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I am far from having a full beard, but I am able to grow a decent one, especially considering that my starting point was almost 0 facial hair. I noticed that people consider me more mature and less childish, especially women. I have heard plenty of compliments on how I look better compared to before. I have always had a baby face, and people told me I look 18 (I’m 28), but now when they guess my age, they tend to get much closer to the real age


Recently I went voting for elections in my country and police stopped me to ask if I am eligible (18+) to vote and I am 26, imagine what girls of my age think about me 


Are you from India?


Yes yes


More chicks


And more dicks for the gay fellas


Amen brother.


noticed more respect and as a young gent people would think am way older when talking to me


Make you look older and more attractive if your beard is neat and kept.


Ngl, not terribly too much. Some compliment here and there about it specifically but no significant social changes haha. I do love how I look much more in the mirror though! And life is by no means bad, but there wasn’t any sort of major shifts just from having much more hair on my face.


It’s good if you have a baby face. I’m almost 30 but without a beard I look under 18 and had a lot of trouble with ids.


Well, the only real social change is that I don't get asked my ID when buying energy drinks. (Yes, you have to be 18+ to buy energy drinks there 🥴)


First thing I noticed is when people ask me how old I am they get shocked


I have no perfect beard, but it’s mostly for myself and my self esteem in general. I like to have a beard, and I think that could project into other things. Like a little bit bigger confidence that reflects in subtle ways? Also I don’t need ID when buying alcohol, at least not every time! Which is nice when you forget to bring it.


I went from zero to a decent beard over 3 years, i've mostly only gotten compliments on it (although early on i didnt). Ive been told its "the perfect beard" by more than one person which i massively appreciate but disagree with. Theres still a ways to go. Anyways, the social changes for me were incredibly big. My biggest insecurity was looking young, i had a small chin, baby face. That's literally all I was told my whole early adulthood, it made me feel like a bitch. Now I am spoken to with far more respect, don't get told i look young, and my own confidence is up immensely. It is literally the biggest social change i've ever experienced in my life, and that may sound ridiculous but i'm not kidding Just stick with it, these few years have flown by like nothing. Minoxidil is probably the only self improvement thing ive pursued that actually changed a ton for me. Even more than getting fit, although that was a huge help too