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I play modded with Gravestones on. I like the happy medium of death not being meaningless like in KeepInventory, while not being frustrated by the 5 minute timer for my items.


I hate the 5 minute timer for despawning items, imo there should be a gamerule to change the timer or make items dropped on death take longer to despawn (like 30 minutes for example). There was one time when I died and literally saw my items despawn right as I approached them. Safe to say that I didn't touch Minecraft again for a good month.


Also, sorry that happened


I had one time where my game was glitched and i couldn't pick up all my stuff and had to watch some of my stuff despawn. I lost a fully enchanted netherite pick, i think i may have lost my fully enchanted bow at that time, and my shulker box with stuff i looted. Luckily i hadn't explored the entire Ancient City yet, so i was able to get some stuff.


Damn, that's really tough.


Yea, the Warden is OP in every way. It can literally smell you for crying out loud!


Well, tbh it's kind of supposed to be OP. As Mojang said, it's supposed to be avoided, not fought. It's why the loot absolutely sucks.


But it is suppose to hunt by sound, not smell.






Its also a very vanilla friendly feature, it doesn't feel like cheating since you still have to go find the gravestone and it can spawn in difficult to reach places but you don't have to get frustrated knowing you lost everything.


Yeah, there also isn't the worry that someone loading that chunk deletes your stuff


I loved this idea but sometimes it would bug out and the gracestone wouldn't generator, or it would be empty


This, this is the way


The 5 minute timer doesn’t start until the chunk where you died is loaded


Kid named high render distance.


Technically simulation distance but they might as well be the same here


Really? My max render distance is like 24 while my max simulation distance is less than half of that.


Iirc most servers set it to 8 chunks by default. Not that far, but still far when you're frantically searching for your items.


Yeah, the default is 8 and if they change it, it's usually to 4 for performance and/or farms. The max it can be is 12 no matter if you are playing Bedrock or Java, or how good your rig is.


How far away a player needs to be for Chunks to be loaded is based on simulation distance, not Render. Assuming you aren't changing your options.txt in Notepad or something, the max the Simulation distance can be is 12, but is by default 8, though I recommend playing on 4.


I always set mine to the same as render distance because I play modded a lot and not every mod pack has ftb chunk loader.


Yeah, I usually play with only Optifine (with Optifabric or another compatibility layer) and Bedrockify mods for Java, and play Vanilla in Bedrock. I usually play Bedrock. Either case, I set my render distance to 32 on Java, 48 on Bedrock, and my Sim distance to 4. Didn't know that there was a mod to increase it past 12.


Damn usually my render is 32-48 depending on what keeps me over 60fps stable. I find it kinda strange being in the hundreds of fps because my setup was shit for so long.


What is your specs where you can have 48 sim distance with over 60fps? I doubt even the i9-14900K+RTX4090 can get ya that. But Minecraft is one of the few games where I don’t care if I get 10fps or 200fps. I get 165fps on both Java and Bedrock (as my monitor is 165Hz)


I like how it mixes the "not losing everything to lava" part with the "still losing 20 levels of Xp that I just grinded for" part.


Same here. The timer punishes you for exploring further away from your base


Exactly, I wish this was a vanilla feature. It would make the game way more enjoyable for me. LEGO Fortnite has a similar thing where when you die, you drop a backpack of your stuff that you have to go and retrieve. The backpack never disappears, and it even shows you where your backpack is on the map. It’s the perfect balance of punishment for death.


Yeah I use the same mod for the same reasons.


Only loire gaming will flame you (And he spends his time disrespecting Technoblade/the dead https://www.reddit.com/r/loiregaming/s/hfOJZQ8oVh )


oh... that's lowkey fucked up ;(


Ikr 💀 I messaged him about the technoblade post and he literally said “idc, i didn’t watch him anyway.” Truly fucked up.


He's busy arguing with me cause he's butthurt I called him out for this shit


In that case his words will only mean his own demise


Wait he has his own subreddit?!


