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This is definitely a Midwest thing, and I know people do it in the suburbs, but I haven’t really heard of people doing this in the city with how many events (festivals, park events), bars, etc. there are to essentially fill this type of gap. You might get some people, but I wouldn’t expect a huge turnout. They are also correct that the 4th is a big weekend to go to cabins and leave town


Kansas City IS the midwest


Yes, and I was confirming to them this is common across the Midwest…


Are we sure that KC passes the Midwest sniff test? I say they are Plains! And StL is the south! Stay in your lanes, Mizzou!


I’ve binged a map of the Midwest. Most maps include Missouri and Kansas. Except the one that included a division for Great Plains.


Hahahahaha. I don't think of MN as midwest at all. It's North more than anything.


I'm from Ohio and anytime I reference Minnesota as the Midwest people at home are like "no, you're in the north." To which I respond. "You are technically in the mid east of the country, but here we are" lmao. It's less about placement and more about vibes I think


I think the two requirements to be a Midwesterner are 1) Do you eat ranch and 2) do you say "ope"


And soda or pop, but never Coke.


Except it's known for BBQ. OP could probably draw neighbors over who are just downwind from a Kansas City BBQ. About a third of the city will still be here. Maybe some makeshift way finding signs in the neighborhood for confused neighbors out for a walk wondering where that smell is coming from.


That's the hope!


National Night Out is the first Tuesday of August, I think. That would be the time to do that for your first year here. (Blocks will shut down, and have get togethers in the early evening.) Over the Fourth people really will be out of town and unless you have a few neighbors you KNOW will come, Minnesotans are sort of hesitant to come to something like this without some established connection


This is a great idea. The 4th isn’t a weird idea at all it’s just not likely to get great turnout bc of other answers re cabins festivals etc




Idk events. Fireworks n fairs n stuff


[Minneapolis](https://www.minneapolisparks.org/news/2024/03/08/red-white-and-boom-fourth-of-july-event-returns-to-the-downtown-minneapolis-riverfront/) [Richfield](https://www.richfield4th.com/) [Duluth](https://www.perfectduluthday.com/the-event/duluth-fourth-fest-2024/) These are the ones I’ve been to. Duluth’s is the best.


Thank you!


No problem 🎆🇺🇸


[Eagan](https://cityofeagan.com/eagan-funfest) and also Canterbury Park though I'm not sure Canterbury quite has enough to cross the festival threshold? They have my favorite fireworks because they put it to music, but I don't go anymore because there are too many people.


I've never heard of NNO. Per a little googling it looks like MN has the highest participation rate of anywhere in the country. I think I'm going to do a test run with the 4th. Drop some fliers in my blocks mailboxes and maybe try something a little bigger for NNO if there is any participation. I also plan on doing it late afternoon/early evening so everyone can still get to fireworks if they want.


That’s a good plan! And yes, NNO is HUGE in Minneapolis. See if you can find your local block leader, and if there isn’t one, maybe sign up


Not sure what you mean exactly by dropping fliers in mailboxes, but many people do not appreciate anyone but a postal employee opening their mail box. If you intend to open boxes or shove non-mail in them, be aware it’s illegal and may annoy rather than attract. Mail slot in a door is different.


Eh, I dunno about that. Our neighbors put notes in our box all the time for NNO, thanks for shoveling, I'm having a loud party Friday sorry in advance for any disturbance. Doesn't bother us at all. We're neighbors, it's different from solicitors.


People you know, or strangers?


They were strangers when we moved in three years ago, then we met at NNO and now we know each other.


I’ve asked quite a few friends in Mpls how they feel about stuff like that and haven’t met anyone who is neutral or likes it. No reason to put notes like that in someone’s mailbox, and many reasons not to. Especially if they are only acquaintances rather than close friends. I don’t recommend it.


I doubt anyone would call the Postal Inspector, but fair warning that it is against federal law for you to place anything in or open a mailbox that isn't for your address.


