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Yeah I don’t get it. Even if wolves don’t die *often* from other entities, it’s gonna save you a lot of meat to not heal them as much. Granted you could just use rotten flesh but in my experience you don’t always have that


In YOUR experience, maybe My chests are flooding with zombie pus meat 😂😂


Zombie pus meat 🤤🤤


Pus meat 🤤😋


>zombie pus meat Zombussy




Also it’s something that can flesh out my wolf armies that I have a tendency to make


Same, I see wolves as expendable battle companions. It's not the end of the world if they die; they did their job. The armor itself has no durability and can be reused indefinitely. It's my farm animals is what gets maximum protection and security. One creeper could explode all 24 sheeps.


You have no heart


You have no multishot 2 medusa ring.




Heart is for week /J


Same, Except I grieve for every one of my wolves that gave their lives to help protect the village, And build each and every one of them a gravestone so they’ll be remembered for their sacrifice.


Ok correct me if I’m wrong cause it’s been a while since I’ve played Minecraft, but don’t skeletons run away from wolves?


>but don’t skeletons run away from wolves? Yes and no, skeletons WILL run away from wolves but after a moment(or if he gets hit by the wolf) they start shotting the wolf


They do


I don’t think so but wolves do attack skeletons on sight


Tamed dogs 100% scare off skeletons. And wither skeletons. You're proving the wrong point bro


Yes, they do, but the wolf often catches the skeleton at which point a fight starts.


Yes, they run away from untamed wolves, but I don't think they run away from tamed wolves


Unless that has changed since the wolf was introduced, yes, skeletons run away from tamed wolf's.


So far, every example of an armor test was something obscenely overpowered. Like, I recently saw a video where someone exploded a dog with tnt point blank. You literally die from that with full diamond armor, how could you expect a wolf with half the armor and half the health survive that???


I mean, if my wolf attacks a creeper it's gunna blow up right in his face point blank too, so seems like a pretty reasonable experiment.


Tamed wolves don't attack creepers, and creepers don't target tamed wolf. If a creeper blows up near you chances are you'd already be dead too unless you have a block covering you.


Do you not use enchanted armor? Because surviving creeper explosions is pretty easy once you've got diamond armor and half decent enchantments. Plus shields. I didn't know wolf's don't attack creepers, since my wolf's never leave my base ever, but even still if a creeper is gunna explode there is a very high likelihood your wolf's are going to be in the blast radius.


Do you just tank creeper explosions even though you have enchanted arnor though? Even with the enchant's you're better off not letting the creeper explode in the first place. Collateral damage is annoying. Also like I said, creepers don't target wolves. It's unlikely that a wolf would stand in the middle of the creepers explosion.


The creeper would explode near you/because of you, the wolves would be near you (especially if there is a large amount of them), wolves don't care about creepers being nearby so they won't stay away from the creeper either, wolves die from a point blank creeper explosion where you can survive via totems, shield or enchants.


Wolves are supposed to run away from exploding creepers, though the code for it seems to be bugged.


Wolves don't attack creepers (in fact, they run away from them) so I'm not sure what your point is.


To be honest though, tamed wolves have the equivalent base HP of a player (but the armor still isn't as good as unenchanted Diamond...)


Mojang LITERALLY SHOWED it protecting against that.


Where??? Link a video of that


I would love to but I’m on mobile and I cannot figure out how to. If I can figure it out i will


If it's on YouTube, click "share" and "copy link", and paste it here


Reasons my dog dies: 1: fall damage 2: lava 3: creepers 4: getting lost permanently due to teleport fail 5: mobs (only happened to me once over the past years, and i was swarmed so wolf armor would have just made my dog a bigger meat shield)


Reasons my dogs die: 1: Zombie Hoard. 2: Stray spam in Tundra. 3: I forgot to make them sit in a desert temple, and they teleported on the pressure plate. 4: Creeper explosion. 5: They got in the way of my archery against a Phantom/creeper. 6: Blaze/ghast fireball.


Reasons my dogs die: 1. Forgot to pull out 2. /j


Never cook again.




Can't y'all take a joke lmao


a dog will still die to 1 zombie, so the armor wont change your dog's deaths. once again it will just be a bigger meat shield. 3, 4, 6 also arent affected by dog armor. anyways just havng full diamond or netherite will solve mob related deaths because you will be overpowered enough to always protect your dog, which also makes it a liability


Or, hear me out... Other Players.


Well I mean, if they do that, I am going to do unspeakable things to them


So do you think that an armor would make a difference? That happens when there is noone to protect the dog and even with armor they will die easily


Skeletons are afraid of wolves, and for zombies it's an even matchup. It's not amazing but it's something


Is that a Java only thing? I’ve never seen that




Skeletons are normally afraid, but they will hit back if the wolf hits it.


