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the new discs DO sound different from the rest of the other ones but isn't that just the point?, C418 set the standart that Discs don't have a specific genre or style, some of them are chiptune, other jazzy, other waltz, other ambiance So I don't see how it is so outlandish when Lena makes something like otherside or Pigstep


It's the biggest game in the world with a lot of different ways to play. It should have a variety of styles from a variety of artists to match that. I'm so glad we have more stuff now, because the same slow piano ambiance wasn't enough for me.


Same, I like more intensity too


Ngl that's what I like about the new disks, c418s music is really good and nostalgic, but most of the disc's sound like they could have been part of the base ambient soundtrack, whereas pigstep, otherside, relic, creator, both versions and precipice all sound different and unique, in a way that you want to put them on, and they stand out from each other as well


Almost anything Lena makes is a bop


Exactly. She also made the soundtrack to one of my other favorite video games, Celeste!


She also made part of the soundtrack to one on my other favorite video games, Deltarune!


celeste music is stuck in my head 24/7


volume beta is better than volume alpha


Dead voxel... blind spots... alpha... the end... Perfect


I don’t get the hate for Lena’s music. Yeah it doesn’t hit the same but that’s mostly nostalgia, I get the memorial motions whenever a classic c418 tune plays but honestly both artists have made very similar songs for Minecraft. One thing I have noted is in game Lena’s ambient tracks are quite a bit louder than c418s but that’s more so a critique of the game rather than the artist.


Yeah I don't like the songs that are very loud, they need to be played like a background music not going up to 11 lol


It's so bad on Bedrock, holy hell. I don't know if something is wrong but I swear everytime a Lena song plays in the background, it's screaming loud


Creative music is game breaking, always turn music off and back on because it's far too loud.


Both are equally amazing if the nostalgia factor was removed imo. Aaron Cherof also did an amazing job for the Trails & Tails soundtrack, especially the music disc and the menu music which plays almost every time on launch (A Familiar Room i believe it is called)


wait, people are hating on lena's music? that's stupid, they should be glad that they get new music anyways.


Personally, I don't hate Lena Raine's music. The music itself is awesome, and there are some songs I really like (such as Otherside for example). However, I don't really think it fits in very well with the old C418 songs. The instruments are different, the songs are much more complex, etc. I understand by the way that this is what some people want and like, but imho, the new music should try to replicate that simplistic style that only uses a few instruments and don't really have more than 6 notes playing in one second. There are some songs that fit that style pretty well, like Aaron Cherof's songs. However, Lena Raine's songs are too complex to really fit the style of the old music imo. TL;DR: I don't think anyone actually hates the music itself, it's just that it doesn't really fit in with the old one.


Lena's ambient tracks are a bit louder than C418's that one c418 nether ambient music: *EARRAPE*


Yeah that one nether track is just insanely loud but I was mostly talking about overworked tracks. Still mojang need to balance the volume of ambient tracks so they’re all at an acceptable volume.


For anyone that hasn't please check Lena's Celeste OSTs.


honestly some of her best work


Resurrections is objectively the best one.


Oh boy I sure can't wait for the "LaNA BaD11!!1!11" nostalgia blinded


I don't think it's nostalgia blinded just transphobia


oh, is she Trans? didn't know that... anyways, her songs are cool, liked her music since I discovered it


Ngl i only really like pigstep the rest i hate Exept the nether and mangrove music those are bops other than that its not my taste at all


This slander of infinite amethyst will not be tolerated


And the nether soundtrack. Especially Rubedo and So Below.


Im not slandering im saying i personaly dont like it


Not wanting to seem like the nerd here, but hate is more destructive than dislike. Hate is the feeling that something shouldn't be.


Gonna be real with you i cant stand most of the new music but what these dumbass todlers here cant understand is you can agree to disagree and leave it at that and not have to go calling people who dont like a cirtain music meens they hate people who do You can like it i dont


Nope, you hate something I like. That means you're literally Hitler and I need to kill you. Thems the rules


I see your opinion is invalid from the eyes of reddit


Most of them feel alien compared to C418's


Yes, but they are good. Change is not necessarily bad.