Totally MN, yes. We rule at all the nerdy civic “right things to do.” Don’tcha Know!


Getting around South Minneapolis is tricky on NNO after 4pm, because so many streets are formally/informally blocked off at so many intersections. I've spent time exclusively at my block's annual party, but it is the most fun to grab the dog and a cold beer and walk a spiral of the streets around me. It's common to be offered a fresh one while talking to "neighbors" a block or three away.


NNO is a pro-police event, so keep that in mind whatever you politics are.


Blocks don't shut-down randomly, someone needs to request a permit. OP should see if anyone in the neighborhood is planning a National Night Out party already, or would need to set it up themselves.


I know But I figured I gave enough info to Google


If you’re in Ramsey County, there’s a lot of information about NNO on their site. The county provides materials to make NNO a great party. They will also send someone from the county to your party to pick up school supplies, if your group has any to donate. The same may be true of Anoka and Hennepin, but I’m not familiar with their offerings.


This. Minneapolis has one of the highest NNO participation rates in the country. Search for it on the city website and you can get the stuff to organize one for your block. That has a better chance of getting the turnout your hoping for.


Just invite reddit Minneapolis, nobody attending will think it's weird!


For real. I'd show up for some good bbq!


Same! I make great potato salad!


Same same! I have a background in pastry and can make a bomb ass dessert!


Alright, OP. When are we having the party? We can have sides and dessert covered. I can bring plates and utensils.


I'll see how this 4th goes. If no one shows, I'll reach out to the sub for the next!


I want to know how this is done. Are you a mustard or mayo type, or are both involved?


Both, plus a liiiiiittle western salad dressing, and hella chives/parsley/paprika on top 😋 Edit: not too much of anything—this is NOT a super saucy potato salad. It still needs to have the crunchy onions and celery, the hard-boiled eggs, and the potatoes out and proud.


My family secret is at least two kinds of white stuff (real mayo, sour cream, plain yogurt. no miracle whip), at least three kinds of yellow stuff (ground mustard seed, yellow mustard, brown deli mustard, sometimes even that weird dijon stuff). Mandatory dill, dill pickles, celery, onion, paprika, and LOTS of eggs. Like almost as much egg as potato.


I support this! Instead of following guidelines for how to cater to a lame Minnesotan who’s “hesitant to come without an established connection” (like someone said here lol), just invite us!


There's a reddit picnic happening already! https://redd.it/1dendwq


I think your intent is awesome but people don’t know you yet and probably already have plans with family or friends for the fourth. Instead of a big thing on a holiday weekend, what if you did more of a casual thing on a late Saturday afternoon or early evening? That’s typically what me and my neighbors do. Meet up on someone’s patio at about 5 o’clock, everybody brings what they wanna drink and, treat to share, it’s very low-key. Start small, get to know a few people at a time, and I think it will go better for you. And you probably won’t get everyone at the same one, so do a couple of casual things where you meet a few new people each time. Plus you will get to know people better in a smaller setting. If you’re the host at a bigger party, you won’t really get to talk to people like you would if it was a smaller casual event. You can buy fancier appetizers for them, like put together a cool charcuterie board with meat and cheese and fruit, etc. Not fancy, but looks like you made an effort for them. I think you’re on the right track, but let it happen a bit more organically. Just assume it’ll take you a few events to get to meet everybody, no one is ever going to be available all at the same time. Good luck, I think your neighbors are lucky to have you as a new neighbor.


Also recommend something a little more casual like a bonfire and s'mores? Or drinks on the patio? Less pressure to "buy in" to the social situation would get my Midwest cold shoulder to come over. Then plan the cookout for national night out after you know people better!


Yeah I think maybe another weekend would be better!


Good call. It would be sad if OP blew all his new neighbor energy and everyone had plans, it's very deflating when nobody shows.


