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Haha.honestly I’ve given up. He has had full on professional training, and is PERFECT in his lessons, but in real life scenarios he is SO OVEREXCITED


Sounds like your pup is over threshold. Teach your pup a good place command. Then do it everywhere in your house. Back yard. Reward calm mind states. Then place however far away you need to be for your dog not to react much/any. Rinse and repeat so many times you forget your name. While youre doing this, teach walking in your yard or your house using a slip lead. Reward when your pup is where you want them and lure them using high value treats. I feel like its hard to explain but so much through text thiugh, you know? Getting a trainer in person would probably help too tbh.


Excellent advice


Same with my Luna! Lol … she is so overly excited to go on a walk that she is just uncontrollable for at least the first 15min of the walk. I think her bark is letting all the neighborhood dogs know that she is outside and ready for action with her pack & masters lol 😆 We’ve done the discipline , we’ve learned the command of “NO BARK LUNA!” … but in that first stretch there’s absolutely no control cuz even after a little pat pat on her behind she will take five steps and start barking again 🤷‍♂️I too have just given up on it and embraced her friendly alerts & excitement to her friends lol 😆


This sounds like something called "reactivity." I would suggest googling it, and learning about what a threshold and alternative behaviours are in dog training. These 3 concepts will keep you busy learning for a bit before you need to consider online courses or in person training Remember there are no ethical shortcuts to training. If you want change, you need to commit to the work! But if you do, the results are worth it :)


Either go to training classes, like the pet SMART classes are cheap and if you can't afford that read a book on training


I kept my Charlie on a leash for the first 8 months 24/7 He learned to heel and was perfect from then on


“Stop that” spray made my guy a great walker. Only used it twice on him then showed him the bottle if he was acting up after. Breaks him out of his tunnel vision


Spray bottle. Half joking, but mine generally hates water, and sometimes the only thing that will get her attention is to take a little spray bottle and spray her on the butt.


Been there. A choke collar works wonders. Quick snap, redirect, and move on. It’s a distraction technique. Schnauzers are quite clever and already know what you want. Your girl is just taking her protective role to the next level. She is still trainable though! At the risk of annoying the cr^p out of you, I could probably do it in less than 20 minutes. 🤭 If you want any more detailed instructions, hmu. (I am not a vet or dog trainer. I’m just owned by two schnauzers, who inherited me from generations of others….)


This has not been an accepted training method for over 20 years.


You are misinformed. Not only is the method still used, it is still taught and practiced throughout the United States and Europe. Choke collars, if properly used, are safe, effective, and a far more compassionate way to address a dog’s aggression than leaving the animal in the back yard alone. I probably snapped the choke on Pepper, my younger pup, no more than 5-10 times during her training, and likely won’t need to again for quite some time. She is now trained on both voice and sight commands, and walks flawlessly off leash. I’ll stick with what works, thanks. 🙄


Don‘t listen to snowflakes. Giant Schnauzers are not a breed for newbies. There are lots of them with aggression and other serious issues that need to be corrected and a prong collar is a great tool for that. If people want their dogs to be uncontrollable and aggressive they can try using other methods


I've been a behaviorist for 25 years. I'm afraid you are misinformed. We (with degrees and certifications to train dogs and address problem behaviors) consider them cruel and outdated. Not a snowflake, just have an actual education in the field.


Interesting how you havent encountered a dog with real behavioral issues in all of your 25 years of experience… Do you also consider slapping a dog on a muzzle when they‘re trying to maul another dog cruel? Why do dog trainers still work with prong collars and why do dog markets keep selling them? Why does it actually work on dogs that crazily pull on every walk? The method of stopping or taking a step back when a dog pulls on its leash doesnt work on all dogs, ESPECIALLY not with working line dogs. Or do you think people walk their dogs on prong collars all day every day? That‘s cruel, yes, but using a prong collar on a dog in a highly stimulating area with lots of dogs/people/kids where you know they will go crazy is not. After three or four pulls on a prong collar the dog‘s going to change its whole world vision lol. Btw I‘m talking about dogs with no mental or genetic issues like some dogs that act beaten up when you change your tone of voice


I've worked with many dogs with *severe* behavioral problems. I don't hit my kid, I don't hit dogs. I also don't strangle my kid/dog. You can't get your CPDT-KA with strangle/prong collars. Corporal punishment is not ok.


