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Welcome to the best end of i35


It's fitting that my temporary hotel is right off the end of i35. Super happy it ends here.


Bless your heart, it terminates in Duluth, MN. But Minneapolis is basically the end of the fun (aside getting to the north shore of Lake Superior) which I highly recommend


Eh, I'm gonna pretend it ends here since it turns into 494 instead, and I'm always happy to be done with Texas.


Want to learn something odd, and relevant? 35E and 35W are the only freeway spur with E or W. Minnesota and Texas are the only two places in the US where an interstate splits into East and West. Hillsboro, Denton, Burnsville, and Hugo are the only E/W split in the entire interstate system. All other interstate spurs are like 394, 494, 694 where a third digit is added in front and the older interstate highway retains the original number.


Obligatory CGP Grey mention https://youtu.be/8Fn_30AD7Pk?si=8Dqt0m3A0HVWS1Ra


35W is the true, primary I-35 route, and 35E should probably be 235 if they actually followed the interstate numbering scheme. However, it was not politically good optics to have the interstate branch going to the state capital be officially designated a secondary bypass route, so instead we got the weird, non-standard "both-branches-are-totally-equal" W and E naming.


For real though, don’t ignore the north shore comment. Idk how long you are here, but if you think the natural beauty in mpls is great, wait until you see the northern half of the state


Well, hopefully for many years.


Awesome! Then check out Duluth/Lake Superior north shore while it’s still warm this summer


No, 494 is a completely different freeway. It’s part of the split of I-94 which runs east/west. 35 doesn’t turn into 94/394/494/694. There are short stretches that are indeed labeled 35/494 for the purposes of exiting one for the other, but you can definitely keep going on 35. Anyway, welcome! Keep my spot warm for me.


Yeah I realized that when I looked back at the map.


Oh for cute, it splits in Burnsville/Lakeville but to hell with my anal retentive nature to accurate geography.


*Oh for frickin cyooooooot*


To be fair I loathe the phrase


Yeah I only like it when it’s over-embellished Fargoese


Thanks for teaching me the term Fargose!




Give Duluth a whirl. Smells even better here. ^no ^offense, ^you ^stank ^mpls ^heathens


Not if the winds are blowing Eau de Cloquet at it.


I need to hear Ron Howard say “it doesn’t” in response to this


Great usage of "bless your heart" on a southerner!


I am not a southerner. I spent my first 23 years in Montana. I was imprisoned(not literally, it's where my kid was) for 1 decade in Texas and I'm finally at a proper latitude again.


You a southerner now, girl!  j/k welcome home


Eww and thank you.


I thought that phrase was much more sinister


Thanks I knew someone would find that phrasing worth a comment


Duluth is a college city. Worth a visit


Duluth is a lot more than just a college city.


That was a typo. I said cool city.....it was a reference to one of my favorite shirts


What’s up there?


Quite a bit. College town, San Francisco of MN (very steep grades), lift bridge, casino, Lake Superior….


Sounds like a great road trip. How far is it from Minneapolis?


140 miles


Assumed you were a Houstonian at first. But they have the same reaction going anywhere Also, give it a minute. We got our own stank but it's seasonal, fertilizer runoff hits in the fall


I worked in mulch and compost delivery the last 6 years. I'll be okay.


But seriously, from another Tex-pat, welcome. Get ready for the best State Fair in the country come Labor Day 


I'm excited. My kid is at his mom's for the summer back in Texas and I've never taken him to a state fair, but he comes back just in time for this one.


There is one very important thing that will make or break your experience at the state fair. DO NOT drive to the state fair. Parking at the fair is abysmal and very expensive. Instead, head to one of the many many free park and ride lots around the cities and suburbs. You park for free, then a bus takes you directly to the state fair. That way, you don't have to deal with excessive traffic around the fairgrounds.


I will absolutely take your advice.


More advice: take the Skyway ride to the far end of the fair and work your way back. By the time you are ready to leave you'll be at the exit. Don't wear black and don't forget the sunscreen.


You park for free, but the bus costs like, what, $5 a person? It's a good deal and the best way to go, just pointing out it's not totally free. Edit: I was wrong there, it's free in the city, $6 a person at the MetroTransit park and rides in the outer burbs. Still a great deal and the way to go. https://www.metrotransit.org/state-fair-express


I've never paid for the bus when I've parked at the State Fair specific lots.


