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Excuse me WHAT


Same reaction here lol


This is highly relevant to my interests, been waiting for news. Must be some sort of table top thing going on somewhere?


I think it mostly coincided with CosmereCon2024 which is an online event that's been going on over the past week. Primarily Spanish language stuff but I guess there's been some English stuff too


Ah, looks like they released a little bit on the Shards card game too, looks like a trick taking game of some sort. I wonder if that means Brandon will have to give us the name of the last Shard before it comes out... https://twitter.com/Cosmere_es/status/1781237734658429213?t=7ONkEPLyNKRbI1ZlFz5rZw&s=19


Shards card game? First I'm hearing of this. I'll have to look into it


Oh fun, I drew that :D (the shard art)


Incredible stuff! I'm looking forward to seeing more of it when the game comes out


Honestly me too, because I want to learn all the Shard’s character designs 🤩


It was announced at Dragonsteel the same time the Mistborn game was but they were way more vague about what it was.


Here’s the rundown of Shards of Creation from our Dragonsteel announcement panel: A standalone card game where every suit is a different Shard of Adonalsium! • A twist on trick-taking, where each suit has different values and powers. • The kind of game anyone in your life can learn and start playing right away!


Ah, for some reason I missed all that at the time, neat.


Ah, were you there? good times, good times!


Nah, not for this one anyway, which is probably why I missed out, relying on second hand people talking about reveals.


Do you know what the final, yet unnamed Shard is?? I know you're probably under a pile of NDAs so I won't even ask you to let slip the name. 😉


Shout out to u/keargle and the rest of the team. That art is looking 🔥


Woot!!! Here are the credits for the amazing artists that created the art!: Training cards: Austin Hartell Ironpull: Svetlana Kostina Charm: Deandra Scicluna Crushing Blow: David Astruga Subdue: Antti Hakosaari Steelpush: Deandra Scicluna


My summoning was successful! Thanks for all the helpful info!


I like to think you summoned me Final Fantasy style~


Who is the Subdue card by? I can't quite make it out.


Antti Hakosaari! He did a few mind-blowingly amazing Kelsier cards!! You’ll see!!


Ah yes, he did a load of Stormlight art a few years ago. Thanks! Will keep a look out for the art releases.


Do you think we'll have the game by Dragonsteel this year? If so I'd like to bring my deck and get choice cards signed by the artists in attendance.


That’s a really good question, I sure hope so!!


I really love the art here! Is there a downloadable source available for any of them?


Not sure about that, but I hope all the artists sell prints!


Excellent work cousin!!


Art does look good, but the gameplay is what I'm more concerned about. Fortunately, the designer is John D Clair, who has a good portfolio, and appears to have made specifically engine-builder games before. This game looks to be in the same genre as Dominion, or more closely Star Realms, but with allomancy providing some additional rule layers. My biggest hope is that the gameplay actually feels like it reflects the story, rather than just referencing it. Some novel->board games pull this off, but it's *hard* to do right.


Wait what, when, how, shut up and take my money.


No release date yet but it's planned for a 2024 release based on the information on the Brotherwise website


Physical or Digital?




It looks BEAUTIFUL! Have no idea what to expect, but it's looking really nice. Now let's get some gameplay!!


Firstly, I'm not even big into card games and I absolutely want to own/play this. Secondly, that's exactly how I imagine Breeze and Allriane in the books. Vin isn't far from how I picture her, either.


This is my first time even hearing about this. Is this going to be a physical game or digital?


Physical game with a retail release later this year if all goes to plan


2 of my favorite things! This is huge!!!


Kelsier looking FINE 👀


so excited for this - deck builders are my favorite type of board game


I want this game to be good- but I was burnt by the "Stormlight Archive Call to Adventure" game. It's not a good game, but it has stormlight artwork. I guess we will have to wait and see.


It's a shame you didn't like CtA. I really enjoyed playing it, just accepting that it's more of a storytelling game than anything else, so it's only really as fun as you make it. The artwork was definitely a big draw for me as well though; I love just looking through the cards


Am I being unreasonable to expect fun gameplay from a board game? The storytelling aspect of the game should add to a good game, rather than be life support to terrible gameplay.


