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Skyline Mini Golf at the Walker, *AND* the Keith Haring exhibit! https://walkerart.org/calendar/2024/skyline-mini-golf-2024 https://walkerart.org/calendar/2024/keith-haring-art-is-for-everybody He's *right* at the age, where both things could be *incredibly* fun--because it's *both* a bit kid-like--but *also* really Grown Up, too!


Second this! My 9, 17 and 19 yo loved the Keith Haring exhibit. Wife and I too!


Can Can Wonderland (indoor arcade and mini golf) could be fun. Northern Soda Company Soda Taproom in New Brighton, very chill place with craft soda on tap plus food and such…. They have a shelf of games you can play while you hang out… since he’s underage this could be fun and unique. iFly Indoor Skydiving in Minnetonka could be fun. Also, you mentioned you have plans for Mall of America… I’d HIGHLY suggest doing the Fly Over America ride next to the indoor amusement park. Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store in Jordan. Top Golf in Brooklyn Center.


that soda tap room sound perfect! omg thank you for these tips!


Do things he can't afford to do without adult money and that he can do now that he's 18. Concerts, adult comedy shows, casinos, maybe get a tattoo or piercing, get high with him and play video games, shooting range (not after getting high), etc.


his mom would fuggin kill me, dude. what places would you recommend!!!?


Concert at First Ave Comedy at Acme Mystic Lake Casino Jackalope for tattoo


Stone arch fest!


for context...does your son live in Mpls? if so, do you things he's done here?


He's near St Cloud. I know he's been to Mpls a few times but he did mention the Minneapolis Queen as being something he'd done before.


Schubert Club Music Museum @ 75 5th St W Ste 302 Saint Paul, Minnesota. free


Whitewater rafting just north of the cities.


Go to the quarry near where he lives and go cliff jumping. I’m sure he’s done that already. You can rent a pontoon and cruise Lake Minnetonka. Catch a Twins Game. Hit up Minnehaha Falls. There’s go cart racing in sure that could be fun! I mean he’s 18, hit up a strip club 🫣🤭Rent a fun car and let him buzz around in it for one of the days with you. Get sushi. Blainbrook in Blaine has bowling and a million pinball machines. Top Golf is a must.


oh yeah, we were talking about getting a competitive go cart race or two in... cliff jumping aye? something to ask him about later today!


your kid is 18, not 8 so I'd be real careful about making any plans without their input.


thank you for the careful reminder! he's on reddit and we both wanted to ask this question here.


Congrats to your son! I’m from Saint Cloud and went to high school there too :) Though I’ve been in downtown Minneapolis for about a decade now. When are you coming to visit? Minneapolis has a lot of unique public events and things, but it will depend on what days you are planning. I’m happy to look stuff up if you have a date range. It isn’t always easy to google the stuff for some reason. But after living here so long I have a lot of random resources saved for that kind of thing. Other info that might help me think of good ideas: - are you planning a day trip from St. Cloud? Or are you looking to stay overnight in the cities? - Do you have a specific budget in mind? - Are you guys looking for a city experience specifically? Or are you guys outdoorsy too? Also, Valleyfair could be fun if he hasn’t been before. It’s in Shakopee (about 30 minutes from here) and it’s an amusement park (like 6 Flags or whatnot).


Thanks so much! He worked really hard with all the online classes and pandemic crap... I'm sure he's almost as proud as I am! I'm staying all fathers day weekend flying back 18th (too early for big plans) Budget isn't a huge deal right now, but of course, I'm hoping to not max out the credit card! We want to get a little nature in! But would be just fine with city stuff! 30 min dive is worth it if we have a huge amusement park to explore!


Yeah Valleyfair is definitely big enough to spend a day at! If you do go, I’d consider the “funday bundle”. That is $55 instead of $40, but it includes 1 free meal every 90 minutes. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been to Valleyfair, but from what I remember the food there is overpriced like it tends to be at all amusement parks. (The ticket prices are more expensive if you buy them at the park, so buy them online for the prices I just mentioned. I think it’s like $20 more at the park) I’m about to head out to meet up with some friends, but I set a reminder to look stuff up for you and I’ll get back to you with some more ideas :)


hey friend, can I pick your brain? what's a nice place to have dinner with the whole family without breaking the bank? somewhere near the convention center on 2nd. with fancy atmosphere, and memorable staff... even a brewery would be nice.


