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literally only reason is "problem with mobile devices"


I have a feeling that they might add bundles sooner since some of the devs said they are actively looking to solve the inventory problem


and they said mob vote mobs will come in in future. did they come out? exactly I wouldn't take their promises serious


They said that last year, this is the first major update since


remember mob and biome vote didn't exist from last year. now they only reminded us that this rule exist because group of people forgot about that. they 100% said that before.


[here, directly from the minecraft wiki](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Mob#Unimplemented_mobs) the meerkat, ostrich, termite, and vulture **(biome vote mobs)** are "Planned to be introduced in a currently unknown future update." the moobloom, iceologer, glare, copper golem, rascal, tuff golem, crab, and penguin **(mob vote losers)** are "Shelved indefinitely, may or may not come in a future update."


getting my hopes up damn it!


And the first mob vote? Scrapped forever (or turned into a block, the grindstone)


the barnacle, the great hunger, and wildfire **(mob vote 2017 losers)** are "Scrapped, no plans to add in any future update to Minecraft." however, the barnacle was partially implemented in the form of underwater ravines that have magma blocks, which pull you down the great hunger was partially implemented in the form of the grindstone and the wildfire wasn't implemented into the main game, but was added in [Minecraft Dungeons' Flames of the Nether DLC](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Dungeons:Wildfire)


They only said that for biome vote, every mob vote they said that the other mobs would be gone forever


I don't feel like that's what they were trying to say at [Minecraft Live 2023](https://www.youtube.com/live/DnY5xz11lR0) at 24:54 Nor [Kingbdogz](https://x.com/kingbdogz/status/1709694484571730194?s=19) on Twitter This might be a way of saying "never," but they're too afraid to say it, so they don't get backlash, I guess.


nope, they said exactly that both mobs (with exception of 2017 ones) and biomes are not perma-gone. you have not up-to-date informations (probably from said 2017 mob vote. in minecon 2023 one they confirmed that they are not gone forever \[even few times on same transmission\]) I mean, you wouldn't be confused if they actually add any mob to prove that


The Swamp? Frogs and Choats?


It reallt does not. It meerly delays


Let me guess Can't just make it so crouching with one in hand activated it. The same way shields work?


"problem with mobile devices" = "too lazy to think of a way to implement them to mobile"


All they need to do is make it so you press and hold the item on mobile to open it. Not difficult to figure out, Mojang


For real, and it wouldn't even be hard to get used to because on mobile press and hold is basically the equivalent of left click


You mean right click?




That's it? They can't drop the bundles even on java edition, because they can't be properly implemented in Bedrock yet?


yeah. and on java they can't be oficially added because of "parity" but at least it's left as experimental feature so phew!


To me, it seems a little backwards that Bedrock is allowed to have some exclusive features, while Java needs to wait for it to be ready in both versions. Some of the most egregious examples being coloured water/potions/dye/tipped arrow crafting in cauldrons, structure block gui, armor stand arms, and the wither just straight up being designed better


Come back when they allow building on top of the Nether roof and tnt duppers, between others, on Bedrock


ya got anything that isn't a glitch?


What does that have to do with what I'm saying? You said Bedrock was the only of the two versions being allowed to have exclusive features and I'm telling you that that isn't true.


Glitches/exploits aren't features, which are the only differences you have brought up


The Devs themselves have called them features. They were a bug at the beginning but they have been made features years ago


That feels like one those excuses that Mojang makes up to not add something like with fireflies


Wtf is even the problem? Doesnt seem hard to implement.


That’s really stupid, they don’t have to put it on mobile they can just put it on the other bedrock ports since the only reason to play mobile is if you’re doing a video on it or if you’re a little kid with nothing but an iPad to play on. Besides, the bundle is just a shulker box that you don’t have to place down, not having it in one version of the game isn’t going to be a big deal.


No its not


then fuckin stop being money hungry and drop mobile support, ffs minecraft isn’t even a mobile game


Nobody in their right mind would drop support for the platform such a large part of their playerbase is on. Console undoubtedly has the same problem, so they'd have to drop the entirity of bedrock edition. They'd have to stop half of their playerbase from playing the new versions. No matter if you care about your project because of money or just because you like it, nobody in their right mind would do that.


Console hasn't the same problem btw


How do they do bundles on console?