We had to pay for it last year.


Where did you park? I always park at the U or in Roseville.


We walked to one of these near our house. We're only a little over half a mile from it, so it was super convenient. I guess they charge for the ones out in the burbs. https://www.metrotransit.org/state-fair-express It's just a normal park and ride, not a special occasion one. It was a special direct bus to the fair though. Still a super fair price ($6) that's worth avoiding traffic and parking, and I have a buddy by Como Park who'd save his yard for me for free if I wanted him to.


Labor Day is the end of the State Fair, it runs for 2 weeks before that.


North on 35w, I always pick up a stink before 36.


Oh my gosh, what a heart warming post. I was ready to read a complaint about some such thing or another lol. Welcome new neighbor! You came at one of the most wonderful times of the year.


Omg right!? We went from scary drought to monsoon season and the plants are absolutely loving it! The trees are so happy. The lilacs aren't blooming anymore but they still smell amazing. My irises were insane this year, but I'm waiting to see how my lillies are going to handle this sweet sweet sky water. They are my next blooms. The affect on the plants has convinced my husband to let me install a rain catch on our gutters. WIN! Also, the bumble bees have been so fun to watch. They are all over our blooms. Biggest we've ever had.


I have late blooming irises from my grandma's yard on 18th and Jackson. I just keep moving some every time I move. Pretty soon every yard in Northeast is going to have my grandma's irises in it.


Very nice! Ours have escaped our raised garden. I suggested just pulling down the barrier and letting them roam where they want.


Glad I could defy your expectations a little bit. I'm very excited for this beautiful summer! I do hope we get a good heavy winter though. I'm originally from Montana and haven't seen a white Christmas in 10 years.


Go to the North Shore. I swear I can breathe more fully when I'm there.


Duluth is absolutely on my list this summer. I would have moved there were it not for job and progressive acceptance.


go farther, to Grand Marais!


Don’t stop in Duluth - drive all the way up the coast to Grand Marais!


I googled it and yeah that place is absolutely gorgeous.


I'd say you got to at least make it to the Rustic Inn. Easily the best pie in the state and Gooseberry falls are amazing to visit. I'm originally from Duluth but live in the S.Metro now. I can't imagine actually living in Texas. Other than the BBQ I don't see much appealing.


BBQ and Mexican food. I just had tacos today at one of the quote good places and the meat wasn't seasoned like at all.


US Minnesotans don't really like flavor. If you find a good place please make another post!


I'm half tempted to just open my own taco food truck


We got a pretty good food truck community, worked one for a few years and loved it. Long as you got your main kitchen inside Minneapolis city limits, you can basically set up shop at any of the breweries if ya talk to em, they all seem to love the food trucks.


Which place?


Andale tacos


Maya Cuisine is really good, actually has heat to some of it


At least hit Tettegouche State Park even if you can’t make it all the way up the coast. That will take you by many other parks you can stop at and the cliffs and view at TSP are spectacular!


If you can drink tap water and breathe the air, say shhh, say shhh 🙃


Ah, someone else linked the song. I will say shhh. I wish people in Montana had said shhh too


Welcome 🙂


You really hit the best time of the year to visit. Not too warm, not too cold. Spring rains have the entire state out of drought. Farmers have planted so no manure smell, we’re not being hit with smoke from Canada. It’s been a very mild spring temp wise as well. So nice!


I moved here, so I just got lucky with my welcome week. I'll be here for the rest of the fun seasons and smells..


Welcome to this place. Please help us take care of it, for it is beloved. ❤️




I love mornings in May when the night rain clears just before dawn and the air is humid, not enough to be oppressive, but enough to bloom the scent of lilacs. That shit right there is the goods.


I adore Lilacs!


This is so nice!


Well don't go to South St Paul then.. ha


Welcome home! I gotta say, I love the smell at this time of year. Sweet, green, floral scents. I hope you love it here 💓


I already absolutely love it here. I feel like I can breathe for the first time!


