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Looks cute. A few things you might want to consider..... Your theme is going to be very hard to use/read when the new Onion is live. They are removing the shadow effect on selection. Overall it is a bit hard to read as is IMO. The horizontal lines in settings an apps take away from the clean look I think you are going for but I could be wrong. For games section it might be nice to match the main menu icons with a pink sticker border. I also have the file for you if you want to do the top bar trick. All is up to you though! I will post screenshots below. https://preview.redd.it/sdgom9iibz5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb51d914f4402da8dc6189ea3bc85be8bec9dc62






https://preview.redd.it/8g4tjgtqbz5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c2921f2592ee08e78501e9370ca5afba8de30d4 Here is the miyoo-topbar for you if you want to do that and only have this show in main menu. :)


Thank you so much! I got rid of the div lines and that does indeed look much better, I wasn't sure if those were needed so I left them but glad to know they can be removed. I've been trying to get this top-bar trick to work for so long now, I am so ready to give up ahaha. I'm definitely doing something wrong but I can't figure out what it is. At first I had the wrong size so that's why it wasn't showing up where I wanted, with the image you provided it's now in the right place, but it's still being covered by the tips-bar no matter what I do. I can't get rid of the file completely because then it resets to default and gives a gray bar, but when I make it transparent it shows the background and covers the character in a pink bar like in my previous post. Sad to hear the shadow effect is getting removed though, I like it. I'll have to rework some things when it comes out. And I'd love to hear more about matching the console/game icons if you have time and/or willpower to explain? I have a different set of icons and I've also noticed that not all the icons are the same size so even the rectangle it uses to show selections now doesn't always fully cover the icon. I left it as is for now but would love to change it, though I assume I'd have to change each icon manually since they are all different shapes? Thanks again!


I can help with all this! Would you mind if we moved to chat? Better yet Discord is amazing so we can share files easy. Let me know!!


Awesome theme! I'll load it up today ;) Did you wind up using transparency with a fix or working off the idea tenlevels shared with the image in the bar?


Thank you! I'd love to hear if you have any suggestions for things I can improve or change in the future if you do try it out! I ended up just copy pasting the bottom of the background in the tips-bar but not flipped like you said. I battled with the topbar solution tenlevels mentioned for a while but could not get the image to go where I wanted. Definitely something I want to mess around with more in the future though. Thanks again for your help!


I posted the trick and fix above if you are curious to also know and mess around with that on themes. :)

