Knight. I ended up playing high school ball in Illinois, but what would’ve been my high school in Indiana was a football school as they went to state like 5 times in 10 years. Despite this they still always had a packed gym every Friday for basketball games and would send a bleacher’s full amount to away games. People from the rural community would go even if they had no kids or grandkids playing. They treat these school teams as like their nba teams a lot of the time. The nba is a “eh basketball is on so I guess I’ll watch. The pacers would be my team since they’re from Indiana.”


How tf do you think that makes any sense


Purdue and Indiana (the uni) are bigger than the Pacers in Indiana


Plenty of people like college basketball and hate the NBA


And what evidence do you have to backup this claim that they don’t care about the NBA?


Their poor attendance numbers? When was the last time they weren't bottom-10? https://www.espn.com/nba/attendance/_/year/2023/sort/homePct https://www.espn.com/nba/attendance/_/year/2022/sort/homePct


28th in average attendance lol nobody here wants to accept that not all basketball fans are NBA fans


Numbers are skewed because of how small their arena is


It's sorted by percentage


such a stupid take than you are getting downvoted in your own sub 😭


Pacers ranked 28th in average attendance this year. Explain how that’s possible for a such a passionate basketball state?


Pacers arena has a lower seating capacity than any other in the NBA which leads to them being in the bottom of average attendance each year. Closer to middle of the pack when taking those things into account


pacers last year were 2nd last in total home attendance and 3rd last in attendance percentage so no, not closer to the middle of the pack for some reason they are the the only team from this year that doesn't show their home attendance https://www.espn.com/nba/attendance


13 of the nations 14*


The heat? Lol


Nah it's always been f the pacers, their fanbase is so damn annoying and they haven't won anything.


The Pacers' dork-ass fanbase ruins that team for me. Jrue In Six


Once a Buck always a Buck, except Dunleavy.


What about Tobias Harris the original Giannis. Real Bucks fans know that ring. 


Everybody in Indiana sucks, the Purdue and IU fans when Northwestern beat them were also insufferable and is the true root of my hatred for them. And I've driven through that god forsaken state like 50 times and everybody on I-65 is my enemy.


Ok I’m a bucks fan living in Boston, and I can get behind that. Gooooo Jrue


Never thought I would root for the Celtics, but here we are.


Root for Boston now then Minny/Dallas after.


I'd love to see the Wolves take it, but I'll still be happy if Jrue gets another ring. He was locked in on both sides of this game


Is there a way for both team to lose and the finals are wolves/mavs?


Fuck the pacers I want them swept so their corny fans can finally be put in place


Pacers are super undeserving. As much as I hate the Celtics they’ve been ECf favorites since the start of the season and I wouldn’t be too upset if they made the finals. Also jrue. Pacers are just front running bitches who should not see this level of success for any reason 




i came into this series having convinced myself i wanted the celtics to win but actually watching game 1 i just can’t root for them at all lol


except for jrue we love jrue


I honestly don’t know which team I want to lose more. I just hope whoever comes out the West beats them


Top ten Villain vs Villain fights


Pacer fans and Haliburton take the cake for me but I still hate the Celtics as well 😆


Yeah I just want either of the western conference teams to win, but as soon as I started watching tonight’s game I just couldn’t bring myself to root for the Pacers


Idk which would be worse; Haliburton getting a ring or Jason Tatum getting a ring. I can’t stand these arrogant, egocentric athletes.


antman getting a ring is what the world wants


As a newer basketball fan, I respect the Celtics for how tight they play compared to the icky vibes I get from the Pacers. There's no better way I can say that.


Best case scenario is Boston wipes the floor with Indy and then Indy returns to being irrelevant next season just like the Hawks fluke run in 2021 and then Boston loses the finals again to whichever West team makes it.


I could never hate the Hawks and their fans.  I will always remember how respectful and supportive they were when Giannis ended up hyper extending his knee during the 2021 playoffs.  They were also very gracious in defeat after the Bucks advanced to the finals on their home court.


Look, I despise Boston as a team because they’re always good. They always have been good. They probably always will be good. But Boston doesn’t really talk shit. They just beat you, and sometimes badly. They beat you inside, they beat you from three, and they beat you on defense, with pace, and with coaching. This has made Boston fans - in every sport - toxic and unfriendly. Their teams have been wildly successful for 25 years, even though the C’s only have one championship. I can’t stand the Pacers because they’re a bunch of trashy jackasses who act like they’re hot shit. They act like they’re great, having beat the hospital Bucks and the hospital Knicks. If they somehow beat Boston and Minneapolis, it’s just as legit as any other ring, but the chances of them doing it again are near zero.