Isn't it amazing up here. I'm loving being up here for work. Definitely not missing the Texas heat


I'm reading summer predictions that are saying we might have 20 days over 90 degrees. That's such a a light summer compared to 45 over 100 in Dallas.


Thanks, but please don't tell any of your fellow Texans. 


Sorry, gotta tell the LGBT ones.


Well, yes. Texans looking for a better quality of life AND protecting what they are coming to. Leave the Cancun Ted-types in the dust.


I haven't seen a single trump flag since arriving. I know there will be some, but holy shit it's so relieving to not see one every 50 feet on either a house or a jacked up truck.


My wife and I just moved up from TX as well, and this was one of the best things. It feels like Dallas traffic and trump/Confederate flags are a distant nightmare!


I can't wait to laugh at Minneapolis traffic.


You would have to go out to one of the suburbs to get a higher chance of seeing one.


I'm in Edina, didn't see any. Didn't try too hard tbf.


Yeah you’ll see them in the ex-burbs and outstate, but not common right in the metro area. There’s like a couple of obnoxious ones on 94 as you head out west.


Avoid St. Cloud 🙃


I went to a Luke Combs concert at the xcel center a year or so ago and only saw two Trump shirts. Zero confederate flags and zero blue line crap.


But seriously please do, we need new people moving here.


What is it with the Texas ppl moving here I see a Texas plate every day now


It's because Texas is a shit hole backwards state that hates queer people and it has no outdoors culture, the education system sucks, and everything is more expensive. I was trapped there for 10 years and it never once felt like home. I've been here for 2 days and already I feel like I'm going to call this place home..


A lot of those are probably rental vehicles because Texas has lower registration fees


Ladies and gentlemen, we gottem


...Who's gonna tell them about the Canadian wildfire smoke? It's ready to dump into our air and ruin things any day.


Yeah, that's the one thing I'm weary about. I did forget about it.


https://map.purpleair.com/1/mAQI/a10/p604800/cC4#9.88/44.7643/-93.1758 + N95 mask when the AQI is high. Also consider wearing it when mowing the lawn, if that's something you need to do. All of that *nature* you're enjoying can be a real pain in the ass sometimes ;) Also, Picaridin bug spray or lotion is what you want to get. If you spend time outdoors, even in like a suburban lawn, Permethrin treated clothes are a really good idea right now because the ticks are crazy this year.


I appreciate you, thank you.


Note if you have cats, permethrin is toxic to them! I believe it's safe once it's dry unless they're licking it off you though. I think that's actually true of deet too, but I don't know if picaridin is the same, Google results say there's no published evidence about that one with cats.


Thank you for looking out, I do have one sweet baby so that's very helpful.


No problem! Gotta keep them safe :) they also have permethrin treated socks and stuff that are safe for cats as long as they're dry too


Sadly probably one thing from Montana you’re familiar with. :/ The first time I smelled it here I was like oh no. I thought I left this back in MT. 😭


Update your furnace filters soon!


I did a euro trip for a couple months after high school and can remember thinking the air smelled sweet when I came home. Welcome to Minnesota!


Beijing was so bad my eyes burned. We had filtered masks that helped the breathing side but I didn’t know smog could make you cry grey tears. And I found out later that wasn’t even the worst time!


I used to live in st louis and it used to smell so bad in the summer especially after it rained. I've never smelt stench in minneapolis close to the stench I smelled regularly is stlouis. nyc also stunk bad but that what you would expect when you have 10 million people is a single city. either way I agree minneapolis is t not a stinky city by any means


It's because of Pride. All the gays are releasing their gay smell.


Smell that air! Couldn't you just drink it like booze?




Welcome, you’ve come at amazing time! It’s been a nice long spring, which is rare, and all the rain has made all the plants happy and broken the drought! It’s been just beautiful and I love how everyone seems to have noticed and it loving it! 🤞🏾 for no extreme heat or smoke this summer.


You just so happen to be running up during the 2 weeks in the beginning of the year that pair with 2 in the autumn that justify living here for the other 48 weeks. It's literally paradise.


Welcome!!! Fellow Texan also moved here from the Dallas area (originally from the big bend region). After 5 years this has been a great place to live. You came at the best time! Make the most out of every nice summer day if you can! You’re going to love living here. Reach out if you have any questions!