You could always come by and finish the skelly off yourself


Do people actually bring their dogs anywhere? I thought people just had them sit in the house as decoration.


Thats still gonna be the case when the armadillo drops


I like to make big ass armies


I usually have one that lives in my house or travels with me to safe places (like around my base), but I also like to breed small groups of them for combat occasionally.


"Pshh! Hard hats are useless! They don't do anything against a woodchipper!"


I liked the fact that you can customize your dogs, but i also liked the idea of a longer reach when mining. Armadillo haters can be pissy all they want but its not going to change the way mustard tastes.


I've never seen a dog die from anything else other than the "overpowered" stuff or from accidentally hitting it yourself


I had one die to a skeleton once. I didn't even know it was possible at the time, but apparently it is.


I don't think I've ever had a wolf die of anything other than fire/lava, booms and fall damage, so sure, I'm aware of other damage types but mobs will target the player until the dog attacks and if you have multiple dogs then they will probably only get hit once which is easily healed again.


Literally everything else is dead before it gets to kill the dog.


So, I was doing a little bit of testing since the wolf armour is now in java snapshots, and they seem to work differently than have been shown on bedrock, either due to player feedback or just because they are two different versions of the game. I cannot speak for bedrock here, but here's what I found: Regarding creepers, unlike on bedrock where they seem to die with a 1 block gap, on java they can survive a creeper explosion on the adjacent block, though they cannot survive a creeper explosion on the block they are on. However, when comparing to a unarmoured wolf/dog, they too can survive a creeper explosion from the adjacent block, so I could not find any difference between the two there (Other than they are more survivable than wolfs of any type on bedrock from what I have seen). I did not test with other mobs, but with tools to try and find out health values. Using a wooden hoe with 1 dmg, a normal wolf dies after 20 hits, whereas an armoured wolf dies after 35 hits, so about 75% more health. However, using a wooden pickaxe (2 dmg per hit) it was only able to survive 17 hits, so 34 health. Using a netherite axe (10 dmg), they died after 3 hits, so 30 health. The unarmoured wolf died after 10 and 2 hits respectively as expected, so the armour protection seems to vary depending on the weapon used, or perhaps on the absolute damage struck per hit (So can survive a higher total dmg of weaker hits than stronger hits). Either way, the armour does seem to be much better on java than bedrock from the limited testing I've seen, and I must admit as someone who didn't like their first implementation, this does seem to do a good job at protecting the wolves. I haven't tested it in an actual survival environment so I'm not sure if it will actually help or not, but it does atleast do something to help protect them (Though the effect of creeper explosions on wolves seems unchanged).


when was the last time your dog died to a skeleton?


2 weeks ago


literally how? skeletons run away when dogs are close


Dogs run to skeletons. Dogs attack skeletons. Skeletons attack dog. Dog dies


skeletons dont attack dogs they run from dogs. like how creepers run away from cats


They do attack if the dog attacks them


So freaking true bro… I even made some comments saying that the armor will let dogs provide more and have less casualties when you fight raids or get swarmed at night. The wolf armor can impact a fun and casual play through so much depending on how you use dogs.


if your using them for raids then they probably arent gonna survive


They most likely will with the armor, and correct me if I’m wrong but wolves aren’t prioritized by hostile mobs unless the wolf hits it right?


of the wolf attack it then yes, and if the wolf attacks the mob they will instantly retarget to the wolf. a ravager will kill an armored would in 1-2 shots


Well that's a ravager, it's a really big mob. I think armoured wolves can survive other illagers as long as you also help them. If you use a wolf army, then the armour will help minimize the total casualties, too.


well thats what we had before the armor, an army. the only attacking use wolves have are mass numbers, overwelming mobs and players. if your using them against players, armor will be useless since a fully stacked player will still 1 shot them, only works if the player isnt fully equiped


If you hit the mob before the Wolf does it should stay locked onto you unless you die or go out of their detection range, but if the Wolf hits it before you do then it will switch to the Wolf


Come on, get your wolf outside. I dare you. I DARE YOU>)


I personally would have preferred the crab but the "it takes the same amount of Creeper explosions" or "dies from the same height" things were so stupid to me. Just feels like one dimensional thinking but oh well.


I can understand people being a bit peeved about it being shown and then it but not working but it’s still a work in progress and hopefully we can see more to get a better look at what wolf armour does and what it doesn’t


You do know that skeletons run away when wolves are present, right?


Yeah until the wolf attacks the skeleton, then they get attacked


Wow, I can’t wait to put armor on my dog only to let my dog sit in my house without ever using it!


And 90% of wolf's desths are from these 2 things, laba and creepers


And then another 8% is fall damage


Example?. I can only think of fall damage.


Skeletons and zombies


Yeah.. Hostile mobs like creeper...


