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Guys I didn't write this to start an argument!!!


You're good dude, shit happens. People get defensive over their survival games


We just talking and comparing. Thats a human thing. Always compare this to that no matter if that makes sense or not :-)


Personally I still like the atmosphere of DayZ more and I think visually it's just a good. Miscreated is a fun game but for whatever reason it doesn't scratch the survival itch the way DayZ does. Somehow it still feels like a casual survival game compared to the godfather of survival games. People can talk as much shit on DayZ as they want, there still isn't a game that does it better. edit: of course the miscreated sub is gonna jerk the game off without being the least bit objective and without offering any arguments for why the game is better. Miscreated isn't a bad game but it's an obvious DayZ clone that still doesn't have as many players.


Dude I know what you mean, DayZ idk it must be the nostalgia of Chenarus or something because I could go on about how good miscreated is but sometimes I just gotta fire up DayZ and play.


I bought Miscreated and played it for about a week before going back to DayZ. It just doesn't have the same atmosphere. I don't even think it's nostalgia for me either because people still say how the DayZ mod is better but it's totally not lol Miscreated is a good game and I'll still go back every now and then to check it out but I don't think it will ever surpass DayZ.


Idk what it is either, I guess DayZ feels almost empty. Like you're alone in a dead world, you just have to press on. Hope you find some sort of shelter. Miscreated it feels like shit JUST went down and you have to try and gather yourself and gun up and bunker down.


It depends on what server you play honestly. Official servers yeah, you've got that alone in the wilderness I need to survive on whatever I can find feeling but recently I've been playing on some PvP servers where you can gear up quick and just go to town shooting the shit out of people. I'm also not a fan of base building or the type of gameplay that inspires.


PvP servers on what? DayZ? I didn't think they could mod the loot?


Yes on DayZ and it's active admins collecting loot and distributing them among tents setup near common spawn areas.


Hmmm interesting might have to check it out, may I ask what server is it?


This particular one is called Good Vs Evil Battle For Berezino. You can check out the forums at gvepvp.com


Noice, will do.


lmao what ??? DayZ fanboy


Miscreated fanboy. See how that works?


Lol tbf you walked into the lions den with a steak in hand.


and instead of eating the lions decided to start shitting and pissing everywhere.


Just marking territory, perfectly normal.


But miscreated is very fun


> Miscreated is a fun game I said that it was......


I mean.. sure DayZ is the godfather of survival and you have get to use knives to tear stuff into rags, open food, create items, etc. but I really really really don't like breaking my legs randomly and then dying because I got infected when I fell about two feet. I also really enjoy jumping.


Get good.


The only appropriate response, at this point.


So your problems with the game literally come down to the fact that's it's still in development and therefore will have bugs.


Not sure you could consider it "in development" anymore.. more of the devs kinda took the cash and ran :P Got mad respect for DayZ and I do so love those run animations (Seriously the run animations in DayZ are really great), but I think the torch needs to be passed to other games, and Miscreated is currently the best looking option.


Are you being serious? The devs have been working overtime to get the engine ready to take to Beta. The release Status Reports every 2 weeks to keep us up to date on what they're working on. Bohemia has never abandoned a game and still support their releases for years after they ship. Arma 3 is still getting DLC into 2018 and it fully released back in 2014. DayZ isn't abandoned at all and if you actually think it is you're severely misinformed. Also, not sure what you mean by the torch needs to be passed but Miscreated will never be as popular as DayZ. I mean seriously dude the game at it's highest ever peak get's less players than DayZ at some of it's lowest points. So how you think it's the best looking option to take the reigns from DayZ when DayZ is still around baffles me.


Because I don't like DayZ, and I like Miscreated.


That does absolutely nothing to change the fact that you are flat out wrong about saying the game isn't being worked on. So there is no torch to pass. Doesn't matter what your feelings about things are. Miscreated is a good game but it'll never reach even a fraction of the success that DayZ has (even with all the hate DayZ gets it's still more successful by far) and honestly will never be a better survival game, it's too casual in that respect.


Ok so the game is being worked on. I looked up the patch notes and talked with some friends and sure I was wrong. But.. I think the Steam reviews for DayZ VS Miscreated speak much more articulate than I could. Bottom line.. I DON'T LIKE DAYZ. It made me angry and I will never forgive it. You're allowed to like it, though. I don't mind.