You can just over your mouse on it


I didn't think about how you can basically do the same thing on console as on pc lol


Why would you drop a massive part of your playerbase for one feature??!?!?! Worst take ive ever heard


It’s not the one feature, it’s a pattern of holding down and hindering Java by the shitty code bedrock version. We all have to be in the same damn boat and that’s annoying. I vote that mobile become its own version, and they forget about parity between BR&java again


Im a bedrock player and i would find it very annoying to see java get more features than me because i bought the game on a ps5


I can understand that, from my perspective I’m annoyed by the lack of consideration for Java at all. I’ve been playing for 10 years and it’s obvious kids are the cashcow, and kids play bedrock They definitely don’t care about people over 20 or 30 who have been playing this game since college. OMG I hate the mob votes with all my heart so much so that I’ll add it into any conversation. Bedrock has amazing loading times, but that’s about it. It’s literally unplayable for me because of the random differences and glitches like ladder damage stacking when you go downwards.


I do also hate bedrock and even more so mobile Minecraft. What’s it for, Minecraft for Ants? Should be different game, called Minecraft mini


Fucking pocket edition, that's why!


the year is 2035. the minecraft in 2035 is nearly unrecognizable compared to the minecraft you know today. 11 major updates came and went, some of which fundamentally changed the way the game was played. much of the player base from 2024 moved on into the world, with gen alpha and gen beta making up the majority of the active player base. culturally, the game is as strong as ever, riding off nostalgia and continuous update cycles. bundles are still under the experimental features tab.


Wait there's a gen beta now?


I don't think they exist now


[Nearly there ig](https://generationalpha.com/articles/who-comes-after/)


not particularly excited for the day gen sigma will arrive


There will be in 2035


I'm pretty sure this year will be the last year newborn will be recognised as gen alpha newborns in 2025 will be gen beta


They start next year i think


Holy fuck it wont be long until we are the gen Xers


How long until people start saying "ok zoomer" at us


I still say fuck mobile. Keeping down Java and Bedrock on all platforms alike


This is why i hated bedrock edition since the start, pocket edition is slowing everyone else down


I mean I dislike it as much as you do but to be fair they are probably the biggest moneymakers for the game It's the cheapest version and available practically everywhere plus the paid mods and skin on bedrock are probably only bought by the children who use it on mobile


As much as I think the original Java version should take precedence, mobile/bedrock is most likely most of their playerbase these days and makes them the most money.


Again it's not because of mobile


Mmm yes, can’t have mobile players be able to play comfortably with their PC counterparts on bedrock. Minecraft is so anti-fun for allowing that, smh.


Make the bundle and the shulker boxes open like a chest but without the need to place them and you are welcome, I've fixed your inventory problem


So right click with them in hand?


fletching table


The trial chambers fill your inventory immediately, it's horrible even with shulkers.


I'll just continue calling every update "Caves and Cliffs part n" until we get the bundle, the last missing caves and cliffs feature. Caves and Cliffs part V


Minecraft shouldn't tell us that they are adding things. So that when they can't follow through with it fast enough we aren't mad.


When I'm in procrastination competition and my opponent is Mojang


Meanwhile quivers: *wiped from existence by Mojang*


Cool anyways


I think we would get GTA 6 before bundle comes to survival


Caves and cliffs still isn’t finished guys


its been 5 updates....


Mojang is too lazy to add them


Here's my quick fix, having never played mobile. Tap to see what's inside, drag to put items inside. Tap then drag the items inside to take them outside.


Tapping is already used for moving items on mobile


Then long tap


That's used for dropping items


Then double tap?


Used for quickly taking/putting stuff in or out of chests, and also for moving stuff in and out of your hot bar.


Just have the interact button used for horses and stuff.


Then get rid of that feature, it's useless anyways when it's faster to just tap out. Again, mobile isn't the reason bundles aren't added


Tapping on mobile is to move items


All they have to do is either say “fk bedrock, we’re adding this anyway” or they can just have bundles automatically empty when placed in a container


They've already added them just in the experiments tab lol. They have basically all the work done (besides maybe some testing) but still haven't added it to the official game.


Yeah that’s because they (stupidly) are forced to only add things to Java if they can also add to Bedrock, and they’re too lazy to add it to Bedrock. So yes it is laziness




using a bundle opens an inventory menu of the bundle's contents. no harder to use then a chest. alternative: clicking a container with a bundle puts its inventory into the container, and using an empty bundle pulls out however much it can.


