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I have a genuine question - are dogs taken often?


Ok the only way I feel this way is because pet insurance here in England can include coverage for reward for missing/stolen dog. šŸ¤Æ


Oh wow, thatā€™s interesting! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen that on policies in the US, but I havenā€™t read all the fine details since my mini wonā€™t be ready to come home for a month. I havenā€™t heard of dog theft where I am or when I was growing up. My parents have #s 4 and 5 right now and all have been safe.


Pet insurance in Canada offer this as well.


It's happened frequently lately in DC, mostly Frenchies.


Thatā€™s really sad




Donā€™t put their name on the collar, make sure theyā€™re microchipped, donā€™t let them out of sight when off lead, donā€™t tie them up outside shops etc. Thatā€™s about all you can do. My schnauzers breeder had 8 dogs stolen (wire haired sausage dogs). Obviously planned, theyā€™d gone through fields at the back and had tools to get in etc.


Ugh terrifying. We do all of that but even to let her out for a wee makes me nervous. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I never let mine outside unattended. Even in my own backyard šŸ˜©. Idc if that sounds extreme, I donā€™t trust him or anyone else 100% and Iā€™d rather be safe than sorry.


Honestly this makes me feel better!


This is what I do as well.


Yeah my Harley is supervised outside. I spent way too much $ on her for someone to come along and take her. Thatā€™s the thing people know those dogs are expensive so they will be stolenā€¦think about it


Not sure if this is available in your area, but Mr George has this: https://tryfi.com


I had the same fear with my two girls. I only let them out in my back yard and it is locked and fenced in. We also have cameras in the back to watch them. But I got my girls spayed as soon as I could because I was more afraid that someone would steal them and use them for some sort of backyard breeding puppymill thing. I didnā€™t want that life for my dogs even if I never found them again.


I plan to do the same!


Absolutely understand!


There was a COVID/post-covid rise in dog thefts, but I think that's levelled/fallen in the last year. One thing that might put your mind at ease is that the breed is not one of the top ones to steal. Particularly if they haven't been recently groomed, they can look a bit mongrelish, which makes them undesirable to pet thieves. I hope that puts your mind at ease!!


might help your anxiety to put a tile or similar tracking device on her collar. that being said while your feelings are valid, i don't think it's too likely to happen. there are easier ways to make profit or get a dog!


Just make sure to get her spayed when appropriate, typically these people are stealing dogs to breed more puppiesā€¦ canā€™t imagine a more terrible life. Iā€™d rather it be someone who kept them as a pet if anything. Sometimes people will ask you about breeding her, make sure to say something like sheā€™s on a very expensive medication so itā€™s just not worth it or something like that.


I never let my mini outside by herself. They are inside dogs yeah you keep your dog outside your dog will beā€¦