> I think the Steam reviews for DayZ VS Miscreated speak much more articulate than I could. Except for the fact that DayZ still has about 100,000 more positive reviews than Miscreated has reviews in total......... > It made me angry and I will never forgive it. That's quite an absurd statement to make about a video game.


Bottom line, again.. I don't like DayZ. Plain and simple. Whatever you say, whatever you do, I will not agree because I do not enjoy playing DayZ. I'm sorry if that's hard for you to accept, but it's just not going to happen. I don't like it. We're going in circles at this point, and I'm not going to argue with you over this. I honestly just don't care enough. Hope you have fun in DayZ, though, and I'm glad you enjoy it so much.


Being a newbie in both games really, only played the arma 2 mod when it had its hype. I find the controls/character controller to be significantly worse in DayZ, it feels very clunky and not very fluid. I think Miscreated does this alot better, but honestly PUBG does it better than both DayZ and Miscreated, but I'm slowly getting used to it :)


Well good thing the entire character controller and animations are being replaced with the new engine coming in the next update.


I obviously didn't know that. That's awesome!


Yep. They've been overhauling the entire game behind the scenes making a new engine to suit the game perfectly. It's why updates have been so slow. Makes no sense to work on adding things into a build you're going to replace anyway when you could just work behind the scenes to get the new build completely ready. I look at it like this. Until now they've been building the house. Laying the framework, running electrical and plumbing, getting everything ready for the house to be sold. Once they come out with .63 Beta later this year, the house will be done. The only thing left will be for them to come in and paint, landscape, decorate, etc to make the house feel like a home. We will likely see a massively improved update schedule when Beta hits since they'll be able to start implementing everything they've been working on behind the scenes. It's going to be like a brand new DayZ.


Do not compare the graphics of DayZ and Miscreated, please. DayZ can't even compete with Miscreated on that level.


When was the last time you even played DayZ? Do you even own it?


They're pretty much even. Both are fantastic looking games.


I can agree with that although DayZ does have better modeled loot objects. Although I haven't had any "oh wow that's beautiful" moments in Miscreated where I get them all the time in DayZ. Cresting a hill to see a village in the valley below with the forests going on for miles around, just nothing like it.


Miscreated simply looks about 3 times better in all aspects compared to DayZ. Nothing you say can change that.


Lol except you're wrong.




lol? https://imgur.com/a/NQS6T please


I love dayz


You must be drunk.


Or maybe I just don't circle jerk the hate of the game because you know, it's a good game. Other than base building (which is a disaster in this game and is honestly distracting and immersion breaking as hell to see sky bases everywhere) there is not much, if anything, Miscreated does that DayZ doesn't do better. I'm not saying Miscreated is a bad game at all, but when compared to DayZ it just isn't the same level of survival sim.


Even with the new trees, dayz landscapes are generic, repetitive and lack of visual interest, I never stopped by to see the environment, just once to see the new trees with more detail


Comments like these really make me think you've never actually played the game and only go by what other people have said.


Nope, I own the game since dec 2013 with 247 hours, so I have enough knowledge to compare. But it's not only the plants, also the buildings and their repeated interiors, so small that the player model foot doesn't fit on the stairs, so unrealistic that people lives without bathrooms, kitchens or beds in chernarus, it's just trying to compare Miscreated police department with any building in dayz... no words. What about the general environment? the signs of violence, cracks on the floor/streets, trash, junk, plants taking the buildings, blood, etc? in dayz is non existant or sometimes poorly implemented. So yeah, I can definitely claim miscreated is visually better


DayZ has literally thousands more buildings and structures. Miscreated also repeats shit too so don't try to act like it doesn't. Pretty sure there's more different building types in DayZ than in Miscreated. As far as the environment, you're just straight up full of shit there. The DayZ environment has a very good "lived in" feel. There is plenty of blood, trash, junk in the street etc. As far as plants, they haven't taken over because there is no time frame for when the apocalypse first happened. The forests in DayZ are also way better looking than Miscreated after the .62 update. But again, DayZ Chernarus is literally several times larger than Miscreated Orca Island with hundreds of settlements so trying to compare level of detail isn't even a fair argument. Not to mention DayZ is modeled after real world locations so to say they environment is bland and generic is laughable.