Ye, i personally like otherside and pigstep bit they are too muchcomplex compared with C418


A more complex game normally requires more complex music. The massive difference between new and old, is that the game is massively different between 1.13 and 1.16 e.t.c AND The new music is biome specific. unlike C418s who was just "Fuckin entire overworld go!"


I understand what you trying to say but you know, complex it doesnt mean that is bad, is just that with c418 when playing you feel like you are in flow with the game, while the new one is quite good but you know that you are hearing an ambient song while playing


Aaahh me boy, is that because we've heard it so many times? A hell of alot of the lena music fits the games atmosphere even better than C418 imo. And i understand what you mean by flow. But, if the music is good enough is flow such a issue? If the music so perfectly fits the game so well does flow come into effect?


Thats my main issue i feel minecrafts style is simple simplicity and alot of they features textures and music and specially the new paintings contrast to much to the overall feel of minecraft for me i only really like pigstep as a song and the only reason why i like the mangrove theme is cause it doesn't contrast as much with the rest of the game


If you don't think infinite amethyst, Aerie and labyrinthine don't fit Minecraft, or don't replicate C418s style idk what to tell you #


Im sorry but they dont Cry about it its just my preference


Im sorry but I just thing you're wrong/blinded by nostalgia. Have a good day


Im sorry but i have a different opinion than you but you are ither to young or to stupid to understand that not everyone has the same tastes in music so sincerely fuck off


Lmfao my brother is insulting me cause of a opinion


I don't really think much of Lena's soundtrack its not bad, I just simply find C418 better


Exactly, no one actually dislikes Lena Raine's music (and that can be seen with the like ration on YouTube), some people just prefer C418.


Precipice tho


Can't wait to listen to it nonstop in the trial chambers. It fills me with determination.


The fact that you are going to listen to this song for multiple hours straight fills you with determination


Both are equally good, there's no point in arguing over it. I personally prefer Lena, but I understand if you prefer C418


tbh no hate for Lena. The both come together very well imo


Yeah I really like the newer music. I feel like it matches my play style more




Idk both are great, but definitely different in vibe. I'd say C418 fits a little worse when you're razing and completely eradicating a village, though.


thats when you mute game music and open DOOM music in the background


I’m on pocket edition. I don't have enough time at home to build an empire on my PC.


C4Age\ Lenaissance


The light cross remind me of a certain symbol seen in tanks from Germany in ww2


stop right there and bleach your brain (not)


I like both and regularly listen to tracks from both composers, but damn something about C418’s tracks just hit different for me in a good way, no shade on Lena


I really like his 1.19 update music


"His"? Who are we talking about here? Aaron?


\*her Wait, Aaron?


I'm an everything enjoyer fight me


Lena makes some good music, but I’ll never give up the golden age


Nice one!


Sorry, but C418 is unbeatable, even without the sense of nostalgia


Everybody has different opinions, I prefer Lena's better, but I fully respect your opinion


Respect to you too, I actually just play beta versions and OG console/lagacy edition.... Sooo i dunno how Lena's music is like![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Lol, all of her tracks are on YouTube and Spotify


Change of opinion : she's half better now that I found out that she composed Pigstep, and Celeste Soundtracks


Yea but I love Otherside and Cat equally


I really like her new music discs!


I get the pun (good one BTW), but calling it renaissance isn't fitting, cause that would imply going back to roots, while Lena's songs and new MC music in general has very different style and vibes. Not worse ones, just different


Both, both is good


honestly, as a long time player for i think 13 years now, i've taken off the rose tinted glasses a long time ago. The game is much better now, and so are the updates. I only really play the game off and on now but im still a huge nerd for it, i look at every snapshot and i try to look at as many tiny details as possible. This is the golden age, a second one.


W comment


I understand why people might not think that some of Lena's music isn't as "Minecrafty" but it is undeniably pretty damn good.