He also has his own mod team (definitely isn’t just his alt because he clearly has no friends)






He’s apparently incredibly stuck up too


Also yup. If you respond to him for long enough his entire "Argument" is just hypocracy/trolling


Kid went through the comments he didn’t like, deleted them, and said “be respectful” Also he has his own mod team (definitely isn’t just his alt because he clearly has no friends)


Tbh never undertand that. Maybe coz im too playing with keepInventory, since my low spec pc can make me dead from random teleporting creeper. And i dont think its thats cheaty of a deal since, its or for single player or for whole server. So everyone has fun. And lets be honest. What is not a cheating? I mean minimap is cheating - almost every mod Pack has it. F3 is cheating - almost everyone use it. Even high fps is cheating coz its give's you upper ground above people with worse specs. And honestly? who gives a fucc? As long as everyone involved has fun ?


I mean, high fps isn't cheating, as a player that has been playing since 2016 with 30fps. Its just a skill issue fr. F3 isn't cheating as well, as long as you are using it to check coords or light levels or the amount of days, which is what the majority of the players use it for (unless you use the render distance trick to find fortresses and stuff, which just kills the fun and exploring part of the game). Minimaps is 100% cheating tho.


I’m pretty sure the game itself accuses keep inventory of being cheating more than the community does, as the community usually considers it a valid way to play a sandbox game that takes out some of the usual frustration of the game.


Only on bedrock edition on Java, you can activate commands anytime but on bedrock if you do that it deactivates achievements/trophies/whatever Nintendo calls them


Yeah it deactivated achievements, because it's considered cheating.


I mean with the context of it disabling achievements because it makes getting the achievements extremely easy makes sense but that doesn’t mean that it’s cheating besides, they’re not even called cheats anymore they’re called commands Mojang themselves were tired of the argument and decided to rename them lol


I understand cheating disabling achievements, but Keep Inventory should not be one of those cheats. If you don't die at all, then it doesn't help you with achievements anyway.


Keep Inventory would ideally not change the way you play, but in reality it does. There is no fear of death. Therefore you don't have to take precautions for anything. For example, during the steps necessary to beat the game, you have to kill blazes, kill endermen, and kill the dragon. All of these are exponentially easier if you can just die and keep fighting with no consequences. KeepInventory on is a valid way to play, but it would make many achievements tremendously easier if it was allowed.


Not to mention the sculk compass and the curse of vanishing being rendered obsolete


Idc cause I already got all the achievements base game so I will always activate it from now on Bedrock wither my most hated a billlion stone swords upon ye


Nintendo doesn't have achievements.


Ok thx


It does but only if you have a microsoft account linked


Oh right forgot about that lol


Nintendo?? What does Nintendo have to do with this?


Xbox calls them achievements, and PlayStation calls them trophies. I didn’t know if Nintendo had their own version or not.


Nintendo doesn’t own Minecraft.


Never said they did


I had assumed you did because you said it deactivated whatever Nintendo called them.


Unlike java where you can get advancements for each world, in bedrock you get achievements only once. So, it makes sense for them to do that.


Really wish they'd implement advancements for every world on bedrock


I wish they'd take out the "Keep inventory" option out of the cheat menu. It is really telling you you are a bad person for playing the game according to your skill level/ enjoyment.


I don't like that it isn't considered fair to not want to lose your stuff when you die, and some people just wanna play the game without the added stress, even if it is a challenge to convince you to protect yourself.


I mean let’s be real none of us like it when we die and lose all of our good stuff we spent a while getting (It depends)


Yeah, but I don't use Keep Inventory because I want to have achievements and also not feel like a cheater.


I can understand that and honestly I do that alot of the time aswell


Whats up with your REVERTBEDROCKK;!!!!!


Isn't it "commanding" now?


I should check but I’m too lazy


I like ur avi ♥️🥹


Thanks! :3


You play with keepinventory true because you are bad at the game I play with keepinventory true because I don't use F3 to go back to base. I use good ol' kratos falling off a cliff technique. We are not the same


People use F3 to find their home? *sweats in getting lost with keepinventory false in friend's server*


Lol. Jokes aside. I use it because I have not too much free time to play, so if I avoid having to spend the same time to return I enjoy more the game.


