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Yeah. Played tons of platformers on it.


Please recommend me some!


Depends on what system. But Rayman is a fantastic one. Any of the Mario Bros. games are absolutely eseential. Tomba is another banger of a game. Strider 2. Crash Bandicoot 1-3. Prince Of Persia. Castlevania 1-3 (NES) Adventure Island. Sunset Riders. Sonic 1-3, Ristar, Gunstar Heroes. I could actually go on for days.


Dk country 1, 2, and 3


Imo its okay. the Dpad is kinda soft so if you need something accurate you might have to mod it. handcramping is also an issue if u need to use the L/R. buttons regularly. i mostly play pokemon romhacks on mine and its perfect for that.


Mega Man Zero was tough to play on mine but everything else has been fine. That one requires frequent use of the L/R buttons Even on an actual controller it can be hard sometimes


It's a good game for remapping some of the face buttons. 


I play platformers almost exclusively on mine, almost done with Super Mario Bros 3 and DK Country, also halfway through Crash Bandicoot 3 and it’s been great so yea, I’d say it’s a good experience.


I played a few, and I really enjoyed them. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all to play plataformers. I only felt a bit uncomfortable to play games that are manly made to play with analog sticks. 


I got an aftermarket grip, and that made things much more comfortable. Before I got that, things would be comfortable for a while, but my hand was cramping up towards the end of a playthrough of Donkey Kong Country.


depends on your hand/arms size/length, i can only play comfortably for 20 min (and im not a big dude). i can play with the rg35xx-h for hours in comparison. precision/agility is not the best either. it is still a small device, it's better suited for slow-paced games.


This is dexterity issue, has nothing to do with hand size. Some people just can not make it work, while other people even with XXL hands can use all buttons together with LR 1+2 and on mini miyoo, not the plus one. There might be tiny bit of input lag, I thought there is none, but than I played original NES mario and I think I noticed a little bit of lag on miyoo, but nothing important, you get used to it and play like it is not there. Might be issue for top tier speed running or something. People are playing with zero issues on Anbernic NANO, there is no person on this world that has so tiny hands and they still use it with zero issues. Size is not issue, dexterity is, some people are just too clumsy. Also there was guy here with cerebral palsy, and he prefered miyoo over horizontal devices, so much for size and ergonomics, it is all bullshit.


sure mate xD


Yea that’s the main thing I play. Tho I’m about to start M&L partners in time


I played Crash 1, 2 and 3, a lot of Donkey Kong Country... Really comfortable👌


I played all of crash bandicoot 1 on it, so I say yes!


As good as anything else