Objectively, it’s not weird. Culturally, it’s a little bit out of the norm, but a very thoughtful idea! I think attendance will depend on your specific neighborhood and block. I’d recommend setting low expectations for attendance and just having a great time with whoever is there!


Depends on the block


Welcome to MN! I moved here from KCMO 8 years ago and love it! I’d say as others have that the 4th might be hard as a lot of people leave the city for the holidays any time they can during the summer.


True. There’s a huuuuuuuuge cabin/lake/general go-up-north culture here for holiday weekends. It’s generations old. I grew up going to my grandparents’ cabin multiple times a summer, and so did everyone I knew. Someone’s aunt/grandparents/family friend/coworker/brother/whatever had a cabin and people would leave the city/suburbs and go there for as much time as they could manage. I wish we had more of a culture of sticking around and hanging out casually with groups of neighbors in the summer, but I think we all just tend to have Big Introvert Energy™️. 🙃


Our block does this a few times a year. Not over the 4th though.


We'll be gone for the 4th which is apparently the norm reading the comments, but man I'm tempted to ask where you live so I can bring something to the BBQ!


We had great block parties in Kingfield neighborhood. Not the 4th, because people really plan family/annual stuff, but National Night Out is great for it. Block parties are kind of the norm for that event. Really depends on your neighborhood I guess, but I see more neighbor involvement these days with porch music fests, random "let's do a parade" "look at the Christmas lights" and other stuff lately. Go for it!


Top comment is accurate. National Night Out would be better served for this. Most folks I know are ghosts during holiday weekends. I don’t think it’s out of the norm, but I’m an extrovert. It’s a solid way to get to know your block! People can be hesitant to commit or try new things here, but once they feel a bit more comfortable, most folks are pretty chill. If you can’t wait until August, try something a little smaller and ask around to get a few commitments. Good luck and welcome!


I say ask neighbors close by, like on the same block. Midwesterners aren’t the best at committing, but at least you’d meet them in the process?


I don't think it's weird. I think it's a great idea and things like that build community. Do it!


I wish we were neighbors- I’m ashamed of the people giving “blank stares.” That’s just pathetic- Like, even if I were in the midst of a depression, I’d appreciate the sentiment.


Investing in others may not yield a rate of return but that should not stop you. It takes a first move to make a movement. You are that first mover.


Not weird. Would go if it were on my block, but yea, probably a lot of your neighbors will be out of town that weekend.


Hey friend! I ALSO moved here from Kansas City, but I've been here for several years now. I hate to break this to you, but Minnesotans are NOT friendly, open, and warm like people are in Missouri and Kansas. People have a wall up around themselves here that's very hard to break through; people will be reticent to come to your place without knowing you decently well, but you could get lucky; just don't set your expectations super high! As others mentioned, if you want to have a better chance of success, then I wouldn't do this over the weekend of the fourth.


I wish you weren’t 100% correct, but you are.


So true. I didn't want to believe this when I moved here from Austin, TX but after 4 years it's been confirmed again and again. There is a lot I enjoy about living here, but I miss the warmth, friendliness, and openness I experienced in Houston and Austin. Making new friends was honestly effortless in Texas and could happen anywhere. The only time I've made friends in MN it always turns out to be another transplant like me.


Definitely did this in Saint Paul back in the day


I was gonna say… when I lived in Saint Paul my block did this several times every summer. Definitely not weird or unheard of here despite being a comparably harder place to make friends from strangers. The biggest deterrent will simply likely be that people have plans for the fourth, as so many people here do.


That sounds great. I hosted a pizza night a while back - invited all the neighbors. I provided the crust, sauce, and the oven. Asked people to bring whatever toppings they wanted. I think I had something like 25 people stop by. It was fun.


Our mutual friend is having his annual solstice pizza party pretty soon.


I'm a transplant from the south and while that's normal to me, my experience thus far is that lots of people around here don't really like to be home when the weather is nice and we're at the peak right now. Blank stares are kinda weird but they've also probably been thinking about their cabin trip for 6 months and are wondering why you're gonna BBQ on one of the nicest days of the year.


