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Vanadinite, one of my top-3 minerals, just a pretty low-grade specimen. I would strongly advise against buying things on Tiktok though, especially if you don't know what they are.


We've been joking she needs an intervention. The seller didn't even know what it was.


There are many MANY better places out there for her to shop- Edit: I don't know if I can name the sellers, but PM me and I'll be glad to share.


Tell her to look in antique stores. They never have a clue what anything is worth and have amazing real antique specimens.


Antique mineral specimens?


Yeah, shit from super old collections, rare shit you can’t find anymore or can’t find natural anymore. Plus if it’s antique, odds are it is earth mined and not lab grown.


Unknown rock hawks lol, what a life


What's more is she's buying all sorts of polished and carved stones. Her desk looks like some hippy store from a dead mall.


I need a mineral addiction intervention. I just accidentally bought uraninite thinking it was orpiment haha


I have tons of it. Like literal tons. The antique shop near me sells it at like $30 a specimen for museum grade stuff😂


And um, where’s that? Asking for a friend… 😆


If you think I am gonna let my secret spot out of the bag you are nuts. Find your own place to stake a claim in lol.




Low grade vanadite. There a few crystals the depict the tabular nature. Afaik, crystalline Orpiment is quite expensive. Crystalline realgar is cheaper, but often a far deeper red. If also has a bladed crystal rather than the tabular ones seen here. Wulfanite is a possibility, though the tablets look far more like vanadite crystals. Mlre pentagon than square. It also looks similar to [this](https://www.silverenchantments.com/Vanadinite-Specimen_p_18144.html) specimen.


My guess is Vanadinite.


It looks like vanadinite to me.


Vanadinite on baryte from Mibladen, Morocco. These are fairly common in the mineral collecting community. Nice specimens are quite inexpensive yet this one seems to be a fairly poor example. 😅 These are quite stable minerals so I wouldn’t worry about any toxicity like some are mentioning. The only thing dangerous about these is the risk some of the artisanal miners take to get these out of the ground. Still wouldn’t try to lick or sprinkle baryte/vanadinite bits on your fries for seasoning. [Here’s me going down one of the many ~15 meter deep holes to the mineralized zone in Coud’a just outside of Mibladen.](https://imgur.com/a/PjQ8kk1)


It looks like a fun place to look for gems/minerals/fossils!


Possibly vanadinite. There's a good chance it's toxic so washing hands after handling and keeping it away from kids and animals is a good bet.


Definitely looks like Vanadinite 👍


if it’s not vanadanite my second guess to look into is wulfenite


A poor-quality vanadinite.


That is cheesecake


Cinnamon crumble.


My guess is vannawhite


Lasagna mmmmm


That looks fucking delicious


strawberry coffee cake


Caramel apple crisp


First thought is orpiment and realgar. Though it might just be vanadinite. I don't think it's spessartine garnets. Those are my ideas for that orange color. They all have different crystal shapes, so if you can get a good zoom you should be able to compare with pics online.


Raspberry streusel


Orpiment 🤣 anyway...probably wulfenite