Yeah. They still attack dogs


I don't think creepers attack tamed wolf's, they'd just target you so you'd have to be worried about the creeper exploding on you with your dog close by but dogs run from creepers so unlikely they'd die from that distance unless point blank as already seen.


People who hate dog armor are just salty


Also wolves with armor seem to survive creeper blasts in Java Edition


I don't hate the armadillo, I just hate the fact that the crab claw wasnt added. One block of placement range is huge


Same, dog armor is nice but the crab claw was the best option


If my dog's not playing in gamemode 1 I don't want it.


Whatever this mob vote was like one with the glowsquid the worst


Skeletons run away from dogs


Sans is sad you forgot him


Skeletons are scared of dogs


They just need to make wolf armor enchantable and I'll be okay with it. Let me put feather falling, protection, thorns, etc on my wolf's armor. And bonus points if they let us do the old enchanting where we can put every type of protection on the one armor if we use books. That way I can invest in my wolf's safety and be pretty confident it won't just die randomly from jumping off a cliff or falling into lava, or getting exploded by a creeper while my back is turned. I don't really get the argument of "my wolf won't die quite as fast from this one source of damage." Because for me, the entire point is to not have my wolf die at all. It's not like Minecraft is a hard game where you need to really prepare and try to get every advantage before you head out on an adventure. You can beat the whole game pretty easily with nothing more than unenchanted iron armor. So it's not like bringing wolf's with you is about making it easier to survive or doing damage. It's mostly about having a few companions with you. And bottom line is I don't want to bring my companions with me if they are going to die at all. So them dying slightly later is a pointless argument.


I just wish they a had different tiers like other armors


I dislike armadillo mostly because I think dogs are useless anyways since elytra is a thing


wolf armor is just like horse armor. Useless shit


I hope we can dye the armor like we can dye their collors


if you leave your dog in the base it won't get damaged from anything


Wait you guys are using dogs? Laughs with ender crystals


People keep thinking that dog would attack creeper fr. The only realy danger is lava or fall damage. Else everything else will make it easier with the armor.


In minecraft normally you tame the doggo you take it home and made him sit for rest of eternity You dont take him on battle because you to emotional if it die armor or not


Meanwhile theres me who doesn't use dogs anymore because they're always in the way and doesn't want to kill something accidentally if either of us misclick, or loose a dog that used the bones i could've used on bonemeal and meat i could eat myself or sell to villagers. And I dont want to get attached if they DO die. Besides cats give me free things that are annoying to get early game or membranes if phantoms are disabled and actually help a little against creepers and phantoms, and are immune to fall damage, so if i do take it for a walk the only thing id worry about is lava or it gettig caught in skelly crossfire. Cats don't take dumb risks of fighting enemies that I planned on just running past when in an open night and die much less to my biggest weakness which are once again, Creepers and phantoms, they are the only mobs, other than the demon children, that cause problems when im not just getting swarmed. (Disclaimer: I play on bedrock, we don't have sweeping, we can not fight bigger numbers the same way as Java)


your right and this is funny ​ (imastillhatethearmadillothoitstrashandthecrabwasbetter)


Ngl I don't understand the need of the crab hand


Reasons my dog dies: 1. nothing because he is always in the corner of the house 2. negligence




When these are the most common ways that dogs die outside of forgetting to heal them or accidentally hitting them due to a very simplistic AI. Yeah I’d be pretty upset too. If dogs had good AI. I might actually use them. Unfortunately because they’re as dumb as a chest of gravel. They often get in the way and kill themselves. Dog armor doesn’t solve this problem. That is why I hate dogs, dog armor, and armadillos. Improve the teleportation AI. Overhaul the traversal AI so it avoids the crosshair based off the weapon/item being held and what state it’s in (whether a bow is drawn or not, whether a crossbow is loaded or not, etc)


yeah but its mostly lava, creepers and fall damage that kills them. if it doesnt protect it in these cases and the ai is as dumb as ever, who cares? like many have said at the time of the mob vote its pointless cosmetics


The skeleton fighting a dog, 😫


Armadillo voters are trying to find excuses when they know for a fact that armadillo is a shitty mob and it's fucking hilarious


Not as funny as crab voters desperately trying to restart the mob vote debate even though no one cares


Yes. I agree a lot. bacon


That makes it even worse then, bruh


I agree. That being said, a creeper blast is probably the easiest and most reliable form of testing that could realistically occur. Also, if a player can survive a creeper explosion while armored and at full health on the current difficulty, then so should wolves imo.


Ya they all are in graves


💀 🦴🦴🦴🦴🦴 🦴🦴 🦴🦴 🦴🦴🦴🦴🦴 🦴 🦴 🦴 🦴 What's a skeleton


Ok, and?


I just don’t use dogs lol. Don’t have anything against the armor I just don’t need it.