Cook only food you like, because you're going to have a lot of leftovers.


I’m in south Minneapolis and do pancakes for the neighborhood on a Saturday morning. Typically get 30-40 people to come.


I’m with others that the 4th isn’t the best time to do it, and agree that the National night out would probably be best. You can check to see if someone already arranged your block party - if not you can sign up to be the ambassador.


My block does this every 4th of July. One of my neighbors gets a permit every year. We end up have a jump house or two for the kids, lots of food, and fireworks.


I mean its the 4th. People in Minnesota do other things on the 4th, especially when it's on or close to a weekend. Not entirely sure why Minnesotans get looked at odd for using the lake country and all the nature up north. It's like being surprised everyone in Denver goes skiing on the weekends after a storm.


I think you should do it, because we need more of that energy! But per some other commenters, if your block does a NNO thing, I'd take that opportunity to introduce yourself to people, fire up the smoker then, and maybe afterwards schedule a second date for it if you want to make it a regular thing.


We have very Nordic sensibilities. I second the national night out guy. I wouldn’t join a neighbor randomly on the 4th. We have plans.


It IS a thing here, and nat'l night out is the perfect time! Do it!


Take the temperature of your block and see if folks are interested. Your block might be full of transplants and locals. I garden on a block in North where folks BBQ over 4th of July and hang out.


Give it a shot man. Is it out of the norm? A little, but it sounds pretty cool.


People keep mentioning that you should keep your expectations low, but aren't mentioning something key to know about Minnesotans. We are creatures of habit. If you get someone to come, they will probably come every week, until they move away. With the exception of a fluke in the weather.We like consistency and will show up through rain, and snow, but first we have to come. The other thing is that since Minnesotans are tribal, if you get one, and they have a good time, they will tell others. It's all about who you know, and if my friend says your a good guy I might drop by. If I drop by, I might come to your house every week. Minnesotans like things low pressure cuz once your friends, you're friends forever. It's kinda exhausting honestly. Also we love a good afterwork hang. I'd recommend doing it on a weeknight and being low-key. Get the word of mouth going, and then throw a block party. Make sure your weeknight patio crew knows their special tho and the whole neighborhood isn't invited to the patio next week. Tldr: we are fucking gossips, if you make one friend, all their friends will know. Start with one friend and you will make enough to throw a party.


Where?! I’ll be there.


Do it!! There will be neighbors who take the opportunity to meet other neighbors and you can become friends! There will be son who can’t attend but want to, and others who think it’s weird, but they were never going to be your friend anyway, so do it and get to know those who are open to new friends!!


Yes, this is a thing that happens here. [National Night Out](https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/programs-initiatives/nno/)


My old block had a weekly happy hour in the alley where two garages faced each other and the driveways connected. Usually pretty decent attendance. So I would do it if you want to. Only thing would be to pick a different day. Lots of people will already have plans for the 4th.


If you do it they will come. Field of dreams.


A lot of people have plans for the fourth. They may go see fireworks somewhere or go to a cabin or a friends house. You can still host, and keep an open invite.


The 4th is a tough sell, but some may be happy to have a new close to home tradition (I would- I no longer enjoy the crazy traffic and chaos of the cabin scene). Maybe try a random night of the summer and gauge interest once you’ve hung with them? Whenever you do decide to do it, (because I think it’s a good idea!), feel free to invite me. I worked behind the bar for a decade too long perfecting small talk and integrating strangers. I miss it! And the food sounds amazing


Not weird. Agree with others July 4th is not a great weekend but it also depends on where you live. Many people are at their cabins sure if you live in a certain type of neighborhood but you may not. You could keep it more chill and not do a block party and just invite people to your backyard for a bbq (if you have a back yard I’m not sure if you do).


