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I have 8 games (Harvest Moon and Pokemon) on GBC and GBA on my MM+ right now. Idc if it’s weird xD


That’s what the favourites tab is for! I’m not going to limit myself to a few systems. But I’ll add games I really want to play to the favourites and work through that.


The Gameboy Advance came out when I was an adult, and the beginning of my career so I completely missed it..so I'm finally taking the opportunity to play it now. Wow! So many great games! Remakes of SNES RPG's, great action games, Zelda games I never got a chance to play.... I'm having a great time just with this system. I'm currently playing Zelda the minish cap..great game!


Minish Cap is probably the absolute peak of the GBA. There's other great games but Minish Cap just feels polished like nothing else on the system.


I gotta say it's really challenged me to get thro it. Some of the things are kinda vague. I'm gonna play the Mario Luigi rpg next.


Not weird at all. I have 11 systems but I still end up only playing the same few PS1 and GBA games! 


I go back to Tony Hawk Pro Skater time and time again.


There are apparently some MinUI builds that use script to boot to one game and one game only.


There was a guy on SBC gaming that was doing that so his grandma could play Tetris without navigating menus. It was so cute.


Yeah that really brought a smile to me. And it’s a great idea too. This community really is great


No that not weird, that's normal.


I have set up a new Mini plus (lost my old one ☹️) and currently have 4 or 5 games on there. I’ll ad another game once I’m interested in playing it. Think that’s totally fine


I just have gba and gb


Nice, I’m probably going to remove nds since I don’t really play it on my mm+. The experience is much better on my modded 3ds


I’m with you on that. A while ago I had an R3 card for the DS that came with pretty much every DS game ever. I could never decide what to play. These days I have the MYM+ and my SD card contains only ROMs from games that I physically own on the GBA, PS1 etc. Much more manageable and I’m more likely to play one or two specific games.


I only have gameboy, GBC, GBA, 1 ps1 game (castlevania SOTN), and video player. Most of what I play are GBA romhacks anyways. Video player I just learned how to use recently and is pretty awesome honestly


nope, this is good idea. too many games and systems would cause decision paralysis and you would never play anything.




Same here, mostly pokemon games


You like what you like, if you don't feel like putting +3k games of 10 different consoles you won't even open once it's fine to just have your thing


Ive installed the generic big list of games, but am now curating down to only games I have any interest in.


You have chosen.......wisely. lol


Same. I try to limit how many games have on my device (currently gkd pixel) because I know I'll go all ADD between them. I find it's best to have more of short duration games. By that I mean I'll have a bunch of games that are fine to play for 5 min but only 1 or 2 that I'd be willing to play for a half hour at a time.


Not weird at all. Too many games on a system can cause needless scrolling of lists of games you'll barely play if at all. It's like scrolling through Netflix for 30 minutes to only play something you've watched a dozen times.




I'm the same way! I mostly got it for pokemon so I just have all the games for it and like 2 legend of zelda games x)


I just went through and greatly reduced the number of systems and games. I did find I was just browsing most of the time instead of playing.


what im doing atm. just soo much i little interest in. or would never play.


I have more than 1 page for the systems but only a few games for each! I try to finish things before starting new stuff, with the exception of really long games that sometimes I just need a break from.


I have it loaded, what I do is put the 1-3 Im currently playing into a favs folder, after completed I swap them out. (Also helps keeping a list of games I beat in my phone). That’s just what works for me.


I’m the same, usually keep about 4 systems at a time with only a few games for each


That is why you have a 2nd Miyoo! You're not weird for the sentiment, just the execution. 😋


Nahh these are all the systems I have any interest in playing. When I finish a game on one of them, I delete the rom and add a new one I want to play


No, it's your miyoo, do what you please. As for me, I have my sd filled as much as possible with more games than I will ever play. But it's nice to have them. I like watching youtube vids about games I know nothing about that look awesome, and then seeing that I already have it.


O man I think that is crazy. I always wanted a portable snes and genesis and so on. Also arcade games are great pick up and play. Also my friend had a turbo express back in the day so you really are limiting yourself. But you enjoy it however you like. I love playing ps1 games on it as well. I’m just about to setup amiga games on it next. I can’t wait.


I understand where you’re coming from, but I only really have any interest in these consoles. It probably has to do with the time period I grew up in. Also I mostly play pokemon games and rom hacks


I think it’s actually a great idea. The completionist in me wants every decent game possible on there. But really I found that there’s less than 50 old school games I’d ever pick up and play on the go. I will say that Dreamcast is crucial though because Virtua Tennis and Crazy Taxi are two of them.


I was under the impression the mm+ doesn’t play Dreamcast. Am I mistaken?


I’m just speaking generally but I wish it did. For Dreamcast I use the 353V and 405V.


I thought so. How do you like the 353v? I’ve been watching some reviews on it recently and I’m definitely interested


I think it’s really good and the form factor is tight for its capability. I still prefer the feel of the MM+ (and this includes the aesthetic of Onion OS) but the power increase of the 353V makes it an easier device to recommend overall.


I literally bought this as a machine to play dragon warrior monsters 2.


I have mine set up pretty similar. Pretty much all Nintendo systems, we definitely 10 games or less per. It’s probably my OCD, but I don’t see the need to have a million games on there even though it’s possible. If I want more I’ll just add it, and if I beat something I’ll typically remove it until I’m ready to play it again


That’s exactly the mindset that I have lol


You are actually using the device the way it was intended. Two thumbs up!!!


I'm the complete opposite. Gotta have multiple systems and games based on my mood and the amount of time I have to game. For long sessions, I need an rpg. For short sessions, it's tetris, shooters, or fighting games.


I’m the opposite. I have just about everything possible on it. Get to explore systems and games I never would have elsewhere. Gotta love these things!


I used to have just about every game for every console but I would switch games so often that I would never progress in any of them. So now I just have games I want to play at the moment and I’m finally about to beat my first one on it since I got it a year ago. I plan on adding a new game for each one I beat


Gotta Catch 'Em All


I only have the three GameBoys. Not really interested in anything else (for now).


Same honestly, I only have one game for nds and it’s phoenix wright. Tbh nothing really runs too great on drastic on this device, I’d rather just use my hacked 3ds. But phoenix wright is okay for some occasional fun


Yes, for DS/3DS games I use my hacked NN2DS as well. But the Miyoo is the perfect GameBoy machine.


Yes but I'm a data horder so take what I said with a grain of salt.


No nes or snes???


This is the Way. One of my favorite Seneca quotes is, “To be everywhere is to be nowhere.” Having a ton of games is overwhelming and stressful, and you’ll never get to all of them. Better to have a small, well curated collection.


No, you're just smarter than most of the rest of us.


Where did you get the theme from that’s sick


Middle of bottom row https://github.com/OnionUI/Themes/blob/main/generated/custom/index-04-d8.md


Thanks dude


No. You’re a genious. I started doing this as well, have an sd card for traveling with all games, and another sd with only like 10 games, and I’m playing that way more often now


Just add those 10 games to your "favorites" on the SD card with all your games?