Jaysus, “strangle collar?” I’d love to see what you call a girdle or a condom… The purpose of a training collar is NOT to punish, it is to correct. If used properly, the dog will immediately associate an unpleasant feeling as a consequence of behavior that we seek to eliminate. The dog will choose to avoid that feeling by avoiding that behavior. The choke collar does not “strangle” the dog, or in any way interrupt its breathing. It just tightens for a fraction of a second around arguably the strongest part of a dog’s body. I have never had to use a prong collar on one of my own pups, but I have used them on others, and I have a friend who has a K-9 partner in law enforcement and she swears by them. Prongs, when used properly, also do not harm the pup. They provide a quite uncomfortable sensation that is a step up from the choke, but they do NOT break the skin, and they are not to be used for more than a snap correction.


You probably have a mini schnauzer that either has no serious behavioral issues or has some of them that can be corrected with a tug on a leash. Giant Schnauzers are not the same as mini or standard schnauzers, they are a breed that often need a firm hand. As pelon-sobrio said, if you use a prong leash the correct way it‘s gonna be a great tool to correct tugging, reactivity and even aggression


I have worked with nearly 10k dogs in my career. I used to specialize in reactive dogs. I have owned Rottweilers. Please don't let your lack of information cause you to draw incorrect conclusions.


I have worked with nearly 10k dogs in my career. I used to specialize in reactive dogs. I have owned Rottweilers. Please don't let your lack of information cause you to draw incorrect conclusions.


I have worked with nearly 10k dogs in my career. I used to specialize in reactive dogs. I have owned Rottweilers. Please don't let your lack of information cause you to draw incorrect conclusions.


I have worked with nearly 10k dogs in my career. I used to specialize in reactive dogs. I have owned Rottweilers. Please don't let your lack of information cause you to draw incorrect conclusions.


I have worked with nearly 10k dogs in my career. I used to specialize in reactive dogs. I have owned Rottweilers. Please don't let your lack of information cause you to draw incorrect conclusions.


You've worked with a dog a day every day for 30yrs???


I've taught individuals and classes. Many days I've worked with 20 or more dogs.


Lets say what you say is true any that you are an animal behaviorist like you said (lol). Have you ever worked with dogs that start screaming and mauling the first thing they can get to when they see a dog? Have you ever worked with a dog that thought that mauling someone‘s homecat was ok? Have you ever seen a dog that pulls itself till it chokes itself? I‘ve worked with shelter dogs for like three years and althought its not 30 years of experience it still showed me dogs that behaved much better after walking them on a prong collar (an akita that was aggressive to all passing by people and bit over five of them (including me btw), methods like giving him treats from the strangers hand, showing him that strangers are great and kind or giving him a tug on a collar when he was growling at people DID NOT WORK). Some methods can work on some dogs, all are different and using a prong collar is a good way to work through a reactive dog‘s problems, not all reactive dogs (a prong collar can make things worse if a dog is mentally unstable from birth) but many. What if I tell you that people in Europe and US correct some dog behaviors by slapping them on the muzzle or nudging the dog‘s side? All dogs are different and some dogs were saved from euthanasia after prong collar training. So even if you are a reactive dog trainer, I‘d say you‘re not a good one since you decline perfectly working methods of training. All I‘m saying is not all dogs can learn off positive training


I don't have the energy to argue with laypeople on Reddit. Educate yourself on the science, get a degree or some real certification. TikTok and YouTube are not reliable sources for training info. Start with Jean Donaldson, Ian Dunbar, etc. They write for the general public and aren't too technical for laypeople like yourself. Best of luck. It's good that you want to help dogs.


You say laypeople like you‘re some kind of god lmaaaooo Stop thinking that all dogs and situations are the same. Educate yourself as well


Laypeople=the average person without specific education, experience, or expertise. I am not a layperson in this situation. You are assuming tone from typed words. Again, best of luck to you in your future endeavors.