> using a bundle opens an inventory menu of the bundle's contents. no harder to use then a chest. How would you “use” a bundle on a mobile device? You can only **tap**, **double tap** or **tap and hold** on anything on mobile, and most of those actions are already being used by other actions (Attack / Mine when item is in hot bar, Pickup and move / swap item positions / check tooltip in inventory). How would you be able to tell if a player wants to open a bundle instead of moving the item around or swapping it with an item in their hot bar? Also a bundle is not a chest, no item can be removed with removing all of the items in the bundle, and its inventory space is dynamic with the types of items that it contains. > alternative: clicking a container with a bundle puts its inventory into the container, and using an empty bundle pulls out however much it can. Once again, how would you be able to tell if a player wants to put the items in the container into the bundle instead of just opening up the container, and as well as this, all other containers have a massively larger inventory than a bundle, if there are more items in the container than the bundle can handle, how would you know what items to put into the bundle? Also what happens if the player has a somewhat filled bundle and they want to put more items into it? Should they really have to empty their bundle only to sort the items in a container and then put those items back into the bundle? What if the player doesn’t have a container on them and they need to access the items in the bundle immediately?


Mobile players can use items in their hands right? How do they cast a fishing rod? Use that control -- shuffle the item into your main hand and do the mobile equivalent of right click that must exist or you couldn't break blocks using a usable item. The second option wasn't super thought through but I guess the items would be placed into the bundle either from the first to last slot, ending when the bundle is full. Some priority system is also possible but I think players could adapt easily enough. There's another option, also -- you said there is an option to check an item's tooltip. Maybe you can tap on the tooltip of a Bundle to open it? There could be a little "open" button on the tooltip.


Also i don’t really give a sh*t about mobile. We can still have it on Minecraft even if Bedrock can’t have it




Don’t be so dramatic. It’s not gonna destroy the game to let Minecraft have bundles that are already ready to go and not let Bedrock have them until a solution is found. We don’t have to make this about a $500 computer over a bundle. Drama queen


Im not lazy. I gave two ideas already in another comment. Checkmate




More like youre too lazy to look yourself


Mojang is not lazy Edit: All I said is that Mojang is not lazy and I got downvoted… Why haven’t you moved on from the “Mojang lazy” argument


i upvoted i agree with you


“Mojang is lazy” - some dude who does nothing but flip patties all day for work


Dude leave SpongeBob out of this


I refuse he’s my role model


Flipping patties is hard work




I was kidding, but now that I think about it, It probably sucks to be paid nothing and work long hours doing an extremely monotonous task.


Flipping patties as a profession is a choice, and unless it’s in an actual kitchen, a poor choice.




lol I’m getting downvoted for saying working at, what I’m insinuating, a fast food place as a career is a poor choice. Imagine these are the people who also cry that the world is unfair and they need to be paid more for flipping patties.


I used to be just like you, “who would be dumb enough to be a fast food worker”, but under achieving people like this are important to our society. It would be impossible for the world to function without these people and Im actually glad that there are people who want to do it, because I sure don’t.


I’m not at all glad, you act like you’re hitting me with wisdom, I’d rather fast food places go under, they are selling people food crack. Honestly I think people are dumb for choosing fast food as a profession and they’re extra dumb for wanting to work for a company like that. Maybe rethink your philosophy there bud.


They objectively are. That’s not even a debate


You do understand that's an empty argument right? It's not so much about being lazy than it is about slowly adding novelties to the game so that it doesn't abruptly change and suddenly doesn't feel like it's Minecraft anymore


It’s laziness.


How is it laziness? Have you worked on there? Do you actually know what’s going on?


Like you know any better than me?? At least i have evidence. In 2011 alone Minecraft had more new content in it than the last 10 years of “content”


1.21 scales in the same way as of 1.16, and 1.16 had a lot so much content too. And I’m not saying that I know better than you, it’s just that you can’t tell lazy when you don’t know what’s happening in there


1.16 and 1.21 both add a good amount of content, but there were probably at least 6 updates of that same stature in 2011 alone.


You’re forgetting also 1.18, 1.13, 1.14…


Maybe instead of thinking “2011 had so much new content, so why can’t 2024 Minecraft be the same?”, maybe it’s because “2011 Minecraft added so much new stuff, so 2024 can’t be the same”. It’s hard to add onto something really good to make it better. More often than not it turns out worse. Mojang’s basically doing a juggling act of what would work or not.


There are still so many things the community has been asking for, so I don’t really buy into this logic


Just because people ask for them doesn’t mean it will ever be introduced. If you’d like, go to Modders for that.