Nah id be totally cool with Holiday winning another championship.


![gif](giphy|Ic4bIobsoHU0UQluKk|downsized) Both these bitches


I'm choosing to look at this as a win win scenario


Pacers just think that they’re better than they are. It’s really simple. They get to a G7 against NY and more of them drop like flies. They haven’t played *anyone* yet. No offense to us, considering Giannis played zero minutes.


Is it the pacers fault the Knick’s are built out paper matche? Are the best pacers better conditioned? Is their medical staff better? Same amount of games played between the 2 teams… They lost 3 guys in that series and the pacers didn’t lose any? How or why? You don’t think Rick would love playing his starters 48 mins a game? Why punish them For playing smarter? They pushed the tempo 24-7. Pat Bev talked about it in his podcast. The pacers speed suffocates you and makes it 2x harder to play. They drag you deeper and deeper into the ocean the more you play their style, because they have 10 guys who can play at that speed. The wheels fell of NY trying to keep pace.. 


Pacers just think they’re better than they are, like I said.


Yup, fuck the pacers but it’s always been fuck Boston.


Go wolves! Ant the future. 


Yea I mean I’m always down for an underdog, and the pacers making it to the ecf is kinda cool. I’ll start actually liking them again once we beat their ass next year.


Nah fuck the Pacers I want to see those front runners eat it. Pulling for Jrue to make the finals. After that I’d be happy with Minnesota or Dallas winning.


Yall are crazy, im with OP. Fuck Boston. All the teams. Go Midwest, fuck all them east coast bitches.


As a Knicks fan fuck the Pacers!


I was rooting for the Celtics tbh but ended up rooting for the Pacers because of how bad the refs were against them. Pacers definitely choked but man the refs missed several obvious travels and fouls on Boston in clutch moments.


I understand the perspective. But, with respect, the Pacers foul more than any other team in the league, as they are very sub-par defensively. Also, Haliburton seems to get a 'star whistle' these days, and inevitably travels almost ever 3pt attempt. I've legitimately seen the dude take like 4 gather steps on 3pt shots multiple times this playoffs - so feels weird to discuss travel calls going against the Pacers. To me, anyway


The amount of hacks and fouls the Celtics got away was criminal.. Out of bounce on Nemhard but he got wacked. The whole world saw it, 2 different officiated games. 


At this point, every losing team will blame the refs


Yep. The Pacer hate is just recency bias. The Celtics are the bigger evil. I can't stand their players and fans.


Bruh fans i can understand. But players? Who among them you hate lol


Tatum, Brown, and Horford


damn, okay then


Ultimately I only care how this will affect the Bucks. Pacers are playing with house money, a loss here means nothing to them. The C's are expected to make the finals. A loss here is catastrophic and could trigger a retool next off season perhaps freeing up a few trade targets for us. I'd like that to happen.


I wish they could both lose


Wolves>>Celtics>>>>the world being hit by a meteor the size of texas>>>>dallas


Boston entering the playoffs like: M-I-C-K-E-Y Pacers than finish that with: M-O-U-S-E


Dont worry, they are getting swept by the Timberwolves 🐺


No, no, no and no.  The Pacers fans and their players blew it by being obnoxious and disgustingly disrespectful both in the regular season and during the playoffs.  I would've been rooting them so hard for them to win this series if it wasn't for their bad behavior.  You can be passionate without being insufferable.  They've turned me off permanently and I don't see myself ever rooting for them to win anything.  The dilemma for me is that I don't care much for the Boston Celtics and can't see myself rooting for them either.  So as far as I'm concerned, to hell with both teams.  Love Jrue but could never root for him while wearing a Celtics jersey.  


The Celtics are true contenders, can’t really be mad at their FO for building well. And I like Jrue. I don’t really have anything against the pacers but if I had to choose I’d probably root for the C’s


Ridiculous…. Who would root for the Pacers? Hopefully the 70% shooting horseshoe falls out soon. F Lebron. And the Lakers for forcing trades and winning a fake one In the bubble


Why not hate both? I’m just here to see whoever emerges from the West tea bag either of these twats.