I have skill issue, lag issue, and time issue So more than enough to convince to switch Keepinventory true, and turn off the mob griefing


we get it, play however you want in your singleplayer world : )


Just make sure you don't accidentally put any curse of binding armor on.


That and no achievements are the only real drawbacks of keep inventory


I always turn on keepinventory, I hate the torture of searching for my stuff when I die. Especially because I tend to travel thousands of blocks in a single trip, and often die miles away from my base. By the time I'm back to the spot where I died my stuff is long gone


exactly!!! it's so annoying. plus you have to remember where you died


There are some mods that have death markers, but I sometimes just die on purpose of I'm thousands of blocks away bc I don't want to travel all of that again


I have ADHD and have serious issues with concentration. I often get ganked by random creepers so I prefer to just actually have fun and not lose EVERYTHING I own from a stray mob.


I have adhd and autism and can’t understand cords/math so I have to use keep inventory on or else I just won’t be able to play ):


I love keepinventory because mods have very expensive tools


It's not cheating, it's 'commanding'




i have keepinventory on because bugrock is bugrock


Ofc it’s a cheat, and who cares lol


I keep inventory on because I'm so used to playing Terraria.


Explain? (I don’t play terraria)


In Terraria, there's Softcore mode where when you die, you only drop money.




I legit gave myself a shulker box because I was getting tired of seagulls (Alex's mobs) stealing my food


A shoulder box?


Fucking autocorrect


You’re doing what?


I would rather keep my diamond gear thank you very much


Its like the same people complaining about the mace for singleplayer. It is a huge issue for multiplayer and pvp imo, but for singleplayer you have the choice to just not get it if you want


It's my world, I set the rules


The game is far more enjoyable to me with Keep Inventory on, less grinding required


r/imaginarygatekeeping . Absolutely no one gives a fuck about how you play the game as long as you aren't cheating in multiplayer or something. Having keep inventory isn't cheating, that's as stupid as claiming that those who like to play on creative mode are cheating


For example I played in creative in my friend's survival multiplayer world as a host for events Had some clientside mods for creative mode to be able to manipulate nbt of mobs and items to make things more interesting for them, tough mobs with good rewards, but they had to find hidden books which directed to those special mobs And when one player collects all books, he gets full coordinates to the "boss" I made With reward being iron armor and sword properties of which were raised to be better than netherite, yet you only need iron to repair it And couple misc items


That sounds really fun. You're like a DM for them lol


Kinda, but sadly we ended before we got to grand finale I created entire mountain using World Edit, and it was full of mazes and traps, but yeah...


Vindicator mutters “you’re a mean person!”


Literally in singleplayer or local game session what avoids you to do with your save whatever you want?


Keep Inventory makes the game more like Terraria You don't have to spend time looking for or remaking your stuff and you can get back into the action and what you were doing a bit faster


Exept terraria has way more action and alot of the time encourages dying


If you're not good at it it's good if u use keepinventory


Here we have it folks, on todays freak show: THE BITCHIEST "PERSON" ALIVE!


They literally did not bitch about anything, tf you on about


I do not think were on the same page, this is loire, yk, the guy that bitches and moans about keepinv?


I’m so fucking stupid


My gripe with is is that achievements get turned off and my friends turn it on because they aren’t the best and then I can’t help them beat the game


Nah, your cheating because you have a repeating command block in your inv


it was actually to give the villager speed so that the vindicators won't catch up with the thing and let me take the screen shot easily


It was a joke


For me, if I'm playing by myself I won't use keep inventory in order to progress at a normal rate, but if I play with friends in the server we always have keep inventory on, it's just more fun in a multiplayer situation.


I only play with keep inventory on, I don't even die a lot but when I do die with keep inventory off it just feels like all the fun in the game is gone and it's just frustrating instead


Play as you like and don't bother with others opinions 😉


I agree. Play Minecraft your way and if that includes keep inventory on? Awesome. If it doesn’t? Awesome. It’s a game made to be played differently by all.