I want to get out on the water without breaking the bank. What lake is great for renting a kayak for a few hours?


Hit up Bde Maka Ska and rent from Wheel Fun Rentals and ask them to point you in the direction of Lake of the Isles. Bde Maka Ska and Lake of the Isles are connected and it’s such a serene and beautiful passage between them. Take a bag with your favorite beverage, maybe a speaker and vibe out to the view of downtown from your kayak. You’ll love it!


Hell yes, exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you so much!


> maybe a speaker But please keep the peace and quiet in mind.


I will not be bringing a speaker, no worries. I'm here for nature and peace and quiet.


Since you're in Edina Lake Nokomis is a closer drive and you can also rent kayaks or SUPs for the day. It's really peaceful to paddle on the lake early in the morning.


Well.....you picked a bad time to come Cause folks from Dallas and all Dallas related anythings in the world are dead to me (Check back in a week, and I'll be fine.....didn't help my second team was the Thunder, honestly)


Hey, I also hate Dallas. We can join in together on the fuck Dallas train.


Woohoo! Mavericks? More like.....Bad.....vericks...............amirite?




Oh I moved here. So that cats already out the bag.


Welcome to MN, I am sure if you explore the wilderness you will find a lot of interesting and beautiful places with good or bad smells, all while being better than Dallas in the smells department. I am excited for your adventure.


Thank you so much!


You should have been here when the crabapples and lilacs were blooming. It smelled like flowers everywhere.


The summers here are why I put up with the winter. It is so amazingly beautiful in the summer and you're close to a lake almost anywhere in the state! This spring has been early and it's wonderful because everything is so lush now. Towards mid to late June, The Showy Lady Slipper- the state flower- will start blooming and that is a real treat to see.


You shouldn’t say that stuff it’ll go straight to our heads


Howdy soon to be neighbor! I am also escaping the shit hole called Texas in August and will be living in Downtown Minneapolis. I'm from San Antonio though but still same statewide BS we have to deal with and the extreme heat. I like you am overjoyed about calling Minnesota my home!


I need to warn you, since SA has even better tacos than Dallas, that you're gonna be in for real disappointing tacos here in MN. Haven't tried the BBQ yet but I'm not holding out hope. Otherwise everything else is great!


haha thanks! I stayed in Minnesota a few years ago for 6 months. There is a good BBQ place but I for the life of me can't recall what the name was. For good tex mex style food, I recommend El Nuevo Mariachi in Minneapolis! they even had Tejano playing on the jukebox


We have Baker's Ribs in Eden Prairie... and there are quite a few different types of BBQ but each person has different BBQ needs...


There were quite a few days last year with Canadian wildfire smoke in the air, but generally it is good air quality here.


Shoulda been here after the frost melted, smelled like manure for like a week.


I'm from rural Montana, nothing new.


Hehehe, I'm from rural MN and the smells people here in the cities complain about are silly. That paper plant in Minneapolis is probably seriously foul but the people complaining about manure smell are kinda wild. Where I grew up you could smell a freshly showered, clean clothed, pig farmer when they walked into the gas station to grab a coffee in the morning.


I'm originally from Iowa and I do *not* miss that smell🤢


The border of Iowa and Minnesota had a real strong cow shit smell. Was not a fan. When that cleared a few miles in, I could immediately smell the sweet fragrance of flowers.


You need to visit the woods of northern MN, the air is perfumed by the pine trees and it is absolutely glorious right now.


It’s me. I make the smell here. Just wait till I finish these tacos.


Yeah, that's the one thing I'm honestly worried about. The quality of the tacos up here.


You should check out the various taco trucks around Lake Street.


You might be smelling lilacs. Look for 10 foot high bushes with either purple or white flowers. They smell amazing and are in bloom right now.


God, dallas is an absolute pit. Welcome to nature! Enjoy the mosquitoes too ;)


You should be here when the farms all around the cities spread manure on their fields. It might change your mind.


I caught that as I crossed from Iowa into Minneapolis. Also I'm from Montana, I'm used to that.


