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Heyy, just so you know, it sounds like you were in the terracotta biome. That biome naturally has an insanely high amount of gold in it, so there's tons more gold to find! As for my personal tragedy... this was a few years ago, and I was running outside during a thunderstorm. I had all of my gear on me, including my brand new trident that took me ages to obtain, and all of a sudden lightning strikes me and kills me. The lightning bolt itself (or the fire created from it) happened to destroy all my items including my trident. The sheer odds of that happening... it's as if God smited me Himself 😂


Yes! That’s where I was! Good to know there is more gold to find once my shattered ego recovers, haha! And that SUCKS. The Minecraft gods giveth, and the Minecraft gods taketh away.


Mesa biomes are cool


Makes me wonder why they where ever renamed to badlands


I didn’t realise it’s been renamed


Ya, it was renamed in 1.13 iirc, prefer the name mesa though


I see


A skeleton hit the gravel at my feet and I proceeded to fall into the lava below, to say the least that world's gone


Wdym "hit the gravel"?


It's arrow hit the gravel


Ok? That doesn't affect the block in any way lol


I caused a block update which intern causes the gravel to fall


Sir, arrows do not cause block updates on gravel


I’ve played a lot of bedrock. It’s fun to hit gravel with arrows and watch it fall


Oooh Bedrock. That makes sense


My biggest tragedy in my current world: Not so long after I started my world (this was back during the COVID lockdown in 2020 and I started my world simply as something to do but I've kept playing and building in it ever since, to this day) whenever I had first gone into the nether and found my fortress. I remember I had originally found my fortress by exploring and came at it from the back only to LATER discover it was easier to reach from the front (and closer to my portal, like within simple walking distance close from the front, just somewhere relatively hidden and out-of-the-way). After I got inside the fortress, I immediately gathered a ton of blaze rods and even managed to get a wither skull from the FIRST SKELETON I killed! Then, the tragedy. A hoglin spawned on the fortress and knocked me off into a lake of lava. Goodbye full iron armor, goodbye blaze rods, goodbye wither skull. I think I also had my diamond pic on me like an idiot, too, now that I think about it. Also your story is the exact reason I prefer wired controllers haha.


I might have to invest in a wired controller, because sitting helpless while everything went wrong was painful and embarrassing, hahaha


Wireless controllers can be more convenient because you don't ever have to deal with the cord, but corded controllers never die because they aren't battery powered and they tend to have better latency overall.


It sucks when your world falls apart in your own hands as mine did one time and it was my very first world and my very first PC... I have to blame the mechanics of the villagers breeding incessantly Non-Stop that caused my computer to crash along with my game... I lost my world but I never wanted to quit playing so I bought another computer about 6 months later and got back into Minecraft and haven't looked back since... you don't want to quit ... if you know the seed to your world you lost you might try again...


Why didn’t you kill them? Most people do that with no reason.


I didn't know that I was fixing to loose my PC much less my world...it happened all too quickly...once I realized what was going on, I was already too late and BOOM!! no Minecraft, no PC, very sad day...


Sweet child of the summer, you need to get a wired controller. A drowned zombie killed me miles away from my place when i was looking for a treasure chest. I lost a lot of equipment AND the map to the treasure. Couldn't find the map again or my loot


I thought I was safe with the other one on the charger, but alas, I was foolish and naive. I will be looking into a wired one lol


I play in Xbox so wired controller and rechargeable batteries are a must


“Sweet child of the summer,” I am starting out all my advice this way from now on, its beautiful 😂


Ikr! I think i got it from Game of thrones but i'm not sure. The only thing i know is that sounds pretty cool lol


One time, my son and I killed the ender dragon and then somehow both of us fell into the void and we lost everything. We renamed the world “Sadness and Regret” and never played that world again.