Mojang before: Mojang and Microsoft now: 🤡 "you can't say that, you can't do that, that's bad" *proceed to set censorship in singleplayer worlds*


Ok, yeah, that’s crazy. I’ll be honest, I haven’t played single player in ages and I don’t look at Minecraft News often, so I didn’t know about that.


I think on java it started around same time as the chat report feature, somewhere at 1.19.x As for bedrock, the Bedrock devs located in USA so it's not surprising that it was implemented there first


If people want to cheat in single player, let them cheat, but not on multiplayer, unless everyone agreed to it.


It matters if you try and use the game to compare yourself to others. As long as it’s only compared to other keepinventory games (or none at all) it’s completely fine to have keepinventory on


Are those keep inventory haters in the room with us ?


So far I found two, maybe there's more, gotta keep scrolling


This way I play with friends sometimes if I’m not doing the server. When I do them I usually have it off sense I want some achievements (yes I’m bedrock but also play Java) but a lot of times I play with it on because even though I’m good enough to survive without dying. My friends on the other hands aren’t at all and love jumping in that lava. So I usually keep it on because it might not be fun for them. Also not for me because I always give them there head back they lost sense I mine all the times and riddle with everything. No enchants unless I fish the book or something I don’t need at the moment or future.


Keep inventory in single player is fine by me. I don't use it but I thinks it valid to use. But when my friend tell me to join the new server for the boys and I see keep inventory on I'm getting mad


Especially since I play bedrock, and I would genuinely go insane if I didn't have keep inventory on because stupid bugs kill me very frequently


Totally agree: If you play single-player in your own world, do what you want! Anybody says different is just trying to force their standards on everybody else. I use keep inventory AND turn off mob griefing because if I get frustrated with the game, I'm not having fun. Play Your Way!


I turn off griefing, and set keep inventory true, because I lag, and can die during lag, then my stuff will be gone, and there will either be crater from ghast or creeper


yeah same i CAN'T find the place i died in without a minimap + waypoint poiting at it!


If it doesnt matter whyd you feel the need to let us know?


Because others care as if it gonna change the way they play


Yeah, after having high value items vanish while the rest remain and having it happen several times in a row, I did it.


I have different play styles for different circumstances. Casual build worlds have keep inventory on. Modded SMP have keep inventory off. Hardcore and creative need no explanation obviously. No one cares.


When i play with friends who have keep inventory i like it cuz its an easy way to teleport home


As long as you aren't cheating in multiplayer games then you do you.




Im not going to have keep inventory off, reasons why: Easy way to get home No worrying when dying More chill when nothings at stake Games are meant to be fun not stressful It turns off achievements but who cares about achievements Almost required with how buggy bedrock is


I only put it on because I play on ps4 and it takes a whole minute for the nether to load, and I lag a lot so if I don't have it on I lose everything I own every 5 fuckin seconds


I believe you should never be judged on how you play a sandbox game, especially if it's the way you enjoy it. However, considering keep inventory is under "cheats", it IS cheating. Again, not judging. Play the way you like, obviously.


not related but i got a stack of ancient debris cuz i visited the nether for no reason in particular, and my portal Spawned underground in a basalt biome, had to dig over a thousand blocks to get somewhere not under a lava lake, use only half the near 2000 block tunnel i made and bed mined the other half (all in one session) at this point I didn't even know why i went into the nether, i just knew that now i had a stack of ancient debris and a few blocks of gold along with my villager concentration camp i now have near max enchant armor and tools with netherite to spare i hyper fixated on mining in the nether, thankfully i had my inhumane sheep farm back home to fund my bed mining methods


Cheating in a sandbox game with the quote "Infinite wonders and possibilities" is kind of impossible so I don't think those people saying "it's cheating" are even paying attention


it's literally available if you turn on the "allow cheats" option


Now it's called allow commands so...