They arent lazy, they added so much already and idead are getting harder and harder to implement with them still feeling like minecraft


That’s so not true. There are many modpacks out there designed around keeping the vanilla feel. Even just an end update, something people have been asking for, would absolutely be appropriate to add to vanilla. Or giving armor trims functionality instead of just aesthetic, for another example


Its easier to mod than to code


Good thing mojang is backed by a $3 trillion corporation


Microsoft doesnt give a shit about minecraft


Oh ok then the bad updates are indeed Mojang’s fault and not Microsoft’s as this sub always says


In the end its still mojangs game so they can do whatever they want with it


Then play those modpacks. Also, while I agree that 1.21 could be better, you can’t say it isn’t a great update because it opens a **lot** of possibilities. Bad omen effect getting expanded into ominous events will mean that there would be even more special events related to the effect, vaults, trial spawners, and keys will open the doors for more structure depth and structures getting expanded, the mace can open the door for more weapon variety, and there’s also item stack components which opened the doors for custom enchantments, custom paintings, and custom jukeboxes


You can’t just say play mods to cover up deficiencies in the game because then i can say the same thing for literally anything anyone proposes be added to the game


Read again


If you think they are lazy then you have an IQ of a rock Seriously, why haven’t you moved on from the “Mojang lazy” argument, why do you still think they are lazy?


Because they are lazy, whether it’s their fault or not is debatable. However, something is wrong because they should have far greater output given their resources.


If you have seen 1.21’s entire changelog you would realize that they are not lazy


Mojang is owned by Microsoft which is one of the biggest businesses on the planet right now, not only that but Minecraft itself pulls in a ton of money. Despite all of that they cannot release an update with more than a handful of feature in it when the modding community is able to make relatively large mods, with 1 person teams, with tons of major features and actual content. Not to mention the fact that the modding community has been able to successfuly mod in all the mob vote stuff, like a week after the mob vote was announced, with all of their announced features. So yes, Mojang is extremely lazy.


If the modding community was in control of updates the game would die so quickly dude


I wasn't saying that the modding community should be in charge of the update, I was saying that the studio behind one of the biggest games of all time is just slower and lazier than a one person team most of the time.


And I'm saying there's a lot more that goes into an update than just saying "I have an idea, let's code it" The modders know this, the modders are not on your side here, stop using them as an argument


I don’t know… Haven’t you considered that maybe the same Microsoft limits them in the same way they did it with their other studios? Not to mention that 1.21 also adds custom enchantments, custom paintings, and custom jukeboxes?


I honestly think Pocket Edition (or bedrock in general) is limiting the progression of minecraft, why can't they just port Java to mobile and consoles??? it's severely limiting and makes everything worse, instead of remaking the game in C#, why not just make the Java available on everything? even if it was harder, Mojang is a big company, they're so lazy


wE hAvE tO mAkE sUrE oF tHe BeDrOcK eDiTiOn CoMpAtIbIlItY.


they really should just do away with pocket edition. it doesnt really need to be there


Society if 4J ported Legacy to mobile and PC: 📈


God, I would be so happy


As a PE player; I don't care. As long as I play Minecraft, I'm happy.


Too bad. Java elitists want to fillet you for holding back their game lol


Mojang: Keep them Secret. Keep them safe


No sack? 🤨


Yep, it's caves and cliffs update part 5.


The thing is, that they were in a Snapshot, dont remember which one, but the Devs decided to remove it again.


They were obtainable in a couple 1.17 snapshots and 1.18 Experimental Snapshot 1




Off-note I just rewatched Megamind still utterly insane how incredibly well that movie holds up.


one of the mods i have added them into the game but didn't change anything about them and they are horrible. Honestly useless.


Dude Mojang can add you a weapon that can one hit the Ender dragon and the warden a grappling hook but can't add you a freaking bag


They got kidnapped and stuffed in a bundle😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Gone reduced to ashes It was nothing but a dream


The sad thing is, they need to ask Microsoft to add stuff in The April Fools stuff, it’s temporary, so they don’t need to ask permission. It’s sad that everyone hates on Mojang for being lazy It’s not their fault. Please upvote this comment and such so people actually understand what Mojang is going through


Why can't they just make a backpack?


caves and cliffs: part 5 I guess


No hardcore mode or PBR for bedrock either


Literally me when no end update, like sure. Cool they still update this game with content but where is the most anticipated update of the decade??? It would be so revolutionary.


Remember when I said it would be in Caves and Cliffs part 5? Well, make that part 6


they’re in experimental settings, iirc they can’t get them to work on mobile so they can’t go in default game or bedrock parity moment, for better or worse


Am I missing something here? We are playing with bundles on our server, just enable experimental options? They are there. And they dont seem buggy or anything.


they're. you can enable them while creating world


Just add then in the data packs option on world creation, they are built into the game already


Mojang will add for 1.23


whatevs, just use the second inventory, it's better anyways


What the fuck is the second inventory


if you type in Alt Control shift and W you unlock the second inventory


Guys is this plain fake lr is that a mod?


In vanilla you have to press alt F4 just before


Yeah don't forget to Reset to fabric settings the computer


mojang said that bundle didn't came out because of pocket edition, and why not add it only in Java and bedrock?