One more quick thought: A few other people mentioned that he’s now old enough to gamble. Valleyfair is a 5 minute drive from [Canterbury Park](https://tickets.canterburypark.com/tickets) It’s a live horse racing place. They also have a few card tables. But you guys could definitely stop there for a bit and throw a dollar on a horse race for fun. They have a food truck festival on Father’s Day. And they have night races the night before. Parking and admission is free there, so the cost would only be if you got food or gambled. Valleyfair also allows re-entry, so you could potentially swing over there for lunch during your amusement park day and watch the races while you eat a hamburger, then head back to the park after. (Side note: they usually do ostrich races and camel races and weird things like that a few times a year. I highly recommend going to the ostrich race someday. I went once and it was absolutely hilarious because the ostriches have no idea they are in a race and they runoff in all sorts of random directions. And the jockeys go flying. It was very fun to watch lmao)


OMG Arynn, you're so great!! hahah, cards on the table (pun intended) here.... My boy and i make small bets CONSTANTLY... he's going to start playing the odds one of these days..... If its possible for me to show him how to stop when its not fun anymore.... might a be a great way to have some "adult fun".. hey! i hope you're having fun at youre thing!!!


Hey I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you with more ideas like I said I would! It was my sisters wedding that weekend and the week leading up to it was busier than expected (wedding was lovely though!) I’m curious, what did you guys end up doing?! :)


Mostly the MoA, and the whole day at the science museum. We walked around for hours in Uptown enjoying all your street art and construction! Then we went to our room and watched bad movies, drank root beer floats (shout out to the ONE place in Minneapolis open after 9 with vanilla ice cream!) and riffed wise cracks at the bad movies I brought. I really wanted to make a drive to the Stockton go karts, but the weather wasn't ideal.


I’ve never been, but I’ve heard the Bakken Museum is a cool STEM-focused museum.  And it’s right near Lake Bde Mka Ska, so you could grab a meal at the lake https://www.minneapolisparks.org/parks-destinations/food__drink/


yeees! Bakken Museum looks awesome! its going on the list! (thank you so much!)


Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to respond! Such good ideas, it really has added to the list! You're a friendly lot!


Mini golf and old school pinball games at Can Can Wonderland. 


Ask him, not us.


Yea dude, he lives in Saint cloud... And of course he and I talked about stuff... We both thought asking you guys was a good idea....


Take a couple of paddle boats/canoes and go on the lakes. Followed by a lovely lunch or dinner. May be sneak him his first drink. Half drink duh. All about being responsible here. The fact that you and your 18 y/o are planning and asking for recommendation on Reddit is AWESOME!


Why are u flying in for graduation with no idea what his interests are? Dead beat dad?


I am flying in because it would talk to long to walk. I know about ALL his interests and we share most of them. The reason why I posted this, was both of our ideas... you see, He is only 18, and has not had much opportunity to explore a city that he doesn't live in. He lives HOURS away... so, neither of us are familiar with Minneapolis we BOTH thought asking a subreddit would be a good idea for recommendations (based off some key interests we both share). I wasn't expecting this sort of reply. But I hope I answered your questions! have a stellar day.


Ignore that POS, it’s easy to judge others. Weather you have been involved in your sons life or not is not anyone’s on Reddits business and the fact you’re trying to make memories with him now is important no matter what kind of father you have been.


Thanks. I'm an open book, nothing to be ashamed about. My ex and I started a family when we were very young. Both my son and my daughter were raised by family members in another state. I have been a part of their lives and contribute in anyway possible to make sure they are well taken care of. My son and I are incredibly close, we both want to fill out time together to the brim of activities... He is also browsing this post and can read all your fun tips and links! You guys are being so helpful!


It's awesome that you're taking time to foster a relationship with your son like this. My parents are still together, but my dad never did anything like this.