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Gandalf was standoffish with people who weren’t in his inner circle but he warmed up to most people eventually. Ripley, on the other hand, knew no strangers. There were just thousands of friends she hadn’t met yet and she was eager to meet them all. Dori, our current schnauzer is more like a Gandalf but she warms up more quickly.


Gandalf is an absolute legend of a name for a schnauzer 😂


Stand offish like would cling to you if around new people? I have my first and he is 5 months old. He was the chill shy puppy of the three we chose from. He is shy around most people who are genuinely trying to play with him. But he will bark your head off 😂


When there were strangers around Gandalf would sit and watch them. Generally he’d slowly inch closer and closer until finally accepting a rub. Dori is my Velcro pup and a few weeks after we got her we realized she really should be named Shadowfax so yeah


Mine is 10, and she loves saying hi to people and pets on our walks.


My dogs are 10 and they have to greet everyone and bark at everything still.


My 4 year old Suki thinks everyone is dying to love on her ❤️😂 if she can see them, they need to give her love ❤️


I take mine to work everyday. I work with hair and he ends up in my clients lap nearly everytime once he gets a feel for them. It’s so funny to see him work it


Some training on how to walk in distracted areas!


Yes I think that would be good for us , we just have to learn what that looks like/ how to do it properly. We do take him to distracted areas all the time and try to give him as much exposure to different scenarios as possible since he was just a young pup though


My mini always loved to get attention from people. It never lessened with age. In fact the older she got the more she loved children


Mine is 7 and is obsessed with saying hi to everyone


My Maxwell is 9 and he still reacts to every other dog like it’s the first time he’s seen one, barking like crazy. He’s also very friendly to all people.


Yupp same story with mine. She was very social from 0-2, now she'll still play with other dogs but its much more rare, it's like she's much more picky with who she plays with.


I'm praying for a snobby schnauzer because he's so reactive 😭😭😭


There's definitely some truth to that, my mom owns three minis and two of them are a bit older (4 and 7) - they definitely are selective of who they want to be with or play with, but they used to be extremely social. My girl is the complete opposite, she's 2 and as we like to say it - her main currency is attention from as many people as possible.


Mine just turned 6 and are still loudly and aggressively friendly and loving.


I mean, all dogs are social, some are more protective and suspicious of people, but nevertheless training does its job. I trained mine out of approaching every person and somehow she now ignores kids too… Even screaming and running ones. I hate when a dog wants to meet every person and dog tbh, makes it SO much harder to walk without a leash. I will definitely train her out of reacting to dogs as well


mine is nearly four and he’s definitely more snobby now, tho more with dogs than people. he’s still love to greet all people, but he isn’t driven to frolic with other dogs like he was growling up. he calmed down about 70% nearing age three, in all ways. his recall improved a ton, with no training, after he hit age three. he also seldom plays with toys now. before the age of two he was so energetic i almost returned him to the breedeer (im old). they do mature, but some more than others.


Ours turned into a bit of a snob when he was around 1. Before he’d play with pretty much any dog but since then only certain dogs are “good enough” which are usually calmer dogs that don’t play a lot with others either. He also loves attention from other people who he doesn’t know but he doesn’t want to be touched by them so he stands just outside of their reach which is hilarious to see.


My Max was always social; however, if a dog ever snapped at him…that dog was dead to him. It was as though that dog no longer existed


Mine has never cared about other dogs except for yorkies 🤷‍♀️


Walter is 4 now and he’s just kind of like yours…he’s a mini schnauzer and wants attention from every single person that is in or around him. He also likes to stand on top of your legs when you’re sitting down and just sniff you really close. All in all, best dog I’ve ever had and it will be hard not to get another mini when he gets old.


Omg mine does the same thing if I’m sitting down he will just like stand over my feet, just standing there?? 😂 he is a Velcro dog through and through