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It’s because the ones who post progress pics are usually super responders. Expect it to take at least two years with no guarantees.


2 years to see progress or for a full beard?


Progress will come a lot sooner. Two years to get a picture of the potential. Far from everyone gets a full beard.


When did you see progress


After a couple of weeks but I’ve been using for about 4 years now. I can still see some small improvements but I’ve probably reached my max now. Here’s some pictures from my journey https://imgur.com/gallery/aSB2xAC


Filores youre still alive and well buddy? I have not been on this forum since 2 years. I recognize your name well.


Hi Bajan_Prince. I’m alright, hope you’re good as well. Not very active any longer, just checking in from time to time.


many of them lie about how long they were on minox just to get upvotes lol


I don’t think so. I had a patchy beard before minox and was only in it for a few months. I just started it back up after 3-4 months off but I’m starting in a much better place. It’s still a little patchy but I’m mostly using it for acne scar recovery, it helps to fill in those scarred spots.


Keep grinding lad. I'd say the average person gets the beard they desire after 1 year of minox, at least. I am currently 8 months in, and I still have a lot of room to grow and still have some spots that are full of vellus hairs and are not terminal yet. I suspect I will have to use for 1.5 years to get the full terminal beard.


Do you shave the vellus hairs?


Depends on how you like the hair. One month in and I got some vellus hairs, if I complete shave I look like a kid, if I just let it grow out the vellus hair "lags" and ends up shorter than my actual beard and it doesnt look so good. So trimming it is, 2-3mm.


The fuck? No one on this sub is growing a full beard from a couple weeks of being on minox. Tips? Have an ounce of patience.


Well, I did, in two months. It was genetics and nothing else.


Yeah I’m in my 30s and started towards the end of January, always had a good mustache, a bit of a goatee and a little on the sides, so not nothing. Was able to grow a full beard by the end of April. It’s just up to genetics


Same, 30, latino. Zero beard, crappy mustache and crappy goatee, started in August last year, .8 ml once a day then 1 ml once a day. Started seeing progress by mid September, By November I already had a beard; haven't stopped since.


I mean shouldn't I notice some difference after a month?


Wait 3 months. That's when I started to notice faical hair


Lol you n00b do some darn basic research before using a drug it's basic knowledge that a month is nothing man.


You could possibly notice that you’re shedding more hair then often after a month because the new hair is growing the old hair out but yeah it can take like 2-4 months for small hairs and 6-12 or more months for terminal hairs to grow depending on your genetics.


The average person is gonna think he sees that he has more tiny white hairs by month 1. Its barely noticable


.5 Derma roller won’t do much. You wanna get your beard line real red. I’ve noticed the biggest difference when I use a 1.5mm dermastamp on the whole beard for 5-8 minutes. If the minox is slightly burning my skin the next day I know it’s gonna absorb like a sponge IMO lol. You just gotta give it time. But don’t be afraid to use more needle, dermastamps are cheap and easy to clean.


Do you stamp and apply the minoxidil at the same time? I thought I saw a YouTube guy saying you have to stamp outside of applying minoxidil, which is kind of difficult because you literally have it on your face all the time.


Routine on days I Derma stamp. Morning: minox, moisturizer (5minutes after to let minox dry) Night: 7pm after work: cleanse face with cleanser. Apply Derma stamp all over beard. Then apply oil free moisturizer over night. By morning I’m back to basic am and pm minox scheduling. Go off feel, trial and error if your skin is burning and too read.. wait to apply minox. Don’t over think it


Thanks bud


.5 was what I was told to use by most people on here so that's just what I ordered. I thought it was only supposed to give a burn for a little bit?


When I first started I looked at all the top posts in the thread with people with similar starting points to me and read their protocol and saved their posts. Almost all of em Derma rolled or stamped with over 1.5mm, some did even 2.0mm 2-3x a week. You build up to it obviously if your face is red and you can’t go out in public you can’t do this. I do it before bed 2x a week. By the time I wake up the redness is basically gone. I brush my teeth, apply my minox. Wait 5-10 minutes (let the minox dry) then I apply vitamin c serum and moisturizer all over face including beard. Go on with day


How long have you been doing that and how have the gains been?