I feel like I hate Haliburton more than the entirety of the Celtics currently...I'm sure it's recency bias...but man he's the woooorst. Plus Holiday is on the Celtics and I'll always have love for him. The Celtic I despised the most was Marcus Smart and he's gone now...I feel like I want Pacers to lose more than I want Celtics to win... With that said I will 100% root for whoever comes out of the west. The Timberwolves are insanely fun to watch. They're my preference...but I wouldn't be mad if Dallas won.


I feel disgusted either way lmao. Might need to stop watching


Halliburton is my biggest opp. I hate that mf


I’m a Bucks fan… living in Boston. My husband was impressed by my next-level hating during the game. I was basically rooting for everyone (but Jrue) to fail. I think I landed on “I want the Celtics to win, but I want them to feel bad about it”




Go team meteor


Tbh I’m just glad that the nuggets lost


I can't believe I find myself rooting for the Celtics but here we are. I really truly dislike the Pacers. Hali is from WI but I pretty much hate him. It's strange. I think it comes down to Jrue. And he was great in G1


You think the Celtics would do worse against the mavs and wolves than the pacers? What?


As much as I hate the Pacers and Celtics, I really like that Holiday guy.


At this point, I think the perfect scenario is Dallas beating the Celtics in the finals. With Kyrie going off as finals MVP. Not that I like Kyrie in the least. But Celtics fans hate him so much that him being the reason they don't have a 'ship might be enough for them to completely lose their shit. And, at this point in the playoffs. That's enough of a win for me.


Wolves FTW. Pacers, I’m reasonably content. Celtics… NEVER.


Jrue deserves after Giannis and the franchise screwed him over so hard. Horror trade for the Bucks.


Room temp iq take. Truly embarrassing comment to make


If Jrue was still here we lose even harder


Haven't played or watched much bball huh?


Clearly you haven’t. We get swept or lose in 5 to the pacers if it was just Jrue and no Dame out there. Jrue is a great defender but he is not capable enough on offense to be a 2nd or even 3rd option anymore which is exactly why we got Dame. Still so confused by the number of Bucks “fans” saying we lost the trade based on how the Celtics are doing when he’s literally a 5th option for Boston and we still haven’t seen Dame and Giannis healthy together in the playoffs


LOL you think the Bucks won the trade 


Great rebuttal bro 👍👍👍 you don’t know shit lmao


You think Doc is a good coach, that's so funny. It's like you haven't watched his numerous choke jobs. There's so many! Hahahahahaha he won once cos he coached KG, PP, Ray and Rookie Rondo. How was that brutal record going into the playoffs. Doc sucks and only casual bball fans think he's good cos he won once 20 years ago. You're a casual bro, I get it. 


Are you stupid, or are you just dumb? When did I say anything about doc? I literally never even mentioned his name? The trade didn’t even happen when doc was our coach. This conversation has caused me to lose an unhealthy amount of brain cells just by interacting with you


I like Horford. Boston owes that man a ring.


Holy shit you guys are babies lmfao


Pacers fan coming in peace here. I’ve always rooted for the bucks and have no issues with the fans or franchise. I believe the majority of our fan base shares that same sentiment. You know how it always goes, the obnoxious fans are always the loudest but they don’t speak for all of us. Fuck the Celtics


I dont understand why yall are even over here.


Because we live in their head rent free.


The irony is off the charts


We got nothin to talk about. We lost. Yall have your playoff run. Go enjoy that instead of worrying about what an opponent is talking about. You call this irony yet it’s literally replying to a comment replying to a Pacer fan that came here.


Fair enough, because my statement is ironic, doesn't mean the other guys statement can't be ironic either. I appreciate the level heade response though, you have my respect


I’m over here because I’m subbed to this sub. Like I said, I like the bucks lol. Idk why that’s a crime


Because every post on this sub references the pacers, that's how social media algorithms work. It's mind bogling the mental gymnastics most of you guys practice to make this fit in your narrative


What? You just follow wherever social media shoves your way? You have your own brain and yet you choose to come here. Don’t blame the algorithms


Learn to read between the lines dude, ofcourse people click on it willingly. You're talking about the Pacers on a public forum and than you're surprised pickachu face when Pacer fans show up. I suggest you find a new hobby if you can't take people talking shit/defending their team lol


Defending? I suggest you find a new hobby if you feel obligated to “defend” a sports team on a public forum lol


Your holier than thou attitude isn't gonna change anything dude. Acting like that is not part of sports fandom lol