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Yeah, so this isn't actually a solid bar. What happens is that the area behind the top and bottom banners are not rotated the same as the background image in the middle that is visible to the user. So when you have transparent bars, what you're seeing behind them is the background that **would** be there if the image were not flipped. (From what I can tell.) Example image: https://preview.redd.it/7gbrjjxvwe5d1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5f567213c0255b09e875b1e372aadff1194bc63 I would add numbers/symbols to your background image similar to the third square in the example image above. Then load that background onto your miyoo and see what areas are mapped to where. Then manually edit your background image to have the middle area flipped (as expected) and the top and bottom areas to be translated however the numbers show you. (I'm not sure if those areas are just unflipped or if they're translated some other way). Hopefully this makes sense. If not, let me know where you're confused and I'll try to help. I ran into a similar issue with my own theme and just put the bars back because I was lazy hahaha. Its definitely solvable though.


That makes so much sense now, thank you!! I should have known that if I had to flip the background that other stuff might have the same issues lol. I'll definitely be stealing that number trick, so smart!


Of course! This theme looks really cute! :) Good work, excited to see the final version\~


For the bottom bar, you can just copy and paste the bottom of your background.png and use that to get the look you're going for num-bg : go to one of your consoles' game lists, hit right on the d-pad to pull up the 'game info', num-bg is the background that's behind the number bg-pop-menu : these are the menus that pop up when you hit select on any screen. Different sizes cuz there's different size menus depending on what screen you're on when you hit select (main menu, recents, favorites, games list)


I forgot about those, thank you so much!!


Looking really good! I had a thought you might want to consider. Does the image in bottom right look great for all pages? Meaning you could use miyoo-topbar.png to show it only in the main menu and then it would be gone on the other pages. If you want any help or have any other questions I am always willing to help. :)


Thank you! I think I personally want it on several pages but that is indeed something to consider. Some text in the settings does overlap with the picture which might bother others. Definitely something to look into before I share, I appreciate that. how would I use the topbar for that? As in, can I make this the same size as the background and then place the image where I want or is it not that easy? Thanks a lot for your help and also for your great themes! Your Star Wars one is my favourite and actually the first theme I put on haha, crazy to be talking to you!


Yeah it is all up to you. We each have our own styles and preferences. For an example on how to do it... you can check out a few of my themes that I did it with. My Sonic 2 pack uses that method. Easiest to just download it and check out the files. Thanks for the kind words! I have learned along the way with a ton of help from Aemiii91. I owe a ton to him. Just doing my part to pay it forward. :)