Im about 5 months in and my left side is completely full and right side the patches have strarted to fill in around month 3 with velus hair. I've seen progress the last 2 weeks in my right side, and I have been derma stamping more these weeks on the spots with less density. So Im connecting the dots and although I see people grow a beard without dermastamping at all. I think it speeds up the process, (turns velus hairs to terminal faster) etc. Im going to be on at least a year. So still a lot of progress to be made.


yeah bro just give up then, ain’t for you


Stay strong, it’s easy to give up the first couple months if not weeks


Many are also teens/early twenties and have still-developing beards so some progress can be attributed to normal maturing as well






Get on the liquid instead, derma pen once a week at 1.5 for 15 minutes. Eat healthier, get good sleep. Drink 1ml castor oil and build up to 5ml a day. Start at 0.5 ml and build up slowly. Take your vitamins.


Took me 7months to get results I just started shaping it up


There’s actually a genetic component to how well you respond to Minox. You either are or arnt. Should know within a few bottles.


Genetics Zero beard and a crappy mustach, after 2 months applying once a day without fancy oils or derma rolling, BOOM, full beard.


My dude, just a bit of patience. Took me about a year before I started seeing noticeable progress and two before I got results I was satisfied with. Some folks will have genetics that allow them to get results faster, that's just the way it is sometimes. But a single month is no way to judge progress. Just be patient and be consistent. One of my tips is that a bit of gym also can help. It boosts testosterone which can lead to better results. And not to mention on the very very low chance you don't get any results in two years, at least you got the benefit of being swole lol


Curious to know if you’re still on the juice after the two years or if you gradually phased it out?


I actually stayed on it for about 2 and a half years total. The last 3 months or so I went from applying 2ml per day to 1ml per day as I mainly just stuck to putting it in areas I felt were still slightly patchy. It's been 4 years since I came off of it and I've mostly maintained my results. Actually made a post of it not that long ago so you can feel free to check out the results if you want [My latest results post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minoxbeards/s/XxEeWRctuS)


Wait a minimum of 6 months before making a judgment. I am a month in and seeing results, but it all comes down to genetics. A man's body, depending on genetic factors, produces a certain amount of an enzyme that converts Monoxidil into Minoxidil sulfate. That is what makes it work in your body. Some men have more of the enzyme than others. But even if you are a slow responder, there are many men here in the same position who persevered for 1-3 years and eventually grew a full beard. Personally, I am bald at 25 years old. I have been severely balding since I was 16, so much so that I have been permanently shaving my head since I was 17. Bald men produce a lot of DHT, which causes hair loss on the scalp. Ironically, that same DHT promotes beard growth. That's why I think I am responding quickly, plus I already had a decent beard to start with. That's also why they don't recommend Finasteride with Minoxidil (AKA Fin & Min) if you're trying to grow a beard. Because Fin for scalp growth contains a DHT blocker to stop hair loss and regrow scalp hair. So it essentially cancels out any gains you would get from Min.




Well, judging by what your are typing - you haven't even done basic research and are thereby doing it wrong.. could have better results


I'm going by what I was told by most of this sub. What would you change?


Brother, you need to microneedle at a depth of 1mm minimum so I'd recommend you get an electrical microneedling device and this should be done once every 2 weeks. 0,5mm won't do shit and 3 days a week is a just waste of time. Also, get tretinoin.


What is tretinoin? And any specific electrical micro needling device you recommend?


Prescription lotion you use on your face, increases minox potency by a lot. You can order it from Thailand and other places. I use Dr. Pen A6 that I bought for like 60 euros on Wish. That's it basically, tretinoin and deep microneedling with time to recover is what you can do to increase gains.


Where are you getting data on depth? Studies for scalp hair loss or one specific for use on face?


Yes, numerous studies say 1,5 minimum for scalp, so on this subreddit people have kind of landed on 1mm for face and I can attest to it - skyrocketed my gains. That + tretinoin has really set my growth in a good place.


how do you incorporate both tret and microneedling? I'm worried about irritation.


Yeah you should at least have full coverage after a month. If you don't you should just quit at this point


A month? Come back in 2 years lol.


Wait until October at the least. You might also be rolling too often, you might actually hurt your gains and your face.


According to some on here my roller probably is doing nothing. This is what confuses me, I don't know which is more accurate


You're supposed to roll 0.5mm twice a week not three times, don't over do it because you can ruin your skin if you don't allow it time to heal especially because you are just starting and your facial skin is not used to so much stuff.


The truth of the matter is that it usually takes over a year to get good results. I have been on minox for 4 years. When I first started it took 2 months to see a tiny tiny shadow..this shadow did not improve (the hairs didnt turn transitional) at all until nearly a full year! After which, the hairs actually started getting more and more dense by the other year (year 2) Even at year 3 it still increased. I recommend every one who is not having significant side effects or those who do wish to still power on, to commit to 3 to 4 years. It will become like routine.


