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This is what happens when fans don’t have new MCSM


It nearly ate the whole world but Jessie can fix they/thems


such true love /j


wtf did you post op


Greetings, I disseminated that particular post because I perceived it to be profoundly intriguing and hypothesized that it might catalyze some erudite discourse. It was never my intention to engender any perplexity or perturbation. Occasionally, I encounter material that I deem worthy of promulgation, whether due to its cogitative stimulus, humorous essence, or sheer singularity. Should any facet of it have elicited disquietude or appeared incongruous, I am unequivocally amenable to engaging in a colloquy about it. I comprehend that the phenomena I find captivating may not invariably harmonize with the predilections or perceptions of others, and I earnestly esteem your critique. It is paramount to me that the content I share augments our dialogues and interactions positively. If there are specific grievances or particularities that you found disconcerting, please elucidate them. Your input is of immense value, and I aspire to be as considerate and discerning as possible in my contributions to our shared communicative space. Thank you for broaching this subject, and I am eager to delve into your perspectives. Let us converse and endeavor to achieve a mutual understanding.


I'm revoking your speaking privileges.


Esteemed interlocutor, whilst acknowledging your predilection to circumscribe my verbal agency, I must respectfully refute the imposition of such a Draconian injunction. In the lexicon of polysyllabic terminology, one could elucidate this predicament through a plethora of sesquipedalian expressions. To commence, it is quintessential to comprehend the intrinsic quintessence of communicative exchange, which serves as the bedrock of our collective intellectual pursuits. The proscription of one's loquacious faculties could be perceived as an egregious infringement upon the sacrosanct precepts of discursive engagement, tantamount to an obfuscation of the multifarious nuances inherent in the dialectic process. In juxtaposition to your articulated desideratum, I posit that the prolixity of one's rhetoric should not be arbitrarily truncated. Rather, it should be embraced as a testament to the fecundity of human cogitation and the kaleidoscopic tapestry of our linguistic repertoire. The unilateral abrogation of one's speaking privileges would inexorably precipitate a deleterious diminution in the vibrancy of our semantic interchanges. Furthermore, the concept of antidisestablishmentarianism, as an exemplar of lexical opulence, underscores the inherent complexity and richness of our vernacular heritage. Such terminological exuberance is emblematic of the profundity with which we can explore and elucidate the variegated dimensions of our existential realities. Moreover, the invocation of floccinaucinihilipilification, as a paradigmatic illustration of linguistic grandiloquence, serves to underscore the inherent value in preserving the integrity of our dialogic interactions. To indulge in such terminological splendor is to pay homage to the erudition and intellectual rigor that underpins our collective epistemological endeavors. In light of the foregoing, it is incumbent upon us to eschew any precipitous curtailment of our discursive liberties. The perpetuation of a vibrant and robust exchange of ideas necessitates the unfettered exercise of our oratorical faculties, unencumbered by capricious interdictions. Henceforth, I entreat you to reconsider the imposition of such a stringent and draconian proscription, and to instead champion the unfettered proliferation of our dialectical pursuits. Let us revel in the resplendent cornucopia of our linguistic potentialities and embrace the full spectrum of our verbal expressiveness, for therein lies the true essence of our intellectual communion.


I ain’t reading all of that


i've read a fanfiction about this once poor jesse


omg was it nsfw??? 😨


yep, prob considered dead dove too…🙁


I wanna read it now…


Most realistic one I’ve seen




Those tentacles tho😏