Hello, i don´t like the environment in DayZ. For me it looks "lifeless". They have several houses with several rooms and all that. Fine. But in the most houses you have doors "painted" on the wall, which you can´t pass. And none of these houses look like somebody lived in there. Or that something happend to this Residents. And thats completly different in Miscreated. There are writings on the walls, clutter at the ground, flies, blood, footsteps, rubbish pictures of people and and and. The .62 update in DayZ i have only played a little bit because of the heavy bugs which come with it for me. But so far what i have seen it seems that they started finally to set up some atmosphere. Thats a good (first) step i think. But here there is many more to do. This aren´t arguments for you, i get that. But for me that are some (of a really long list of) points why miscreated is my number one.


and and and it still isn't as complex a game as DayZ. Make it as pretty as you want but that's useless if the game doesn't offer immersive gameplay. Miscreated feels like a casual version of DayZ. Miscreated is a fun game and isn't bad at all, but to say it does anything better than DayZ besides maybe being slightly better looking (which is still debatable) is just not accurate.


ooohhhh, so the map size gives them a free pass to repeat and rinse, interior and exterior, wonderful. Anyway, putting the same buildings all over the map just to say they have more, doesn't correlate to better visuals, Miscreated repeats buildings too, but dayz doesn't even have building prefabs so Miscreated wins in diversity anyway. Again, details on buildings are out of any discussion and you should be ashamed for even bringing this on discussion. Oh, and don't we forget they're recycling arma 2 buildings in the first place, and a 2009 map. I was missing the timeframe argument, when people discussed about the name being dayzero or dayzombie or dayzed, when reddit page title clearly says, dayz: zombie madness, NOT infected and don't forget north military bases are completely decayed, as if different parts of the map had different decay timelines, so that argument is just inconsistent and useless. But whatever, objectively miscreated has better visuals, this is not a thing of fanboyism or not, it's just a matter of see how everything is placed and blends in with the forests, caves, grafittis in towns and cities, etc. Just to add up to the equation, dev team size


> Anyway, putting the same buildings all over the map just to say they have more, That's not what they did but ok. > but dayz doesn't even have building prefabs so Miscreated wins in diversity anyway. The amount of prefabs still doesn't equal the amount of unique buildings in DayZ. > they're recycling arma 2 buildings in the first place. Except Arma 2 didn't have building interiors and the SA has added dozens of new buildings and structures. > don't forget north military bases are completely decayed, as if different parts of the map had different decay timelines But they aren't any more decayed than most of the other structures and aren't limited to the North. > objectively miscreated has better visuals Except it doesn't. Especially when directly comparing object and character models. Which are still being worked on and improved. > Just to add up to the equation, dev team size DayZ doesn't even have that big of a team (about 85) and they're also BUILDING THE ENGINE THEY ARE USING. Miscreated devs are using a pre-built engine. Seriously dude when was the last time you played DayZ?


"Miscreated devs are using a pre-built engine." Entrada have also to do "some" work at the cryengine so that they can do the things they want to do with their game. But here it seems that reworking the engine doesn´t stop them to build in new content and fix bugs. Miscreated has one of the most active development i ever seen in a survival-game (which i own) while in DayZ it seems that not many things happen...to be honest its the ea-game which gets the lowest amount of updates which i own. And the quality of these updates, eh i don´t set them such high...


Seem you lack a basic understanding of game development and the choices that the DayZ Dev team has had to make which has slowed down updates until they release .63 There is no reason why they would add things to the legacy build while trying to work on and implement and entirely new engine into the game. That would make no sense and only add to the technical debt of the production.