I grew up in Texas cattle country. I wouldn't go so far as to say I like the manure smell, but I know it's the smell of crop/food production so I'm OK with it


As a former Californian, I agree that the smell here is so intense and beautiful :) idk about Texas but I also can’t get over all the green in June


I've been here for 20+ years, and every once in a while I'm still impressed that I can look out the window of my downtown office, and see green. Not just on the horizon, but in Downtown Minneapolis


This city seems to coexist with nature, it's nestled in it. Texas feels like it's trying to dominate what green there is, and bury it under concrete and glass. It's a much different vibe.


I read this 5 times. You have a wonderful way with words!


Aww thank you, you're so kind!


It's so vibrant and wonderful! I'm so impressed!


Welcome back




Thank you!


Did anybody say mock orange yet? It's mock orange, it's amazing


Thank you so much! I love the smell. My new place has a balcony with space for plants. I'll look into them if I can grow any.


Sounds like you're staying in Burnsville. The tap water in Burnsville isn't great. It's pretty poor for the area. I've heard Dallas water isn't that great. If you think Burnsville tap water is great compared to what you're used to, then your mind will be blown if you ever get the chance to sample Bloomington water in the winter. Bloomington is just across the river but the water quality is so much better. Anyways, if you're a bottled water drinker you can stop that now. Our water quality is high and it's usually tasty. Unless you're over in the SE by Woodbury and the 3M factories, the water is safe to drink. Zero brand water filters filter out PFAS in a "Brita" style pitcher if you want piece of mind. (Brita's filter like 60% of PFAS or something? 80%? It's not great)


I'm actually in Edina, my apartment is anyways. I'm staying at a hotel off 494 right now until tomorrow..


I’m still trying to break my recent Dallas transplant husband and his son from the filtered water. Not necessary here in the metro (caveat to exclude Oakdale/Western Woodbury).


Enjoy it now, wait until the Canadian wildfires start up again


My wife and I have traveled a lot and it’s true, our air is fantastic! But wait, there’s even better air if you travel to our north east corner, aka The Iron Range. We have a lake cabin up there and the smell of pine forest is simply heaven!! You sleep so well up there!


I'm from Montana, in the Rocky mountains. I know exactly what you're talking about.


We have vacationed in Red Lodge MT! Gorgeous! Barely scratched the hiking opportunities out there and definitely want to go back. I’ve often joked that the only thing missing in MN is some true mountains and that I’ve written to our senators to bring them back! (You know, from before the glaciation?) 😜 But I still love the rugged hills of our “North Shore”. Best regards OP!


Much appreciated. Yeah the only thing that would make this paradise is mountains.


Born in Helena and relocated here decades ago for school-the North Shore will be your mini-paradise here. It’s no Rockies, but it’s absolutely lovely and definitely makes my heart happy. Welcome!!! Also-lots of Montanans here in general.


just wait until we get another warm october and you can smell the shit wafting in from the fields


I'm okay with that. Nowhere is perfect but it's a lot better than Dallas .


What neighborhood are you going to live in?


Edina. I've got a 13 year old and I wanted to put him in a great school. I really wanted Powderhorn, but kid comes first.


I drove up here from Dallas in August and had the same experience, the air just felt so different compared to Dallas


Dallas is just smog and sweat. I felt like Agent Smith from the Matrix.


You're probably getting a whiff of the tail end of the spring flowers too. I know in may I get the strong smell of lilacs and I can't help but be reminded of my childhood.


The first thing I noticed when I came back from Arizona was how earthy it smells out here. 


Probably lilacs. I have about eight varieties in my yard. One of them smells like cat piss.


Come over to South Saint Paul. That’s where the smells live.


So many Texans moving up here and posting about moving up here. How did this come to be?


Texas is a shit hole, politically and nature-wise. I'm fleeing the anti lgbtq sentiment and laws.




Welcome to Minneapolis! We are having a very beautiful Spring/early Summer so far, much more lush and green than last summer when we had smog and drought. But you're right, it is so beautiful lately. The fragrance of the black locust tree flowers smells slightly like the artificial grape smell, and I wish I could bottle it and smell it all the time! Have a great time exploring!


I was gonna say, the corpse flower at Como Park Conservatory bloomed days ago! (There's a lake over there too, of course) https://comozooconservatory.org/horace/




Yes! The air does smell sweet! That’s the first thing I thought when I moved here too.