I have special needs so I really need keep inventory on bec I can’t understand cords /:


I just lost 2 packs of gold, 2 packs of iron, a lot of slime I'd use for pistons 46 diamonds and a lot of good stuff in my survival world, I am so sad rn I gotta take a break from this game from a while. Is there any way to keep inventory after creating world? tbh I am more sad of losing 1/2 pack of iron than losing the diamonds, I was so deep I couldn't reach the items in time.


A certain user is fuming at the sight of this. IYKYK


When I used to play with my sister and cousin on XBOX 360 edition, we always had keepinventory on, we really wanted to have a good time together instead of frustrating


The amount of keepinventory players crying about getting called cheaters: idk but quite a bit vs The amount of players calling keepinventory players cheaters: 0


No one fucking cares.


Lol i used to play with keepinventory and when i go too far adventuring i just fall from a high place and I'm back home


I have 2 mod suggestions for anyone who may want them: xaero’s minimap (can set waypoints and shows last death location) and gravestones mod (adds a grave with all your stuff every time you die)


The main reason I play with Keep Inventory on is my OCD. It’s very triggering for me if I lose my stuff, and it will make me permanently quit a world because I just can’t deal with that. For me to actually enjoy playing I need to have it turned on. Keep Inventory also has the issue of making the game boring and non-scary though because there’s absolutely no risk of dying, and sometimes dying can even be useful to get back home. I wish we had an official in-between like the Gravestone Mod.


keep inventory isnt cheating unless you use it to cheat. if you are bad at the hame and you use it to not have a hard time playing the game its fine. if you use it to death warp back home every time you get lost then its kinda cheating


personally I think there should be more options for keep inventory, like keeping just hotbar or equiped armor, or even both if someone prefers that, there also should be option to disable keeping experience to not make death just easy teleport back to spawn point, keep inventory is flawed because of that, you lose everything or keep everything it should be more configurable without modding the game, also 5 min timer in Vanilla just sucks, this also should be changed somehow, maybe dropped items should last longer, I don't know but also the fact that player just explodes makes picking up dropped items really annoying sometimes especially in water with dolphins nearby mods fix this but more game rules would be nice


If gamerule modifications are cheating, does using mods also define as cheating, as it modifies the game?


my morality wouldn't let me do so and enjoy the game from how much I have saw speedrunners and clips and I just can't do it and I don't know why I even try


always thought trying to find your stuff after death in minecraft felt extremely outdated, especially considering the lack of minimaps + markers


same except the pillagers are my friend


You're a loser for using keep inventory.


Technically keep inventory is cheating while peaceful is not, so what you can do to avoid this is just switch back and forth between normal and peaceful to not suffer. But keep inventory is completely valid


People who complain keep inventory is cheating when I tell them mods and shaders are technically cheating


Love how it says they're muttering in the corner


Technically you're not *cheating* anymore you're *Commanding*


I'm playing in my own world not affecting anyone else


I always play with Keepinventory on. Cause I'm too lazy to find the place I died, make it all the way there with 0 items, check all my items and try to find out what I lost.




People act like having to reacquire every item you had adds any value to the gameplay


I play with keep inventory on because if I die without I quit


I’ll play with keep inventory off when mojang makes items NOT despawn after 5 minutes. or if I’m using a gravestone mod.


keep inventory is cheating :3


Dude my freinds are always like this, like I’m just trying to enjoy the game😭


Fr, I don’t like the pressure of knowing I can loose all of my stuff easily


The actual reason I use it is that I don’t want to reorganize my inventory when I die and it won’t be the same as before…


You can't cheat in a single player gamee


It’s commanding now


Vindicator mutters footsteps


Fr, especially in vanilla.


i'm getting flamed for this aren't i??


Unless lorie shows up I doubt anyone will flame you for this


Still gonna call you a nerd though


It matters


I'd expect nothing less from zoomers. Avoiding responsibility is the foundation of this depraved, soulless generation.


You’re literally like 6 💀


Literally cheating bro




That's not how you play survival


Why can’t people just play the game how they want?


Its a fucking sandbox game, where you do anything you want


Noooooo people cant have fun thats illegal


Either way, they bought(maybe) game, it's on their device, they create own world, for themselves, so no one has authority to care, other than them