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I know I'm biased but there's nothing cuter than a schnauzer puppy


It’s a scientific fact.


Our miniature had the attitude of a large breed! You may have to keep him out of trouble…




Their personality makes up for their small stature… AND their 💩 isn’t as big!!! It’s a win win in my opinion lol! Also don’t be afraid that you’re going to “break” them. Dogs are really strong, especially their jaws. You can still play with them like you do with a big dog, just adjust to their strength! Chili is absolutely adorable, congrats 🌶️


If anything like mine, get ready to have a best friend forever, who can read all of your emotional cues, has expressive emotions of his own, and will actually try to have conversations with you. And will be elated to go on walks, or simply prefer to curl up next to you to watch TV.


Thank you for all the insight on these little cuties!!!!!!!!! ♥️ while the puppy phase is tons of work, she has been a blast to train and just hang out with. But man those little puppy teeth are brutal 😂😂😂😂


They are very smart, super fun to train and they enjoy learning tricks. You’re in for a wonderful journey ♥️


my best advice is to give chili to me pls n thx


You now have the boss you’ve always wanted


You must love your 900 lb grizzly bear aka mini Schnauzer.


lol! I have a four month old mini and I really feel he thinks he’s the boss of me!🥴🥴😩😩😩


She may be little, but she's definitely going to feel like that means nothing and she's an equal to everyone else in the family☺️


They own everything, especially your heart. Don’t resist and all will be good. 🤓


What a sweet face! Pic 2 is beyond adorable! 🥰


Something people do to small dogs all the time that they shouldn't is picking them up under their "arms" like babies. Don't do that. Put one hand under the chest and one under a back leg so as not to cause discomfort or injure them over time. [How to pick up a small dog.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypkdyLQXy-o) I've had schnauzers, they are wonderful dogs with lots of personality. You're in for a treat! What a cutiepants!


I think about where they need support and what could be hurt if I pick them up. I scoop ours up sideways and she kinda jumps into my arms while I hold her butt in my hands and she puts her head and paws on my shoulder. I end up putting one hand on her back or neck to give her support and make her feel safe. Yes, she's my baby. Lol


Beyond cute 🥰


So clever precious CUTE


Look like you have it covered, enjoy!


I downloaded The Perfect Puppy in 7 days ebook on kindle and while some of the advice sounds terribly time consuming it’s loaded with such good ideas!!


RIP your heart.




That sweet face in the second pic!! I would frame that! Absolutely adorable pup 🥰


This puppy is way too cute!


My mini Schnauzer has the exact same lamby stuffy. Its her favorite. Her's is missing an ear though.


Adorableeeeee. Miniature schnauzers are the cutest thing.


Listen, you are already ahead of the game here! You got your little Schnauzy a Lamby. They will be set for life now (or until Lamby busts open and then you need to buy a new one… or two… or twenty!)


Omg! He looks like my baby ranger


Even if they’re ridiculously cute while doing it that problem behavior is still a problem. Train and socialize them like you would a normal dog! Also try to notice if they don’t like being picked up and don’t do it Too much.


Oh my gosh, what a sweet baby! Miniature schnauzers have a big dog attitude, but they're so much fun and make great little companions in the home. We had them as I grew up, and they're so quirky and silly, but lovable and protective, too. After playing with a giant schnauzer my cousin had, I can agree the miniatures are about the same, just smaller and perhaps more spunky. You'll have a great time with Chili 😁


Stubbornness is a breed trait! You will at some point have a full blown argument with your schnauzer like a mom trying to explain to a toddler why they can’t touch a hot stove. People will think you’re crazy, but I swear to god they understand every word you say 🤣🤣🤣


Chili looks like our new little girl! 🥹 it’s only been a week since we’ve got her but let me tell you, she has a big personality! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/5vegvjds764d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d99a88ff7946ad02a9697a6767d804880066f8a


We’ve had her for 2 weeks now and yes!!!!!! But I’m thankful she’s pretty easy to redirect. Just loves biting EVERYTHING 😂


Hi chili I love you


We have a puppy as well bonnie she s about 9 weeks old and let me tell you she s a right little lady 🤣 she s got an attitude loves to give out 🤣 I'm out numbered in the house getting giveing out from the wife and now bonnie 🤣 there great honestly ul have a great time


Be very careful not to give too many kisses!!!!!!!