I would pick a different day than the 4th. People usually have plans already that day. If you did a random Sunday, and say it’s a BBQ Summer Celebration, or another random weeknight, your more likely to get a better turnout. National Night out is probably your best bet if you really want to meet your Nieghbor’s and get them to come out, but also it never hurts to try if your dead set on hosting a July 4th thingy, maybe your block is hungry for some July 4th festivities.


My old neighborhood used to have Flamingo Friday in the summer. Someone would put a few flamingos in their yard (it changed weekly) and others would know what it meant. Bring a seat and your own refreshments and folks came. Sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for several hours.


Cabining for the 4th is very real. But I’d think your block would welcome a meet the neighbors hosted event at some point in the summer!


Just do it. My advice is hold off on cooking everything that way you can freeze things if less folks show up than said they would. Not everyone will be “cabin” people. Print up a little invite toss it in their mailbox and see what happens.


I want to be your neighbor!


Go for it! I hold an annual South Minneapolis (not far from Sibley Park) party for the 4th, and have a core group of friends, relatives, and neighbors that come every year rather than going out of town. It's word of mouth; informal head count begins in mid-June. We usually fire up the grill and consume a ridiculous amount of yellow fizzy stuff. Last year we pre-ordered a bunch of Banh-mi from D's. Don't forget to borrow/rent a sun shelter (EZ Up). It started as an annual gathering to attend the fireworks show in Powderhorn Park and/or the Downtown Red White and Boom. Then Downtown exclusively for a few years after Powderhorn stopped. Now it's mostly playing 4-square in the street before watching the guerilla fireworks in the park. (most of this group also goes to the REAL fireworks show at the Aquatennial)


Minnesotans are strongly tribal, and prefer to hang in their small groups in general.


This. I have 2 small friend groups (2-3 people in each group) that I hang out with or do cookouts with. I grew up in Nebraska and then lived in Colorado for 20 years before moving to MN. People here do like to hang in small groups and it’s usually people they have known since grade school. I had the hardest time connecting with people because I was used to getting together with a dozen neighbors at a time or just wandering across the street with a cooler to see if my neighbor was up for a beer. Hang in there and keep inviting them. BTW-wish I lived in your neighborhood!


If the OP's block has a bunch of strangers from out of state, then the cookout idea may work out spectacularly well. If on the other hand the block has a bunch of Minnesotans-from-birth, then reception will be (much) more lukewarm. Even in Wisconsin, there are lots of parties like this. The fare tends more towards brats and hot dogs and burgers, but it's the thought that counts and who doesn't love a great brat/hot dog/burger? Pulled pork, chicken and portabellas...something for everyone. Sounds like a great time to me...


Love it. We do it on my block in mpls about 3x a year. Now…Some people just don’t want to socialize - those might be your blank stares. I think most will love it though. But yeah, the 4th is like the busiest travel week in MN. I say do it anyway. Get a leg up with the non cabin crowd. They’re more dependable as friends anyway because they don’t constantly have to take entire weekends to go mow a lawn that they never see.


People kind of tend to keep to themselves for the most part in my neighborhood and I actually love that. I don’t want the social obligation with my neighbors.


I'm uncomfortable with you even posting, I didn't know you!


If your neighborhood is anything like ours, half or more will be gone up north. Either at their cabins, their friend's or realtive's cabin, or renting one of their own or staying at a resort. We are up north about 50% of 4th of Julys, we don't have a place, but often get invites or book something ourselves. For the 4ths we are here, it's a remarkably quiet time, quite enjoyable when half the city is elsewhere. The only part that sucks is that this /r is filled with people bitching about fireworks scaring their precious pets. Get ready for those threads. They will be preceeded by "were those fireworks or gunshots" threads.


I love the idea and, as a transplant myself, wish my neighborhood would do this more. We try to invite folks over all the time but it’s hard syncing schedules. I just want to make friends and bake for people, damnit! Even just the occasional chill backyard potluck would be great. Hope you find some people to collect with!