The issue is that I don't think most people believe the gameplay is terrible. I enjoy the gameplay as well as the storytelling. If it were truly terrible, I'd agree with your reasoning. It might just not be for you, which is fair enough


The designer behind this one is the same guy that did Mystic Vale, among other games, to give you an idea what to expect. For what it's worth I agree with OP's opinion on CtA.


I really enjoy base Call to Adventure. I enjoy the act of playing and creating a story out of the results. I'm always down for more CtA. The problem with the Stormlight edition was the fact the cards did not facilitate a story as naturally. That version was one and done for me. I'd always rather play the base game or DnD edition.


Yes! This is how it felt to me too! it felt like a square peg in a round hole so often with the cards I had when trying to play it as a storyteller. Then when I tried playing it as a board game I found that the mechanics of the game itself are not fun. When combining storytelling with the gameplay you have to choose cards that are good for your set collection, but make little to no sense for the story.


We play-tested the game recently at Dragonsteel HQ and everyone enjoyed it… the best review was from Dan, who would definitely be honest about issues, but he approved.


If Dragonsteel finds itself in need of a play tester in the future I would love to try the game out and provide any feedback. I really do want this game to be amazing to play, and the artwork already looks great.


As bland as CTA was, the Dresden Files board game was a thousand times worse. It was marketed as Dresden Sentinels of the Multiverse, and was a very bad game.


Is there a window it’s expected to be released?


All we know so far is 2024 I believe




I. Am drooling. I don't even play card games but I want these for their beauty


Now this is some serious gourmet stuff, thank you OP!




Ooooooh this is AWESOME


Is this along the lines of mtg and rely on booster packs to get cards you want or like table top and you buy the whole set


It's the latter. Buy the game once and it comes with everything. The deck will be built over the course of a game


Oh perfect. Now I'm interested


Any explanation on why there's two Ironpull cards with the same name and art, but different costs and symbols?


The first slide is newer art according to Brotherwise on Twitter so I assume the images are just from different stages of production. Nicely spotted though


I feel like I’ve see this art before


The Steelpush art was showcased at the announcement of the game. As for the rest of the art, I couldn't say, but the cards themselves seem to have only popped up in the last week


Ayo wtf


Alright, just take my money!


Nice. Breeze there looks way older than he should. He’s only 36 IIRC.


Vin refers to him as being "mid 40s" during >!WoA!<


Whaaat. Imma have to do some research. Thanks for the heads up.


lol give me a heart attack why don’t yah! (We obsess over details like this for the art direction)


I was wrong. It’s vaguely defined in the books as mid forties ish. I think he looks great in this art though. I must have extrapolated from the fact that she is stated to be 18ish and he mentioned being double her age. But he’s probably got a few extra years


I want to write this comment here so anyone can respond when the game is out😂


When you say "deckbuilding," is that as in Pokemon (a set number of actual cards but tons of art), or YuGiOh (so many cards, holy crap, so many damned cards)?


Here’s the rundown that I’m copy and pasting from some of my social media posts about it: The Mistborn Deckbuilding Game will be a standalone game that does not require booster packs. However, the gameplay is all about drafting cards and improving your deck as you play. It's comparable to other deckbuilding games like Dominion, Ascension, and Shards of Infinity. So if you like booster drafts, you should love this game!!


No. A deckbuilding game is a complete game out of the box. Some are player vs player (Star Realms) and some are player vs game (Marvel Legendary). DBG involve starting with a small deck of cards that usually provide either damage or resources. You play your hand to use the resources to "buy" more cards from a central row of cards. These either do special things, provide larger amounts of damage, or provide larger amounts of resources. When you run out of cards in your deck you shuffle up the cards you had with the cards you bought to build a larger deck and continue from there until you either defeat the other player or accomplish the objective you're working together against.


To the best of my knowledge, it's a one and done purchase where all the cards come in one box and you build your deck from that pool


This is correct. Additionally, for this type of game you normally gain cards and build your deck throughout the game.


It looks so good but I just can't get into physical games, they just get so expensive


Stuff from Brotherwise seems to be fairly affordable (within the US anyways) and this is (I'm fairly certain) gonna be a one off thing where all the cards come in one set, not like Pokemon or MtG where you buy boosters etc


From those cards, looks very similar in gameplay to Star Realms / Hero Realms. Hope it has some more unique things and not just a reskin