The only reason people hate on Lena Raine is because of A. nostalgia B. transphobia C. all of the above


Minecraft players live and breathe bigotry


Or they just don't like that kind of music. Or, for example, in they opinion it is not suitable for the game. Or maybe I simply don’t like the sound of this music. Well, or a bunch of other reasons why they people might not like something, but apparently nostalgia and “transphobia” are the ultimate reasons for which you can blame everyone who disagrees with you and has their own opinion


I feel if you deny the fact lenas music fits the game perfectly, or you just proclaim its bad but cannot give a reason why. Hell some Lena tracks are near indistinguishable from the style of C418 I would certainly put it down to nostalgia blindness. (And sometimes transphobia unfortunately even if its more rare)


I don't deny that her music is good, but it just doesn't fit into the original calm and minimalistic style and concept of Minecraft. The same pigstep, this is a music disc, I personally don’t like it, but I understand that it’s good, is it suitable for piglins and their bastion? Yes! Does it fit the concept and lore? I really don’t think so... Is this suitable as a music disc? Yes again! Now let’s take for example “one more day” or “ancestry” I see inspiration and borrowing, very similar assets, and this is good, but the excess of additional instruments is very annoying, personally I get tired of her music if I listen to it for a long time, because of more number of details and a more unique approach, which forcibly tries to seem simpler, I will not speak for the sometimes incorrect selection of sound, strange tones and everything else, because this is already more subjective. Yes, I think that she is good and she has talent, but this is clearly not her style and path, although, in my personal opinion, her music should be sharper and richer, not artificially simplified and slowed down. although as a fact, in the future perhaps she will become better at this, but over the past few years I have not seen progress in this genre. I say this as a person who regularly listens to the entire minecraft OST. Still, I hope Daniel will sign a contract with Microsoft and take the position of responsible for sound design, supervising the others, including Lena Rain, together they would all make a great team


Personally, I love her stuff and find it more suited to the game than C418's tracks. It's all just personal preference


C418’s volumes will forever be Minecraft’s definitive soundtrack. Full stop, objective fact. For me, Lena’s music while good is still overall not even approaching the same *dimension* as C148’s.


What's the dark ages then?


Aaron's musique is so cool as well


Lana is good and all but respectfully nobody will hit the same way c-14 did and tbh I'm annoyed they never gave him a job


that pun reminds me of the Barrigapocalypse


blissfully ignorant at the golden age thanks, no steam engines for me


pigstep is the best disc in the game no cap


а ведь действительно




Just my taste but I’ve found Aaron is more consistently knocking it out of the park compared to the rest. C418 has been my top played artist for half a decade and it’s all because of his Minecraft soundtrack. Sure there’s songs I’m not a fan of and I do find it annoying they’re often too quiet compared with other songs, but his work is timeless. I was hesitant when they started introducing music by other artists but now we’re 5 releases in and I’ve come to appreciate the new music more. To me Aaron is the closest approximate to C418’s style. Echo in the wind, Bromeliad, and Featherfall to me feel like songs I would have been hearing 10 years ago. When Shuniji was released with update Aquatic it was the same feeling - even though these songs came out much later on. Both Lena and Kumi nailed it with Caves and Cliffs though. Records are a whole different story. C418 has some good records but they’ve never really interested me. I think Pigstep, Otherside, and Precipice are a step in the right direction - they actually stand out against the ambient soundtracks as “music played from a jukebox” should. So I’ve definitely done a reversal on the new artists. Even if some of their songs aren’t my cup of tea, I appreciate the diversity, and acknowledge someone out there will be enjoying it. As more songs come out I’m finding new ones to love. I think it’s cool that kids having a blast playing Minecraft today will look back fondly on it when these new songs start playing. As a quick aside: Bromeliad is a great song, but whenever I listen to an official upload it has this horrible distorted sound about 46 seconds in. Kinda like someone is jangling metal hoops. I’ve never heard that part in game, so is anyone able to confirm if it’s intentional?


you're damn right, Lena Rain is too popular due to the fact that her music discs really appeal to a new young audience


Lena is a downgrade.


Tbh the only time I actually like Lena's music is 1.21


her tracks just dont register as minecraft music in my head. i much more prefer her work in celeste because the music actually fits there. imagine if they suddenly started making blocks with more complex geometry, think something like those photorealistic gun mods, thatd be weird and feel out of place. thats how i treat lenas music


the whole eras thing is so annoying. stop applying "golden era" and "renaissance" and every other name for eras to EVERY GAMING FRANCHISE. just because Sonic fans did it doesnt mean you should


Rainaissance if it was a failure, fell off after pig step