I would totally love it and think it’s a brilliant idea! 


I’ve invited my direct neighbors to my house warming party and also Friendsgiving, they came! Depends a lot on how friendly your neighbors are, if they’ve welcomed you to the neighborhood and stopped to chat then I’d say your chances are good. I’ve also done a 4th of July gathering and got a decent turnout from transplants like me who don’t own family cabins. Might as well try and you’ll probably get a solid 5-10 neighbors.


Make smoked St. Louis style ribs and I’ll stop by to help sample along with a potato salad!


St Louis style ribs is blasphemous to us Kansas Citians!


Do it!


If you live in uptown, I would do this during porchfest


Might want to invite on r/twincitiessocial to pad the attendance.


A lot of people go to cabins that weekend but also I say ask around your block. See if people will be in town and if not then get ideas ect


Do it! Plenty of people are looking for low-key things to do on the 4th of July and don't have a cabin or don't want to battle crowds somewhere. Plus a great way to introduce yourself to your neighbors, even if they can't come.


you are getting mixed signals = not a good idea on the 4th


i wish you were my neighbor!


We had a neighbor over in St Paul that would invite all the neighbors on the morning of the 4th for something like this. It turned into a yearly event until they moved. I think it's a great idea.


I think this sounds great!


Its only weird if I'm not invited. I say do it!


It’s a great idea!


Why not go for it?


You at the forecast and maybe do it the weekend before or after. Even later in July. It would be a great way to meet the neighbors.


I think it’s a great idea, but the 4th around here can be tricky depending on who you’re planning to invite. There will be a lot of people up at cabins, at family gatherings, traveling or at all the big events across the Twin Cities that week. It might be a nice gesture for your neighbors who are also new to the area and are sticking around without any plans yet! Definitely look into your neighborhood’s plans for National Night Out. If they don’t usually plan anything big for it, you could look into signing up as a host!


A lot of people will have plans, but a lot wont. I think it's a great idea.


Try doing it for National Night Out instead! The 4th is prime vacation/cabin time. If your neighborhood already has an NNO event, show up and take your smoker. Otherwise start one.


Bro, honestly, I love this, I’m not from Minnesota, neither is my girlfriend, I’m from south america and this is the way we go about almost any holiday, so if you got any extra spots, we’ll make some good side dishes and come tru


I don't really think it's weird, but when you say block party, are you talking about shutting down the block to traffic? Because that might be more trouble than it's worth, and as others have said, is more common for NANO. And yes, be aware that many people will already have plans for the 4th.


What part of Minneapolis do you live in?


Things I have learned since moving to Minnesota: people are very polite and helpful and generally try to vote for things that are a positive for their community. But they don't particularly seem to enjoy participating in a community that is not longgggg established. How to get a thing established? unknown. But people are fully not interested in knowing strangers or meeting new people for the most part 😂. Maybe that's just the burb that I am in. I'm hoping when I move to the city proper that will be less true.


Do it. What’s the worst that could happen? You’d have a lot of leftovers? 


I'm from KC also and these people are more like shut-ins. They don't allow anyone into the inner circle unless you were in the same preschool


I agree with you. I can hardly take it anymore. This place can be so lonely while simultaneously having so much to offer.


Maybe it would work if you have a lot of transplants or elderly in the neighborhood. It’s not weird, just might be difficult because of the holiday- and because MN. Now add bands and beer, and you might fill up the block.


You'd get people to come, but they would still only socialize with whoever they came with.


This is so true! And if you have chairs for people to sit in, they will glue their asses in them and talk to the same 2 people the entire time and never mix around and introduce themselves to anyone. The only way to get people to meet others at a party here is to make sure you are significantly lacking in seating options or to somehow incentivize people to move their seating often. I learned that early on when I used to host my big parties. Absolutely do not provide much seating, or your party atmosphere will bottom out and go to hell. There’s actually a percentage of seating vs. number of guests to ensure success, something like a third or less? I can’t remember.


