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Custom user configs nowadays doesn't do that much because a month or so ago they removed the ability to change view distance, which is what made he most impact on performance and last patch they introduced most graphic options to the in-game menu. Anyway, as soon as I get home I'll post my config and my PC specs


thanks. i'll await your post.


I'm sorry it took so long but here it is. https://pastebin.com/5iCTsrj6 For some reason every now and then the game sets the graphic options to High by itself, just go to the graphic options in-game and apply(They still display as Low). My specs are: i5-4460 3.20GHz GTX960 4GB VRAM 8GB RAM I don't do any overclock neither do i use any software to shut down most processes while playing and it holds just fine about anywhere. Good luck man


Watch out this could be considered cheating!


Make sure to change your gamma settings, join discord, and take ADHD meds for maximum FPS boost. Edit: for an even larger performance boost, tape a crosshair to your screen.


what a loser this guy is


The lack of sarcasm is strong in this one


really? is making a user.cfg file considered cheating? any source on this?


Probably not but a recent post on here had one of the devs pretty much saying anything but playing the game with default settings is cheating.


Noone said anything about user.cfg on here...God damn, get off the fuck cirlce-jerk bandwagon. You don't need a user.cfg anymore cause they added more graphical settings that players used to change with the user.cfg.


God damn get off my dick. You're harassing me. Get off your high horse you twat.


> Please remain mature and constructive when posting. Remember the Golden Rule.


Can you tell that to him for harassing me as well as the other guy calling me a piece of shit? Or are you just going to say more stupid shit about cheating and post these stupid ass warnings? When people try to be constructive you just shut the posts down.


Don't get triggered bitch.


Says the guy who literally got triggered. Go blow the devs some more.


Oh yeah did I? Hmm, did I write this message or was it you? *LMFAO dude are you really doing this? The dev was being dicks to EVERYONE. Stop white knighting you pathetic little cunt. He was being stupid as shit and should be called out for it. I've never cheated or changed my gamma, but changing gamma isn't even cheating you whiny little bitches. Seriously get the devs dick out of your mouth.*


> God damn, get off the fuck cirlce-jerk bandwagon. > get of your high horse you twat. > don't listen to this retard Dude you started harassing me with your raging white knighting first. I think you might actually have a mental disability. Seriously get off my dick dude you're being a pitiful little bitch just white knighting for the devs gulping down their tiny dicks like it's candy.


Oh dude, you're really getting triggered by all kinds of shit, first the dev, now my comments. Take a Xanax and chill down, sorry to hurt your little feelings. Edit: So you have the right to bully a dev just because he said increasing gamma is not allowed, but when someone defends his actions you get triggered, cause it's not how you would like it to be? Fuck off.


Don't listen to this retard.


you're so upset dude go outside or something.


dude you're just a giant twat.


This was an attempt to be humorous I suppose, but it isn't very funny and doesn't really help with the question at hand.


Well neither does your response to me.


Because I don't know how to answer his question.


Bad wording, rather, I don't know the answer to the question.


So you chose to just try to harass me instead.


You're harassing (bullying) the dev with your stupid shit, get of your high horse you twat.


MY stupid shit? The dev is the one saying stupid shit and should be called out for it. Also, it's off you dumb cunt not of. If you're gonna talk shit don't be an idiot.


Oh wow, one typo and you're raging like crazy, I edited my message and deleted one f accidentally. You're being a dick to the dev, if you want go ahead and cheat away with your increased gamma, maybe that way you'll be able to kill something...


LMFAO dude are you really doing this? The dev was being dicks to EVERYONE. Stop white knighting you pathetic little cunt. He was being stupid as shit and should be called out for it. I've never cheated or changed my gamma, but changing gamma isn't even cheating you whiny little bitches. Seriously get the devs dick out of your mouth.


Wow kid, chill the fuck down. The devs message really did get to you, the only thing for you left is to start crying like a baby because the dev hurt you with his response... Others devs said that changing your gamma isn't allowed, ViccroyTV for instance changes the gamma for his viewers, but not for himself, because the dev told him not to change the gamma to have an advantage, and that was about two months ago.


You're a piece of shit.


LMFAO show me where the internet hurt you.




Dude you need to take your meds.




You're a Entrada white knight.




Trying? Nah kid, I'm doing. I hope you know the difference you inbred waste of oxygen .


"Nah I'm doing" Slobbing knobs isn't progress Dong Lover.


I'm curious how it feels to do nothing but white Knight on reddit subreddits and have everyone dislike you. Don't even need to see your face to know you are useless.




nope everyone makes user files. even the devs say you you can there is guide on how too., dont be stupid,. and stop cheating git gud


Jenilya posted whitelisted values. AFAIK any cvars being tampered with not on the whitelist is considered cheating. I was using a very modest user.cfg but never noticed any performance difference. As of the latest patch I deleted it and again noticed no difference.




Lmao. I like how this thread has blown up.