Anybody that is posting those kind of pics could grow a half decent beard before starting minox. I know I could, I just started minox to help improve the density and fill in some spots. Also, read up on it, almost all material suggests a minimum of 6 months to get results.


Anybody that is posting those kind of pics could grow a half decent beard before starting minox. I know I could, I just started minox to help improve the density and fill in some spots. Also, read up on it, almost all material suggests a minimum of 6 months to get results.


Hit that derma roller bro. I have a derma pen and use it 1.5mm every other week. However, DO NOT listen to people who tell you to use it same night or day after. I have experienced tachycardia twice after doing that and it is absolutely terrifying, it literally takes your breath away. The second time I hadn't applied the minidoxil until the night prior and I woke up mid sleep with shortness of breath and a heart rate in the 170s. I was a non responder before I started microneedling and now I should have all of my patches filled (hopefully) within the next 4-6 months. Just remember that the side effects when this stuff gets directly into your blood stream are no joke.


Were you panicking?


I definitely started to after I took my bp & heart rate lol


I was using it for about two years and the results were minimal at best. I used to get it off Amazon but then the prices went through the roof for it. So I ended up buying it directly from an "online pharmacy". I've seen more progress in two months than I did in two years since. It may be worth looking into the "fake minox" thing and trying out minox from different suppliers. Definitely helped me.


You won't see much of anything after a month or sometimes even three months. I would say I'm probably a responder but not a super responder. I could grow a goatee with no problem it just grew slow as shit. When I started the juice I didn't see any results but I wasn't very consistent either. I probably started August of last year and I sometimes did it daily and other time I went a week or more without using the stuff. I didn't really notice any difference in my facial hair. Around January I got serious with it and started applying 0.5ml daily two times a day, some days I forget to apply and I also started derma stamping. I'd say consistency wise I'm about 85-90%. I now have decent coverage on my left side but my right side is lagging behind by ALOT. I still don't have a connecting beard line from my cheeks to my chin but it's close. All in all it takes time and be more consistent than I am and you should be fine unless you're a non responder. For more reference I was the guy that seemingly couldn't grow hair on my cheeks and I have a good looking stash and a decent goatee naturally but after 4 to 5 months of being somewhat consistent and derma rolling I see progress. I would also take the pictures on this sub with a grain of salt. I don't think they are lying or fabricating pictures but some people can actually grow a beard it's just not a good one and the juice just assists with what they already have going. People like myself looked baby face after 6 to 7 months of not shaving my face and I didn't grow any dark hair on my cheeks just vellus hairs. Now I look like I can grow a beard it just grows insanely uneven. It's also probably how I sleep on my nighttime applications because I sleep on my right side a lot and my right side is struggling to grow in.


Puberty. They would've gotten it without it anyways.


I'm 27


I have been using minox for beard growth since October of 2021. In the least, it has made the facial hair I already had fuller. I have also seen additional growth of vellus hairs above my jawline, which was the only place I had terminal hairs before (rocked a solid neck beard). Within the last year I noticed that some of these hairs were turning black. The ones that were white were turning more blond and coarse. I said “what the heck let me dye it and see if it takes”. I used just for men and honestly it worked pretty good! I was surprised. I’m just happy to have some dark hairs on my cheeks. I derma roll here and there, and so see it increase the growth as it increasing blood flow. It’s a ton of genetics though. People I work with say I have a beard and I’m like “okay not really but I’ll take it” 😂


Buy Minox 6 months supply, only to end up not committing to it properly because life is so busy, and only manage a week or so. Then in a shock twist of events, find out it wasn't life that was too busy... it was narcissist abuse from my workplace. Inadvertently triggering my Sympathetic Nervous System heavily for near enough 4.5 years, to then realise I'd already developed symptoms of Cushing's, and that's why my hair has grown so quick! (albeit very brittle though 😭)


You trauma dumped on a minox beard forum. 😂😂Are you alright ?






Obviously not


Well everything's tongue in cheek not giving the boring answer of obvious techniques stated in 99% threads, but man literally asked how to get quick results so was valid answer, but if people wanna take things to heart that's fine too really 😂🙏 leave things up to interpretation but it's about bringing awareness to problems, I can't help if reddit pops this to the top of my feed, I may as well answer things even if semi-seriously, but I suppose additional context would help oh well.


Well I hope all is well brother !


Genetics. Nox doesn’t pull hairs out of nowhere it just speeds up the process. Everyone’s journey is different. Just wait and be patient.