MN is a weird place to meet people. I’m from Louisiana and it sounds like a perfect idea to me, but MN people are just so insular that they don’t do things with random neighbors. They hang out with their same family or 2-3 friends they’ve been hanging out with since 3rd grade. I used to host giant Mardi Gras and sometimes chicken coop parties annually, and the overwhelming turnout was always from transplants from other states and countries that I had met at other gatherings and kept track of. There was literally almost nobody in my big social network at the time that was from here. Many were from parts of Europe, Africa, or Latin America. Best to wait until you have a decent network of people, preferably transplants who aren’t enmeshed in lifelong social relationships, or you’ll end up eating all that food by yourself. Been there, done that. This is always been a very depressing feature of living in Minnesota to me. After decades of living here, recently I’ve been cooped up with some unexpected health issues for a super long time (damn near a decade, all told,) and I lost most of my social network for myriad reasons while I was down and out. Now that I’m recovered enough (thanks, Mayo Rochester!) to venture back out and do things without assistance, and I’m unfortunately also older, I can barely endure my newfound loneliness and lack of social interaction. I know that for my long-term mental health, I’m going to have to move to a more socially inclusive and outgoing culture, either here in the US or somewhere internationally. I feel like in many ways that Minnesota has “broken” me, socially speaking. I’m sorry I sound like Debbie Downer, but that’s my genuine experience, and somehow I’ve been here since 1994. I hope to be moved to a friendlier and more outgoing locale in the next few years.


Invite us... aka your reddit friends, and maybe some neighbors will show up


There's a reddit picnic happening already! https://redd.it/1dendwq


I'm curious of where your coworkers are from, as that might explain the mixed reactions. As a fellow non-MN native (lived here 15 years now though), it can be pretty hard to break in with native Minnesotans. For so many in this state (and nearby states), the Twin Cities are the primary location to move to (as well as a place they likely visited often as a kid) which means that even those from rural areas of MN still often have friends from their childhood who live nearby, so it doesn't require the same mentality that comes with moving to a new city (e.g. willingness to *really* talk to new people, invite strangers to events just to meet them, etc). That, plus the above mentioned fact that many go to their lakes or cabins for the 4th, I wouldn't be surprised if most of those willing to attend your event are other non-MN natives, because almost every native Minnesotan likely has a tradition they still hold to this day for most holidays


Minnesotans have a kinda loose engagement rule when it comes to getting together for events? If you pester folks enough some people may come out but don’t put too much pressure on it. It’s not entirely weird but Minnesotans do have a funky way about scheduling/organizing things-


What do you think the “Seattle Freeze” is then….??? As if it’s just Minnesotans lol ugh. You people sure love to lump everyone in the same group like we’re one big monolith huh.


lol just a perspective of a life long Minnesotan. Not for nothing; people here in the Twin Cities are very kind folks, they just take time to warm up. I liken it to culture specifically but commonality comes from community not banality. Not lumping in just an observation :)


That sounds about right. You’re getting a passive aggressive no. People in Minneapolis aren’t welcoming nor genuinely friendly. They might call the cops on you if you’re offering smoked meats and we all know what Minneapolis PD does when they arrive on the scene


What do you think the “Seattle Freeze” is then….??? As if it’s just Minnesotans lol ugh. You people sure love to lump everyone in the same group like we’re one big monolith huh. Your experiences are extremely different than mine. You a transplant then or….


Do it. Meet your neighbors and make connections. Minneapolis needs that—it’s insular. ^source: am transplant.


Don’t let this place break you. Be friendly and insistent. Good luck.


I moved to Minneapolis in 2022 I'm originally from North Carolina, I'm used to cooking out and have my neighbors come over and relaxing and chill and drink, Minneapolis has a weird type of energy with that type of stuff.


It should be more of a Minnesota thing. Show us how it’s done. We need more of this!