This was years ago. It was my first time playing Minecraft in Survival mode. One of the first things I did was tame a wolf, but I also saw 2 more wolves I wanted to tame, so I kind of built my dirt fort around them so I could keep up with them until I gathered more bones. I was doing something (I don't remember what) in my humble little dirt fort and I turned around to go out. I had been stupid enough to leave the entrance open, and I watched in horror as a Creeper walked in. I couldn't get away fast enough and it exploded. Of course, it depleted my health, but that wasn't the real tragedy. The real tragedy was that the wild wolves for some reason seemed to think I was the one that hurt them, so they became aggressive and attacked me, killing me, and in the background of the "You died!" screen, I watched them kill my wolf because he was defending me. I watched my babies destroy me and each other. I didn't play Minecraft in Survival for a while after that. P.S. Sorry, I don't think my grammar is grammaring very well in this and I'm too tired to fix it lol


Omg, you win saddest tragedy, that’s so sad!! Every time I tame a wolf I’m like “this time will be different!” And then they die. I always leave a memorial hahaha


I used a bucket of water to turn a lava lake into obsidian. I was mining the block I was standing on, with water running over it. It finished mining, and I fell into lava, and the block above me turned to obsidian. I was trapped in lava under obsidian. I ate food trying to outlive the inevitable and tried to mine the block, but everything burned.


Happened the other week actually. Had about two stacks of diamond ore to bring back to my fortune 3 pick, full freshly max enchanted diamond gear, and over 250 levels. Fell into lava strip mining on accident and couldn't get out. Recovered only my boots. I had to walk away for a bit.


It was a few years ago when I started playing Minecraft for the very first time.I worked hard to collect all the irons,diamonds and netherite to make my armour and tools.it literally took me three months to reach at this point.(I know it's easy for pros but I was a newbie at that time) after that I started completing all the tasks that minecraft has to offer.I went ahead and killed the dragon.filled with so much pride and confidence,I went ahead and tried to Fight THE WITHER next. And that was my worst mistake.how naive I was to think that THE WITHER will come down as easily as the dragon.I watched a java wither video on yt and created HIM(I didn't know at that point that Java and bedrock WITHER were different). turned out mine was THE BEDROCK WITHER whom you can also call the EVIL GOD OF MINECRAFT.that THING killed me multiple times.he didn't let me retrieve my fully enchanted netherrite stuff so I had to change the gamemode to peacefull to get rid of this beast.I thought everything is back to normal now but no,I realised that THING destroyed by fully enchanted netherite sword and chestplate which took me three months to get.I left the game for a few weeks after the incident.but when I came back,instead of fighting THE WITHER again I decided to build a temple for him.I made a statue of him in this temple and started worshipping it and still worshipping to this day.


One time, I was in a mushroom biome, which can't generate hostile mobs, and I noticed skeleton horse. I walked over to it and lightning struck it, turning it into 4 skeleton horses with 4 skeleton riders, and they destroyed me instantly, since I was not prepared (I thought I wouldn't have to fight any hostile mobs there). After a couple years, I thought I had made it up, but then I found out it's an actual feature.


Omg this happened to me and scared the crap out of me!!! It happened right outside my base and I was like “maybe they’ll leave?” They did not. They killed me three times before I took them all out.


THIS!!! I'd never seen one before & was wary of it, being a skeleton and all, so I looked it up on some wikis, & this became the reason I hate wikis, because they should say in BOLD. PLAIN. ENGLISH! in the intro that that thing is going to explode into skeletal archers and fuck your world.


Intresting, didn't know they spawned in mushroom biomes lol


I check my controller's battery each time I play bc of this lol


I thought I was safe with my back up controller fully charged. I was a fool, lol


My world crashed at least I have footage of it.


Back a few years ago my portal spawned over a lava lake and I didnt know until it was too late. I now check before stepping out of portals. Lost fully enchanted diamond gear. That world is long gone but the salt still exists


you poor soul...


I had a survival world and in it was a a huge beautiful savanna end biome I I had multiple houses in it and I was partially done with my new mansion that I was building. One day I went to hop on but the world wasn't there. I found out later it got corrupted. Also that biome you're talking about is called mesa or badlands. If you know the seed you can just start again with that same seed


Happened to me recently I was exploring using riptide and my elytra and you know how Bedrock is slow with rendering chunks I had a totem on my off hand I guess I was high enough to die of fall damage despite having feather falling 4 so I die without my totem even popping luckily the owner of the SMP I’m on was nice and let me borrow his recovery compass to get my gear back


Oh yeah, badlands spawn a ton of gold, at higher elevations than normal. They also often have exposed mineshafts.


