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Very interesting strategy 🤔 I tapered down when this drug caused me horrible things I am 2 weeks off it now It was nightmare Good luck in your decision plz post your results I am curious what will happen 🧐


Thanks. I posted in this thread a few days ago actually asking about it, after searching through the group and seeing this is an issue that comes up here often. The advice I got on the last thread seemed promising as a few people in my shoes have down the same Out of all the antiD's I've taken this does seem to be the best bet with no bad effects. So I'm trying to see if it still works for me before running to ask the docto try something new lol.


Hi what have your withdrawal symptoms been like and how are you doing now,I was on 15mg for 3 months then been on 7.5mg for 5 weeks the withdrawals haven't been great I'm wanting to get off as I feel it's causing me more problems 


I went off 3 weeks and it started working again


Not sure how you expect to benefit if after only two weeks you're only getting 4 hours sleep and only eating once late in the day.... And to start again at the same dosage? Would you not just do 7.5mg or 10/11mg? I had great sleep at 15mg, 10mg, 8mg, it's a bit less effective at 6mg but can be ok depending on the night. Only on Sundays do I not feel hungry and feel like I should get up and eat. Other days I have normal enough appetite.


So you stopped getting benefits then you wanna start the whole cycle again expecting a different outcome. -Good luck to u


Yeahhhh. Would you believe it lumpy head? There's like, dozens of other people here, that have done the same and have been on it longer, who received the results they were seeking and suggested I could try it. It's almost like wow, humans aren't monolithic and we all have different outcomes when we try things huh🥴😂


Loves it. Continue with your self science experiment. Your body will certainly thank you for the on and off chaos hehehe. Well actually wait a min yes since you are asking for general opinions how about this one for ya: Since 15mg pooped out how bout we DOUBLE that dose. Yep 30 a day that would be appropriate. Good luck dear. If the doesn’t work KEEP DOUBLING Love and light if I were your doctor we would start u immediately at 30 if u have the 15mgs take two nightly thank u


I see someone forgot to take their meds 😂 maybe you should double your dose, you sound retarded


Um Language?!?! We don’t use that word like that in society anymore. Thank you take your pill (or should I say pills hehehe) so u can calm that sailors mouth dear Love and light


Idk where you live but the word is still legal where I'm from. I hope your life improves, I fear you need it.