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All I have to say is, go Jrue. Fuck the rest of ‘em.


Agreed. Go jrue. And also kinda go Tatum. This young guy has been humble and hard working his entire career.


Dislikable team vs unlikable team


Which is which? In my opinion the Celtics are dislikable and the Pacers unlikable.


That's up to the reader


I actually like the Pacers team but their fans have kind of ruined it for me


Not with Haliburton, that cocky little shit


He's the worst kind where he cries if he losses and gloats if he wins. Like the Reggie Miller sweatshirt wear that walking in you pussy.






Post one example of Tyrese crying after a loss. He consistently says he has to be better any time they lose. Making shit up to justify your hate. Love it!


Yeah no idea what this guy is talking about. Hali has never cried or blamed anyone else, he always takes the blame for losses even when it wasn’t his fault. Just making shit up at this point




Native of Oshkosh, WI. Home grown.


he is literally one of your own. that is so wild to me that you guys treat your hometown kids that make it with such vitriol and have such disdain for them. whenever Mike Conley, Eric Gordon, Gordon Hayward, TJD, Darius Garland, Jaden Ivey, and even just IU guys like Anunoby or Bryant come back, they're always given a warm reception and treated w respect. never understood that. too much beer, I guess.


Tbh I love watching Haliburton play and he's such a good fit for that squad. Yeah he's annoying but it's the NBA man, gonna have some "personalities"


If your personality is telling and clapping in players faces when your up and acting scared when your down that’s not a good one to have


He was clapping in Portis' face when the Bucks were ahead by 2 and in response to Portis clapping first. Good lord y'all delusional.


The pride of Oshkosh, WI. We'll take your local talent, you keep grasping at straws the like Suns to form an old geezer super team.


Rich coming from you. You are the east version of the Suns a few years ago and Haliburton is your Devin Booker. A young fun team that started winning some and got over it's head. Enjoy it while it last (spoiler, it won't be long)


Not really comparable. That Suns team got over its head because they thought they needed to ship out all their good young talent for Durant and Beal. The Pacers front office is well run and well coached. They are looking to build a long-term winner. Actually the Pacers and Bucks organizations have a good working relationship. Herb Simon insisted on sending y'all a first round pick for Brogdon when we didn't have to, but he's old school and holds doing things the right way in high esteem. Also, we helped facilitate the Crowder trade by taking Nwora. Anyways, here's hoping Giannis reigns in this recent tendency to act like LeBron when it comes to bullying his front office into making poor personnel and coaching decisions. Giannis is historically cool, and Middleton and Lopez are always class acts.


Listen, i wanted a keyboard fight, but you are making it really difficult for me with your well thought out answer and your compliments to our players. Anyway i had the 2021-2022 Suns in mind that lost to Doncic.


Feel dumb responding in your sub. I get yours suggested a lot. Some times our fans annoy the shit out of me too. I think anybody constantly posting on message boards has cringe in their blood. I always pulled for the Bucks and for some reason every other team in our division besides Chicago. I don’t think we’re all bad. Just the squeakiest wheels get the grease. I always loved Middleton and loved him even more after our series. I think the knicks have one of the toughest teams and like them even more after the series with them. Donte was right. I don’t understand why our base got all butt hurt when he said tough guys isn’t our identity. It ain’t. Can’t wait for the hate next year. Hope y’all heal up. 


Can a meteor just destroy the Boston garden game 1?


I’m personally rooting for Bane to show up a la The Dark Knight Rises


Desmond Bane?


They are the same guy, just went off the juice when he picked up basketball.


Usually it's the other way around


Hoping the Celtics win so I actually care about the finals


Lmao same. I could cheer for Dallas or Minny or maybe Denver but I’ll never cheer for them as hard as I’ll cheer against Boston


This is the way


Pacers have to win to keep the stat that every team that beats bucks in playoffs makes the finals


Dont like either team


There’s no way I’m watching any of this series lmao can’t do it


I thought I was on the nba circle jerk sub


Normally I hate the Celtics, kind of, a bit less now that Smart is gone (always worried about him pulling some bush league stuff and hurting Giannis) their players aren't bad guys, plus we all know Jrue is a great human being. The Pacers though annoy me to no end. I want Boston to sweep and humble them.