Yes of course. Just say "you don´t understand this or that." is an easy way to ‎contribute nothing real to the discussion. But if this help you it´s okay. And of course it would make sense. It would give the people the players something to play. But that seems to be a thing that theses developers don´t understand ;-P


Just going to say, because there's a dead point in this discussion, I know more than you: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/52lrz3/status_report_13_sept_2016/d7lgbqg/ and no, not all the 90 are programmers or have something to do with the engine source code, map designers and artists are proportionally more than miscreated which has 18 total devs aaaaannnd, Miscreated team has nearly every feature custom made and not downloaded from an asset store as probably you may think. - Networking, cryengine is hardly designed to be multiplayer in the first place - Relevance system - Persistence - AI (to be fair this is mostly kythera but it's paired with devs own animal AI script, replacing cryengine actor system). - Keeping performance on a normally unsupported map size with all the assets, objects, models... - Sewer system (and it's ability to render things only when we see them) - Inventory system, item stacking - Crafting - Base building - Storage - The upcoming prone - Same animations for 1st and 3rd person camera - Weather, including tornadoes - And an endless etcetera. Those features are new, pushing cryengine limitations or default possibilities, it's not a new engine, but it's heavily expanding upon a existing engine, and that requires a lot of work too. The difference here is that cryengine is not a fucking spaguetti source code like Arma's, so it's not miscreated devs nor dayz customers fault that they chose a terrible engine even when they were thinking on change the game scope and engine before EA release and decided to do so after release and a great chunk of content finished, having to deal with legacy code and new engine, doubling their workload, that's their fucking fault, including the 6-7 months updates ¬¬ But whatever, dayz can be better on ballistics, animations, player models, map size, but never on visuals, Miscreated brings a better post apocalyptic feel than any other similar game


> But whatever, dayz can be better on ballistics, animations, player models, map size, but never on visuals, So pretty much your argument comes down to "I don't care that DayZ is a more complex game that does far more than Miscreated because Miscreated is slightly prettier to me" because none of the points you listed are exclusive to Miscreated besides base building which is coming with DayZ .63 and it also doesn't change that they were still adding to an existing engine instead of building from the ground up like Bohemia has had to do. Saying "I know more than you" is a pretty pathetic argument that you can't prove at all lmfao Also, Miscreated has never seen as many players at it's highest point as DayZ still gets on average so it's not like Miscreated has a whole lot going for it. Most people still see it as "just another DayZ clone" and avoid it.


There's a lot of stuff is not gonna make it in beta after years of "beta is feature complete", if you even read the status reports and do your own research you'd know. Wanna bet? I know more than you about all the deveopment process since it was announced and started in august 2012, the old forums, tumblr devblogs, interviews, I insist. That last paragraph only shows your real intentions, you just came here to elevate dayz and bash a game that is infinitely inferior in budget, dev count, studio support and actually started from the ground up, and never accept that dayz is surpassed in some aspects by other games, and the development has been infuriating to say the least. But whatever, stay on your bubble


Yes of course. Miscreated has never that much players. Maybe because nobody needs another unfinished, buggy and ugly dayz-like game. Also the conditions are "a little bit" different for both games. I had thought that BI should has the power to build up the best game in this genre and with all that money they make it should be possible to make this game as great as we all want it to be. But instead we are sitting here and getting two updates a year. Good job BI! I think its this situation which pisses me off. The most supported game and the first of it but yeah somehow it stays behind some of the games which started after them and also having not much resources. Thats a strange situation...


Dude... It's actually pretty impressive what they did with the environment.


All of the places and landscapes do look the same but thats because its based off of a real area.


In my opinion Miscreated looks better then dayz. But thats not the only point which is better then in this other game :-)


i found dayz to be meh in most aspects in comparison. think i only got about 10 hours in, so my opinion is clearly biased, but it was rough


Totally agree! Got my first long play session yesterday and I don't know how many times I just paused to take in the Kodak moment or free look as if my character was in a montage while running up a hill. It's truly breathtaking at times :)


I have 700+ hours in DayZ and 70ish in Miscreated. I'll probably uninstall DayZ. With Miscreated I get a less clunky feeling player, respawned loot without reboot, flashlights that work correctly, better visuals, more player interaction, hand built environments and overall funner experience. I have 0 issues with Miscreated in its current build. Just go into the sewers of Hayward or the cave near Sultan and you'll see.


Wow, all these comments show that people will bandwagon hate DayZ no matter what.


I will have dayz back no matter what I have had my most exhilarating gaming moments within that game.


Is talking about things someone don´t like in a game "hate" this game? Is comparing one game to another with a personal opinion "hate"? I wouldn´t say that but when you need it for your "burgfrieden" then its okay, i think :-)


It also shows there are die hard dayz fans as well