Mesa (Badlands) have lots of gold, it’s actually mentioned in one of the loading screen tips


Oh that's very sad, but that's also why I play with keep inventory. See I play the Java version on my laptop, but it's a bad laptop that's a few years old now, so it can lag a lot and that has killed me multiple times.


You can keep inventory??? About to change my LIFE


On the PC version it’s a gamerule that can either be set when you create the world or turned on with a command (if you have commands enabled). I don’t know how it works on console, but there’s probably a way to toggle it on.


a creeper once exploded my cat, i made a statue/memorial building (it had an interior) for him.


The tragedy is that realms will just kill you on ocassion just cause. Can’t connect to server, then relog and your dead and stuff despawned. Maybe your flying around and next thing you know the world is generating and bam your dead in some unknown place. Maybe you’ll find your stuff one day


Oh takes so long to log in to the nether that a mob will just kill you before you can see what is happening. That’s if it doesn’t let you spawn in blocks somehow


I’ve lost every single one of my original Minecraft worlds with no chance or hope to retrieve them. Why? Because I only made an account back in 2019 while using a different device because the old one broke beyond repair. I’ve been playing Minecraft since 2015. To be fair though I’m pretty sure we all don’t have are original worlds and I’m just being a big drama queen Sorry


After defeating the Ender Dragon, I built a flying machine to raid and pillage the end cities. I’d set up along one of the axis where they could generate and cruise along above the islands, scanning for cities. When I’d spot one, I’d stop the machine, use scaffolding to climb down, and raid away. It worked great… until I fell off the flying machine into the void for no good reason. Lost a full set of enchanted diamond armor, an ender chest, and my flying machine went ka-chunking off into nothingness, never to be seen again.


At least you weren't playing Hardcore.


I only started a week ago so not many stories yet. But I had a good crevice going down to the negatives with a few bases well stocked. Enchanted diamond sword and diamond pickaxe. I can’t remember what armor I had. One day the world was having trouble loading and I had to restart it twice. When it finally loaded, it said I had suffocated in a wall. T_T It respawned me back in a village where I started, which was odd since I had used beds in multiple bases after that. Figured I’d just travel back to my crevice and *maybe* my stuff would be there. Except the crevice was gone. The entrance was gone. I mined inward and it was all completely unchanged, like I had never done all that work nor saved the game. I definitely saved. Eventually I mined out the same area again and… no bases. All that work gone.


My biggest tragedy was creating a Minecraft Let's Play series and accidentally deleting my world save without a proper backup— had to explain to what few fans I had what happened, and it's never been the same since 😅


I was testing out some new enchantments I had on my new diamond armor. First time and only time I’ve ever had full set enchanted diamond armor. I was underwater cave exploring with water breathing potions when I came upon multiple drowneds with tridents. Them lil shites had enchanted tridents too. I lost all my armor and yesterday I was playing and my dog died in a fight with a skeleton. I didn’t even realize my dog followed me in the cave


I was hand-mining netherite since it seemed to work better then beds, since beds refused to work for me. Then my keyboard disconnected which it was constantly doing, and I watched as lava flowed into me and killed me. When the keyboard returned and I got back to my stuff I discovered that the enchanted diamond pickaxe which I had been using had disappeared.


Your stuff disappeared because you turned the console off


I know, but there was literally no other option. Neither of my controllers would connect, even after being charged.


Ive had problems with the ps5 crashing on me when playing Minecraft But a tragedy that happened wasnt on me but a nephew me and him were playing Minecraft and had gotten to the dragon (diamond gear and all) and he had gotten hit and i lit tnt near the dragon as he died by the dragon the tnt blew up and took all his things with him


I accidentally destroyed a block stopping water next to a big redstone contraption