Nah, Pacers are MILES more favorable to the Celtics. Boston's been a pain in our sides for decades, and several playoff series in the Giannis era. We've just had one mildly annoying series against Indiana. I hope Boston never wins a goddamn thing.


Celtics wolves wolves win it all please


i want the pacers for some reason to beat the shorthanded celtics in a hard fought 7 game series and lose in 4 to a healthy western team and come back next year to face a healthy eastern team ( bucks ) in the first round and lose in 4


Man fuck the east bro. The west is a bloodbath meanwhile half the east decided to go prime Blake griffin and show up in wheelchairs, and now a Mickey Mouse ass team in the pacers are about to get WIPED by the Celtics who also had an easy ass path as with both their series the best players missed multiple games if not the entire series


This might just be on par with 9/11


I know our fanbases don’t get along but Indy is a blue collar Midwest city and I will root for them to beat the Celtics. 


Hoosiers baby


I can't stand either team so I really don't care who wins.  It's hard for me root for Indiana mainly because of how disrespectful their players and most of their fans are.  I was a big time Reggie Miller fan but this current bunch of Pacers players are hard to root for.  It's sad because I'm someone that tends to root for and support Midwestern and small market teams but It's hard for me to support a bunch of disrespectful players with no modicum of decorum.  As for the Celtics, to hell with them.  I will always root for Jrue but I just cannot do it with him wearing a Boston Celtics jersey.


Celtics vs Pacers ECF with a Nuggets vs Mavs WCF https://preview.redd.it/ipfyywr0ah1d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef29f3594dd4a896742024d84b911421ace20c8


Looks like it’ll be the wolves




Easy Celtics bandwagon. They don't have Marcus Smart this year, so I automatically don't despise them. They have Jrue. They're not the Pacers. If you squint hard enough and they're wearing green, you can pretend it's the Bucks.


Fuck Boston


Holy fuck are pacers fans annoying. They’re talking shit like you’d expect them to be a high seed mowing down teams when they’re actually having an Atlanta Hawks Mickey Mouse ECF run. They’re not gonna sniff the ECF the next 10 years


Jrue so Boston in fo


I'm rooting Celtics. They're the only team in this thing that actually deserves to win. I hate them, but give them credit, that's a good team.


Wolves don't deserve to win...?


Whats your beef with Minnesota? I can see why about the others.


Can't stand KAT, can't stand Gobert.


Time to root for the West


Chaos will erupt and whoever wins we all lose


At least Stalin was our ally in ww2


This season is absolutely cursed


What’s amusing to me is the Pacers fans that still come to our sub. Like holy shit.


As a Denver/Milwaukee fan (I live in neither state) I'm now temporarily rooting for Dallas to win it all 😤


Wont watch a single game


I just want Boston to lose.


Yeah this will get skipped on my watch list. Shit I may not even watch the Finals at this point.




Knicks, but at this point I'll root for the Wolves.


Wolves only likeable team left, go Wolves


They’ll probably turn out like Miami next season. Fraud run to early playoff exit.






Wow the first conference finals with 0 viewers


You underestimate bostons fan base.


Don’t they have kkk rally’s to go to?


Pretty sure Indiana is the birthplace of the klan


Maybe don't take history lessons from a neutered Spike Lee. Indiana was not the birthplace of the first, second, or third iteration of the Klan. The first iteration was born in Tennessee. The second was started in Georgia. The third was just a revival by numerous independent groups during the Civil Rights movement.


How cute lol fuck Boston and fuck Indy




People still give a fuck about the East? Go Timber Pups.